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If that's for real, that certainly won't endear him to any coach. Any time we actually get to hear what the player thinks without all the cliche right answers and buzzwords is fun for us, though. I'm sure there will be a, "Oh, that's not what he really meant; it was the language barrier... he was just frustrated... he didn't mean it..." statement soon enough.

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I personally thought the oilers were nuts for taking him anyway, when both reinhart and murray were what they clearly needed. As a flames fan and devoted oiler hater I was thrilled they did however. This kid has radulov written all over him.

At least nivushkin last year went out of his way to prove he wanted the nhl..this kids looking for the paycheck.

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Put a source up for that please and thank you.








Here's one along the same lines:




consider the Butler offer rescinded....

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On HB, the latter was debunked.  His agent said he never once suggested the KHL. 


Way too early to sit him for multiple games.  Try playing him with players that are more than stumps.  His slump was about the same as Eberle's, but Eberle played with better talent.    


If they are thinking of trading him, I would be interested.  He has potential, will learn both sides of the game, and should still score lots in the NHL.  I would give them one of our (many) goalie prospects and Smith/Butler for Yak. 

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On HB, the latter was debunked.  His agent said he never once suggested the KHL. 


Way too early to sit him for multiple games.  Try playing him with players that are more than stumps.  His slump was about the same as Eberle's, but Eberle played with better talent.    


If they are thinking of trading him, I would be interested.  He has potential, will learn both sides of the game, and should still score lots in the NHL.  I would give them one of our (many) goalie prospects and Smith/Butler for Yak. 

Oh ya, id always believe what the agent says..haha

Im sure tho that card hasnt been played yet. Even if you read the quote from russia it just says they "think hed be open" so nothing that came from NY himself.

That being said, his comments make me want him as far away from my team as possible. We saw what burke had to say about Sven, can u imagine how fast hed be in the doghouse here? Imagine when he gets told he has to block a shot!

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That being said, his comments make me want him as far away from my team as possible. We saw what burke had to say about Sven, can u imagine how fast hed be in the doghouse here? Imagine when he gets told he has to block a shot!


I think Burke's comments on Baertschi were calculcated (I'm personally not a fan).


Burke has a tendancy to be drawn to the limelight and make unnecessary remarks, which is why he doubles so well as a TSN employee.   Personally I've always felt he made those comments because he knew Baertschi had a high probability of success anyway, and thought he'd get in on some of the credit.


But this is the same Burke who acquired a young Kessel, and the Sedins.  Let's not pretend he's Sutter.


After reading those comments, I want no part of the Yak.  I don't imagine Burke's thrilled either, but he better not get any bright ideas.

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I think Burke's comments on Baertschi were calculcated (I'm personally not a fan).


Burke has a tendancy to be drawn to the limelight and make unnecessary remarks, which is why he doubles so well as a TSN employee.   Personally I've always felt he made those comments because he knew Baertschi had a high probability of success anyway, and thought he'd get in on some of the credit.


But this is the same Burke who acquired a young Kessel, and the Sedins.  Let's not pretend he's Sutter.


After reading those comments, I want no part of the Yak.  I don't imagine Burke's thrilled either, but he better not get any bright ideas.

100% agree, they were totally calculated, he was calling him out. To svens credit, hes responded, without even ever addressing the remarks nade about him. NY on the other hand, I think would probably publicly bash burke, and the search for the body would begin soon after. Lol

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I think Burke's comments on Baertschi were calculcated (I'm personally not a fan).


Burke has a tendancy to be drawn to the limelight and make unnecessary remarks, which is why he doubles so well as a TSN employee.   Personally I've always felt he made those comments because he knew Baertschi had a high probability of success anyway, and thought he'd get in on some of the credit.


But this is the same Burke who acquired a young Kessel, and the Sedins.  Let's not pretend he's Sutter.


After reading those comments, I want no part of the Yak.  I don't imagine Burke's thrilled either, but he better not get any bright ideas.

Not excusing his comments at all.  Last season he played with better linemates and had better success.  Does he need to play better without the puck?  Yes.  Does he need to try to do it by himself?  No.  Does the coach need to use him where his strengths lie?  Yes.


Would I trade a marginal return for a 1st overall?  Yes. 


I'm not convinced Eakins' system is one to hold up as a shining success.  Could Hartley do a better job with that type of talent?  Well, at least Harley had had some success at the NHL level.  More so than a former AHL coach with less than 6 NHL games under his belt.  To me, the Oilers are a bunch of individuals that play their own game (Hall, J Shultz).  Some are team guys like Eberle and Ference.


Anyway, it is not a likely trade, so I will just say I would consider it for a light return.

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I'm starting to feel really bad for the fans, and I don't mean that in a trolling way. I don't really pity the organization or those in charge (they made their bed, they can sleep in it), but I feel for the true fan at this point. It's just downright rough when you've stuck with it this long expecting to finally see progress and instead things get even worse.

