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The Official Calgary Flames "New Arena" thread


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12 minutes ago, phoenix66 said:

He always viewed the arena separate, until election time when he fumbled and showed it there ..  now they have defined it as ONE project (made of up of 4 projects)  if one fails they likely all fail ..this is what Nenshi has chosen as his legacy , and hes aware he may only get one final term to do it


Here are the 2 Vic Park failed proposals, i wont get  into the good or bad of either, just that the City Never offered to use the CRL..That I think will be the biggest thing that allows this to get headway this time 





Image result for flames arena proposal







Image result for flames arena proposal


I'm pretty confident Nenshi can weasel out of this by rejecting every single strategy on the table and chalk it up as he's working towards finding the best strategy.

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5 minutes ago, cross16 said:


What you are saying may be factual true, but like I said earlier all this is for me is a fancy way of delivering what is essentially the same message. All of this was on the table 2 years ago so if if was Nenshi as the only road block then(doubt it as he is just a mere 1 vote on council) Council should have found a way around it instead of delaying everything 2 years. 


But this council is a small step above useless so this really doesn't surprise me at all, it's just disappointing to get dragged through all of this to yield what appears to be heading to the same result everyone could have had years ago. 

I totally agree. thats a big reason I ran last time, they are essentially useless .. 2 of the new ones are the only bright spots (Davison and Farkas)

I think many of them also secretly believed the Olympics will happen and they could score free cash that way 

not much of a different script than many cities tho .. we;ve done the "both sides ask for the moon trash each other and walk away" phase .. next is the reasonable looking for a win - win phase .. that will at some point have an impasse that is resolved in round 3 shortly after 


no denying as well, it became a personal issue between King and Nenshi .. and that was never going to end well

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1 minute ago, The_People1 said:


I'm pretty confident Nenshi can weasel out of this by rejecting every single strategy on the table and chalk it up as he's working towards finding the best strategy.

yes , but now hes one vote at the ratification table . he has 0 say in what is proposed, only in yay or nay to what gets accepted 

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5 minutes ago, phoenix66 said:

I totally agree. thats a big reason I ran last time, they are essentially useless .. 2 of the new ones are the only bright spots (Davison and Farkas)

I think many of them also secretly believed the Olympics will happen and they could score free cash that way 

not much of a different script than many cities tho .. we;ve done the "both sides ask for the moon trash each other and walk away" phase .. next is the reasonable looking for a win - win phase .. that will at some point have an impasse that is resolved in round 3 shortly after 


no denying as well, it became a personal issue between King and Nenshi .. and that was never going to end well


No question, it has followed the script for sure. For me on this I'm always hopefully my city can break the trend and be smarter but that was probably asking too much to begin with. 

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2 minutes ago, cross16 said:


No question, it has followed the script for sure. For me on this I'm always hopefully my city can break the trend and be smarter but that was probably asking too much to begin with. 

I'm gonna make a prediction .. money this time will not be an issue , both sides will agree on who pays how much 


Sticking points will be :(and i'll leave my personal belief of what it should be out of it.. just the points )


1) Area development - how much stake, or input,  will the Flames have in the development of retail and buildings surrounding

2) Property taxes/ rent/ ownership of building 

3)Parking / Transit revenue

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20 minutes ago, phoenix66 said:

 .. we;ve done the "both sides ask for the moon trash each other and walk away" phase .. next is the reasonable looking for a win - win phase .. that will at some point have an impasse that is resolved in round 3 shortly after 


Straight out of Trump's Art of the Deal.  


We all understand we will get there eventually but we also understand we have to go through the phases.  

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25 minutes ago, cross16 said:


No question, it has followed the script for sure. For me on this I'm always hopefully my city can break the trend and be smarter but that was probably asking too much to begin with. 


I agree it's disappointing there's no fresh ideas.  CRL is the best they can do.  

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2 hours ago, phoenix66 said:

I did .. Ward 12..     Had a good feeling Keating wasnt going anywhere cuz hes in the pocket of too many developers , but gave it a good shot.


