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Brad Treliving - GM Tracking & Evaluation


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1 hour ago, TrippinVdUb said:

2 post season apperances (hopefully) in 3 years? Give the man a 3-5 year contract and let him build a perennial contender...


I’d lean towards the later, lock that man up and throw away the key.  I think if Burke had his way this would be done already.  I think the owners have been holding this one up.  This is Burke’s 5th year as POH, that is probably the window he was given to turn this team around.  The way this season started, heads were sure to roll.  Now that we are seeing growth, progress, and likely playoffs, I can see extensions handed out soon. 

Edit:  This is BB's 4th year

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If the Flames make the playoffs I don't see any reason why they don't extend him. Even if they didn't resign him you'd imagine they'd be conducting interviews with GMs by now, you'd imagine they'd want someone in place by June. I'm not worried I think he gets an extension for 3 more years if not longer. 

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My analysis of Treliving's track record:


TRADED 3rd round pick for Brandon Bollig - Poor trade. Bollig is a great guy, but unfortunately, his cap hit and lack of points handcuffed the roster a little bit. Hopefully he has been a good leader for the young guys in the AHL.

SIGNED Mason Raymond to a 3 year, $9.5 million dollar contract - Poor signing. Treliving could have done much better. Still paying for the buyout this year and next. Raymond is a great guy, I wish him the best.

SIGNED Jonas Hiller to a 2 year, $9 million dollar contract - Meh. He helped us to the playoffs one year, faltered the next, left at free agency. No harm no fowl.

SIGNED Deryk Engelland to a 3 year, $8.75 million dollar contract - The AAV seemed a little high at the time, and maybe still does, but his leadership and play was crucial this year, and most probably will continue to be a big factor into the playoffs. Seems to have become a better signing over the course of the contract.

RE-SIGNED T.J. Brodie to a 5 year, $23.5 million dollar contract - How did we get him this cheap!?!? What a signing by Treliving!

TRADED Curtis Glencross for 2nd round, 3rd round picks - Excellent trade, especially given the fact that Glencross retired that off-season.

TRADED Sven Baertschi for 2nd round pick (Rasmus Andersson) - Probably pretty good timing for Treliving. Beartschi had expressed that he did not want to resign with Calgary. While Baertschi is doing reasonably with Vancouver, Andersson looks like he will also be pretty good (if not better). Probably the best we could have hoped for.

SIGNED Jakub Nakladal to a 1 year, <$1 million dollar contract - Good player, would have liked to see more of him.

RE-SIGNED Mikael Backlund to a 3 year, $10.725 million dollar contract - Like Engelland, the AAV may have seemed a little high at the time, but that has been absolutely disproved this year. One of the most valuable players on the team this year, proving how important it is to have depth down the centre. Like Engelland, the signing seems better over time.

TRADED 1st round pick, 2 2nd round picks for Dougie Hamilton - By far, without a doubt, Treliving's best move. Hamilton is an absolute stud, and will be for many years to come. A fantastic addition to a young team. Adds to the core, without removing from it. Saw an advantage with Boston's cap issues, took advantage of it.

RE-SIGNED Dougie Hamilton to a 6 year, $34 million dollar contract - Good value for this player. He will do nothing but get better until the end of the contract (barring injury of course). Absolutely fantastic trade and signing.

RE-SIGNED Karri Ramo to a 1 year, $3.8 million dollar contract - Not a great signing. Already had Hiller and Ortio, did not really need a third goalie of the same caliber. This moved somewhat handcuffed Hartley, and (in my opinion), was a big reason that Calgary missed the playoffs.

SIGNED Michael Frolik to a 5 year, $21.5 million dollar contract - Despite a high AAV, proved that he is a very useful player to the team. Would have liked to see a smaller cap hit, but can't complain too much when he addresses a need and brings value to the team. Also of note that Treliving signed Frolik over Matt Beleskey, which is seeming to be the correct choice.

RE-SIGNED Lance Bouma to a 3 year, $6.6 million dollar contract - Overpayment, classic case of getting caught up in heart&soul/one good season. Hopefully this leadership proves useful in the playoffs, would like to get some more value out of this signing.

RE-SIGNED Mark Giordano to a 6 year, $40.5 million dollar contract - As much as Giordano brings to this team, the AAV of the signing is high. This contract could very well handcuff the Flames moving forward, especially if Giordano gets injured, slows down etc... For now has good value. Time will tell if it stays this way.

WAIVED Paul Byron - Poor decision, especially when looking at this season's production with Montreal. Makes one wonder if it would have been better to keep Byron over the likes of Bouma, Bollig, Raymond, Ramo, etc...

TRADED Markus Granlund for Hunter Shinkaruk - Jury is still out on this one. Granlund didn't seem to have a roster spot, but will Shinkaruk? What about expansion draft? Time will tell.

TRADED Jiri Hudler for 2nd round pick (Tyler Parsons), 4th round pick - Good trade. Would have liked to see a little more coming back to Calgary, but forwards did not gain a lot of assets at that year's deadline. Also, considering the fact that Hudler has not found his 70+ point form since the trade, looks like a decent result.

TRADED Kris Russel for Jyrki Jokkipakka, Brett Pollock, 2nd round pick (Dillon Dube) - Pretty good value for a rental. Probably one of the better trades of the day, Treliving had good timing on this move.

TRADED David Jones for Niklas Backstrom, 6th round pick (Matthew Phillips) - Small deal in the grand scheme of things. Well done to get an asset for Jones, maybe he will make the NHL.

TRADED Patrick Sieloff for Alex Chiasson - Even though Chiasson hasn't worked out on the top line, glad that Treliving at least took a shot. Relatively small deal.

SINGED Troy Brouwer to a 4 year, $18 million dollar contract - This is looking like a poor signing, not because Brouwer is a poor player, but rather because he is being paid like a first liner. Hopefully he steps up and his leadership shines through during the playoffs.

SIGNED Chad Johnson to a 1 year, $1.7 million dollar contract - Good signing, he has played as expected. Reasonable cap hit.

SIGNED Kris Versteeg to a 1 year, <$1 million dollar contract - Fantastic signing, very well done by Treliving.

RE-SIGNED Sean Monahan to a 7 year, $44.6 million dollar contract - Signing needed to happen, probably came in the right price. Certainly didn't get a steal like he did with Brodie, but did not overpay either. Happy with signing as you gotta pay your first line centre.

