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Everything posted by cross16

  1. cross16


    One thing to keep in mind with Gilles though is his contract can't slide so the 9 game rule doesn't apply. If you sign him to carry him for the playoffs I'm fairly certain it will burn a year on his entry level deal. Not a huge deal IMO but something to remember.
  2. cross16


    JJ you at overreacting and taking what shojld be a small issue and blowing it up into some organizational travesty. Gilles should have gone back to college the flames made the right call there and I think he has proven them right. He needed to prove more and he has. Signing him last season would have been a mistake IMO. There is no rush IMO to get him going pro but I think he likely will this year. Look at the current depth chart for goalies in calgary. Ramo - hurt Hiller Ortio - hurt Theissen Gilles - unavailable but that's is unforeseen Macdonald - hurt. So out of their top 6 options 4 of them are unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances. How is that a slight against the organization? It's just bad luck simple as that. Any team who lost 4 of their top 6 options is net would scramble just like the flames. You just can't have that many goalies under contract.
  3. cross16


    Ortio just started light skating. He isn't close.
  4. cross16


    Goes both ways. IMO Ferland was just as cheap and shouldn't be in the game either. I think a non call is better then off setting penalties.
  5. cross16


    Ferland stuck his foot out, so I think the refs just let it go rather than make a soft call both ways. Enroth for sure embellished but Ferland did trip him.
  6. cross16


    IMO both of those goals were results of scrambles where the flames got caught standing and the Avs were moving the puck at will so I can't really blame Ramo. He got a bit too scrambly but I also thought he was under seige and got no help from red sweaters just standing and watching Ramo made a good 4 or 5 excellent saves that kept it a game. Avs could have easily had 4 or 5 goals last night IMO. Not a strong defensive game from the flames.
  7. Well keep in mind with PK he averages 9 mill a season and got a NTC as well. That's what I'm saying I think people are saying that 7.5 to 8 is the top of Giordanos market and anythjng around 7 is a deal. I'm saying that 7.5 to 8 mill is Gio taking a discount.
  8. Maybe but I don't see it. Agents are gojng to continue to argue that as long as their is growth in the cap then the percentage of players against the cap will continue to decrease and therefore justify teams that are paying their superstars big dollars. Not to mention I can guarantee you if the flames don't want to pay Gio 8 mill there will be plenty of teams that will. Unless the cap the cap actually contracts and decreases in value I don't think you'll see the stars and top players punished. I think of the cap was stagnant or not growing it's bad for depth players and the second tier free agents. IMO, teams will always make room to pay their stars and their top players, it's the secondary pieces they try to budget for.
  9. I'm not going to bash Gio or suggests he is a bad guy but I think it's a bit of a fantasy to say things like oh he is so thankful to be the captain he'll do the flames a favor or that he's such a nice guy he would never sign a big deal. This is the same guy who didn't blink when the flames balked at his one way deal ask and despitr the fact that he should have been thankfull to the flames he told them to pound sand and went to Russia. He gets this is a business and don't forget you could easily argue he already did the flames a favor with his last contract. This is his last chance, IMO, at a big contract and I think he is smart enoigh to realize that and cash in and he absolutely deserves too. I could see him making a small discount but to me a smal discount is 7.5 mill because he's worth over 8. I have zero problem paying Gio 7.5 to 8 for the next 5 years that is the cost of business in the NHL, you pay your stars and Gio is a star.
  10. And yet the cap is going up next season despite the dollar. Don't forget too the World Cup of hockey is going to inject a lot of money into the NHL coffers too. I don't expect the cap to shoot up in the next little while but I think you will see it rise every year to some degree.
  11. I think to are dreaming if you think you are gettkng Gio for less then 7 mill on any term. Gio is worth probably 8-8.5 right now and will be for the next 5 years because the cap is not going down any time soon. I'd like see a 5 year deal in the 8 mill range and then an opportunity to do 1 year deals after that like the wings did with Lindstrom
  12. Agree to a point it's not only the defence but they play a part. Outside of brodie and Gio I find the D struggles to handle a cycle and forechecking game. The 2nd pairing lacks physicality and gets cost chasing and the 3rd pairing lacks mobility and not to mention both are problematic against top talent. Again it's not a slights it's about saying what is needed to be a top level team and how are we going to get there. It's not just the D that would be improved either so I'm not singling them out.
  13. No to beat down the defence because I'm am incredibly impressed with how they've stepped up in Gio's absence, but it terms of going forwards you have to be carefully saying this is d core is fine and doesn't need improving. Yes they are winning I get that, but there are too many stretches where they are getting dominated in procession and getting seriously hemmed in their own zone. If it weren't for ramo playing at a vezina calibre level they lose in both Boston and Philly without question so I still think the flames have improvements to make on this d core long term to become a contending team. Brodie and Gio are fine of course but I still think upgrading everywhere else Is something I would be looking into to really turn the flames into a contender. I would agree it's probably not as high a priority as it was before the season so it needs to be the right fit, but I'm not sure you would win a cup with this blueline.
  14. cross16