It's kind of coming back to me now.  You mentioned you were running in Off Topic before.  Ya that Ward has a lot of new communities.  Wouldn't surprise me developers would have their hands all over Keating.


And whoever is in the seat for Ward 2 and 3, I'd like to punch them in the face too.

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3 minutes ago, The_People1 said:


It's kind of coming back to me now.  You mentioned you were running in Off Topic before.  Ya that Ward has a lot of new communities.  Wouldn't surprise me developers would have their hands all over Keating.


And whoever is in the seat for Ward 2 and 3, I'd like to punch them in the face too.

That would be Joe Magliocca and Jyoti Gondek.. stand in line ..hahaha , Jyoti is a rookie who thinks she knows everything 

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On 3/5/2019 at 1:48 PM, phoenix66 said:

That would be Joe Magliocca and Jyoti Gondek.. stand in line ..hahaha , Jyoti is a rookie who thinks she knows everything 


Maybe be I won't punch them literally but they need to complete the 14 St overpass over Stoney Tr.  The Ward lines are drawn on the 14 St boundary.  I wonder who has responsibility over it.

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On 2019-03-05 at 1:48 PM, phoenix66 said:

That would be Joe Magliocca and Jyoti Gondek.. stand in line ..hahaha , Jyoti is a rookie who thinks she knows everything 

Magliocca is my councillor unfortunately. Useless IMO. 


My MLA is a ship jumper. She left the NDP for the Alberta Party. I wrote her over a year ago when she jumped ship to inform her that I would be actively involved in the next election to do my best to end her career in politics (and I will be active). I am going to be at every debate, and I will be noticed. She asked for my contact info to discuss the matter and never did. Big shock. I told her that if she had not figured out her morals or her political compass by the time that she runs for election, then she has not thought out morality. The time for thinking about where you sit on the political spectrum is BEFORE you run for office.


Jyoti is new to council and may thus be prone to a few rookie mistakes, but I have known her for about a decade, and I would say she is a decent, moral person.

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1 hour ago, Cowtownguy said:

Magliocca is my councillor unfortunately. Useless IMO. 


My MLA is a ship jumper. She left the NDP for the Alberta Party. I wrote her over a year ago when she jumped ship to inform her that I would be actively involved in the next election to do my best to end her career in politics (and I will be active). I am going to be at every debate, and I will be noticed. She asked for my contact info to discuss the matter and never did. Big shock. I told her that if she had not figured out her morals or her political compass by the time that she runs for election, then she has not thought out morality. The time for thinking about where you sit on the political spectrum is BEFORE you run for office.


Jyoti is new to council and may thus be prone to a few rookie mistakes, but I have known her for about a decade, and I would say she is a decent, moral person.


I never understood why Canada allows "crossing the floor".  These people get voted into government by their constituents to represent the region's political views and ideologies.  At what point can these people decide on their own accord that they will switch parties?  

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1 hour ago, Cowtownguy said:

Magliocca is my councillor unfortunately. Useless IMO. 


My MLA is a ship jumper. She left the NDP for the Alberta Party. I wrote her over a year ago when she jumped ship to inform her that I would be actively involved in the next election to do my best to end her career in politics (and I will be active). I am going to be at every debate, and I will be noticed. She asked for my contact info to discuss the matter and never did. Big shock. I told her that if she had not figured out her morals or her political compass by the time that she runs for election, then she has not thought out morality. The time for thinking about where you sit on the political spectrum is BEFORE you run for office.


Jyoti is new to council and may thus be prone to a few rookie mistakes, but I have known her for about a decade, and I would say she is a decent, moral person.

couldn't agree more.. Love what Kenney proposed in his platform.. if you decide to leave your party,  you either sit as an independant or need to do a by election under the new banner you're choosing .. No more floor crossing 


My only wish in this whole stadium thing at this stage, is people in power need to wait to pound their opinion . Nothing is known , so to stir up emotions before we the people have facts to deal with is just speculation and opening the door to mob mentality

I've loved everything Farkas has done so far , except to call a Town Hall over the arena , just because he has no facts to give them.. just the fact that soem cuoncillors are preaching taxes will go up ,and others are saying No ,  tells me they dont have the info yet either

And people, need to realize, they have approved / agreed to negotiate .. nothing more.. when there is something to weigh and look at , great , I'll give my opinion then

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Since the subject came up after the Flames made their proposal for an arena complex along the river, I'll add this here...


