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and the other side of that coin is that the entire league knows just how primadonna the only trade-able assets are, and won't touch them with a 10-foot hockey stick

So true so true. EDM is kind of like a nuclear waste grounds for players and coaches. You have to clear the rats out of the loft to fix the crap on the ice.

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Until kevin Lowe goes the oilers won't see any fundamental changes. Sure you can fire Eakins but you've already fired how many coaches and the results are the same. What needs to end in Edmonton is the old boys club. The only constant with the oilers over the last 10-15 years is Kevin Lowe, Craig Mactavish and Scott Howson, they have just recycled all the same hockey oopps who IMO are the ones more responsible for the mess then any coach they've hired.

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It's just a vicious cycle now. When it's a vicious cycle, you have to cut your top people.

It keeps happening no matter what you try.

That's top of the org stuff.

If Lowe thinks there is a legacy in this, he doesn't get that it's far from a remotely positive one.

It's been YEARS since Edmonton hasn't been an utter joke lying in utter humiliation too often.

It is sad, it's beyond sad...Lowe could not hope to wash this with any other NHL franchise.

Make it stop.

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As much as I love seeing the oilers lose and I do, this isent even funny anymore it's sad to see this. I'm in agreement with everyone else that their hockey ops needs to go more so then the coaching staff, if anything the moves they made this summer like signing Benoit pouliot and bringing in teddy percell didn't solve any problems. I'd like a return to the days of old where teams dreaded coming to Alberta! From what I've heard both bruce Boudreau and Joe quenville were afraid to play the flames, I doubt the same could be said for the oil and that's just not right.

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The Oilers have a culture issue. They also have a tarnished reputation. They need to fire Lowe.

They also need to fire MacTavish. Just about every team that needed to managed to address goal tending this off season. He didn't. Plus he traded away Gagner depleting an already shallow C and failed to replace him. He was generally inactive other then signing a couple of depth D. Bold moves indeed.

And they need to fire Eakins. Fair or not, he has gathered too much baggage and he lacks the ability to install the type of culture they need.

Everybody needs to go. It's that bad.

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From what I hear nobody is safe, but that is typical protocol. MacT has a double edged sword going, he needs to move players but he is trading from a point of weakness. I think MacT is going to be floored when he finds out how low the market value is on his players

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It’s not even funny anymore.  It has been so obvious and for so long as to what needs to be done up there it’s ridiculous.  That organization reminds me of a sad documentary I seen on TV one time.  The story was about homeless drug addicted victims which would crawl back to their pimp or supplier and offer everything including their sole for another fix.  In this case the victims would be the EDM fans and the pimp would be KLowe. 


It’s simple……..boycott the next hockey game.  If he is still there after the game, boycott another one.  Now that the Eskimos are no longer playing football they could use to Oline to block the front doors and the Dline to block the back doors, but no fans are getting in until change is made at the top. Bye bye Kevin, bye, bye.

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At this point, i feel the Oilers just need to stay the course and draft McDavid/Eichel before they think about firing KLowe (and everybody else) because they would instantly improve if that happened.  What's worse than missing the playoffs AGAIN, is missing the playoffs and also missing on McDavid/Eichel.


The Oilers need Centers, and pretty much improvements everywhere, but mainly Centers.

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This just in..............the Oil fired their goalie coach.  Hahahahahahahahah!


It should all be good now!  Hahahahahahahahaahah!



Yup, that was the *only* problem they had :P Definitely not upper management, and middle management. And some scouting issues (as in everything not #1-#5 Overall has been a pretty bad pick for them)

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The Oilers need Centers, and pretty much improvements everywhere, but mainly Centers.


AS much as I agree with this, I dont think continuously losing and hoping another draft pick will solve the problems is the way to go. Although Mcdavid could very well be the answer, just as crosby and lemieux were for the penguins at different points.

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At this point, i feel the Oilers just need to stay the course and draft McDavid/Eichel before they think about firing KLowe (and everybody else) because they would instantly improve if that happened.  What's worse than missing the playoffs AGAIN, is missing the playoffs and also missing on McDavid/Eichel.


The Oilers need Centers, and pretty much improvements everywhere, but mainly Centers.




IMHO, a # 1 Goalie and 2 X Top 2 defense-men should be their priority.

Personally, I'd put a #1 or #2 Center at 3rd or 4th on their list of needs.

Aside from RNH, their Top 6 depth is all on their wings.

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IMHO, a # 1 Goalie and 2 X Top 2 defense-men should be their priority.

Personally, I'd put a #1 or #2 Center at 3rd or 4th on their list of needs.

Aside from RNH, their Top 6 depth is all on their wings.


I live in edmonton, and I was listening to TSN radio the other day, they were talking about how down the middle they only really have 2 NHL caliber centres. But, they also dont have any top 2 D men or a #1 goalie so I would agree with you.

Although at this point I feel like the oilers defiantly rushed Draisital, and are in the process of ruining another first round pick by giving him minutes he doesnt deserve.

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Although at this point I feel like the oilers defiantly rushed Draisital, and are in the process of ruining another first round pick by giving him minutes he doesnt deserve.


In my opinion they had not too many other options. That is why I hated the Oilers for picking Draisaitl. On one side he will be available for the Gemran National Team in the next 10 Years, but at the same time, his Hockey sense will stagnate.


German Players are hard workers. That is the reason we sometimes win against the better countries. I fear that he will not improve in Edmonton, that he will become a defensive liability.


He is one of the top German talents of all time and he will just be a bust at the end. Very sad...

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It's not even funny any more. I have so many friends who are oiler fans. They all say the same thing. Get McDavid and this will turn around. 

After the tending coach was fired, they all agreed that it was the move needed as Scrivens was at fault. 


I don't even know what to say. How can so many people be so blind as to the problems with that organisation? Maybe it's outside looking in but I could solve all their problems in no time. Fire Kevin Lowe. This alone would send a message to the rest of them. 

As far as MacT, I'm thinking his hands are tied pretty tightly by Mr. Lowe and that given the slack to make decisions, he would manage to drop some dead weight and possibly start the turn around that team so desperately needs. 

Agreed with you guys on the need for defence and a starting tender. I would bring in Brodeur to mentor Scrivens. I think Ben has the makings of a starter just stuck with lack of D and no heart from his players in front of him. 

I always thought Hall was untouchable but I would take Ebs in a heartbeat. Get him here, give him the will to work and win and he would shine.

Unfortunately, the way our guys are playing, I would be scared to muddy the waters and upset the balance we have now. 

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Yes..I truly felt sorry for those guys.

In an astounding admission, I would feel sorry for Canuck players if it happened to them.

Only the live booing & jeering though, not the pathetic results that the Canucks might take to get there.


My Flames could go 0-82 & I would never do that to their faces...NEVER

I may come to slay them on the boards but in a live setting; human respect takes precedence.


Stay classy Edmonton even though I know it's only a small portion of your fan base exhibiting that behavior.

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They are getting a shiny new arena so they'll sell out every game regardless.  They'll worry about winning later.



it's quite the perfect storm for Katz right now...

The season ticket holders will not get rid of their tickets because they get first dibs for the new stadium... 

The building will remain full this season for that reason and b/c the remaining tickets were sold prior to the gong show beginning.


They will at the soonest feel a hit in ticket sales beginning of next season when single game ticket go on sale.... unless they get McDavid/Echel... in which case its... rinse and repeat... heh heh..

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