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Cammalleri At Center


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The Mike Cammalleri at 1C talk has reached the crescendo of forgone conclusion.

I'm just wondering how everyone feels about it.

For me, he's our best sniping LW on a team short on goals. I'm concerned about his ability to play that sniping role while cast in a far more demanding defensive responsibility role.

I don't have great alternatives, just Stajan/Backlund, and I know they aren't 1C's, but neither is Cammalleri. Cervenka is an unknown wild card.


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The Mike Cammalleri at 1C talk has reached the crescendo of forgone conclusion.

I'm just wondering how everyone feels about it.

For me, he's our best sniping LW on a team short on goals. I'm concerned about his ability to play that sniping role while cast in a far more demanding defensive responsibility role.

I don't have great alternatives, just Stajan/Backlund, and I know they aren't 1C's, but neither is Cammalleri. Cervenka is an unknown wild card.


On signing Hudler, Feaster called him a natural center. I think he will get an audition too. I don't know if Hudler has expresed a preference for playing C? I am a bit concerned that 3 of our top candidates for the top two centre spots have been plying their trade on the flanks. Maybe Feaster has a sneaky trade up his sleeve? Maybe Cervenka will confound the doubters and clock up 65 points with Backlund weighing in with another fifty. Maybe we'll just be really, really bad. It doesn't really add up for me. Plenty of square pegs but too many round holes.

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The other alternative is allowing STajan, Backlund and Cervenka all to have a shot at that spot and I suspect they will do that anyway becuase I agree Cammy is better on the wing than he is at center. I dont' personally like the idea of Cammy at center and actually think giving Stajan and/or Backlund a try at it is a better option. Stajan played well up there for parts of last year so let him try and build him off that.

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I think coaching will evaluate Backlund, Cervenka, Stajan, Hudler, and Cammalleri in that role and pick the best fit. Cammalleri is a good insurance plan in absence of a clear 1C. But I agree they would prefer to have a natural C in the position if one steps up.

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I think coaching will evaluate Backlund, Cervenka, Stajan, Hudler, and Cammalleri in that role and pick the best fit. Cammalleri is a good insurance plan in absence of a clear 1C. But I agree they would prefer to have a natural C in the position if one steps up.

I agree. We don't have a natural #1 centre, lots of 2c and depth but no 1c. We tried Cammy, Stajan and Backlund last year sometimes it worked at times and didn't. Different coachs this year, different wingers and a different system may bring out the best in any of our centres, have to wait and see.

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Seems like we should probably throw Tangs into the mix for #1C as he's had a crack at it before.

At this point anything wouldn't surprise me as we've got about 4 potential top line centers that aren't really centers at all.

I'm curious as to how this experiment is going to work. Reminds me of the 5 defensemen Butter PP.

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I think coaching will evaluate Backlund, Cervenka, Stajan, Hudler, and Cammalleri in that role and pick the best fit. Cammalleri is a good insurance plan in absence of a clear 1C. But I agree they would prefer to have a natural C in the position if one steps up.

Have faith in coaches! They get paid big bucks for a reason... I think backlund is gonna surprise some folks this year...

(this is my first flames post please don't slay my comments)

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Have faith in coaches! They get paid big bucks for a reason... I think backlund is gonna surprise some folks this year...

(this is my first flames post please don't slay my comments)

Welcome aboard.

We'll carp & complain but in the end the coach decides who he plays in the various positions. He has a limited pool to pick from as he can only go with what management gives him.

We may not believe Cammy or Cervenka are answers @ center but we'll jump for joy if 1 or both proves us wrong.

When the puck drops we'll all be cheering on our players that sport the Flaming "C". That's the reality of being a fan. :)

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Yep its a roller coaster just sit back and enjoy the ride!

I live in texas so ive always followed the stars but my dad used to follow the flames back before texas got the stars... He was a die hard fan so im just trying to get myself more acquainted with the current team...

The way i see it i now have twice the chance of cheering a team in playoff hockey:)

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The other alternative is allowing STajan, Backlund and Cervenka all to have a shot at that spot and I suspect they will do that anyway becuase I agree Cammy is better on the wing than he is at center. I dont' personally like the idea of Cammy at center and actually think giving Stajan and/or Backlund a try at it is a better option. Stajan played well up there for parts of last year so let him try and build him off that.

As it sits right now, I prefer Stajan.

But our flanks become





and what if Cervenka is a wicked LW option, but lacks at C?

Who can switch to RW? Where we have





The Stempniak signing keeps looking worse and worse to me, lest Hudler flashes a solid C card and a natural LWer can slide into 2nd RW duty.

10+ years of hoping the C position just kinda works itself out has pretty much become our mantra unfortunately.

