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Everything posted by cross16

  1. cross16


    A goalie is one piece of the puzzle, that's it. Flames could never get he pieces to work around kipper and that was the issue not kipper. Kipper is better than just about every goalie who has won a cup since he became a flame
  2. cross16


    I actually think Roy and Brossoit are very comparable. Both are very athletic goaltenders with good ceilings but both seen to lack the intangibles to name them too end goalies. I'd give the edge to Brossoit because he is a bit younger but I think overal the two of then are pretty similar.
  3. cross16


    One game in which he got hung out to dry from his team doesn't equal anything.
  4. cross16


    Called out he team in front of him saying they needed to play better defensively. That was after the Detroit game too where he lets n there al softer but he seemed to imply he was let down by the guys in front of him.
  5. cross16


    I agree as well sure the flames would be in a playoff spot right now with better goaltending but over 82 games has anybody really seen enough t say that with better goaltending they'd have a shot? I sure haven't. My add on to that though Kehatch is IMO the goalie market is ever changing and IMO has the most options available year after year because some come out of nowhere and there are joust so few spots. Guys like victor fasth, niemi, halak, hiller, holtby, bobrovsky, rinne are all guys that pretty much came out of nowhere and they end up saturating the goalie market and providing a lot of options if you are looking for a goalie. So as long as the flames build a solid team on the ice I think finding a starter to hold the fort down is not as difficult as some think. Yes it's hard to get the elite starters but IMO you don't need that to win in the NHL right now.
  6. cross16


    I think people are panicking a bit too much with goaltending. Not saying the decision to role the dice with Ramo/Berra/Mac was the right one I just think people are thinking two or three steps ahead that we don t have a goaltender or a set future there and while it's true it's also year one of a rebuild you aren't t suppose to have everything set. Now if the flames plan on giving this plan more than just this season i would agree its time to worry but for not you try this and if it doesn't work there are stop gap options potentially available in fa with Brian Elliot, hiller, vokoun, emery, jiggy etc not to mention you have more than a few teams that are going to need to make some decisions related to goalies overt he next season or two. Need to remember this is a process it's not a quick project.
  7. cross16


    Agreed. I agree that there are more than a few guys who are not being put in positions to succeed but Mac is not one of then. He's done his best but he just isn't that good a goalie. Yes I know there are a select few examples that are going to counter act his point, but generally when you are a 30 plus journeymen player there are reasons for it and that is true in macs case. He played as well as you would expect IMO.
  8. cross16


    Confirmed by Hartley. Mac on waivers and Berra on his way up. Could start tomorrow. https://twitter.com/cruickshankch/status/396677136146124800
  9. cross16


    Looks like Mac on waivers and Berra on the way up.according to Elliot Friedman https://twitter.com/friedgehnic/status/396631253929431040
  10. cross16


    I don't think its a problem to have this goalie situation for this season as long as it's this season alone. I haven't seen much out of Ramo either but I don't think you abandon the plan altogether without more time and make a panic move. Try it for the season and if Ramo or Berra can't rise up by the end of the season you look outside the organization. One year of potentially bad goaltending is not going to ruin prospects or allowing losing to saturate the organization. Multiple years of that will which is why you try this for a awhile and then make changes.
  11. cross16


    They are standard for guys who have proven they can play in the NHL. Contracts should be earned. Money has nothing to do with rfa or UFA status. The age you sign your first NHL contract is what determines the status and because Ramo had an NHL deal at a younger age he falls into the typical UFA rules. Cervenka's deal was his first and at that age you don't retain any rfa status.
  12. cross16


    Cervenka is actually a good example of what I'm talking about. One year deal and a low salary so when it didn't work was easy to say goodbye.
  13. cross16


    Big difference though is all of those guys got that money after they proved they can play in the NHL. Fasth is a good example as it only took 1 mill to get him over and then once he proved himself he got his money. Ramo got his money, and he's security of a two year deal, with having zero evidence to prove he can even play in he NHL. I don't have any disrespect for he KHL but it's a fair ways below the calibre of the NHL especially in the talent level of shooters so for me I don't think what you do over there should impact your contract here. It should have been a one year prove it deal and if he said no and wanted to stay for more money than best off luck to him. I don't dispute he idea of trying Ramo, althought IMO it was not a good move frond day one, but I do have a problem with how much money they are paying him.
  14. cross16


