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Everything posted by CheersMan

  1. How about every single goaltender that made it to the NHL, having aspirations of being a steady NHL’er but never made it to #1 status? You’re either a 1 or a 2. I think we seen first-hand what a 1a and 1b means.
  2. I actual think BT has been doing a pretty good job as of late. The Brouwer deal was okay term and dollar considering it was July 1. He wasn't handing out 7 year deals like some. The $2.5 that Colborne settled on was apparently much lower than what Colborne's agent was discussing with BT. Smids uncertainty and Widemans deal is what's costing us Nakladl. I don't believe ether were BT work. The Flames took first pick of the goal tenders, he just might turn out to be a stud. Ferland signed on Sept 10 last season after an awesome playoff performance, BT has proven that he is a patient negotiator.
  3. Calgary Next is a grand proposal for an even grander city. Shame on us if we settle for less!
  4. From the looks of the offer, I think that ship has sailed. We still have numerous options available from the remaining NHL goaltenders looking for work. We are well positioned already for this season with very good options at the end of next season.
  5. Fixed that for you, and I agree with everything else.
  6. No, I’m not concerned about the $, I’m more concerned about the assets required to acquire. BT has numerous choices available and he is unmistakably in the driver’s seat to get the best deal, that was the intent of the message. The question is, who wants to deal with BT and his terms?
  7. Eeny, meeny, miny, mo…… Tree’s looking to deal, but has limited doe. Eeny, meeny, miny, mo……
  8. Does anyone remember Bishop going down for the count like a soccer player a few weeks back vs PITS? Rolling around on the ice in agony like he just torn something of importance, then stretchered off? Couple days later pics were shown of the guy walking down main street with buddies like nothing happened and he was listed as day to day. Something is not adding up with this guy. Hopefully BT has eyes wide open.
  9. I hope BT doesn’t do anything stupid between now and Saturday. We are now the only team in the market for a #1 goalie and prices should begin to drop now that TML has their guy. BT can now dictate the price and I don’t see either of the Flames 1st or 2nd in play nor any grade A prospects. We have two additional later 2nd round picks (FLA and DAL), that should be the largest currency he works with. Ideally Wideman is in there as well and/or a bottom 6 forward but not much more. If he can’t get a deal done with that then I think we should wait and get a better deal later in the summer. The #1 goalies available thru the summer will not deplete but the price should.
  10. On the surface, there was no need to fire BH at this time. I have liked the majority of BT’s early work and I want him to succeed, but I think he messed up with this firing. I believe BH was getting the max out of a team, that does not mean there was more to be squeezed out from the roster supplied. With the recent player subtractions and limited $’s coming available, plus a few remaining non-movable anchor contracts for another year, we appear to be heading into another non-playoff season. BT is the one that should have had patience not us. If next season is another failed season (quite likely), then it would have been an easier sell for BT to walk away from BH at the end of next season while buying time to get his roster in order before starting fresh with new coach. Instead BT has now backed himself into a corner, with no obvious coach in mind, huge holes in the roster, with a promise of better things to come when it seems obvious to most of us that our time will not be next season but maybe the season after. Somebody is getting set up to fail, and that’s either BT or his new coach, maybe both, maybe BB too.
  11. I think this statement is getting further and further from the truth. Gaudreau and Monahan were leaned on heavily playing top line and specialty team minutes, 19-20min/GP. Gio getting the hard minutes with 25 min/GP. Hamilton earning more and more ice time with each game played, 20min/GP. Brodie 25 min plus. Bennett playing second line minutes. Backlund and Colborne with career years. Frolik playing anywhere needed. I’m not sure how any of the above guys could be upset with how they were treated by BH, the opinions (if negative) of the remaining role players doesn’t really matter.
  12. I’m less concerned about the meaningless reason given, much more concerned about his replacement. BH coached this team through a complete tear down yet still had a 0.500 record. Some will drag out statistics supporting their argument about why he should have been let go, all I need to look at is his Win-Loss column. BH in his 4-year tenure here won every other game with a group who should have won every 3rd or 4th game. I’ll be tickled pink if next years’ coach finishes 0.500.
  13. With the subtraction of Russell, Jones, Hudler, Ramo(?), Colborne(?) plus (?) we will arguably be worse off next season regardless of who the coach is. Russell’s replacement is no better, Jones and Hulder will not be replaced by an external equivalent because their $’s will be eaten up by JHG and Monahan. Colborne may have priced himself out of here as well. Ortio may be back, but that’s not an improvement. I don’t see Ramo back either and his replacement may not be much better. BH was towing the franchise line. We heard him countless times say “We are Investing in the Kids”……..that means ice time, making mistakes and learning on the job while our GM gets the complimentary players in place. The Flames had BH signed for another year, I would have preferred if they had stayed with him, then re-evaluate the relationship after next season. I don’t buy this BS that Hartley’s shelf life came to an end either. BH had the player’s attention, they respected and played for him (see Russells and Bouma’s bruises). The last player that didn’t never lasted long (O’Brien?). I think the specialty team excuse is BS as well. People can look at all the stats they want but specialty teams comes down to out working the other team, plain and simple. Even though our players were said to be in league top shape, I’m not so sure BH had the personnel to consistently out work other teams. I don’t see next season as being our year either, still too many bad $’s tied up in the wrong players. The year after we should be looking good. I believe BT prematurely and un-necessarily removed a very good coach too soon. He has now placed a huge amount of pressure on himself to reach the playoffs next season. If he thought missing this year was a huge failure, then missing next season will be failure x 3. IMO, BT played his “Trump Card” too soon.
  14. I’m not going to dig through meaningless stats to try to support BH qualities and attributes. If you failed to see what BH has brought to this team then it’s pointless to try to even explain it.
  15. The TML were dead last in the entire league for the only stat that matters “WINS”.
  16. Coaches don’t stop pucks, goaltenders do. The last three years has been a continual dismantling of the team, every move or trade was done with an eye on the future. Do you think specialty teams, scoring chances and possession metrics would suffer under those circumstances? That’s correct, BH is the reigning Jack Adams winner and he will make a difference on the next team he lands in.
  17. BT just fired one of the best head coaches in the NHL for having the worst goaltending in the NHL. I don’t find that strange, I find it bold. BT has big shoulders, let’s hope they are big enough to carry this team into the playoffs next year, otherwise he may be shown the door as well.
  18. BT just used one of his cat lives with the Hartley firing. He’s one step closer to the exit door as well, tic-toc, tic-toc.
  19. I’m not saying he would be the best option available, but certainly one to consider. He has been guarding and blocking a piece of real-estate that measures 72” x 48” for 30 yrs againt the best shooters in the world. I’m sure he would have plenty of pointers and information to share.
  20. Backstrom certainly has the experience and qualifications. He has lived and breathed the GT'ing position his whole life, not sure who would be more qualified.
  21. The proposal put forth by the Flames was to get the ball rolling, to open up discussions and determine feasibility. Let’s not criticize them for that.
  22. KK put forth an idea that would greatly improve this city in many ways. Unfortunately he is not an expert in the extent of or the $’s required for contamination clean up. The proposed structure is not the stumbling block, the contaminated land is.
  23. There you have it. That concludes our two best goaltenders this season.
  24. It was good to see Hiller and Backstrom get their last starts out of the way vs ANA. Ortio is making a case for himself for the backup position next year. The next 5 games will go a long way in determining that. If he maintains his current level of play, a simple qualifying offer (10% ?) by the Flames would likely mean the end of Ortio as he would surely find greener pastures over$ea$?
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