Not to be negative, but I don't see any of our potential C's having the snarly jam to intimidate anybody.

And in this league, giving/losing an inch at the dot is going to cost you bigtime.

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As it sits right now, I prefer Stajan.

But our flanks become





and what if Cervenka is a wicked LW option, but lacks at C?

Who can switch to RW? Where we have





The Stempniak signing keeps looking worse and worse to me, lest Hudler flashes a solid C card and a natural LWer can slide into 2nd RW duty.

10+ years of hoping the C position just kinda works itself out has pretty much become our mantra unfortunately.

Not to be negative, but I don't see any of our potential C's having the snarly jam to intimidate anybody.

And in this league, giving/losing an inch at the dot is going to cost you bigtime.

We will see who succeeds in the dot but whomever they decide on I'm sure they are going to stick with with the exception of the most desperate situations. I highly doubt there will be the same degree of line shuffling as last year. At least I hope not.

As to who can play RW, Glencross, Hudler, Cammy, Iggy, Comeau, Stempniak all are either natural right wingers or do very well there. Wingers are interchangeable. C is a much bigger role to fill but we have a ton of competition for 2/3/4 lines with no true #1 and lack of FO ability.

Truthfully I don't see FOs being a repeat of last year. Between rule changes and Hartley will flat out not allow it with so many people in line to show more effort. Cammy may or may not work out, I'm inclined to think he will be passable at minimum. But if not, weve played for two decades with no true #1, we can keep it on our "to do " list.

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The new rules will change the whole landscape regarding faceoffs...

There are alot of dominate guys out there who won draws primarily using now illegal methods... All the top guys did that...

Its going to favor guys with good hand eye and stick skills... My best guess is guys whom have great offensive skills and used to get outmuscled on the dot are gonna emerge from the fray as the guys...

Might be the end of the pure face off specialist

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Our center position makes me ill.

The options for center are 3 guys that have not played center in years(Cammalleri, Cervenka & Hudler), a youngster that has yet to exceed 25 points in a season and a youngish veteran that has had a pair of down years.

We can't win faceoffs either.

Feaster has taken our worst position and made it even weaker.

To say we are watermeloned without a miracle is an understatement.

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I don't agree with the Ding-Dong often, but I'll agree with him there. +1

We have no real NHL top 6 centres. Our best hope is Backlund having a decent 40 point year, that would be a great outcome at this point. Awful.

Cervenka is a KHL LW'er that for some reason people think can play a physical centre role in the NHL (overly optimistic if you ask me).

Hudler is a small, not physical LW that again some people think can play centre, but the guy has never actually done it on a regular basis.

Stajan has been a flop for years now.

Backlund is on the verge of being a full-time SEL player if he doesn't turn his ship around ASAP.

Cammy is a tiny player that if he's used at centre, we're wasting a top resource on the wing. Playing him at centre hurts his production and makes him half the player and contributor he could be if used appropriately.

Horak is an option, but certainly not top 6 material... Nor is Byron. I believe both of these guys are better suited for the wing anyway.

We... are... screwed.

Letting Olli walk without a replacement in mind was a terrible choice.

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More doom and gloom eh boys. Haven't kicked this dead horse enough?

I bet all three of you that the C position does better than you predicted above. I bet Avg FO at the end of the season is above 50% and they combine for more points thist year than last.

The offer stands

Besides there isn't much anyone can do except cheer on your team. Be a fan. Not saying turn on the blinders but try for some optimism

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More doom and gloom eh boys. Haven't kicked this dead horse enough?

I bet all three of you that the C position does better than you predicted above. I bet Avg FO at the end of the season is above 50% and they combine for more points thist year than last.

The offer stands

Besides there isn't much anyone can do except cheer on your team. Be a fan. Not saying turn on the blinders but try for some optimism

Id settle for similar FO production with an uptick in production. Its going to be an interesting year, no doubt about it.

I do like the idea of cammi at 1C with tangs setting up 2 snipers. I think cammi performed well in the extra space that he was afforded and his ranginess was an asset in the neutral zone. His faceoffs werent the best 44-45% but if he actually is able to work on that aspect this off season and improve to say 46-47% hes essentially at Jokinen levels anyways.

Lots of versatility this year in the players. Lots of line juggling and scenarios to consider for the coaching staff. Is a Cammi at 1C and Baertschi at 3LW a better solution than Stajan at 1C and Tangs/Cammi/Glenx as the top 9LW's? I dont know yet. But its nice to at least have some options, even if the players arent necessarily prototypical.

