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COVID-19 and NHL


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4 hours ago, robrob74 said:


THat's a death sentence for the Flames group. I think they prefer to prove people wrong, and are worse when they believe their own hype. Although, the Jets are very close. The thing about these playoffs is, almost no team has any excuses, most should be coming in healthy, aside from players who were putting off surgery to fix ailments in the offseason... 


I hope it plays out the way they see it. :)


3 hours ago, The_People1 said:


It's a coin toss to be honest.  Both teams so even.


Though, I feel smaller players adjust and regain game shape faster.  Flames are the smaller team so advantage to us.


I thought that I would post that article after I came across it while I was having a coffee this morning...   It seems like it is pretty rare to come across anything positive while looking through the news theses days, as the whole world seems to be going to Satoshi...   and as stupid as it is that they will finally get back to hockey in the middle of the summer, I will be watching and cheering our team on...   and I also think that they can eliminate the Jets in this best-of-five series...   :)

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In a typical NHL season the league goes from high-scoring and free-flowing in the first month+ and as the season progresses things tighten up.


After such a long layoff, I wouldn't be surprised to see some river hockey, particularly in the play-in round. The games will be hotly contested and physical, but a free-flowing game and fully rested Flames team stands a better chance against the Jets than if it was a typical playoff IMO. 

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27 minutes ago, Carty said:



I thought that I would post that article after I came across it while I was having a coffee this morning...   It seems like it is pretty rare to come across anything positive while looking through the news theses days, as the whole world seems to be going to Satoshi...   and as stupid as it is that they will finally get back to hockey in the middle of the summer, I will be watching and cheering our team on...   and I also think that they can eliminate the Jets in this best-of-five series...   :)


Ya agreed let's not jinx it.


Soon the hub city will also have to include one more criteria; no active Antifa presence.

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1 minute ago, Carty said:





Minneapolis is now considering disbanding the entire police force,




Okay scratch Minnesota off the list of possible hub cities.  We not going there.

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6 hours ago, Thebrewcrew said:

In a typical NHL season the league goes from high-scoring and free-flowing in the first month+ and as the season progresses things tighten up.


After such a long layoff, I wouldn't be surprised to see some river hockey, particularly in the play-in round. The games will be hotly contested and physical, but a free-flowing game and fully rested Flames team stands a better chance against the Jets than if it was a typical playoff IMO. 

agreed. A more open game favors the Flames provided the team can bring their intensity level. 

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21 hours ago, The_People1 said:

Not sure if Buffalo was ever considered for one of the hub cities but their ENTIRE emergency response police team just quit.  Scratch Buffalo off the list.




I would think that tensions will subside a bit once COVID restrictions relax a bit.

It's a perfect storm out there.

Every protest has people coming out to get out of the house.

Tensions are there because they don't protest as much as riot.


Back to the host cities.

I would imagine that DET and CHI are high on the list right now.

I doubt Canadian cities have much of a chance with the quaranteen rule staying.

It even makes the clubs entering Phase 1 (Monday) difficult to manage.

American born players, foreign players.....

I'm not sure where our guys are right now.

Ras, Ryan, Backlund, JH, Lindy, Reider, Tkachuk....

Some probably only know Calgary as a home, but other own property elsewhere.

Backlund and Gaudreau for sure.

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29 minutes ago, travel_dude said:

Every protest has people coming out to get out of the house.


Over 15.000 at the protest in Edmonton yesterday, maybe half of them wearing masks, and distancing was not happening as they were standing shoulder to shoulder...


Yet hockey teams can only have 6 players on the ice at one time...


I call shenanigans...   It's double standard bullSatoshi...

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52 minutes ago, The_People1 said:

Yet, two players can drop the gloves, grab onto each other's jerseys, and punch each other in the face as hard as they can.


What should we expect when we have a Prime Minister that not only condones a protest that is technically illegal under the current raccoon virus rules, but also participates in it...


