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Kassian Suspension and discussion...


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Tell me that this hit by Kassian does not look familiar, and make the whole situation a bit hypocritical.




All of the aspects that Oiler fans are complaining about. Came down from his wing position, hit an already engaged opponent, when the opponent did not see him coming.

I am not sure how to post the YouTube video directly. Any help?

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That meeting on the 29 is extremely important obviously, and potentially advantageous for the Flames. Both clubs enter the break this Saturday. The Flames come out of the break a night earlier against STL, Oilers will be shaking off the cobwebs, and more focused on the extra-curriculars most likely

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1 hour ago, FueltheFlames1075 said:

Tell me that this hit by Kassian does not look familiar, and make the whole situation a bit hypocritical.


All of the aspects that Oiler fans are complaining about. Came down from his wing position, hit an already engaged opponent, when the opponent did not see him coming.

https://youtu.be/lXwK9KOB5As    I am not sure how to post the YouTube video directly. Any help?


All I do is copy the URL at the top of the Youtube page (that URL is different than what you posted here), then paste it here in a post, and then click Submit Reply...   


Hope that helps you out...




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7 hours ago, original hockeypriest said:

Does anyone remember the game a couple years ago when Crack Kassian went after Tkachuk...


Here's how I remember it...


1. Bennett lays out Nurse with a beauty of a hit...


2. Nurse can't handle it and catches up with Bennett the next shift and forces Benny into a fight which Benny handled himself fairly well and they fought to a draw only to have Nurse throw a dirty punch after the linesmen came in...


3. Draisaitl slough foots Tkachuk resulting in Tkachuk hitting his head on the ice and missing approximately 10 min due to concussion protocol...


4. Tkachuk challenging Draisaitl to a fight for the dirty play and Leon not accepting...


5. McDouche attacking Backlund ()resulting in a wrestling match that went unpenalized) and Tkachuk coming to Backlunds aid...(McDouche seems to have a crush on Backlund as he kicked him in the balls the other night too)


6. Crack Kassian losing his mind on Tkachuk and Tkachuk not wanting that trade off turtling and covering up...


Feel free to correct me if my recollection of this game is wrong...


Now, according to the Crack Kassian supporters Tkachuk should have to fight for hitting Kassian...Doesn't that logic also imply that Draisaitl should have atoned for his slough foot??? In my opinion, Tkachuk did what he should have done and took Kassian's number and got him back within the rules of the game the other night...


As for McDouche, he needs to realize that the only reason he gets away with the BS he does is because he's had guys like Looch, Crack Kassian, and Nurse babysitting him and without those guys his dirty rat crap would be met with retribution too...






pretty much how i remember it too but, coiler fans don't think the same rules apply to them. Kassian is a whiny, crybaby biatch and can't take what he normally dishes out (he runs at opposition players all the time).  I don't care what coiler fans say, it is the same as Drai fighting Looch, which he'd never do... he wouldn't even fight Tkachuk for crying out loud, after Drai slough footed him. Coiler fans should STFU. Bunch of crybaby BTCes. They're Satoshi Nakamoto! The Coilers are pretenders! They'll miss the playoffs again. They SUCK!

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On 1/15/2020 at 1:01 AM, Fins&FIre15 said:

If its Ovechkin or Benn throwing those hits, no one bats an eye, in fact, they're probably celebrated, and kassian doesn't attack anyone.


This was an incident based on reputation, and I know people hate tkachuk, but I'm absolutely flabbergasted by the amount of people taking Kassians side.


Look where he had his grip on Tkachuk, right on the back of the collar. Any time he pulled on the jersey, he was forcing Tkachuks back towards himself.


I don't care if thats Chara, no ones going to be able to break his grip, square up and start throwing retaliation punches.


If you're going to whine about a player not fighting you, at least make it a fair fight to begin with. That's way more dangerous than any hit landed during this game.


