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Well, we carried 3 goalies for a reason right?


Hiller's neck definitely snapped backwards in the collision with Ryan.  It could be a shoulder/neck type injury.  Could also be a concussion.  I would be surprised if Hiller is not put on IR and Ramo recalled right away.


Except that they said "lower body injury".

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About 2 minutes before Hillers injury I wanted him waived and Ramo called back, then he got injured. Ramo is definitely coming back and hopefully with Hiller out of the picture is able to string together some games. Hillers injury to me looks like a knee injury, and those are rarely good ones for a goalie. 

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About 2 minutes before Hillers injury I wanted him waived and Ramo called back, then he got injured. Ramo is definitely coming back and hopefully with Hiller out of the picture is able to string together some games. Hillers injury to me looks like a knee injury, and those are rarely good ones for a goalie. 


Looked like a knee injury to me as well.   Definitely not the way anybody wanted this story to end, but I would have to agree, it looked bad.   Let's hope it wasn't as bad as it looked.  


I hope he recovers fully and quickly.   His recovery is more important than our current three-goaltender issue.    I hate it when goalies get crashed like that.

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Logic to me would dictate that you pick either Ortio or Ramo, Ortio would be my choice, and give them the next 3-5 gamse no matter what and see what they can do. Stop with the one and done and give the guy a guy the net and see if he can run with it.


The Flames have several issues to fix so I agree with the consensus that this is not just on the goaltending, but IMO goaltending is at the top of their list of problems right now. I don't care how the team is playing if you get below avg goaltending in the NHL you are done and have no shot and right now the Flames are getting below average goaltending. Some of the goals Hiller let in, ya there were mistakes up front but you have goalies to pick up the team when mistakes happen. I didn't see the first 1 but out of the next 4 you have to make saves on at least 2 of them, and if the argument is well they were mistakes up front and not Hiller's fault then clearly we dont' have high enough expectations of our goalie and need to get a new one ASAP.

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Logic to me would dictate that you pick either Ortio or Ramo, Ortio would be my choice, and give them the next 3-5 gamse no matter what and see what they can do. Stop with the one and done and give the guy a guy the net and see if he can run with it.


The Flames have several issues to fix so I agree with the consensus that this is not just on the goaltending, but IMO goaltending is at the top of their list of problems right now. I don't care how the team is playing if you get below avg goaltending in the NHL you are done and have no shot and right now the Flames are getting below average goaltending. Some of the goals Hiller let in, ya there were mistakes up front but you have goalies to pick up the team when mistakes happen. I didn't see the first 1 but out of the next 4 you have to make saves on at least 2 of them, and if the argument is well they were mistakes up front and not Hiller's fault then clearly we dont' have high enough expectations of our goalie and need to get a new one ASAP.


Ortio is getting the start against Montreal.  That is a smart move IMHO.  He has played more recently than Ramo.  He showed well enough to get the start.  If he plays well enough, I think you need to give him the net against the Oilers.  You have to go with momentum, not go back to the well expecting a different result.

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What a roller coaster for these GT’s.  A few days ago Ramo is sent to Stockton thinking he is done………… Hiller then goes down to injury and Ortio has a couple of poor performances.  Ramo gets called back and has a chance at redemption.  If Ramo plays well over the coming week I could see Ortio sent down when Hiller becomes available.   Round and round and round and round and………

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What a roller coaster for these GT’s.  A few days ago Ramo is sent to Stockton thinking he is done………… Hiller then goes down to injury and Ortio has a couple of poor performances.  Ramo gets called back and has a chance at redemption.  If Ramo plays well over the coming week I could see Ortio sent down when Hiller becomes available.   Round and round and round and round and………


I am beginning to think we are going to go after one of Anaheim's goalies or call up Gillies.  If Ramo wins in EDM, he will be kept and somebody will get waived upon Hiller's return.  Speaking of Hiller. why isn't he on IR.  They said one week, but he is listed as being week to week.  Either way, 7 days is enough to go on IR and call up some other type of help.

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It looks like Ramo is in tonight...




Appropriate that for Halloween we get "scary" goaltending.  The Oiler fans will be "Booooing" every save, as well as drinking mass quantities of "booos".


Such is the curse of the Flames backup.  Don't get a start for long periods of time, then get one start and get hammered.  No 2nd starts.  Ortio was not good, but he wasn't the 3rd best coming out of camp.

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Appropriate that for Halloween we get "scary" goaltending.  The Oiler fans will be "Booooing" every save, as well as drinking mass quantities of "booos".


