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The Official Calgary Flames "New Arena" thread


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On 6/24/2024 at 2:49 PM, cross16 said:

Water main work likely delaying a lot of this though. 


Huge sore spot for me. In 2000-2001 I was part of an analysis, within my company, to come up with a plan to assess water main inspections. I had done similar in London, ON with good results.

So I was initially given Calgary because I lived there. We had solid, though not perfect, remote field eddy current inspection that was decent, and we could prove out healthy underground distances.

Our company was Edmonton-based.

In zero time, the powers that be decided to replace me with some wizard from Houston, because he was the Satoshi Nakamoto and the job was important.

He got busted at the 4th St(I think) Safeway for running out without paying for goods, into a company truck, all caught on camera. So my company told the cops which hotel room, aaaand they busted him with crack too.


I quit immediately. I've never been so effing insulted.

I might still be in Calgary if I hadn't been so outright humiliated. And I can't guarantee it, but in how the technologies grow by leaps and bounds almost yearly, not to be arrogant, but I can bet I would have had this little nightmare not happen.

I've been reading up on it a lot. The quotes are a riot. "It shouldn't...". Wow, you guys are experts. The Bearspaw breach was classic. "There's no reason". lol

Guys, you're in the foothills of a mountain range. If you don't sand pad the Satoshi Nakamoto out of it, guess what? It's going to move anyways. The foothills are lethal for pipelines. It will break your Satoshi Nakamoto. Ask BP, Plains, Shell, Pembina etc.

This isn't new information.

Every breach, break, leak is human error. Pure stupidity/lack of understanding/9-5 job not caring.

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11 minutes ago, Thebrewcrew said:

initially, I wondered what the point of a new scoreboard in the dome was, with there only being three or four seasons remaining.


I think it speaks to ownership being concerned about what’s coming. The on-ice product may not be very good. Try to enhance the experience to get people to buy tickets.


They say the technology is outdated and no longer supported by the supplier, so I guess its also an issue of if something goes wrong they have no way to fix it.  I'm just excited about the possibility of being able to clearly see a replay from my seats.

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