Tkachuk would have probably still walked away given the chance, but THAT'S when you fittingly call him a p***y.


Kassian just straight up attacked a dude for getting ragdolled twice. If that's anyone else but Chuky, almost no one takes Kassians side, I'd bet money on it.


And the turtle comments are just hilarious, like every oiler fan saying that wouldn't have done the same thing in that situation XD God they're so dumb.

Very well said!

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This whole issue boils down to Kassian got thoroughly embarrassed by Tkachuk.

This notion that if you're willing to lay a hard clean hit on somebody you need to be willing to right them too is ridiculous.

I'd have slightly more respect for Kassian if Tkachuk had nailed Yamamoto 3 times , and he was upset, but he's hiding his own embarrassment in this case 


Kassian proved himself as easy to get unglued , so Tkachuk targets that. Not just this game , but going back to that game last year too..

Almost nobody is pointing out the crosscheck from McDavid , which I feel is more cheapshot than tkachuks hits .


If you cheapshot , even accidentally then ok.. tkachuk answered the bell on Doughty, Gio even answered the bell for McDavid last year


I just hope we don't get caught like we did.against San Jose last year..and reverse it on Edmonton.. that being all this talk about fireworks only to play hockey and get them down early..   then Lucic can take care of Kassian 😎👍

Let them take the silly penalties ..because we KNOW the league will be watching this game and refs will be calling everything









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When we have these retribution games, the league seems to have taken a side and calls penalties to that side.

The war of words is a joke.

It's a media click-bait thing.

Bla, bla, bla, poor edm.

Bla, bla, bla, Tkachuk should fight his own battles.

Bla, bla, bla intent to injure.

Funny how every hit on the boards is predatory, yet this was somehow worse than anything else.

Maybe he should have got a penalty for the open ice hit earlier, but I have trouble with a hip check being called a head shot.


Kassian should have received a penalty for not leaving the ice after his bucket came off.

He needs to learn that he's using a safety piece as a fashion statement and that he will be penalized.



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11 hours ago, CalgarySTL said:

pretty much how i remember it too but, coiler fans don't think the same rules apply to them. Kassian is a whiny, crybaby biatch and can't take what he normally dishes out (he runs at opposition players all the time).  I don't care what coiler fans say, it is the same as Drai fighting Looch, which he'd never do... he wouldn't even fight Tkachuk for crying out loud, after Drai slough footed him. Coiler fans should STFU. Bunch of crybaby BTCes. They're Satoshi Nakamoto! The Coilers are pretenders! They'll miss the playoffs again. They SUCK!

both mc douche and looch say they are buddies.. but hey guys.. this is the battle Of Alberta.. We re not a team of Trumps.. our enemies are our enemies.. I wanna see Looch go after mc douche for his unatoned interference in other's affairs and lay him out !!!!1

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39 minutes ago, Horsman1 said:

both mc douche and looch say they are buddies.. but hey guys.. this is the battle Of Alberta.. We re not a team of Trumps.. our enemies are our enemies.. I wanna see Looch go after mc douche for his unatoned interference in other's affairs and lay him out !!!!1

Somebody needs to.. I can't recall who it was but that game last year somebody put him off his rocker... He even got him to take a penalty. ..don't think it was Tkachuk, he was targeting Kassian again .


Just being a realist, Lucic can't catch McDavid to hit him.. personally I can see Rinaldo doing it 



People are very selective.. nobody mentioning McDavid and his crosscheck..  oiler fans loving to point out "nobody was coming to his aid" but forgetting to notice that Neal was wrapped over Lindholm keeping him out .


Personally I think we're going to have all this hype and talk of fireworks , but one team is gonna get sucked into it and the other will come to play hockey and win by 3 or more 

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1 hour ago, phoenix66 said:

Personally I think we're going to have all this hype and talk of fireworks , but one team is gonna get sucked into it and the other will come to play hockey and win by 3 or more 


As long as it isn't us.