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I'm starting to feel really bad for the fans, and I don't mean that in a trolling way. I don't really pity the organization or those in charge (they made their bed, they can sleep in it), but I feel for the true fan at this point. It's just downright rough when you've stuck with it this long expecting to finally see progress and instead things get even worse.


My heart goes out to Yakupov. 


People should really warn these poor kids that skating is involved :)


-seriously, it's brutal.  I've felt bad for the fans for a while. Katz should work out some sort of free supply of anti-depressants with every season ticket, courtesy of Rexal pharmacies.

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The possibility of running home is 1 of the reasons I hoped the Flames wouldn't draft Nichuskin.


Edmonton rolled the dice on a talented forward who was proven to only have an offensive upside & now they complain? When you draft a kid that doesn't know anything but putting up points to a team of smurfs that are known for the same management screwed up.


If not expected to go near the D zone Yakupov is a star. A gritty team that knew what they were getting could use him but he looks best suited for a Euro league.

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The person I feel bad for is Eakins. What an epically bad team to be a first time NHL coach for. Hopefully he doesn't become a casualty of this fiasco that is the Edmonton Oilers.


I don't know, his comments post game have gone from pure and utter distaste to a few sighs, pointing out a few positives, and some eye rolling.  It's the resounding echo that has been the past 5 years of head coaches within their org. 


It's just too bad it's happening to a guy like Eakins.

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I can yakupov having played his last game as an oiler after this comment:

“I wasn’t happy about it last night. You can say a million words about getting better but coach says I’m not playing, so I’m not playing. I’m not happy about it. I just want to play every game. I’m not going to change but maybe play better without the puck, or forecheck more, but I love playing with the puck. I really don’t like skating all the time, and forechecking, and hitting somebody every shift. I don’t think it’s my game.”

Funny thing is..he probably could have fetched Gardiner from Toronto begore he said this, but he'd hate playing for Carlyle even more


He isn't a bottom 6 player. I'm glad he's pissed and moaning about it. My worst nightmare was realized when Edmonton got the #1 pick.

Now how about Hall's play last night? Or RNH's -9....how about Schultz' superstar status?

They have one pure finisher, and he's 3rd line or ridin' pine. Good call!

Yakupov isn't in the lineup, so who do you bench next? And what did benching Yakupov actually accomplish?

If anything, you simply spared him from the atrocity that is the rest of the team.

I wonder if Hall, Eberle, RNH could use a finisher to start building a bit of confidence??


But he kinda called the coach out, hopefully they trade him!!

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The Big Meltdown has started in Oilerland. There is a thread on their forums that covers "fire everyone" Klowe, MacT, Eakins, & a trade thread that says trade just about everyone........


Everyone(posters up there) has a different opinion on what/who is to blame and they are pointing fingers in all directions...


I am sorry but I can no longer feel sorry for anyone in Oiler country. Too many of your trolls coming here telling us they were "the future cup contenders just wait" and just wait and wait some more which is why this season I said it is time to put up or shutup...... Man this meltdown is some putup........


I told them their goaltenders were weak and they threw stats at us to attempt to say different. So how are your goaltenders doing this year????


Underwhelming at best...


I told them their D was improved but still substandard... and how is that team D doing???



To be fair no team would do very well with their #1 and #2 Centers out but RNH only missed a couple of the games.


I told them their top 6 were small and played small..... Sure enough changing out the only big winger they had for another smaller winger with grit(where's the beef?) hasn't helped much if at all. Their top 6 is a turnover machine along with their star puck moving DMan JSchultz...lol I thought Butler was bad but this guy.....


I told them that their "culture was imbedding into their players that it is okay to lose. I noticed that Renny would say in his press conferences it was okay due to injuries. The culture starts at the top highlighted KLowes smug "I know how to win, I have SC Rings" comments.... okay KLowe how about you strap on the skates and show them how it is done because the message isn't getting through from behind your executive desk....


The thing that irks me the worst is they(Oiler fans) kept coming here trying to tell me that the Flames were about to go through the same long drawn out rebuild they "had just finished going through"   say what????


Ummm no we don't have to drink your kool-aid and we don't have to mirror your abyssmal rebuild. The Islanders used to be the most dysfunctional franchise in all of hockey. It appears to me that honour now goes to our former rivals from just north of us.


So with this big meltdown up north comes a blessing.... yes a blessing for us. Notice how quiet it is around here with no sign of the Oiler Trolls?

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YES! No more Tom Renney yelling "Nothing should be a surprise!" while slamming his stick on the ice followed by that trainer that only knows how to say "GOGOGOGOGOGO" over and over. If the Oilers accomplish nothing else this year, at least the promo clip for their reality show got less annoying.

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Not to beat a dead horse (Oilers) in the off season they needed to recalculate their situation;

1) Goaltending

2) Dfense

3) Gritter forwards


They really didn't address any issues, especially in net or on D - fence. The Oilers have very good indivdual forwards and no role players, we are the exact opposite.


I have stated many times that heart and determination beats talent with no determination every day. If we were to put together 3 solid 2nd lines and a great  4th line, this rebuild thing is not going be long at all. We are miles ahead of where the Oilers should be right now.

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