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What Is Best For Matthew Tkachuk


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11 hours ago, cross16 said:


I think all NHL scouting departments should look at Chychrun and see the dangers of over scouting. I somewhat, but not completely, understand the argument that he wasn't the best Dman in the draft but to let him slide out of the top 10 and treat him like he was some overrated prospect was just so silly. I'm glad to see he is proving teams wrong. I would have taken Tkahcuk 10/10 over him but i'm really happy to see Chychrun prove he is a very good prospect and likely going to be a good NHL dman. 


And the fact the Canucks took Joelivi over him is just icing on the cake :D

What were the 'nux thinking??

Chychrun ended up being the 5th D taken behind Juolevi, Sergachov, Bean and McAvoy.

All of those guys have great varying attributes, but I just never thought any of those guys have the pocketful of the lot that Chychrun does.

In the end, the entire attack was hockey IQ. The jr tourney, getting undressed by Max Jones.

Things I never heard anyone attacking him about:



Lateral movement


Tape-to-tape Passing

Leadership on the backend

Potentially ready.


Almost zero scouts took a step back to think, "he has all of those skills but zero IQ? How does that even make sense"?

Want to find out about a players personality? Talk to little hockey kids in the community, talk to a general sample at his high school and give the school some charity if you're really interested in the player.

Doesn't seem that hard to me.

Do scouts just travel in packs and come to a resolve with a pack mentality?

I'm convinced they do, and they're caught up in their self-importance.

It would drill on me as a GM. 67 scouting reports, all, in essence, the same.

I've seen entire sections of arenas of scouts. Not mingled with the general public, entire sections of scouts and you don't see another one in the entire arena.

All huddled together sharing notes and glowing in importance.

It's laughable.

Gap control

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What you describe is concensus rankings that scout service do.  They seem to have similar biases, and you end up with guys that are picked n the 2nd to 4th rounds that people are amazed at.  Teams seem to pick based on those lists.  Anyway, it could even out over time where Chyrchun ends up not as good as Juolevi.

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One thing I read was about his fire on the ice (pardon the pun).  I'll post it directly below:


When Brenden Dillon was harassing Frolik in the first period, it was Tkachuk who came in and started whacking away at him. I'd expect that out of a rookie like Garnet Hathaway, because that would be the kind of thing suited for his role; Tkachuk doesn't need to do stuff like that to get by. He just does. Because that's how he wants to play. He is wonderfully aggressive. And he's already loved here because of it.

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Just now, travel_dude said:

One thing I read was about his fire on the ice (pardon the pun).  I'll post it directly below:


When Brenden Dillon was harassing Frolik in the first period, it was Tkachuk who came in and started whacking away at him. I'd expect that out of a rookie like Garnet Hathaway, because that would be the kind of thing suited for his role; Tkachuk doesn't need to do stuff like that to get by. He just does. Because that's how he wants to play. He is wonderfully aggressive. And he's already loved here because of it.

If last night was a display of what is coming then I think we will all be happy fans and supporters of Tkachuk. Go Flames Go

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Ok I have said this all along he has mad skills and I knew he was here to stay but to get along I will agree to go with the 29 game option but I see him going all the way. 6 points in 10 games plus 5 What? You got to be kidding me he is playing in every situation now unlike most here im not prevy to the whole NHL knowledge of a rookie's who have had the same success in a all round Game not just scoring.

What can you say about a young man who you are able to put out in all situations and be confident he will play his heart out and make a difference . Ok I know I am a glass full type of person or empty no half way with me like I have said before I have blinders on but I'm ok with that. Now lets bring Klim or Shank up to help JH Mono line need some skill to help the old fella's LOL. 

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14 hours ago, travel_dude said:

What you describe is concensus rankings that scout service do.  They seem to have similar biases, and you end up with guys that are picked n the 2nd to 4th rounds that people are amazed at.  Teams seem to pick based on those lists.  Anyway, it could even out over time where Chyrchun ends up not as good as Juolevi.

Hold your tongue! Juolevi's with the nucks lol.

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3 hours ago, travel_dude said:

One thing I read was about his fire on the ice (pardon the pun).  I'll post it directly below:


When Brenden Dillon was harassing Frolik in the first period, it was Tkachuk who came in and started whacking away at him. I'd expect that out of a rookie like Garnet Hathaway, because that would be the kind of thing suited for his role; Tkachuk doesn't need to do stuff like that to get by. He just does. Because that's how he wants to play. He is wonderfully aggressive. And he's already loved here because of it.


That's good to hear. One of my concerns with Tkachuk being a constant sparkplug and a bit of a pest out there is that his teammates might eventually get tired of having to jump into scrums to bail him out. But if he's also standing up for his teammates, I think that's going to earn him a lot of goodwill and it won't be a problem.

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Very happy for the kid yesterday scoring 2 goals including the game winner.  He seems to be doing well "sheltered" on a line with Backlund and Frolik.  Two vets who can more than cover for him when he makes a mistake.  Hope they continue to grow together and give the Flames some much needed secondary scoring from the bottom 6, if we can even call them that.