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We sacrificed size and grit for speed and skill. We have a top goaltender who was already getting one of the highest shots against as it was. Could it get worse? you can argue yes but really keeping joker changes nothing and it was clear changes were needed. We cleared roster spots and cap space to pick up guys like wideman hudler and bear who play the type of game feaster is clearly moving towards. Ok so we give up more quality chances and likely in turn more goals. But we also score much more so it should even up.

Were likely stuck with stajan and babs anyways so signing joker would put us in cap jail if we could even afford it.

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I'll add my agreement that our outlook @ center is shakier then last year & the hope that @ 1 of those converted wingers makes us look like fools due to our misgivings. We really need them to blow us away rather then just not be as bad @ the position as anticipated.

I'm still hoping Feaster can swing a trade for even a natural 2C.


Given our dire situation @ center what do you guys think of Jochen Hecht as a 1 year stop gap/fall back signing? 1 year only as it'd be a 35+. He's probably getting antsy still being UFA so might come @ a bargain price (previous contract was 4 x 3.25 with 3.0 as true $s the final year) so I'm thinking something like $2.0.

Alternately, if he's still available near training camp just offer him a tryout.

He's not a solution to our problem but gives us @ least 1 veteran @ center (& the sites say he's free of the concussion symptoms. I'm sure that would be mentioned [& disappointed if it didn't cross some minds]).

I might just be grasping @ straws too. :)

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Things that I believe are indisputable include:

The team was already weak at center last season, has been for a while...

Letting Joker walk for nothing was bad asset management...

Stajan is now our most proven center (and that should speak for itself)...

Backlund is still a maybe as far as production and even capability goes (although I hope for the best)...

Other questionable signings could quite possibly have provided enough for the 4 - 4.5 mil it could have taken to sign Joker, and at that price it would still have been be cheap insurance for a 2 year deal until Feaster had more opportunity to improve at that center position as opposed to decimating it with no solid back up plan...

Joker was not only the best center we had, but a good number of games was the best and most consistent player on the ice last season (sad fact, but true)...

The rest of the potential centers that are currently on the roster, Cervenka, Hudler, Cammy, etc are maybes at that position...

Cammy might be the best possibility, but I don`t think there is any doubt he serves the team better on the wing, the same could very well prove to be true for the others...

Last but not least, So far this off season Feaster has not been able to make the moves necessary to improve the team at center... It is also quite possible, if not probable that is not going to happen any time real soon... What we have for centers going into the season is collectively nothing more than a high risk gamble, and if it goes sideways the Flames could find themselves in a hole that will be hard to climb out of...

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Things that I believe are indisputable include:

The team was already weak at center last season, has been for a while...

Letting Joker walk for nothing was bad asset management...

Stajan is now our most proven center (and that should speak for itself)...

Backlund is still a maybe as far as production and even capability goes (although I hope for the best)...

Other questionable signings could quite possibly have provided enough for the 4 - 4.5 mil it could have taken to sign Joker, and at that price it would still have been be cheap insurance for a 2 year deal until Feaster had more opportunity to improve at that center position as opposed to decimating it with no solid back up plan...

Joker was not only the best center we had, but a good number of games was the best and most consistent player on the ice last season (sad fact, but true)...

The rest of the potential centers that are currently on the roster, Cervenka, Hudler, Cammy, etc are maybes at that position...

Cammy might be the best possibility, but I don`t think there is any doubt he serves the team better on the wing, the same could very well prove to be true for the others...

Last but not least, So far this off season Feaster has not been able to make the moves necessary to improve the team at center... It is also quite possible, if not probable that is not going to happen any time real soon... What we have for centers going into the season is collectively nothing more than a high risk gamble, and if it goes sideways the Flames could find themselves in a hole that will be hard to climb out of...

But alternatively, we now have an unknown product. It's a gamble, and as with all gambles there is an potential upside that comes with the potential downside. If we had simply resigned joker, then we would be icing a very similar team as the team we iced last year, which wouldn't have the same potential upside as this year's team.

Of course, in the end I agree that letting Joker walk was poor asset management. Especially at the price he took in Winnepeg.

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Last but not least, So far this off season Feaster has not been able to make the moves necessary to improve the team at center... It is also quite possible, if not probable that is not going to happen any time real soon... What we have for centers going into the season is collectively nothing more than a high risk gamble, and if it goes sideways the Flames could find themselves in a hole that will be hard to climb out of...

And if that turns out to be the case, we trade some aging vets at the deadline and probably end up drafting a top C.

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Of course, in the end I agree that letting Joker walk was poor asset management. Especially at the price he took in Winnepeg.

We could have beat that price on the same term by just not signing Stempniak, and it would have fit under the Cap.

We don't even have an experienced centre around for these guys to learn from.

What a disaster.

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