RE-SIGNED Johnny Gaudreau to a 6 year, $40.5 million dollar contract - Took too long to sign, but paid the right price for him. Good signing.

SIGNED Matt Bartkowski to a 2 year, $1.3 million dollar contract - Great signing as he slides in to the third paring quite well. Perhaps more importantly, his signing ensures that Calgary does not have to expose one of Brodie, Giordano, or Hamilton at the expansion draft. Very crafty move by Treliving.

TRADED 3rd round pick, conditional 5th round pick for Michael Stone - Fantastic trade. Stone slides in very nicely on the second pairing, and gives Calgary some much needed depth on defense. Also acquired for a very low price. In fact, some GMs around the league were surpised that a relatively young RHS defenseman got moved so early for so little. Once again, Treliving saw an opportunity and took it.

TRADED Jyrki Jokkipakka, 2nd round pick for Curtis Lazar, Michael Kostka - Obviously way too early to tell, but in my opinion, a great (and underated move). Lazar has been a leader throughout his career, a can play centre or the wing. Hopefully he will find some chemistry with Bennett. Also nice to see that Treliving did not overspend on Vrbata/Burrows/Hansen/Vanek/insert rental here. Crafty move.


*Also of note, Treliving gave a two year extension to Hartley, fired him after one year, and hired Glen Gulutzan. I will let you decide for yourselves how to interpret this decision.


Something that Treliving seems to do consistently well is assess the trade market. He has a knack for swooping in on other teams, and grabbing their excess wealth for a very reasonable price (see Hamilton, Stone, Lazar). Also with trades, he seems to know when to pull the trigger. In other words, he gets pretty good value out of trades, not acting too early or too late (see Glencross, Hudler, Russel, Stone). I think Treliving's ability to trade is superior to many other NHL GMs. I am very impressed by Treliving's ability to trade.


Treliving also has a tendency of giving out large contracts on useful, but not elite players (see Engelland, Frolik, and to a lesser extent, Brouwer). I have no issue with these players nor their contracts, so long as they keep being useful to the team. It is clear that Treliving knows how to build a team, but part of me wonders if this will handcuff the team in a few years time, when they will inevitably need to acquire one last piece to put them over the top. That said, this is a few years away, and therefore the team has time. Also, the depth of this team will be very useful in the playoffs and  this cannot be overlooked. Therefore, I am cautiously optimistic about Treliving's ability to sign free agents.


In terms of Treliving's ability to resign players, he has resigned essentially everybody that he needs to. He got a steal of a deal on Brodie, and he paid about the right amount on Monahan (could have been better, could have been worse, see above). While he did take a long time to sign Gaudreau, he eventually got it done for about the right price (like Monahan, could have been better, could have been worse). I my estimation the Giordano contract was a little lofty, but I guess you gotta pay your captain. All in all, I am satisfied with Treliving's ability to resign his players.


This leaves drafting as the last category for assessment. While I did not take the time to look at all of draft picks under Treliving's watch, he has drafted the likes of Sam Bennett, Brandon Hickey, Andrew Mangiapane, Rasmus Andersson, Oliver Kylington, Adam Fox, Dillon Dube, Tyler Parsons, and Matthew Tkachuk. There are evidently some promising prospects in there, but only time will tell how good they are. That said, I am encouraged by Treliving's ability to draft.  


Evidently Treliving, like every other GM in the league has had some mistakes. Thankfully, he has not done anything that gravely jeopardizes the team for years to come. In fact, I believe he has done the complete opposite. Even more exciting is that Treliving's most questionable moves came at the start of his tenure, when he was still feeling out the team (a team which had just finished near the bottom of the standings). Treliving came in and did an admirable job, and is in position to have take this team to the playoffs for the 2nd time in 3 years. Evidently this is not all Treliving's doing - Feaster and better drafting deserve credit here - but nonetheless, Treliving has shown his ability to manage the hockey time. More than that, he has done it very well.


Considering all of these factors, I think Treliving absolutely deserves an extension. He has earned the right to keep building this team, hopefully into a Stanley Cup winner.

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7 hours ago, Bluejays524 said:

My analysis of Treliving's track record:


TRADED 3rd round pick for Brandon Bollig - Poor trade. Bollig is a great guy, but unfortunately, his cap hit and lack of points handcuffed the roster a little bit. Hopefully he has been a good leader for the young guys in the AHL.

SIGNED Mason Raymond to a 3 year, $9.5 million dollar contract - Poor signing. Treliving could have done much better. Still paying for the buyout this year and next. Raymond is a great guy, I wish him the best.

SIGNED Jonas Hiller to a 2 year, $9 million dollar contract - Meh. He helped us to the playoffs one year, faltered the next, left at free agency. No harm no fowl.

SIGNED Deryk Engelland to a 3 year, $8.75 million dollar contract - The AAV seemed a little high at the time, and maybe still does, but his leadership and play was crucial this year, and most probably will continue to be a big factor into the playoffs. Seems to have become a better signing over the course of the contract.

RE-SIGNED T.J. Brodie to a 5 year, $23.5 million dollar contract - How did we get him this cheap!?!? What a signing by Treliving!

TRADED Curtis Glencross for 2nd round, 3rd round picks - Excellent trade, especially given the fact that Glencross retired that off-season.

TRADED Sven Baertschi for 2nd round pick (Rasmus Andersson) - Probably pretty good timing for Treliving. Beartschi had expressed that he did not want to resign with Calgary. While Baertschi is doing reasonably with Vancouver, Andersson looks like he will also be pretty good (if not better). Probably the best we could have hoped for.

SIGNED Jakub Nakladal to a 1 year, <$1 million dollar contract - Good player, would have liked to see more of him.

RE-SIGNED Mikael Backlund to a 3 year, $10.725 million dollar contract - Like Engelland, the AAV may have seemed a little high at the time, but that has been absolutely disproved this year. One of the most valuable players on the team this year, proving how important it is to have depth down the centre. Like Engelland, the signing seems better over time.

TRADED 1st round pick, 2 2nd round picks for Dougie Hamilton - By far, without a doubt, Treliving's best move. Hamilton is an absolute stud, and will be for many years to come. A fantastic addition to a young team. Adds to the core, without removing from it. Saw an advantage with Boston's cap issues, took advantage of it.