Such is the curse of the Flames backup.  Don't get a start for long periods of time, then get one start and get hammered.  No 2nd starts.  Ortio was not good, but he wasn't the 3rd best coming out of camp.


I think a number of us are of the opinion that Ortio should have got a start much sooner...   Waiting that long for him to finally be put in for a few games when the team is behind the 8 ball and hasn't been playing well was probably a bad idea...   He looked just rattled last night and it seemed as if the pressure was getting to him...

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I think a number of us are of the opinion that Ortio should have got a start much sooner...   Waiting that long for him to finally be put in for a few games when the team is behind the 8 ball and hasn't been playing well was probably a bad idea...   He looked just rattled last night and it seemed as if the pressure was getting to him...


If there was a possibility of sending Ortio down for an AHL conditioning stint, it would be a good time as any.  Call up Simpson as a backup, but keep Ramo in nets.  I think it's an option if the goalie agrees to it.  He isn't ready or comfortable, so he would likely agree to get the reps in.  The other option would be to call up Gillies to do the same thing, but Gillies also needs to play.  


Problem was created right out of camp. Ramo shouldn't have been waived for the sake of carrying Bollig.  He was playing as good as Hiller.  And Hiller should not have gotten a game as soon as Ramo was waived.

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What do you think of our current goalie coach?

I know Burke seems to have been great for goalies for the Coyotes. 

If there was a possibility of sending Ortio down for an AHL conditioning stint, it would be a good time as any.  Call up Simpson as a backup, but keep Ramo in nets.  I think it's an option if the goalie agrees to it.  He isn't ready or comfortable, so he would likely agree to get the reps in.  The other option would be to call up Gillies to do the same thing, but Gillies also needs to play.  


Problem was created right out of camp. Ramo shouldn't have been waived for the sake of carrying Bollig.  He was playing as good as Hiller.  And Hiller should not have gotten a game as soon as Ramo was waived.


IF it was just Hiller and Ortio, or just Ramo and Ortio, do you think Ortio would still get the games? He'd still be in every other game and sitting too much, not getting into any kind of groove. Although, you look at Condon last night, or other goalies, you can't make the excuse that they've sat too long. It takes that one game to prove themselves. It's the nature of the beast that is pro hockey. 


Ortio may have started the same if he was #2 and you can't just give him a string of starts and hope that he's going to get better, not at the NHL level. 

I think a number of us are of the opinion that Ortio should have got a start much sooner...   Waiting that long for him to finally be put in for a few games when the team is behind the 8 ball and hasn't been playing well was probably a bad idea...   He looked just rattled last night and it seemed as if the pressure was getting to him...


But he got a start earlier and was in two games in relief. In this business you have to be ready to play.

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What do you think of our current goalie coach?

I know Burke seems to have been great for goalies for the Coyotes. 


IF it was just Hiller and Ortio, or just Ramo and Ortio, do you think Ortio would still get the games? He'd still be in every other game and sitting too much, not getting into any kind of groove. Although, you look at Condon last night, or other goalies, you can't make the excuse that they've sat too long. It takes that one game to prove themselves. It's the nature of the beast that is pro hockey. 


Ortio may have started the same if he was #2 and you can't just give him a string of starts and hope that he's going to get better, not at the NHL level. 


But he got a start earlier and was in two games in relief. In this business you have to be ready to play.

I agree with you but at the same time he hasent played alot of hockey since last january, so its not so easy to say he should be ready. Im kinda getting tired of this whole win and your in thing BH does, yes ortio had a bad game but id like to see him start another same with hiller or ramo.

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I'd give them 3 game sets. If they run the set, keep going with them. 

Or I'd play 3 games on, 2 games off... 2 Games on, 3 games off. That's if you're still trying to get one of them going. If the goalie that gets to two games on, wins them then you can run with them. But guarantee that they get the 2nd game if they lose the first. 

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I'd give them 3 game sets. If they run the set, keep going with them. 

Or I'd play 3 games on, 2 games off... 2 Games on, 3 games off. That's if you're still trying to get one of them going. If the goalie that gets to two games on, wins them then you can run with them. But guarantee that they get the 2nd game if they lose the first. 


So the question becomes....Who is they?  Is Hiller considered to be #1, 2 or 3?

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I felt last year and that Ramo was our best goaltender and feel he will be again this year. The flames goaltending problems have not been the goaltenders but the coach Hartley. You don't play mind games with your staff and expect them to excel.

Heres to hopeing Ramo has a stellar game tonight in Edm.

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