We seem to get caught up in the talk about it and set up the game based on it.

Forget about it and play like every other game.

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1 hour ago, phoenix66 said:

Personally I think we're going to have all this hype and talk of fireworks , but one team is gonna get sucked into it and the other will come to play hockey and win by 3 or more 


The Flames better be the team that comes to play hockey...   While i believe in hockey revenge, now is not the time...   The standings are too close, and the points are too important...


Wait until things cool down a bit, and then get them when they don't expect Satoshi to hit the fan...   The league will give the suspension that Kassian should have got at the first opportunity, with the easy targets being someone like Tkachuk, Looch (I will believe that he would smoke an Oiler or a Bruin when I see it), Rinaldo, or maybe even Kassian himself...


If the Oil were stupid and started to target someone like Gaudreau, then send in Rinaldo to take out McD...   Either way, I have a feeling that in one game in the not too distant future, all heck is going to break loose on the ice with a number of scraps going on...   But at this point, the Flames have to play it smart and go for the win, and try to keep penalties even, or even better let the Oil be the ones that put themselves at a disadvantage by spending more time in the box...   I'm sure they already know it, but every Flame on the ice is going to have to watch for the attempt at the big hit...   If it's Kassian, just low bridge him at the last second and watch him drive his own head through the boards...   He's that stupid, it's doable, and the opportunity will present itself...   Then Ras can look at everyone on their bench and give his trademarked BOOM...

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There is no way a team tries to take out a star player.

Teams will try for a big hit, but that is normal.

Headhunting will not happen, unless it's someone that wants to start an all out war.

Kassian will not hit Gaudreau.

Maybe Russell gives him a clean check, but not targeted per se.


As soon as any team decides that targeting a star is allowed, they sign their team's own death warrant.

McD would be slashed in the hands and taken to the ice.

Drai would be slew footed.

Nuge would be breathed heavily on.

The VAN game from the BH days would seem like a family picnic.


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I think it's just media hype.

Even Kassian can't be running around trying to catch Tkachuk, because he won't catch him.

How many times does Tkachuk have to make him look DD (Developmentally Delayed) for Kassian to not play that game with Tkachuk. He just gets sucked right into Matt's World.

Then the, "he won't back it up by fighting" retort. Why yes, that is correct. How many times does he have to play this card for you before you get it. He's trying to win, you're being humiliated and get all personal and selfish. It's a team game. He knocks you off of yours masterfully, because he knows how to. You can't beat everyone up for making you look DD. It's not 1980.

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1 hour ago, conundrumed said:

(Developmentally Delayed) Kassian


He is not the smartest guy...   A lot of people have no doubt forgotten about when he was under contract with the Habs...   He was driving around with two hookers, and then while he was wasted let one of the hookers that was drunk drive his truck which she crashed into a tree,,,   He was suspended without pay and placed in a substance abuse program, then he was put on waivers, then he was told not to report to their AHL team after he cleared, and then he was traded to the OIlers without playing even a single game for the Habs...   :lol:    Then 3 years ago he got sued by the company that had leased him the truck for $82K because he had violated their agreement by letting her drive, and then had refused/failed to pay for the truck...   Yup, he's a real stand up guy alright...   :huh:   https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/woman-charged-in-accident-involving-former-canadiens-zack-kassian



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1 hour ago, The_People1 said:

I'm interested to see how we respond to Kassian next game against the Oilers.  Last time Evander Kane punched us with some words and our whole team just withered away scared and got blown out by SJ.

I'll be surprised if Tkachuk doesn't catch him a few more times. Kassian isn't smart enough to see it, and never catches Tkachuk in that situation.

Tkachuk's been winning this battle of wits, so hopefully that's turning the table as opposed to the Kane thing.

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Both GM's were warned and Parros is expected to be in attendance as should be expected.  I wish certain media members would  be punished, mainly the ones who seem to be more concerned with promoting fights or attacks on others, than the game itself.  I hate to sound anti-Edmonton over everything, but certain "journalists" have just disgusted me the last few days.