RE-SIGNED Dougie Hamilton to a 6 year, $34 million dollar contract - Good value for this player. He will do nothing but get better until the end of the contract (barring injury of course). Absolutely fantastic trade and signing.

RE-SIGNED Karri Ramo to a 1 year, $3.8 million dollar contract - Not a great signing. Already had Hiller and Ortio, did not really need a third goalie of the same caliber. This moved somewhat handcuffed Hartley, and (in my opinion), was a big reason that Calgary missed the playoffs.

SIGNED Michael Frolik to a 5 year, $21.5 million dollar contract - Despite a high AAV, proved that he is a very useful player to the team. Would have liked to see a smaller cap hit, but can't complain too much when he addresses a need and brings value to the team. Also of note that Treliving signed Frolik over Matt Beleskey, which is seeming to be the correct choice.

RE-SIGNED Lance Bouma to a 3 year, $6.6 million dollar contract - Overpayment, classic case of getting caught up in heart&soul/one good season. Hopefully this leadership proves useful in the playoffs, would like to get some more value out of this signing.

RE-SIGNED Mark Giordano to a 6 year, $40.5 million dollar contract - As much as Giordano brings to this team, the AAV of the signing is high. This contract could very well handcuff the Flames moving forward, especially if Giordano gets injured, slows down etc... For now has good value. Time will tell if it stays this way.

WAIVED Paul Byron - Poor decision, especially when looking at this season's production with Montreal. Makes one wonder if it would have been better to keep Byron over the likes of Bouma, Bollig, Raymond, Ramo, etc...

TRADED Markus Granlund for Hunter Shinkaruk - Jury is still out on this one. Granlund didn't seem to have a roster spot, but will Shinkaruk? What about expansion draft? Time will tell.

TRADED Jiri Hudler for 2nd round pick (Tyler Parsons), 4th round pick - Good trade. Would have liked to see a little more coming back to Calgary, but forwards did not gain a lot of assets at that year's deadline. Also, considering the fact that Hudler has not found his 70+ point form since the trade, looks like a decent result.

TRADED Kris Russel for Jyrki Jokkipakka, Brett Pollock, 2nd round pick (Dillon Dube) - Pretty good value for a rental. Probably one of the better trades of the day, Treliving had good timing on this move.

TRADED David Jones for Niklas Backstrom, 6th round pick (Matthew Phillips) - Small deal in the grand scheme of things. Well done to get an asset for Jones, maybe he will make the NHL.

TRADED Patrick Sieloff for Alex Chiasson - Even though Chiasson hasn't worked out on the top line, glad that Treliving at least took a shot. Relatively small deal.

SINGED Troy Brouwer to a 4 year, $18 million dollar contract - This is looking like a poor signing, not because Brouwer is a poor player, but rather because he is being paid like a first liner. Hopefully he steps up and his leadership shines through during the playoffs.

SIGNED Chad Johnson to a 1 year, $1.7 million dollar contract - Good signing, he has played as expected. Reasonable cap hit.

SIGNED Kris Versteeg to a 1 year, <$1 million dollar contract - Fantastic signing, very well done by Treliving.

RE-SIGNED Sean Monahan to a 7 year, $44.6 million dollar contract - Signing needed to happen, probably came in the right price. Certainly didn't get a steal like he did with Brodie, but did not overpay either. Happy with signing as you gotta pay your first line centre.

RE-SIGNED Johnny Gaudreau to a 6 year, $40.5 million dollar contract - Took too long to sign, but paid the right price for him. Good signing.

SIGNED Matt Bartkowski to a 2 year, $1.3 million dollar contract - Great signing as he slides in to the third paring quite well. Perhaps more importantly, his signing ensures that Calgary does not have to expose one of Brodie, Giordano, or Hamilton at the expansion draft. Very crafty move by Treliving.

TRADED 3rd round pick, conditional 5th round pick for Michael Stone - Fantastic trade. Stone slides in very nicely on the second pairing, and gives Calgary some much needed depth on defense. Also acquired for a very low price. In fact, some GMs around the league were surpised that a relatively young RHS defenseman got moved so early for so little. Once again, Treliving saw an opportunity and took it.

TRADED Jyrki Jokkipakka, 2nd round pick for Curtis Lazar, Michael Kostka - Obviously way too early to tell, but in my opinion, a great (and underated move). Lazar has been a leader throughout his career, a can play centre or the wing. Hopefully he will find some chemistry with Bennett. Also nice to see that Treliving did not overspend on Vrbata/Burrows/Hansen/Vanek/insert rental here. Crafty move.


*Also of note, Treliving gave a two year extension to Hartley, fired him after one year, and hired Glen Gulutzan. I will let you decide for yourselves how to interpret this decision.


Something that Treliving seems to do consistently well is assess the trade market. He has a knack for swooping in on other teams, and grabbing their excess wealth for a very reasonable price (see Hamilton, Stone, Lazar). Also with trades, he seems to know when to pull the trigger. In other words, he gets pretty good value out of trades, not acting too early or too late (see Glencross, Hudler, Russel, Stone). I think Treliving's ability to trade is superior to many other NHL GMs. I am very impressed by Treliving's ability to trade.


Treliving also has a tendency of giving out large contracts on useful, but not elite players (see Engelland, Frolik, and to a lesser extent, Brouwer). I have no issue with these players nor their contracts, so long as they keep being useful to the team. It is clear that Treliving knows how to build a team, but part of me wonders if this will handcuff the team in a few years time, when they will inevitably need to acquire one last piece to put them over the top. That said, this is a few years away, and therefore the team has time. Also, the depth of this team will be very useful in the playoffs and  this cannot be overlooked. Therefore, I am cautiously optimistic about Treliving's ability to sign free agents.


In terms of Treliving's ability to resign players, he has resigned essentially everybody that he needs to. He got a steal of a deal on Brodie, and he paid about the right amount on Monahan (could have been better, could have been worse, see above). While he did take a long time to sign Gaudreau, he eventually got it done for about the right price (like Monahan, could have been better, could have been worse). I my estimation the Giordano contract was a little lofty, but I guess you gotta pay your captain. All in all, I am satisfied with Treliving's ability to resign his players.