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10 minutes ago, conundrumed said:

Just a note, the 40 game limit now is 40 games on the roster, not 40 games played. Unlike the 9 game rule that is 9 games played and doesn't include healthy scratches.

Seems like teams are more interested in the UFA games limit than the ELC year lost now. Which I believe is a swing in philosophy.


Thanks for the clarification.  I believe it makes it January 4th for the 40th.  If he manages to stay that long, it likely means he is an integral part of the lineup.

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5 hours ago, The_People1 said:

Very happy for the kid yesterday scoring 2 goals including the game winner.  He seems to be doing well "sheltered" on a line with Backlund and Frolik.  Two vets who can more than cover for him when he makes a mistake.  Hope they continue to grow together and give the Flames some much needed secondary scoring from the bottom 6, if we can even call them that.

I agree it seems to be good for him to be insulated a little bit by backlund and frolik, even if they are getting tough competition and zone starts.


It seems to have worked for bennett even if no one myself included liked him playing the wing, it was good for him to spend time on that line.

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Hey Mac unsure how you can call yourself a supporter of Chuky all you have done on this chuk forum is find every excuse to send him back I don't consider that supporting the kid. Support would be give him every opportunity to succeed on the Flames team. Just saying LOL

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3 minutes ago, zima said:

Hey Mac unsure how you can call yourself a supporter of Chuky all you have done on this chuk forum is find every excuse to send him back I don't consider that supporting the kid. Support would be give him every opportunity to succeed on the Flames team. Just saying LOL


Everyone has opinions.  Most on this thread have said it's best for him to go back to junior at some point.  It's a long season.  He's big, but a little slow for the NHL.  It hasn't hurt him playing with Backlund, and TBH, it's nice to have an offensive player on that line.  Means we could have 3 scoring lines.


The other side of the coin is he could tail off.  Things have been going well for him so far, but we haven't faced a lot of fast teams.  Or teams that can knock you on your butt.

There are as many reasons to send him down (development) as keep him up (helping team win).  There's no one right answer.

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Your right it is a long season and evry guy on this team will have there ups and downs could go 7 games with out a win and there will be players that are struggling including chuky it is the animal they all have to contend with. So when that happens I will still be an advocate Of chuky's when everyone says time to send him back I will be there saying no way ;)

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1 hour ago, zima said:

Hey Mac unsure how you can call yourself a supporter of Chuky all you have done on this chuk forum is find every excuse to send him back I don't consider that supporting the kid. Support would be give him every opportunity to succeed on the Flames team. Just saying LOL

Don't misunderstand me I still think he should go back as the best thing for him but now that he is here why wouldn't I as a fan of the team support and cheer for his success here.

I think they are doing right by him putting him with Backlund and Frolik and not with the other young core players.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow what can you say about Chuky guys what a goal I know very fluky but again it is the name of the game with skill comes great puck luck. Great move Chuky like I have said mad skills and I C more to come. No way is this kid going back ever LOL. They seem to be given him every opportunity to Succeed power play penalty kill blocking shots great to see.

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Just now, zima said:

Wow what can you say about Chuky guys what a goal I know very fluky but again it is the name of the game with skill comes great puck luck. Great move Chuky like I have said mad skills and I C more to come. No way is this kid going back ever LOL. They seem to be given him every opportunity to Succeed power play penalty kill blocking shots great to see.

Goal wasn't fluky at all, right over the shoulder. I was there and it was great. He is on the right line with Backlund and Frolik.

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15 minutes ago, zima said:

Wow what can you say about Chuky guys what a goal I know very fluky but again it is the name of the game with skill comes great puck luck. Great move Chuky like I have said mad skills and I C more to come. No way is this kid going back ever LOL. They seem to be given him every opportunity to Succeed power play penalty kill blocking shots great to see.

It was not a fluky goal. He had his head up and was looking at the exact spot he put the puck. The small gap above his shoulder and left of his head. He banked it off the head/mask into the gap.

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24 minutes ago, MAC331 said:

Goal wasn't fluky at all, right over the shoulder. I was there and it was great. He is on the right line with Backlund and Frolik

He would do that no mattewr what line he is on every excuse buddy just can't admit he is a quality player. Ok it bounce off the guys mask it could have gone either way but hey Im all over it as a quality shot it truly was but as far as the goal it's self it could have bounced either way. I hope he succeeds in every aspect of the game so far he has done the in spades and I truly believe he could do it no matter who's line he is on.

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25 minutes ago, zima said:


He would do that no mattewr what line he is on every excuse buddy just can't admit he is a quality player. Ok it bounce off the guys mask it could have gone either way but hey Im all over it as a quality shot it truly was but as far as the goal it's self it could have bounced either way. I hope he succeeds in every aspect of the game so far he has done the in spades and I truly believe he could do it no matter who's line he is on.

You are an idiot, what is it you think I am doing by clueing you in that it wasn't a fluky goal but a very good goal. You seem to think this kid has nothing left to learn but maybe that just comes from your own attitude. This I can understand perfectly.

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