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19 hours ago, Carty said:


The Flames better be the team that comes to play hockey...   While i believe in hockey revenge, now is not the time...   The standings are too close, and the points are too important...


Wait until things cool down a bit, and then get them when they don't expect Satoshi to hit the fan...   The league will give the suspension that Kassian should have got at the first opportunity, with the easy targets being someone like Tkachuk, Looch (I will believe that he would smoke an Oiler or a Bruin when I see it), Rinaldo, or maybe even Kassian himself...


If the Oil were stupid and started to target someone like Gaudreau, then send in Rinaldo to take out McD...   Either way, I have a feeling that in one game in the not too distant future, all heck is going to break loose on the ice with a number of scraps going on...   But at this point, the Flames have to play it smart and go for the win, and try to keep penalties even, or even better let the Oil be the ones that put themselves at a disadvantage by spending more time in the box...   I'm sure they already know it, but every Flame on the ice is going to have to watch for the attempt at the big hit...   If it's Kassian, just low bridge him at the last second and watch him drive his own head through the boards...   He's that stupid, it's doable, and the opportunity will present itself...   Then Ras can look at everyone on their bench and give his trademarked BOOM...

Nearly guaranteed we'll see Smith in at least one , if not both of those games.. I can see the rematch of Lucic/Smith happening at some point .. which is the logical segue to having to "answer the bell" to Kassian 😎


Other thing..is Rittich has been itching to get into a fight for his teammates ..can't count the number of times he's raced to the blue line to be ready... Ritter getting into it with Smith would be ironic 



Lucic /Kassian. Will happen before the season is over ..I'd bet money on it .. just hope we do it smart and wait til we have a game in hand 


Anybody else wonder if they've ever gone at it ..you have to go all the way back to junior ..would have thought they'd have crossed paths at least once before .. it's funny , the announcer keep calling him "loo-kitch" lol



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Tkachuk is doing the whole living rent free in the small minds of Kassian and the Oilers. It’s as if he’s already potted us a lead for Jan 29. Kassian will play unhinged hunting Tkachuk all night, this will also force Nurse to be on alert which disrupts there defensive focus.  This is where the true value of having Lucic lies. Let the players play their game without worrying about a goon like Kassian. 

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1 hour ago, original hockeypriest said:

not really about Kassian but does anyone know how to watch McDouchebag kicking Backs in the goods???


Couldn't find a clip of it, but it happened right after the whistle with 28 seconds left in the PP, and 7:02 minutes left in the 3rd period...

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20 hours ago, travel_dude said:

There is no way a team tries to take out a star player.

Teams will try for a big hit, but that is normal.

Headhunting will not happen, unless it's someone that wants to start an all out war.

Kassian will not hit Gaudreau.


I came across this after I posted...   Michael Traikos who has a column called TRAIK-EOTOMY that regularly appears in the sports section of several different newspapers on a regular basis suggested that Kassian should do just that...   


Zack Kassian has it all wrong.


It’s not Matthew Tkachuk who needs a “taste of their own medicine,” be it with another flurry of punches or a well-timed hit the next time that the Edmonton Oilers play the Calgary Flames.


Rather, it’s Johnny Gaudreau.


You want to send a message to Tkachuk. Send it through his 165-pound teammate. That’s what ex-enforcer John Scott did when he picked a fight with Phil Kessel several years ago, which resulted in David Clarkson earning a 10-game suspension for hopping off the bench in his teammate’s defence.


If something similar were to happen, chances are Tkachuk won’t take another run at Kassian again. Not if he wants to see Gaudreau hurt. Though in this clenched- fist chess match, Connor McDavid might also want to keep his head up.