This leaves drafting as the last category for assessment. While I did not take the time to look at all of draft picks under Treliving's watch, he has drafted the likes of Sam Bennett, Brandon Hickey, Andrew Mangiapane, Rasmus Andersson, Oliver Kylington, Adam Fox, Dillon Dube, Tyler Parsons, and Matthew Tkachuk. There are evidently some promising prospects in there, but only time will tell how good they are. That said, I am encouraged by Treliving's ability to draft.  


Evidently Treliving, like every other GM in the league has had some mistakes. Thankfully, he has not done anything that gravely jeopardizes the team for years to come. In fact, I believe he has done the complete opposite. Even more exciting is that Treliving's most questionable moves came at the start of his tenure, when he was still feeling out the team (a team which had just finished near the bottom of the standings). Treliving came in and did an admirable job, and is in position to have take this team to the playoffs for the 2nd time in 3 years. Evidently this is not all Treliving's doing - Feaster and better drafting deserve credit here - but nonetheless, Treliving has shown his ability to manage the hockey time. More than that, he has done it very well.


Considering all of these factors, I think Treliving absolutely deserves an extension. He has earned the right to keep building this team, hopefully into a Stanley Cup winner.

I will be shocked if BT is not given a new contract. BTW forgot Brian Elliott.

This offseason should or could allow BT to have the money in the right places for the future. We lose Wideman finally, if Brouwer is exposed and taken, a trade off of Stajan and Bouma would go a long way to righting the fiscal ship. I think BT has replenished the pipeline with quality and should be in good shape as the team moves forward.

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Treliving in all of his press dealings sure doesn't sound like a guy who is concerned about his future and certainly speaks like a guy who is planning to be here a long time. Would have been pretty easy to push all your chips in and try to "go for it" this year and instead his biggest move is to pick up someone who may not pay off for a year or 2. He's certainly not operating like a guy who doesn't plan to be here long term.


I still have to assume this is done and putting pen to paper is just a formality but i'm also not sure the Flames should keep this going. I think Treliving would be in high demand if ever got close to being a "free agent" and I think the longer you make him wait the more negotiating power you give him. By all accounts he is becoming extremely well thought of across the league. 


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19 hours ago, Bluejays524 said:

My analysis of Treliving's track record:


TRADED 3rd round pick for Brandon Bollig - Poor trade. Bollig is a great guy, but unfortunately, his cap hit and lack of points handcuffed the roster a little bit. Hopefully he has been a good leader for the young guys in the AHL.

SIGNED Mason Raymond to a 3 year, $9.5 million dollar contract - Poor signing. Treliving could have done much better. Still paying for the buyout this year and next. Raymond is a great guy, I wish him the best.

SIGNED Jonas Hiller to a 2 year, $9 million dollar contract - Meh. He helped us to the playoffs one year, faltered the next, left at free agency. No harm no fowl.

SIGNED Deryk Engelland to a 3 year, $8.75 million dollar contract - The AAV seemed a little high at the time, and maybe still does, but his leadership and play was crucial this year, and most probably will continue to be a big factor into the playoffs. Seems to have become a better signing over the course of the contract.

RE-SIGNED T.J. Brodie to a 5 year, $23.5 million dollar contract - How did we get him this cheap!?!? What a signing by Treliving!

TRADED Curtis Glencross for 2nd round, 3rd round picks - Excellent trade, especially given the fact that Glencross retired that off-season.

TRADED Sven Baertschi for 2nd round pick (Rasmus Andersson) - Probably pretty good timing for Treliving. Beartschi had expressed that he did not want to resign with Calgary. While Baertschi is doing reasonably with Vancouver, Andersson looks like he will also be pretty good (if not better). Probably the best we could have hoped for.

SIGNED Jakub Nakladal to a 1 year, <$1 million dollar contract - Good player, would have liked to see more of him.

RE-SIGNED Mikael Backlund to a 3 year, $10.725 million dollar contract - Like Engelland, the AAV may have seemed a little high at the time, but that has been absolutely disproved this year. One of the most valuable players on the team this year, proving how important it is to have depth down the centre. Like Engelland, the signing seems better over time.

TRADED 1st round pick, 2 2nd round picks for Dougie Hamilton - By far, without a doubt, Treliving's best move. Hamilton is an absolute stud, and will be for many years to come. A fantastic addition to a young team. Adds to the core, without removing from it. Saw an advantage with Boston's cap issues, took advantage of it.

RE-SIGNED Dougie Hamilton to a 6 year, $34 million dollar contract - Good value for this player. He will do nothing but get better until the end of the contract (barring injury of course). Absolutely fantastic trade and signing.

RE-SIGNED Karri Ramo to a 1 year, $3.8 million dollar contract - Not a great signing. Already had Hiller and Ortio, did not really need a third goalie of the same caliber. This moved somewhat handcuffed Hartley, and (in my opinion), was a big reason that Calgary missed the playoffs.

SIGNED Michael Frolik to a 5 year, $21.5 million dollar contract - Despite a high AAV, proved that he is a very useful player to the team. Would have liked to see a smaller cap hit, but can't complain too much when he addresses a need and brings value to the team. Also of note that Treliving signed Frolik over Matt Beleskey, which is seeming to be the correct choice.

RE-SIGNED Lance Bouma to a 3 year, $6.6 million dollar contract - Overpayment, classic case of getting caught up in heart&soul/one good season. Hopefully this leadership proves useful in the playoffs, would like to get some more value out of this signing.

RE-SIGNED Mark Giordano to a 6 year, $40.5 million dollar contract - As much as Giordano brings to this team, the AAV of the signing is high. This contract could very well handcuff the Flames moving forward, especially if Giordano gets injured, slows down etc... For now has good value. Time will tell if it stays this way.

WAIVED Paul Byron - Poor decision, especially when looking at this season's production with Montreal. Makes one wonder if it would have been better to keep Byron over the likes of Bouma, Bollig, Raymond, Ramo, etc...

TRADED Markus Granlund for Hunter Shinkaruk - Jury is still out on this one. Granlund didn't seem to have a roster spot, but will Shinkaruk? What about expansion draft? Time will tell.

TRADED Jiri Hudler for 2nd round pick (Tyler Parsons), 4th round pick - Good trade. Would have liked to see a little more coming back to Calgary, but forwards did not gain a lot of assets at that year's deadline. Also, considering the fact that Hudler has not found his 70+ point form since the trade, looks like a decent result.