Have to wonder why the site of a "creosote" wood treatment in Edmonton is getting so much attention while a similar situation in Calgary gets ignored...   The province plans to take steps to re-mediate the site located in Edmonton if the companies involved do not complete the work before May...   https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/domtar-high-levels-of-cancer-1.5047771


They are not fooling around getting this site in Edmonton cleaned up...


From 2016:   https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/pretty-nasty-chemicals-alberta-orders-cleanup-at-former-creosote-treatment-plant-in-edmonton-1.3912726


From 2016, updated 2018:    https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/domtar-northeast-edmonton-dioxins-furans-1.4580057


Any thoughts of clean up efforts in Calgary have been swept under a rug and then ignored and forgotten as if a serious problem does not exist...


Calgary is lucky that they have not been sued...   Yet...  

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6 hours ago, Carty said:

Since the subject came up after the Flames made their proposal for an arena complex along the river, I'll add this here...


Have to wonder why the site of a "creosote" wood treatment in Edmonton is getting so much attention while a similar situation in Calgary gets ignored...   The province plans to take steps to re-mediate the site located in Edmonton if the companies involved do not complete the work before May...   https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/domtar-high-levels-of-cancer-1.5047771


They are not fooling around getting this site in Edmonton cleaned up...


From 2016:   https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/pretty-nasty-chemicals-alberta-orders-cleanup-at-former-creosote-treatment-plant-in-edmonton-1.3912726


From 2016, updated 2018:    https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/domtar-northeast-edmonton-dioxins-furans-1.4580057


Any thoughts of clean up efforts in Calgary have been swept under a rug and then ignored and forgotten as if a serious problem does not exist...


Calgary is lucky that they have not been sued...   Yet...  


Where does that water in Calgary run to? Or the one in Edmonton?


my bet is the one in Calgary runs into an Indigenous reserve while the one in Edmonton runs into the cities drinking supply? lol 


i was talking king with a coworker the other day, and she brought up the term environmental racism. Government and companies think it’s ok to put pipelines through indigenous land, but when suggested in mainstream society backyards there is uproar by those locals.... just food for thought. 

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9 hours ago, robrob74 said:

Where does that water in Calgary run to? Or the one in Edmonton?


my bet is the one in Calgary runs into an Indigenous reserve while the one in Edmonton runs into the cities drinking supply? lol 


Unlike Calgary, Edmonton's contaminated site is not close to a river, but somehow it has been prioritized for re-mediation...   The Bow River that runs through Calgary begins in the Rocky Mountains and winds through the Alberta foothills onto the prairies, where it meets the Oldman River, the two then forming the South Saskatchewan River... These waters ultimately flow through the Nelson River into Hudson Bay, so the waters that start in the Bow are important to many places downstream...



i was talking king with a coworker the other day, and she brought up the term environmental racism.


Your co-worker is just another virtue signalling moron...   Trying to associate building a pipeline with so-called "environmental racism" is pathetic and weak...



Government and companies think it’s ok to put pipelines through indigenous land, but when suggested in mainstream society backyards there is uproar by those locals.... just food for thought. 