I say it's time to open things up a bit more...   Of course we must continue to protect the vulnerable and those that are most at risk, and also respect those who chose to continue to isolate or want to keep their distance from others...


But if you can have a protest that involves basically the same number of people that would attend a hockey game and that is acceptable, the double standard of allowing one and not the other has to end...


This pic is from the protest in Edmonton yesterday...


Thousands expected at Edmonton protest triggered by U.S. in ...

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1 hour ago, Carty said:

What should we expect when we have a Prime Minister that not only condones a protest that is technically illegal under the current raccoon virus rules, but also participates in it...


I say it's time to open things up a bit more...   Of course we must continue to protect the vulnerable and those that are most at risk, and also respect those who chose to continue to isolate or want to keep their distance from others...


But if you can have a protest that involves basically the same number of people that would attend a hockey game and that is acceptable, the double standard of allowing one and not the other has to end...


This pic is from the protest in Edmonton yesterday...


Call me a tinfoil hat guy, but the PM would rather keep people in their homes regardless of the actual risk.

That mentality pervades in Liberal premiered provinces (a few anyway).

In NS, they have about 1 new case per day, yet you can't enter the province by ground.

They actually have the gaul to suggest that you wear your mask at home.

You go to a store there and the cashiers are in a flexiglass enclosure box.

They still weare masks and face shields.

And you can't go in any store without a mask.

And you should wear your mask outside walking to the store.

They have a snitch line to report rule breakers.


So where am I going with this?

Well, I for one think the country has turned into a paranoid land.

In EDM, there are so few cases, and new cases small that the oubreak is contained.

But people (4/5) wear masks in public no matter where they go.

Im no expert but it seems that 99% of the aflicted were at senior care facilities.

Obviously they were infected by their family who were out of the country in the winter.

Right now, the only people able to cross the border into Canada are illegals ("refuges") and family of actual Canadians.

There's no embargo there.


We are being held hostage in our own country.

Instead of testing every stupid person coming into the country, we focus on really sick.

In AB, anyone can get tested now.

So, be logical in how you contain the virus.

I don't need to ay how.


As far as hockey goes, it's easy to prevent the spread.

With fans, it's easy too.

You must have tested negative to go.

You get a card with your test date.

In order to go to another game, you must be re-tested.

We have the capacity to do it in EDM and CGY.


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35 minutes ago, travel_dude said:

As far as hockey goes, it's easy to prevent the spread.

With fans, it's easy too.

You must have tested negative to go.

You get a card with your test date.

In order to go to another game, you must be re-tested.

We have the capacity to do it in EDM and CGY.


That's too ID2020 bro.


Right?  Obviously when the vaccine comes out, everyone must take it and get certified.  You either get a card or a microchip placed under your skin.  Just pass through the scanner at the front door and you're in.  Easy.  Mr Gates, please hurry.  I don't care that you made the virus to begin with.  Please get us the microchip.

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1 hour ago, Carty said:


What should we expect when we have a Prime Minister that not only condones a protest that is technically illegal under the current raccoon virus rules, but also participates in it...


I say it's time to open things up a bit more...   Of course we must continue to protect the vulnerable and those that are most at risk, and also respect those who chose to continue to isolate or want to keep their distance from others...


But if you can have a protest that involves basically the same number of people that would attend a hockey game and that is acceptable, the double standard of allowing one and not the other has to end...


This pic is from the protest in Edmonton yesterday...


Thousands expected at Edmonton protest triggered by U.S. in ...



To me, it's pretty simple.


Either we see a HUGE spike in Covid19 cases in the coming 2 to 3 weeks from these protests OR, this entire Covid19 scare has just been proven to be that, nothing but a scare and it was never a big deal to begin with.  It was either never that contagious or it was never that deadly.


Ahhh but its summer and the weather is warm so we can't compare Covid19 in summer vs winter...  Not true.  Covid spread in warm weather climates like in Asia and the Mediterranean.  It should spread like wild fire in the summer months of Canada.  No excuses.  