    I won't speak for geo on this one as to why he things Ramo is a bad deal but i do agree with him. Your right dd that he was making a fair bit over there but IMO the flames still owned all the power. IMO Ramo needs the flames more than the flames needed him and if it took as much as it did then I think the flames should have told him to get lost. This is he NHL and it was the flames offering him a chance to show he can play in the NHL and that alone should have been enough for Ramo to consider it and if not are the flames really any worse off? Personally I don't think Ramo should have gotten anything over 2 million and it is a bad contract IMO
  15. cross16


    Mac was a safe guard. Putting in two guys with almost no NHL experience is a very risky move imo not just for the results of the flames but for the development of a goalie. Having Mac lets you reduce the pressure on Ramo and Berra to perform right away and allows someone like Berra to adjust to the NA game.
  16. cross16


    Cue the JJ meltdown..... Probably makes sense. Heat don't play till Friday and Alaska plays tomorrow and Wednesday I think and Ortio needs a game before getting put in cold on the weekend so that would appear to be the plan.
  17. cross16


    Again I don't doubt a drop in interest i just don't agree you are looking at a massive drop to the point revenue will suffer unless this last several years. I they've got another 2 seasons until results need to improve and then at that point I'd be worried but I still don't think it would come close to the 90s level. Not to mention a drop that size represents about 5% of their season ticket base so Hardly dropping like flies....
  18. cross16


    I too think Gilles is their best goalie prospects and in fact would argue he is one of the flames top prospects in the organization regardless off postion I don't think either Ramo or Berra will become stars by any means but I dont think its fair to write them off here. I've seen flashes from both that are good but I don't think your looking at the next flames star goalie by any means
  19. cross16


    Based on preseason up to the start of the third period, Ramo has outplayed Berra without question and deserves to be the starter contract or not.i don't think Ramo has played fantastic but I think he's outplayed Berra. I think the AHL would be good for Berra I still think he needs some refinement to his game. Too aggressive and he loses his technique and positioning which is what I also saw in development camp.
  20. cross16


    You have to earn your time. If Ortio is to be the starter in Abby he simply needs to play better than everyone else down there. Very simple.
  21. cross16


    I think te differences for me is one the disposable income in calgary has remained quite high as the job market and salaries are good and not just from a personal standpoint but from a corporate one too. Many corporation just couldn't afford to partner with the flames then. You also had the issue of the dollar and the instability of operating a Canadian club. I think a large reason fas lost interest in most Canadian markets in the late 90s is they for tired of seeing all of their stars shipped out because they couldn't afford them. Creates a lot of resentment and lack of interest when you feel you are just a feeder system and not capably of keeping your stars or surrounding them with anything good. Flames bucked the trend of keeping Jaromw but it hurt then in not being able to support him and now with the salary cap you don't have that issue. Lastly the flames have solid ownership now and no threat to move, in fact a brand has been recreated that wasn't there at that time. I won't dispute that interest has dropped but personally I haven't seen it drop near the levels of the 90s. I still think there is a very healthy amount of interest and intrigue in the flames and they ave a few seasons to try and work off of that but not much more that I will agree with.
  22. cross16


    To be fair, it's the first preseason game.... I think it's more than fair to give players a pass on one or te games. Attended the game in calgary and Macdonald actually played very well and looked ready, Ortio was pretty so/so in my mind.
  23. cross16


    Is that really a fair comment considering its only been the one rebuild that wasn't supported and during that time the oil industry was in a recession and there was no salary cap. To me there are very few similarities between what the flames did in the late 90s and what they are doing right now.
  24. cross16


    Kipper was not as unknown as you think. He was a back to back AHL all star and initially faired pretty well at the NHL level but he struggled to take the reins and eventually lost his job. To me kipper was your classic example of a change of scenario type of player not one that was picked up out of nowhere. I don't think the flames were expecting the level they got but I think they expected a decent starting goalie when they made that move because he had already proven the talent was there and I think Ramo is fair more of a wild card than kipper was when he was traded because at least kipper has North American success where Ramo has had none, not even in the AHL. Not saying that I think that means Ramo will fail just I don't think the two sides are very comparable.
  25. cross16


    And that's all I'm saying. Posting thought on how someone plays in a game doesn't mean in saying that's who he is. I just think he is more of a project and probably needs sone seasoning in the A rather tan someone who is going to step in right away and play.
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