TRADED Kris Russel for Jyrki Jokkipakka, Brett Pollock, 2nd round pick (Dillon Dube) - Pretty good value for a rental. Probably one of the better trades of the day, Treliving had good timing on this move.

TRADED David Jones for Niklas Backstrom, 6th round pick (Matthew Phillips) - Small deal in the grand scheme of things. Well done to get an asset for Jones, maybe he will make the NHL.

TRADED Patrick Sieloff for Alex Chiasson - Even though Chiasson hasn't worked out on the top line, glad that Treliving at least took a shot. Relatively small deal.

SINGED Troy Brouwer to a 4 year, $18 million dollar contract - This is looking like a poor signing, not because Brouwer is a poor player, but rather because he is being paid like a first liner. Hopefully he steps up and his leadership shines through during the playoffs.

SIGNED Chad Johnson to a 1 year, $1.7 million dollar contract - Good signing, he has played as expected. Reasonable cap hit.

SIGNED Kris Versteeg to a 1 year, <$1 million dollar contract - Fantastic signing, very well done by Treliving.

RE-SIGNED Sean Monahan to a 7 year, $44.6 million dollar contract - Signing needed to happen, probably came in the right price. Certainly didn't get a steal like he did with Brodie, but did not overpay either. Happy with signing as you gotta pay your first line centre.

RE-SIGNED Johnny Gaudreau to a 6 year, $40.5 million dollar contract - Took too long to sign, but paid the right price for him. Good signing.

SIGNED Matt Bartkowski to a 2 year, $1.3 million dollar contract - Great signing as he slides in to the third paring quite well. Perhaps more importantly, his signing ensures that Calgary does not have to expose one of Brodie, Giordano, or Hamilton at the expansion draft. Very crafty move by Treliving.

TRADED 3rd round pick, conditional 5th round pick for Michael Stone - Fantastic trade. Stone slides in very nicely on the second pairing, and gives Calgary some much needed depth on defense. Also acquired for a very low price. In fact, some GMs around the league were surpised that a relatively young RHS defenseman got moved so early for so little. Once again, Treliving saw an opportunity and took it.

TRADED Jyrki Jokkipakka, 2nd round pick for Curtis Lazar, Michael Kostka - Obviously way too early to tell, but in my opinion, a great (and underated move). Lazar has been a leader throughout his career, a can play centre or the wing. Hopefully he will find some chemistry with Bennett. Also nice to see that Treliving did not overspend on Vrbata/Burrows/Hansen/Vanek/insert rental here. Crafty move.


*Also of note, Treliving gave a two year extension to Hartley, fired him after one year, and hired Glen Gulutzan. I will let you decide for yourselves how to interpret this decision.


Something that Treliving seems to do consistently well is assess the trade market. He has a knack for swooping in on other teams, and grabbing their excess wealth for a very reasonable price (see Hamilton, Stone, Lazar). Also with trades, he seems to know when to pull the trigger. In other words, he gets pretty good value out of trades, not acting too early or too late (see Glencross, Hudler, Russel, Stone). I think Treliving's ability to trade is superior to many other NHL GMs. I am very impressed by Treliving's ability to trade.


Treliving also has a tendency of giving out large contracts on useful, but not elite players (see Engelland, Frolik, and to a lesser extent, Brouwer). I have no issue with these players nor their contracts, so long as they keep being useful to the team. It is clear that Treliving knows how to build a team, but part of me wonders if this will handcuff the team in a few years time, when they will inevitably need to acquire one last piece to put them over the top. That said, this is a few years away, and therefore the team has time. Also, the depth of this team will be very useful in the playoffs and  this cannot be overlooked. Therefore, I am cautiously optimistic about Treliving's ability to sign free agents.


In terms of Treliving's ability to resign players, he has resigned essentially everybody that he needs to. He got a steal of a deal on Brodie, and he paid about the right amount on Monahan (could have been better, could have been worse, see above). While he did take a long time to sign Gaudreau, he eventually got it done for about the right price (like Monahan, could have been better, could have been worse). I my estimation the Giordano contract was a little lofty, but I guess you gotta pay your captain. All in all, I am satisfied with Treliving's ability to resign his players.


This leaves drafting as the last category for assessment. While I did not take the time to look at all of draft picks under Treliving's watch, he has drafted the likes of Sam Bennett, Brandon Hickey, Andrew Mangiapane, Rasmus Andersson, Oliver Kylington, Adam Fox, Dillon Dube, Tyler Parsons, and Matthew Tkachuk. There are evidently some promising prospects in there, but only time will tell how good they are. That said, I am encouraged by Treliving's ability to draft.  


Evidently Treliving, like every other GM in the league has had some mistakes. Thankfully, he has not done anything that gravely jeopardizes the team for years to come. In fact, I believe he has done the complete opposite. Even more exciting is that Treliving's most questionable moves came at the start of his tenure, when he was still feeling out the team (a team which had just finished near the bottom of the standings). Treliving came in and did an admirable job, and is in position to have take this team to the playoffs for the 2nd time in 3 years. Evidently this is not all Treliving's doing - Feaster and better drafting deserve credit here - but nonetheless, Treliving has shown his ability to manage the hockey time. More than that, he has done it very well.


Considering all of these factors, I think Treliving absolutely deserves an extension. He has earned the right to keep building this team, hopefully into a Stanley Cup winner.



Thanks for the summary.  


Yes, there were definitely a few bad moves in his first year but he improved quickly after that.   Although, a good GM is only good enough to make the playoffs.  To win the Cup, we need a GREAT GM... like literally, he has to hit 10 out of 10 in trades, picks, signings, etc for a period of two years or so.  We haven't seen it yet.  If someone better becomes available, then we need to consider upgrading.  


After Darryl Sutter and Jay Feaster mis-managed this team to the ground (Sutter left our farm bare and Feaster wins 1 trade for ever 3 he loses), I think the bar has been set low.  But don't settle.  Not to say Treliving isn't improving further but there are reasons to criticize his moves.  His drafts have been average (not bad but not great) but again, average isn't going to win the Cup.  PTO invites of Higgins and signing of guys like Grossman are worrisome.  Signing Raymond from another team's PTO is worrisome.  Overpaying for Brouwer is worrisome and shows us the length of desperation he will go to if he needs to fill a position.  Obviously, Brouwer isn't a crippling signing like the Canucks with Eriksson or Oilers with Lucic so we are a bit lucky.  But to be great, where does he find a Panarin for free?  Last season the Pens made a bold trade for Phil Kessel (among a few others) and it paid the ultimate dividend.  Does Treliving have what it takes to pull off a trade like that?  I don't know.


