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Everything posted by cross16

  1. After Friedman reported that initial talks cooled it sounds like the Devils called back and re engaged. The offer changed which is what Thursday night the smoke really picked up that they were close, or maybe even had a done deal.
  2. Most of the noise is around Devils and Flames. Doesn’t meant a team can’t get in there but the rumors are flames and devils basically have a deal in place. Delayed for unknown reasons. perhaps the stadium series as Jtech mentions
  3. This hasn’t been picked up nationally but locally the buzz is certainly there that Markstrom won’t be a Flame much longer
  4. cross16


    I don't see them as the same. Vladar has had 2 years so where is the no leash? there was opportunity for him last year with a struggling Markstrom and he did nothing to seize it. This isn't a one bad game and we are writing him off scenario for me. I have not seeing anything in the last 3 years that tells me this guy is capable of being a starter. I'm not even advocating dumping Vladar to the curb and i'm not anointing Wolf as the future, that title needs to be earned. as we stand today he is a great prospect who needs a chance to show he can be an NHLer. I also think when you have the accolades Wolf does you earn a longer leash. Now i completely agree the expectations are unfair, and I'm not holding Wolf to them, but it comes with the territory. People are excited about Wolf and I don't blame them
  5. cross16


    I think at the end of the day what do you want Wolf to do? He's a back to back winner of the top goalie in the AHL so keep him doing there is going to make him develop more? I think Wolf needs NHL shooters, NHL game, NHL travel etc to see if he has it or not. I don't agree with this notion that the NHL is not a developmental league and you need to come to the NHL fully ready to go That's not feasible and I think it's time that the Flames figure out what wolf can do. If he can't do it, he can't do it but I don't see why keeping him in the AHL for another season or two is going to change that result. Sounds like a Markstrom trade is more a question of when and not if and I think the time is right. both in terms of the assets the Flames can get and giving Wolf a real shot.
  6. Flames did not get Phillips. I think pens had the higher priority yesterday so unclear if the Flames put a claim in
  7. Depends on what you get back in return and i would not agree it runs counter. they've been saying get young, they are now openly talking about being better when the building opens so trading Andersson fits with all of that. sure if you move him for nothing but futures then it runs counter, but moving him for pieces that help now and in the future is consistent. as an example would Buffalo put Mittelsdat or Krebs on the table? That be the kind of deal you are after I think. not specifically those players but players that can help now but fit the age range. Their contracts I really hope we are not trying to put Cale makar and Rasmus Andersson in the same bucket are we? it's not as simple as age. Rasmus has 2 more years left and then will be a UFA and age 30. So your going to have to pay a 30 year old dman as a UFA. If the goal is re tooling and being as good as you can 2-3 years from now, what helps more a return of a young asset who could be peaking then or having to allocate, what is likely to be big money, to a 30 year old dman? it's not age, it's situation.
  8. I'm not suggesting they move Andersson quickly either. for sure the package has to be good. But what i would say is I don't agree with this idea of having this huge trade asks and then holding on to players for longer trying to get teams to meet it. If the plan is to re tool and the focus is being better in 2-3 years from now then why hang on to Andersson? Your shopping him now with 2 years of control and a bargain contract so the likelihood that you get a better return than you are going to get right now is small IMO. Doesn't make sense to me to hold on to a 34 year old goalie and it doesn't make sense to me to hold on to a dman who will be a 29 year old UFA if I can get pieces that make me better 2-3 years from now. Trading years of control and cap savings is a huge assets in today's game. if conroy and co truly do have the luxury of time on their side they'd be very wise to us it IMO. Price should be high yes, i'm just saying the Flames should be more intentional around moving him then simply waiting back and hoping someone sends you a hail mary.
  9. Actually I just remembers Wolf was on an emergency recall. so with Vladar coming off IR he has to go down. Still think your point it valid though.
  10. Depth roster shuffling continues. Wolf also back down
  11. Kevin Weeks does walk the line between entertainer and insider but noteworthy nonetheless. also worth considering that Anderson only has 2 more year's left and then will be UFA at 29 so taking calls makes a ton of sense to me.
  12. cross16


