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15 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


If the salary was the sticking point for BT, then so be it.

I trust BT for negotiating contracts, just not so much in trades.

But, lets face it.  Tkachuk is not going to be cheap like Gaudreau.


Where I am a little miffed is no view to next season in nets.

We may have the rest of the year with two guys that can get the job done.

Nest year, back in the same boat.


So they should have made a trade for a goalie today for next year?


Because if that is your angle then you shouldn't want Stone because Stone would have made it almost impossible for them to look at options in net. Would have severely limited their ability to spend on that position. 


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The thing that bothers me is the unfortunate timing of our depth scoring.


I'm praying they've figured it out and are going to be this productive through the season and playoffs, but what happens if they come back down to earth?


We've seen what happens when the top line gets shut down and no one else is able to produce.


The prices were insane for being a "buyers" market this year, but I just wonder if we'll end up regretting not parting with a another piece or two to have more offense.

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I can't disagree with Treliving here and sure does look like it was going to cost the Flames Valimaki to get Stone...


That being said, I look at this differently. If my fears come real and Jankowksi and the 3rd line can't step up in playoff time I think hanging onto to Stone for so long and not pivoting to someone like Hayes may loom large. We'll see what happens but I don't view this deadline as a failure by any means. 



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5 minutes ago, cross16 said:

I can't disagree with Treliving here and sure does look like it was going to cost the Flames Valimaki to get Stone...


That being said, I look at this differently. If my fears come real and Jankowksi and the 3rd line can't step up in playoff time I think hanging onto to Stone for so long and not pivoting to someone like Hayes may loom large. We'll see what happens but I don't view this deadline as a failure by any means. 




Not gonna lie, disappointed we couldn't land him .. but at the same time , this is a very good team .. and his refusal to remove players like Valimaki , or even Kyllington from the pipeline, I think shows where we are .

I did read in some Twitter thread we nearly had Simmonds but he didn't want to come here .. so be it 

we have depth at all positions , except maybe goal .. but there clearly was not a blatant upgrade out there. id rather keep our picks and kids and go after some names in UFA if necessary





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17 minutes ago, cross16 said:

I can't disagree with Treliving here and sure does look like it was going to cost the Flames Valimaki to get Stone...


That being said, I look at this differently. If my fears come real and Jankowksi and the 3rd line can't step up in playoff time I think hanging onto to Stone for so long and not pivoting to someone like Hayes may loom large. We'll see what happens but I don't view this deadline as a failure by any means. 




See I don't think I would have paid a 1st and Mangiapane for Hayes. So I am not too concerned about that.

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5 minutes ago, cross16 said:

I can't disagree with Treliving here and sure does look like it was going to cost the Flames Valamki to get Stone...


That being said, I look at this differently. If my fears come real and Jankowksi and the 3rd line can't step up in playoff time I think hanging onto to Stone for so long and not pivoting to someone like Hayes may loom large. We'll see what happens but I don't view this deadline as a failure by any means. 


That's the thing isn't it.

WPG swinging at every pitch, yet they were in worse shape than us right now.

Nashville struggling.

SJS issues were in nets (like us for 1/2 the season).

VGK inconsistent.


We've had two issues for most of the year.

Lack of secondary scoring (PP and 5v5) and goaltending.

Only recently have we gotten some of that sorted out.


It could all be fixed and we go on a long run.

Or we haven't changed anything and we revert to the same problems.

Tough call.

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The way I look at it, our biggest issue is goaltending, and really there was 1 upgrade that may or may not have been available today (Howard). Treliving saved all of his bullets to go after a goaltending upgrade in the offseason. This team has good pieces at forward and on defense, the biggest weakness is in goal.

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2 minutes ago, Carty said:

Treliving also sent a message to the team today...   Along the lines of "We like this group we have here on our team and we are going to make our run with it"...


The subtext of "needing battle scars for this group" means that he doesn't think we are there yet.

This group hasn't gone into battle yet.

The coach hasn't.

Top RW hasn't.

Tkachuk, Kyl, Ras, Hanifin, Lindholm, Ryan haven't.


Even though we are tops in the West, I get the impression that he wasn't going for it this year.

Once he knew he was out on Stone.

Let the chips play out and save the assets.



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 I disagree, the main issue is we don’t have do difference maker, a legit power forward...a force to drive the engine..could Tachuck be that...maybe one day we hope but not now, Stone is and for our core....however...could we find that during the draft or FA season yes, though for an all in run this year and the next few, no he was it.


this is bitter sweet, we keep Valimaki but loose out on one of our major weak areas but who’s to say trading Vlaimaki wouldn’t open up a weak spot on the D?  Quite possibly giving Gio is getting up there and Brodie and Hammer are around the 30 marker too, so I’m thinking smart move by BT.


the other weak spot we all know, it’s jot so much weak as unproven and battle tested in nets...only one way o do that, send them in and let them gain experience, if not for this run but next and if they fail then you know to fix this area too.


my only concerns with the next year or window approach is Gio, if BT has a plan for replacement of him, Gil tips on D are Lime Iggy’s Up front the go to omit all guys, not sure we have anyone in the pipes for that but we shall see.


all and all we need to be realistic, Stone would have been worth getting But could have caused other problems in the line up, so smart nonmove by BT and consider we are #2 in the NHL and TB at #1 didn’t make moves, stands to reason the #2 team has not reasons to make major changes either.