The draft, Bennett and Tkachuk fell on his lap.  Other than that, I don't know who else will make the NHL with any impact.  Anderson, Kylington, Hickey, and Fox have some promise but may also never be more than a bottom pairing D.  Kaurnakhov bolted to Russia. McDonald and Smith weren't BPA picks and the Flames could've done so much better with Demko and anyone else other than Hunter Smith.  Mangiapane shows promise but remains a high risk high reward pick with high bust probability.  And last year's draft is too early to tell but looks improved thus far.


So to end, i don't mind seeing him back.  I think he works hard to always be in the know seeing what players are available out there.  Like for example, when the Flames acquired Dougie Hamilton, many GMs in the league said they didn't even know Hamilton was available.  Overall, Treliving has a good rapport with all the GMs in the league.  He gets out there and talks to people and builds good relationships.  These are all great attributes.  

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Some bad picks in the drafts, sure.  MacDonald over Demko - jury still out.  Kaurnakhov went to Russia since he was still just going to play junior here.


You can say PITT's GM is a great GM or had enough assets built over time to make good trades.  We lost Iggy and JBow for a song.  What is left is some good players and some great ones, but no top prospects that aren't playing.  How do you win trades with nothing great to trade with, other than your best players?  Could trade Gio at the top of his game or Hamilton.  Or trade a young star.  No great GM is going to fare out better in trades right now.


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1 hour ago, travel_dude said:



Some bad picks in the drafts, sure.  MacDonald over Demko - jury still out.  Kaurnakhov went to Russia since he was still just going to play junior here.


You can say PITT's GM is a great GM or had enough assets built over time to make good trades.  We lost Iggy and JBow for a song.  What is left is some good players and some great ones, but no top prospects that aren't playing.  How do you win trades with nothing great to trade with, other than your best players?  Could trade Gio at the top of his game or Hamilton.  Or trade a young star.  No great GM is going to fare out better in trades right now.


Yeah I dont know why people are still upset over the macdonald over demko thing, both havent exactly lit the world on fire in their first years pro. Although demko is playing in the AHL, its pretty hard to make a call at this point, just once again shows how much voodoo goalies can be.


The hunter smith pick, I dont really have a problem with. I know people think its the worst pick for BT, but 11 points in 34 games with a +8 isent great but its not terrible. Hes still only 21 and has been a bit of a late bloomer even in junior. Dont get me wrong, I dont think he will ever be a brandon saad or something, but he could be a very good bottom 6 player for us in a couple years.


Its not about just finding a panarin for free, its that panarin wanting to come play for your hockey club. I dont necessarily agree that a great GM needs to be like stan bowman, and finding panarin. Bowman hasent really had to do all that much in Chicago, other then maintain what was built by dale tallon. Yes hes won a couple cups, but hes also had his bad moments. 

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1 hour ago, travel_dude said:



Some bad picks in the drafts, sure.  MacDonald over Demko - jury still out.  Kaurnakhov went to Russia since he was still just going to play junior here.


You can say PITT's GM is a great GM or had enough assets built over time to make good trades.  We lost Iggy and JBow for a song.  What is left is some good players and some great ones, but no top prospects that aren't playing.  How do you win trades with nothing great to trade with, other than your best players?  Could trade Gio at the top of his game or Hamilton.  Or trade a young star.  No great GM is going to fare out better in trades right now.


The lengths some will go to question whether a GM is good or great is laughable. No GM bats 1000 with the moves he makes, they are all calculated risks. I love the overpaing comments because people fail to recognize in general you will overpay UFA and secondly UFAs generally don't want to go to teams rebuilding. BT knows what he is doing going in and likely has an exit strategy and timeframe for every player. Sure you can pick out the overpaying of some players like Raymond, Bouma, Bollig, Brouwer and even Frolik but if you sat down with BT I bet e would have a good counter argument for why he did what he did.

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5 minutes ago, AlbertaBoy12 said:

Yeah I dont know why people are still upset over the macdonald over demko thing, both havent exactly lit the world on fire in their first years pro. Although demko is playing in the AHL, its pretty hard to make a call at this point, just once again shows how much voodoo goalies can be.


The hunter smith pick, I dont really have a problem with. I know people think its the worst pick for BT, but 11 points in 34 games with a +8 isent great but its not terrible. Hes still only 21 and has been a bit of a late bloomer even in junior. Dont get me wrong, I dont think he will ever be a brandon saad or something, but he could be a very good bottom 6 player for us in a couple years.


Its not about just finding a panarin for free, its that panarin wanting to come play for your hockey club. I dont necessarily agree that a great GM needs to be like stan bowman, and finding panarin. Bowman hasent really had to do all that much in Chicago, other then maintain what was built by dale tallon. Yes hes won a couple cups, but hes also had his bad moments. 

The fact is you just don't know how any young prospect will turn out, other than the few obvious ones. You luck into players like Panarin because they emerge with the hard work and the right opportunity. The moves Bowman makes around his now mature core players feeds their consistent success, something the Flames are building towards but have a ways to go. I really like the possibilities of this Lazar acquisition, if he can bust out in a top 6 capacity we will all be happy.

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Just now, MAC331 said:

The fact is you just don't know how any young prospect will turn out, other than the few obvious ones. You luck into players like Panarin because they emerge with the hard work and the right opportunity. The moves Bowman makes around his now mature core players feeds their consistent success, something the Flames are building towards but have a ways to go. I really like the possibilities of this Lazar acquisition, if he can bust out in a top 6 capacity we will all be happy.

True. But with a player like panarin or vesey in new york even, the flames can be in on those players trying to sign them they still have to want to come to your team, I remember the flames being in on panarin. Yes bowman is good at making trades of the right players but the blackhawks of built up their prospect base over years and are really good at drafting, I think their scouts deserve just as much credit. To be honest even with a guy like panik thats their pro scouts doing good work recognizing a guy with good top end skill that can ride shot gun with toews. I dont think the flames are that far away, but I agree lazar could end up busting out into a top 6 player but if he ends up like frolik I wont be that upset.