Let's see what happens in 2 to 3 weeks.

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12 hours ago, The_People1 said:





It helps nolster the case that either 

1) Trudeau lied about Sophie having it so he hide from the HOC and to make him seem more of a people person; if she can get it everyone can.  

2) the method of spreading it not accurate


I lean towards the first.  Much easier to spread the fear to people out there. 


So, how exactly is it possible that we are seeing new cases everyday (200-400 in Ontario)?  Seems to be impossible that it's community spread unless it's health care workers that come into contact with it bringing it with them to their community.  Maybe just maybe it;'s 99.9% imported even now.  Foreign workers, familiy of Canadians visiting because their own countries are more locked down than Canada. 


Back to the NHL.  Do you really expect Trudeau to lift the sanctions at the border for athletes?

They might catch COVID from a toilet seat, even though the entire roster from each team has tested negative..

That will be meaningless unless every hotel staff member is tested regularly.

Some of the poorer workers work multiple jobs.  

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53 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


It helps nolster the case that either 

1) Trudeau lied about Sophie having it so he hide from the HOC and to make him seem more of a people person; if she can get it everyone can.  

2) the method of spreading it not accurate


I lean towards the first.  Much easier to spread the fear to people out there. 


So, how exactly is it possible that we are seeing new cases everyday (200-400 in Ontario)?  Seems to be impossible that it's community spread unless it's health care workers that come into contact with it bringing it with them to their community.  Maybe just maybe it;'s 99.9% imported even now.  Foreign workers, familiy of Canadians visiting because their own countries are more locked down than Canada. 


Back to the NHL.  Do you really expect Trudeau to lift the sanctions at the border for athletes?

They might catch COVID from a toilet seat, even though the entire roster from each team has tested negative..

That will be meaningless unless every hotel staff member is tested regularly.

Some of the poorer workers work multiple jobs.  


or else Sophie is having an affair and the self isolate anyway. 

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5 hours ago, cross16 said:

Sounds like most Flames players did not stay in Calgary so their Phases may be harder to implement or could be delayed. 




That is part of the reason.  CGY had not even responded to the NHL call for meeting the conditions of restarting on-ice play.

There was no way they were going to be ready today.


I am a bit surprised that Gio is one of the very few to be in town.

I get the Euros and US players, but where is everyone else?

Ontario and BC?

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Flames looking into holding training camp in U.S. to avoid quarantine rule




But, as Treliving mentions in the article, they are not in a hurry to make a decision as that might not work out very well either...   If they have their camp in the states and then they end up playing in a Canadian hub the whole team would have to quarantine for 2 weeks as soon as they came back to Canada...


Maybe the best solution would be to bring the non-Canadian players across the border as temporary foreign workers, hold a full camp in the dome, and then just call it a protest against double standards...   Maybe then even junior would show up for the photo op and take a knee in solidarity...



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12 hours ago, Carty said:

Flames looking into holding training camp in U.S. to avoid quarantine rule




But, as Treliving mentions in the article, they are not in a hurry to make a decision as that might not work out very well either...   If they have their camp in the states and then they end up playing in a Canadian hub the whole team would have to quarantine for 2 weeks as soon as they came back to Canada...


Maybe the best solution would be to bring the non-Canadian players across the border as temporary foreign workers, hold a full camp in the dome, and then just call it a protest against double standards...   Maybe then even junior would show up for the photo op and take a knee in solidarity...




Realistically, unless the quaranteen is removed there is no feasible way to have playoffs in Canada.

Tam calls the shots for Canada, who is about as informed as the average Joe that reads CTV News.

Not that it matters, because she says whatever Jr wants.

Pretty easy to govern when you have no HOC to answer to.

Pretty easy to maintain popularity when all you do is announce free money.


We shall see how powerful an influence hockey has on governments.

Alberta wants it.

Trudeau doesn;t seem to have a clue what it means to Canada.

Not just to watching it on TV but pride in hosting the playoffs.


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