It was in all the Sun Newspapers across the country including the Calgary Sun...   https://calgarysun.com/sports/hockey/nhl/traik-eotomy-kassian-can-get-revenge-on-tkachuk-in-other-better-ways/wcm/93ce9ac8-dcb0-40ed-8ae6-b4448ba50cdd


Several others as well including the National Post...   https://nationalpost.com/sports/hockey/nhl/traik-eotomy-kassian-can-get-revenge-on-tkachuk-in-other-better-ways/wcm/2b40a522-8e5d-486a-852c-45f5fef11c



What really P's me O, is that there are a lot of so called 'sports journalists' really playing this to build up hatred towards Tkachuk when each and every one of them would love to have him on their favorite team, and if he was, then they would be painting him as a hero for taking out a predatory goon like Kassian...   They are just hypocritical asshats spewing sensationalist horseSatoshi instead of actually writing something more relevant about the game of hockey...


The day after the game I tuned in to an Edmonton sports radio show to see what they were saying, and it was much the same thing from the hosts, and then the fans...   Kassian should go after Gaudreau to send a message...   So hopefully the moron doesn't take all this encouragement as a licence to headhunt Gaudreau...  One thing is for sure, Kassian is dumb enough...



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1 hour ago, rickross said:

Tkachuk is doing the whole living rent free in the small minds of Kassian and the Oilers. It’s as if he’s already potted us a lead for Jan 29. Kassian will play unhinged hunting Tkachuk all night, this will also force Nurse to be on alert which disrupts there defensive focus.  This is where the true value of having Lucic lies. Let the players play their game without worrying about a goon like Kassian. 


This .. in a snapshot is exactly why i liked the trade at the time

I argue with Oiler fans all the time, nobody WON this trade , it was a straight up Hockey trade..both teams got what they needed 


Neal , was not a good fit here.. and its not even BT's fault, who knew Lindholm would be THIS good? so he wasn't going to live on the top line, if he's not scoring he's useless.. cant backcheck, cant drive a line, isn't remotely tough.. he is what he is , a pure scorer who needs a set up guy .. and Janko , where he would have ended up , is not a set up guy 


The Oilers , have tougher guys .. Nurse, Kassian, etc.. up in Edmonton , if Lucic wasn't scoring HE was essentially useless ..


His first month or so , yes, he was a loose cannon..punching guys in the face .. taking penalties .. but the message got sent 

I've noticed, everybody plays a little bigger.. Johnny is a little more ornery .. Monahan too.. Tkachuk is even more of a pest ..Lucic doesnt need to fight anymore, his presence is enough ..and , without the puck , he's 10x the player Neal is 


When that Smith / Lucic thing happened last year .. i forget who it was that had to fight him.. but he wasnt in his league.. i can still recall the look on Lucic's face .. you could almost lip read "are you sure about this ??"


the big test will be playoffs .. Oiler fans forget , that year they went to the 2nd round . Lucic was arguably their best player . you question players like that in regular season , but come playoff time, they win you cups 






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39 minutes ago, Carty said:

What really P's me O, is that there are a lot of so called 'sports journalists' really playing this to build up hatred towards Tkachuk when each and every one of them would love to have him on their favorite team, and if he was, then they would be painting him as a hero for taking out a predatory goon like Kassian...   They are just hypocritical asshats spewing sensationalist horseSatoshi instead of actually writing something more relevant about the game of hockey...


Just quoted the last part.

Yes, and it's thinking like that that needs to get out of the game.

He is not the first to suggest it.


But I don't think McD would stand for it.

Not that he is some kind of moral guy, just that this signals the rules are off the table.

Pretty easy to take out McD's ankles with a stick.

Why would someone like Rinaldo care if he did it and got 5 games.

And I think Rinaldo is one of the more responsible players in the league.

He understands the unwritten rules.

The league wanted Kassian back in to see what he does and generate interest in the West.


Tkachuk will get a few hits and hit a few.

He'll probably target Benning (if back), Archibald, and Chaisson.

Two guys used to making dirty hits and a guy that tends to play hard.


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