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Just now, AlbertaBoy12 said:

True. But with a player like panarin or vesey in new york even, the flames can be in on those players trying to sign them they still have to want to come to your team, I remember the flames being in on panarin. Yes bowman is good at making trades of the right players but the blackhawks of built up their prospect base over years and are really good at drafting, I think their scouts deserve just as much credit. To be honest even with a guy like panik thats their pro scouts doing good work recognizing a guy with good top end skill that can ride shot gun with toews. I dont think the flames are that far away, but I agree lazar could end up busting out into a top 6 player but if he ends up like frolik I wont be that upset.

I have never looked, where did Panarin come from, out of college ? On your other comment, players will give your team serious consideration only when they see the situation best for them, if they have the freedom of choice. Bowman may have inherited a good situation however he is doing a continuously great job making it work.

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Only one GM wins the Cup per year.


I'm saying let's get that level of GM or judge BT against that level of GM.  We should not be satisfied with "win some lose some" results because that's not going to get it done.  So far, BT has won some and lost some.  Albeit, he is winning more than he is losing and so extrapolating his results over a long period of time, we can safely assume the good will accumulate to outweigh the bad significantly.  


So, I'm not saying BT needs to go, just that he isn't there yet.

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36 minutes ago, MAC331 said:

I have never looked, where did Panarin come from, out of college ? On your other comment, players will give your team serious consideration only when they see the situation best for them, if they have the freedom of choice. Bowman may have inherited a good situation however he is doing a continuously great job making it work.

He came out of the KHL, so he had plenty of experience to draw upon. Yes I agree the situation best for them, some guys look for oppurtunity, some want to win thats the real problem. While one guy might have looked at calgary the past couple years and said I get to play if I go there, other guys might have said they wont win anything, where as chicago there is a good shot at winning.

3 minutes ago, The_People1 said:

Only one GM wins the Cup per year.


I'm saying let's get that level of GM or judge BT against that level of GM.  We should not be satisfied with "win some lose some" results because that's not going to get it done.  So far, BT has won some and lost some.  Albeit, he is winning more than he is losing and so extrapolating his results over a long period of time, we can safely assume the good will accumulate to outweigh the bad significantly.  


So, I'm not saying BT needs to go, just that he isn't there yet.

You could definatly say the same things about bowman if thats who we are going to judge against. His bickell contract wasent exactly the best idea, for one example.




Gives a pretty good list of all his activity, and I wouldnt say he won on every deal, he definatly lost some. The comments by blackhawks fans on some of his deals are funny though.

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1 minute ago, The_People1 said:

Only one GM wins the Cup per year.


I'm saying let's get that level of GM or judge BT against that level of GM.  We should not be satisfied with "win some lose some" results because that's not going to get it done.  So far, BT has won some and lost some.  Albeit, he is winning more than he is losing and so extrapolating his results over a long period of time, we can safely assume the good will accumulate to outweigh the bad significantly.  


So, I'm not saying BT needs to go, just that he isn't there yet.

Fair enough however in discussing where he has been and considering a new contract one has to take in his body or work and I would say it is pretty good. Definitely deserving of a new contract. There isn't one hockey GM even the ones that have SC wins that haven't made a number of bad moves in getting there.

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9 minutes ago, The_People1 said:

Only one GM wins the Cup per year.


I'm saying let's get that level of GM or judge BT against that level of GM.  We should not be satisfied with "win some lose some" results because that's not going to get it done.  So far, BT has won some and lost some.  Albeit, he is winning more than he is losing and so extrapolating his results over a long period of time, we can safely assume the good will accumulate to outweigh the bad significantly.  


So, I'm not saying BT needs to go, just that he isn't there yet.


What GM has the perfect record you speak of?


Remember Rutherford hiring a coach out of Junior and have to fire him less than 2 year later? Remember him giving up a 1st round pick for David Perron only to have to move him less than a full season in? Remember him letting 2 of his top 4 d go with no replacements and almost causing his team to miss the playoffs the following season?

Stan Bowman signed Bryan Bickell to a contract. Traded NIck leddy for what turned out to be very poor return. 


When you are a GM and you have the likes of Crosby, Toews, Kane, Malkin, Keith, Letang etc you can get away with alot of mistakes and still look like a genius (and key point is that neither GM drafted any of those players). A mistake for Treliving right now gets magnified because the talent is quite there to mask it so I think you are holding him to an unrealistic standard. 

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1 hour ago, AlbertaBoy12 said:

Yeah I dont know why people are still upset over the macdonald over demko thing, both havent exactly lit the world on fire in their first years pro. Although demko is playing in the AHL, its pretty hard to make a call at this point, just once again shows how much voodoo goalies can be.


The hunter smith pick, I dont really have a problem with. I know people think its the worst pick for BT, but 11 points in 34 games with a +8 isent great but its not terrible. Hes still only 21 and has been a bit of a late bloomer even in junior. Dont get me wrong, I dont think he will ever be a brandon saad or something, but he could be a very good bottom 6 player for us in a couple years.


Its not about just finding a panarin for free, its that panarin wanting to come play for your hockey club. I dont necessarily agree that a great GM needs to be like stan bowman, and finding panarin. Bowman hasent really had to do all that much in Chicago, other then maintain what was built by dale tallon. Yes hes won a couple cups, but hes also had his bad moments. 

I'm in the camp that would have preferred Demko over Macdonald. We'd have USA Jr team goalie tandem in our system with Demko and Gillies and Macdonald hasn't really wowed anyone since being drafted. Hunter Smith is a bust. Would have rather we took Christian Dvorak or anyone really. Bottom line, the Flames have had some misses like any other team but we're no longer a complete draft and development disaster. BT has done well, i mentioned in another thread we now have 5 1st Rd picks from 2013 in our system now. They won't all pan out but we all know where this organization used to be as far as prospects and depth go.

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14 minutes ago, cross16 said:


What GM has the perfect record you speak of?


Remember Rutherford hiring a coach out of Junior and have to fire him less than 2 year later? Remember him giving up a 1st round pick for David Perron only to have to move him less than a full season in? Remember him letting 2 of his top 4 d go with no replacements and almost causing his team to miss the playoffs the following season?