Indigenous are still trying to block the pipeline, but the rest of the pipeline routing has been approved...   Show me one group of indigenous people currently trying to block the pipeline that does not happily and hypocritically use petroleum based products and by-products for many things including heating homes, gas for vehicles, plastics, clothing, and several thousand other everyday needs...   The indigenous anti pipeline groups are not the only hypocrites, as the same applies to anyone else guilty of similar hypocrisy...   One has to wonder what the carbon footprints of Justin Trudeau, Jagmeet Singh and Elizabeth May are, and what the carbon footprints of the idiots currently in power in B.C. John Horgan and Andrew Weaver are...   They are all just impostors and posers trying to stay in power and line their own pockets in the process...    We all agree that pollution is destructive and there is much work to be done to find ways to minimize it, but that work has to be done in a logical way to find actual and viable solutions, and people just spewing 'feel good' rhetoric is not a solution...   Currently we are all dependent on petroleum based products and by-products, and there is no immediate way around that...   Those that say "just keep the oil in the ground" should either immediately stop using all petroleum industry related products, or they should just shut up and admit they are just a hypocrite...     It is one choice or the other...   Just food for thought...

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9 hours ago, robrob74 said:


Where does that water in Calgary run to? Or the one in Edmonton?


my bet is the one in Calgary runs into an Indigenous reserve while the one in Edmonton runs into the cities drinking supply? lol 


According to Oilers President Bob Nicholson, there's something in the water in Edmonton.... 

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50 minutes ago, Carty said:

We all agree that pollution is destructive and there is much work to be done to find ways to minimize it, but that work has to be done in a logical way to find actual and viable solutions, and people just spewing 'feel good' rhetoric is not a solution...   


We all care about the environment.  Conservatives, liberals, indigenous, immigrants, everybody, etc.  The difference is, those on the Left believe we need big daddy government to get involved.  Those on the Right believe free market forces will take care of it and that little to no government need to get involved.


Truth is, we probably need a mix of both.


But nowhere is there truth in "the Right don't care about the environment".  That's all political propaganda and identity politics in play by the Leftist controlled media.  The Right and Left merely don't agree on the path forward on the solution but we all want the outcome to be the same.  We all want the environment to improve.

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1 hour ago, Carty said:


Indigenous are still trying to block the pipeline, but the rest of the pipeline routing has been approved...   Show me one group of indigenous people currently trying to block the pipeline that does not happily and hypocritically use petroleum based products and by-products for many things including heating homes, gas for vehicles, plastics, clothing, and several thousand other everyday needs...   The indigenous anti pipeline groups are not the only hypocrites, as the same applies to anyone else guilty of similar hypocrisy...   One has to wonder what the carbon footprints of Justin Trudeau, Jagmeet Singh and Elizabeth May are, and what the carbon footprints of the idiots currently in power in B.C. John Horgan and Andrew Weaver are...   They are all just impostors and posers trying to stay in power and line their own pockets in the process...    We all agree that pollution is destructive and there is much work to be done to find ways to minimize it, but that work has to be done in a logical way to find actual and viable solutions, and people just spewing 'feel good' rhetoric is not a solution...   Currently we are all dependent on petroleum based products and by-products, and there is no immediate way around that...   Those that say "just keep the oil in the ground" should either immediately stop using all petroleum industry related products, or they should just shut up and admit they are just a hypocrite...     It is one choice or the other...   Just food for thought...

But.....but...... my sandals are made of hemp, I ride my bike to the protests, and I get my groceries at Whole Foods! If no one listens to my outrage then what do I have left?

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10 hours ago, The_People1 said:

those on the Left believe we need big daddy government to get involved.  Those on the Right believe free market forces will take care of it and that little to no government need to get involved.


Re bolded:   I am on the right, but I believe that putting a serious amount of money into more research to find actual and viable solutions to work towards limiting the amount of pollution that we produce as much as possible, and to also curtail the effects of, and clean up pollution that already exists...   Until we do find all of the best answers, that is the best way to deal with it...   Taxes that will only end up going towards funding and furthering other leftest agendas are not a solution to the problem...   There is a problem with the lack of logic for the so-called "progressives", and also any of the 'other' groups of people that always seem to have their hands out asking for more money, that want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, because none of them have any freakin' clue as to how to find a realistic alternative for those eggs, including the eggs that they use every single day themselves, or where the money that used to come from selling the extra golden eggs will come from to buy things that they all need and other extra things that they want...

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