    This year, according to Moneypuck, Vlader is the 12th worth goalie in the league in goals saved above expected. Last year, again according to Moneypuck, Vladar was the 13th worth goalie in the league in goals saved above expected. this is not a "one bad game" situation this is Vladar has not been anything more but a below avg backup in 2 seasons now. sure you can make the argument that he is inexperienced and could grow but then that same logic applies to Wolf too. I totally agree the hype on Wolf is unfair and no one should be labelled the future until they prove it at the NHL level. If/When Marktstrom is traded I think the decision to me is pretty clear. You have 2 goalies, 1 you know who is he an one you don't. i'm playing the one I don't and seeing what he does. doesn't mean you hand him the future, you just had him NHL games, pretty big difference there IMO.
  13. I picked up on it yeah. I'm just saying that whether it's size, nationality, whatever I think there are always diamonds available. But it's getting harder and harder I agree.
  14. Has played 1 full game in the month of Feburary. Doesn't really matter as he might be getting a lot of NHL games coming up here.
  15. Flames have to get a better plan for Wolf. He hasn't been sharp tonight but it's hard to blame him when he hasn't played much. Flames talked a big game about it in the off-season but there execution on it has been poor thus far.
  16. Wonder if this changes Conroys plan. He mentioned specifically that Greer getting hurt made him push forward on Lindholm harder Tanev is always an injury concern.
  17. I don’t think it’s fair to say a Gaudreau type won’t last. Draft steals or diamonds like that happen all the time and for many different reasons it’s just statistically far less likely than drafting from the lottery.
  18. Not trying to make it sound like i'm criticizing Conroy but I really don't believe this is quite true. I know Elliotte said it and I do think they traded proposals but ultimately I think Lindholm isn't here because he didn't want to be here. I do think there was a gap in value but I think that gap was intentionally high because Lindholm wasn't going to stay. So i'm not sure there is a culture shift yet. Ultimately the success of trying to re tool on the fly comes down to whether or not you can get a steal in the draft. If they cannot then your in for more mediocrity, regardless of what you do with your culture. I don't think you can win a cup without Elite talent and several elite pieces. For me it's not tanking vs not tanking it's how do you get those elite pieces if you are not drafting in the top 5. Flames will once again try to buck the trend and try to see if it can work.
  19. Think the flames can make a good team out of what they have and what they can acquire. can they become a contender? Im pretty skeptical. Going to have to get real lucky in the draft.
  20. Good luck. I think you'll be holding on to Markstrom if that's the price tag. I don't think there is a team out there that is giving you that. I think the Flames are pushing for Mercer to be in the deal but I doubt the Devils flinch. Your for sure not getting Nemec.
  21. His play goes beyond his points though. He's really solid in all areas and has a profile of a player that will eventually pop. A lot like Travis Konecky. Yes he may not be a top line PPG guy but I think he's the type of player GMs crave to have because of how many ways he can impact the game.
  22. The Flames were a bit wish washy in the off season about what they were going to do but something I think that is becoming pretty clear this week is that the Flames want to start building towards 2026/27 and the new building. It sounds like the idea of them needing to get into the playoffs is taking a backseat to what can we do to get younger and better 2-3 years from now. I think the re tool is officially on. Don't think that means fire sale but I'm now in the camp that I will be shocked if Markstrom is a Flame by the start of next season. Edit: and right on cue there is a new number 1 on TSN trade bait board and it's Jacob Markstrom
  23. I think if there is a chance you get get a good, heck even decent, return for Markstrom I think the Flames need to be a bit more aggressive. The thought seems to be "well they have 2 years they can wait" but there is risk in that too. This off-season Ilya Sorokin is a free agent with Valarmov already getting paid starter money. Swayman is an RFA in Boston and Ullmark only has 1 more left before UFA. Can they keep both? do they want to? Saros is 1 year away from UFA with Askarov in the pipeline. If Nashville stays true to form I think they are putting Saros on the trade market this off-season. If you price our NJ I think Nashville is where they could pivot too. That's just some bigger names, let alone the countless roll the dice options you've got on the UFA market this year This is part of trading a goalie I don't think many realize it's not exactly a massive drop down from the top to the middle. I think this is a big reason why you don't see goalies trading for premium packages, teams just can't justify it because there's cheaper options out there. Can argue that's the wrong approach but I think it's how the league works. I don't see this as a the Flames can name their price and let a team blow them away type scenario. Not saying they have to move him either but I'd be more aggressive if I were Conroy here. Of course the return has to make sense, I just don't like the philosophy of waiting on such a volatile position/player.
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