Stan Bowman signed Bryan Bickell to a contract. Traded NIck leddy for what turned out to be very poor return. 


When you are a GM and you have the likes of Crosby, Toews, Kane, Malkin, Keith, Letang etc you can get away with alot of mistakes and still look like a genius (and key point is that neither GM drafted any of those players). A mistake for Treliving right now gets magnified because the talent is quite there to mask it so I think you are holding him to an unrealistic standard. 


And Bowman never won a Cup again after Bickell's horrible contract.  But pre-draft Bickell's contract, he was pretty flawless. Nick Leddy was still an unknown commodity at the time of his trade and you could argue Bowman got fair value for him based on that fact.  Pre-Bickell contract, Bowman is a great standard of measure.


Rutherford saw a fit for Kessel and Schultz and won those deals.  Made a coaching change mid-season which turned the team around.  A series of amazing moves in a short period of time.  This period of touch is also a good measure.


Lombardi in LA also, had a steak of greatness that we could measure BT against.

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It would have been very interesting to see how BT would have handled the trades with Iginla, Cammy, Boumeester etc..I'd imagine he'd haul in a greater return. Flames have been lucky to atleast grown players like Gio, Brodie, Monny and JH from within, its still wasn't  a ton to work with and i think we've seen greater depth and better quality being acquired since the BT era. Feaster's legacy is riding very much on Janko, we'll be rid of the last of his contracts in Smid/Widemen and BT can really say the Flames are 100% his team. For those who aren't fans of BT, who would your prefer as the GM..thats available??

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25 minutes ago, The_People1 said:


And Bowman never won a Cup again after Bickell's horrible contract.  But pre-draft Bickell's contract, he was pretty flawless. Nick Leddy was still an unknown commodity at the time of his trade and you could argue Bowman got fair value for him based on that fact.  Pre-Bickell contract, Bowman is a great standard of measure.


Rutherford saw a fit for Kessel and Schultz and won those deals.  Made a coaching change mid-season which turned the team around.  A series of amazing moves in a short period of time.  This period of touch is also a good measure.


Lombardi in LA also, had a steak of greatness that we could measure BT against.

Stick with Bowman because I think Rutherford and Lombardi are average at best if you dare start tracking back on their bodies of work. We really have nothing to complain about with how BT has gone about this rebuild period.

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41 minutes ago, The_People1 said:


And Bowman never won a Cup again after Bickell's horrible contract.  But pre-draft Bickell's contract, he was pretty flawless. Nick Leddy was still an unknown commodity at the time of his trade and you could argue Bowman got fair value for him based on that fact.  Pre-Bickell contract, Bowman is a great standard of measure.


Rutherford saw a fit for Kessel and Schultz and won those deals.  Made a coaching change mid-season which turned the team around.  A series of amazing moves in a short period of time.  This period of touch is also a good measure.


Lombardi in LA also, had a steak of greatness that we could measure BT against.


Actually they won the cup 2 years into the deal. Bickell's contract was signed in 2013, Hawks won 2015 cup. Leddy was a solid top 4 dman, borderline top 3, that got dealt for picks/prospects. He got cap space back, which is what he really needed, so it's not like an colossal error but it wasn't a great trade either. Also you criticzie Treliving's draft record but have you looked at Bowman's? Lots of misses. 


I also don't understand the logic of taking a GM's best period of time and then saying this is the benchmark that Treliving needs to be held too. Rutherford almost ran the Penguins into the ground and if it weren't for Mike Sullivan he likely is already out the door. I don't understand how you ignore a a terrible record 1 year but a great the next and only use that as the benchmark. 

I think you are also conveniently leaving out Rutherford's record for the last several years he spent running the Hurricanes. I get its a different team but that is part of my point. You have talent the likes of what Rutherford/Bowman have its MUCH easier to GM and much easier to avoid mistakes. 


My point is that even the best GMs in the league lose trades and make errors. To be the best GM IMO you 1- don't repeat errors and 2- win more than you lose consistently. Treliving is well on his way. If you expect more I would argue your standards are unrealistic. 

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29 minutes ago, cross16 said:


Actually they won the cup 2 years into the deal. Bickell's contract was signed in 2013, Hawks won 2015 cup. Leddy was a solid top 4 dman, borderline top 3, that got dealt for picks/prospects. He got cap space back, which is what he really needed, so it's not like an colossal error but it wasn't a great trade either. Also you criticzie Treliving's draft record but have you looked at Bowman's? Lots of misses. 


I also don't understand the logic of taking a GM's best period of time and then saying this is the benchmark that Treliving needs to be held too. Rutherford almost ran the Penguins into the ground and if it weren't for Mike Sullivan he likely is already out the door. I don't understand how you ignore a a terrible record 1 year but a great the next and only use that as the benchmark. 

I think you are also conveniently leaving out Rutherford's record for the last several years he spent running the Hurricanes. I get its a different team but that is part of my point. You have talent the likes of what Rutherford/Bowman have its MUCH easier to GM and much easier to avoid mistakes. 


My point is that even the best GMs in the league lose trades and make errors. To be the best GM IMO you 1- don't repeat errors and 2- win more than you lose consistently. Treliving is well on his way. If you expect more I would argue your standards are unrealistic. 


For some reason I thought Bickell's contract was signed in the summer of 2015 after they won the Cup.  I will have to take that back.  

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14 hours ago, The_People1 said:



 But to be great, where does he find a Panarin for free?  


Also worth pointing out, that under Treliving the Flames were a runner up for Panarin's services. He passed and picked Chicago but they were very close. Hard to compete when you can offer a spot in the lineup with the likes of Toews, Kane, Hossa etc. 

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When it's comes to drafting there seems to be a lot of criticism around the 2014 draft for the Flames and specifically the 2nd round. While it is warranted I wonder how much of that you want to put in Treliving. He had been the GM for about 2 months before that draft so outside of Sam Bennett I question how much influence he really could have had. I also think you've seen a substantial change from thst 2014 draft to the next two in 15/16 drafts in terms of who they target and what type of players they are looking for which furthers my question of how much Treliving had to do with the 14 draft. 


For me when hen it comes to his drafting I like where it is going and focus less on the 14 draft. I think he has made the proper changes. 

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