    I think We are forgetting how good Ramo was to close out last year too. It's not like this is a small window of success we have seen this before. Twice the flames, mainly Hartley, has jerked Ramo around and put faith elsewhere and both times Ramo whethered it and came out ahead in the end. I don't view this last stretch as outside the norm for Ramo and personally I've never understood why Hartley is so reluctant to go with him. Outside of the start of the season I think Hiller has been slightly above average as a goalie.
  15. Because he isn't that good. He was able to do it got a game but over the course of time he will revert back to what he is which is a decent bottom pairing Dman. I don't think anyone suggests they think Engelland has found a game he never had and now is going to prove himself as a top 4 Dman. He stepped up and had a good game that's all. Might have a few more in him but that's likely it.
  16. I've read several comments over the years from players that it's actually easier to play big minutes than to have your shifts controlled so much. It's really hard to get into a grove when your minutes are more spare. I don't think there is any attitude problem with Engelland at all, he simply saw and opportunity and seized it which is exactly what you want to see a player do. I don't think I would use the work slack in his game at all. You can debate how much you like/dislike his game but I think there is no question he gives you what he has every night.
  17. I think everyone's whipping boy Engelland had a heck kf a game. He didn't look out of place in that top 4 and I thought really stepped up his game. The flames were on thier heels for sure in the 3rd but that's not suprising. I thought Philly wore them down physically for most of the game and the looked tired and on their heels. That's where you are going to feel Gio the most IMO is defending a lead when a team is coming. Gio is the best at been able to strip the puck and start the rush. Something I think the rest of the d core struggles with.
  18. cross16


    In terms of putting ortio on waivers and thinkng no one will claim him because it screws the flames? I would agree to a point. In 2003 Sutter put Jason Morgan on waivers to send him down but Nashville claimed him. Sutter was none to happy and suddenly within a week jason Morgan was back on waivers and back in calgary. So I think there is some. From what I see teams usually get the players they want to clear waivers cleared but there are some exceptions which is why risking it is always a tough call.
  19. cross16


    Its like you said though Kehatch, at the beginning of the season everyone usually likes their team and their goaltending and isn't interested in adding someone or adding another contract. The risk comes later in the season but you don't always have to call them up either. There is a small risk sure, but I just don't think its a given they lose him on waivers. Outside of Edmonton and Buffao I can't see other teams that would want him and that assumes that neither Edmonton nor Buffalo improve their goaltending. Having said that, If I had my way I would trade Hiller in the offseason, sign Ramo and run Ramo/Ortio.
  20. cross16


    I do agree people tend to be too concerned about waivers. Waivers are for adding pieces that can help your team now and is not a good resource for trying to add future assets because you have to offer them back to them team to send them down. I'm sure teams would like Ortio, but I dont' see many teams wanting Ortio to help them right now so I agree having him waiver eligible next year is not a huge concern it is a small concern.
  21. Exactly my point. He was overwhelmed last year and looked out of place so imo nothing I've seen or read has suggested that playing him now would lead to better results. I'm not knocking him as a prospect I just don't think the is ready and I didn't think he was last year either.
  22. From what I saw/heard from commentators, Giordano was skating no problem but could no power into any of his shots and didn't look comfortable stickhandling/shooting. I think its either a shoulder/forearm problem and likely some kind of a strain. The fact that he skated isnt' a bad thing, but based on how he looked there is defiantly an injury there that will impact him in the near future. He may end up playing but it certainly wouldn't be at 100%. Edit: as I finished typing this, Flames put Gio on IR and sent him back to Calgary. The IR isn't a huge surprise that would only mean he miss another couple games but the fact they sent him back to Calgary is not good. Schlemko is fine for depth and better then Potter. I agree that Wotherspoon isn't ready but they've really got no other call up options so on a waiver claim I'm fine with Schlemko. Just don't get your hopes up, he is barely an NHL dman.
  23. cross16


    Not a lawyer or CBA expert but am about 99% sure he is waiver eligible next year They don't use your age on the day you sign they use the age you will turn in that league year. So while Ortio signed when he was 19, for the purposes of waivers he was 20 and thus only has 3 years exemption which is why he will be wavier eligible next year
  24. cross16


    I don't agree with the last statement at all. Flames have ortio, Gilles and Macdonald who IMO are all good to very good NHL prospects and more then many teams. If Gilles stays in college go and sign AHL fodder in the off season. Finding non prospect goalies to fill your system is a very easy problem to have.
  25. cross16


    Ortio has kipper qualities,mainly in his demeanor, but not enough in their style of play to make me think there is chance ortio plays at kippers level. I like ortio, always have, and I think he can play at ye NHL level but I think we forget just how crazy athletic Kipper was and how rare that is in goalies. I don't see the same natural athleticism in ortio, but I do see the same "awe shucks" kind of demeanor Kipper had in ortio which I think can be equally rare in goalies and something that is critical to playing in the NHL
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