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18 minutes ago, Thebrewcrew said:

More I think about it Zucker would have been a tough trade. 5.5 for 4 more seasons and he’s not having a great season. That deal could have went sideways fast like the Tatar one last year with Vegas. Maybe they revisit it in June 





Dont need him anyway we have JH for that and he’s waaaag better too, we need a power forward and looks like at RW being that is where we are more weak at...and possibly at Goal, we will see as the season plays out.


we have speed, skill, depth and grit,we just lack a little power is all.





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36 minutes ago, JTech780 said:

The way I look at it, our biggest issue is goaltending, and really there was 1 upgrade that may or may not have been available today (Howard). Treliving saved all of his bullets to go after a goaltending upgrade in the offseason. This team has good pieces at forward and on defense, the biggest weakness is in goal.

You keep saying that about our Goalies yet they gut it out and keep winning.

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7 minutes ago, MP5029 said:



Dont need him anyway we have JH for that and he’s waaaag better too, we need a power forward and looks like at RW being that is where we are more weak at...and possibly at Goal, we will see as the season plays out.


we have speed, skill, depth and grit,we just lack a little power is all.





The problem is “power forwards” are becoming unicorns as the league becomes more skilled. I think we will be hard pressed to find a power forward unless we wanna pay Ferland 4+

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54 minutes ago, JTech780 said:


See I don't think I would have paid a 1st and Mangiapane for Hayes. So I am not too concerned about that.


On the surface I agree.


for me it's about positional value and importance and what I don't see in Jankowski. I think one of the major components of winning a cup is being deep and very good down the middle so all of your lines can match up at any point and I don't think Jankowskis' game is near that level right now. So while sure on on the surface that looks like a lot to give up I think it would have given the Flames that much better a chance to improve at such a critical position. 


Something they can look at in the off-season of course but it's really the only component I look at and wonder if the Flames missed a chance. I agree with you on goal tending but at the same time there wasn't an upgrade available but here was an upgrade that was available. It's an overpay but sometimes you have to overpay. 

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1 minute ago, cross16 said:


On the surface I agree.


for me it's about positional value and importance and what I don't see in Jankowski. I think one of the major components of winning a cup is being deep and very good down the middle so all of your lines can match up at any point and I don't think Jankowskis' game is near that level right now. So while sure on on the surface that looks like alot to give up I think it would have given the Flames that much better a chance to improve at such a critical position. 

I think you are giving Hayes more credit than he deserves and far to much downgrading on Jankowski. Jankowski's game has grown in leaps and bounds this season and he will only get better with experience.

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1 minute ago, MAC331 said:

I think you are giving Hayes more credit than he deserves and far to much downgrading on Jankowski. Jankowski's game has grown in leaps and bounds this season and he will only get better with experience.


It really hasn't. He's been good on the PK but 5 on 5 he's plateaued and really hasn't made any strides. 


Not to say he is a bad player, just that if You want to win a cup I think you need a better 3rd line center than Jankowski, especially at 5 on 5. He might get better with experience but Flames may not be able to wait for that either.

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46 minutes ago, Carty said:

Treliving also sent a message to the team today...   Along the lines of "We like this group we have here on our team and we are going to make our run with it"...

I'm sure it wasn't easy to get that close to having Stone but having to walk away. I would have to think BT is like all of us, thrilled this team is having the success it is so far. We would all like to see a SC come to Calgary but is this group collectively ready to make it happen this season ? They will try hard and we will be behind them all the way.


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6 minutes ago, cross16 said:


It really hasn't. He's been good on the PK but 5 on 5 he's plateaued and really hasn't made any strides. 


Not to say he is a bad player, just that if You want to win a cup I think you need a better 3rd line center than Jankowski, especially at 5 on 5. He might get better with experience but Flames may not be able to wait for that either.

I think he gets better by just doing what he is doing and gaining the confidence and experience. I honestly think this season's weakness is BP not getting this forward group sorted out and getting maximum results. I'm not sure any one individual player would have made a big difference but Stone was worth the effort.

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28 minutes ago, MAC331 said:

I think you are giving Hayes more credit than he deserves and far to much downgrading on Jankowski. Jankowski's game has grown in leaps and bounds this season and he will only get better with experience.

Have to agree here ...  not to sound Sour Grapesy, cuz i would have loved a Stone, a Hayes, or a Simmonds . but Janko is still improving and still very affordable 

There is a definite magic on this team this year , makes me scared to mess with any chemistry..like Vegas last year , I believe only added 1 player at the deadline that they practically didn't even use (Tatar). Its why I said previously there really wasn't anybody on the roster I was willing to mess with ..chemistry is a funny thing , even offloading what appears to be a spare part can mess it up 

Czarnik and Mangiapane are finding their groove, the Goalies are getting the job done, we even have depth in Lazar we haven't been able to see what we have cuz Czarnik has kept him from getting into the lineup 

Again I gotta give BT credit , even from his comments it sounds like Valimaki was the sticking point and he didnt cave 


and u wanna talk All In... Columbus has a team full of UFA's and only a 3rd and a 7th left in this years draft

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