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Everything posted by cross16

  1. Thought I would give this a bump with this article. Last I heard a study is going to start in April that is going to finally put a dollar amount on how much its going to cost to remediate the land but based on what Nenshi is saying here it doens't look good. http://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/early-analysis-suggests-revitalization-levy-in-west-village-wont-balance-says-nenshi Long story short, I don't think we should hold our breath that the proposal the Flames put forward will fly. I've talked to more than a few people around town and the buzz is that the Flames are out to lunch.
  2. Couple good things happening on the Heat this week. They've won 3 in a row and Kevin Poulin and Aaron Johnson are back with the team. I think Poulin is key becuase Kent Simpson has not been very good and while Ortio's game has stabalized its still great to have to good netminders so hopefully it can put the Heat on a bit of a role. Also, Aaron Johnson returns after winning the Spengler cup. Emile Porier staring to play much better. 4 goals and 7 points in his last 11 games. Bill Arnold with 3 goals and 10 points in his last 13 Haathaway with 4 goals and 9 points in his last 13 games. So hopefuly this is a signs things are looking up. Something I didn't even realize is the schedule for the Heat was really bizaree to start the season. They tpyically were averaging around 5 days off between games, but now will play much more frequently. Hopefully the time they've had to practice will flow into games and they can keep a run going.
  3. cross16


    #FreeOrtio was almost trending on Twitter late in October/Early November. I think your under estimating the fan base if you think most don't know who he is.
  4. cross16


    Thats a HUGE stretch. Was great 2 seasons ago, but he was about avg last year. Personally i think Ortio's time in the AHL has been really overrated. he got an All star nod becuase his had a stellar 2 months between Nov and early January but outside of that he was about average. never mind the fact that IMO being the AHL's best goalie means nothing if you can't sustain it at the NHL level and so far he hasn't. Doesnt' mean I don't think he is good just that I think fans are really overrating not only how good he might be, but how good he has been. Part of the reason I don't agree with the uproar about how he was "handled".
  5. cross16


    With Ramo playing the way he is I don't think you will see Ortio anytime soon and nor should you. While yes his last few games have been good, he was downright terrible, by all accounts, up until then. I'd like to see at least a month of solid play before I even consider him "back". But again, the reality is with the way Ramo has been playing I don't think Ortio would be a better option and i'm not sure you want Ortio coming back up just to be the backup. If they can move Hiller sure, otherwise I suspect you will likely see Ortio in the AHL for the rest of the year.
  6. cross16


    Which is fine, but remember what you think they should be paid and what the market dictates they will get paid are 2 very different things. Whether you like the Jones contract or not, it is a comparable Ramo can use to help justify his worth.
  7. cross16


    Not very good comparisons. Jake Allen is in his 3rd season in the league and when he signed that deal had never even started 40 games. Brian Elliot has also never been a starter except for the early 2010s and he was below avg at it when he was. If Ramo keeps this up he'll have at least 1 year of starting calibre goaltending and 3 years of NHL experience and that is likely going to get you more than 2.5 million. Comparison for Ramo I think would be: Ondrej Pavelec - 3.9 million Anti Niemi - 4.5 million (pretty close to Ramo) Steve Mason - 4.1 mill Even Martin Jones who has never been a starter for 3mill per. \ If Ramo continues to play like he has for the last month he is going to cost the Flames probably 4 mill at least.
  8. cross16


    I don't watch a lot of the heat but by all reports he's been terrible down there. His stat line would backup that up too, but honestly at this rate I don't even think I would bring back Ortio on a qualifying offer. Goalies are voodoo, but I suspect you'll probably see Ortio back in Europe to play out his career. I don't think he is likely to be an NHL goaltender. And before people jump on the "Flames ruined him" train remember a few things. He was average at last years training camp, he was average after his first few games in the NHL, and he was really not that much better than average during the preseason this year. I don't love how the Flames handled Ortio, but I also think he has really plateaued at the NHL level and failed to break through which is more on him than the Flames. I think both have number 1 upside but they are years away. Best case scenario Gilles makes a play for the job in 2 more seasons (after this one) where MacDonald is probably a good 4 years away best case. I like Gilles better than MacDonald personally but while the updie is there I don't think the Flames can bank on either in the next few years. They need a stop gap for at least a few years and that's also why I think Ramo could be a legit option for them. I don't think he has done enough to warrant term so you could get him on a more flexable deal.
  9. cross16


    I agree you want to keep looking but I disagree that Ramo is not an option. Let the year play out because if he keeps this up I think he is an option mainly because I don't think he'll get term. The advantage for the Flames is a lot of teams have options in net and there are always options that pop up every year that even if Ramo plays well this year he likely won't be a very attractive option come FA. I think if he continues at this pay you could probably get him around 4 mill on a 2 year deal and I would do that in a heartbeat if he keeps this up. So let it play out and see what happens but I think Ramo is most certainly an option to consider. Is he a starter that you can hand 60 game a year? probably not. but I think he can be a starter for around 50 games with a decent backup.
  10. cross16


    That looks like Ramo yup. he is trending up and its been positive but 15 games also is a small sample size to say he has arrived and is a number 1 goalie. I'll take his whole Flames career whre he has proven to b a good, but not great, goalie. But if the point is Ramo is trending up and we should back off acquiring a goalie I agree. Flames should only be looking to acquire a top end goalie, not just any goalie.
  11. cross16


    I think Howard gets moved for sure. Mzarek is playing more games and playing better when he does and Detroit being a bit of a budget team latrely I think will want the money elsewhere. I use to be interested in Howard but now i'm not. I didn't realize he has 3 more years after this one at 5 mill so I will pass. He seems to have run into injury problems the last few years and becuae of that is only barely above an avg calibre NHL starting goaltender. I would probably prefer Ramo on a shorter term deal and work with Gilles than take on Howard's deal.
  12. cross16


    Probably done by draft or shortly after. I figure by the time the draft rolls around Tampa is going to know whether or not Stamkos is a possiblity or not so I think they likely will have the decision made by then. Where the picks is for the Flames would potentially change my mind whether or not giving up a first for Bishop would be worth it. If Flames have a top 10 pick I woudln't do it but I also don't suspect they will have a top 10 pick.
  13. cross16


    Summer. I don't think there is any chance Bishop gets traded before the summer if he does at all. As i've said before, I only think Bishop gets traded if Stamkos re-signs and if he doesn't i'm not so sure Bishop will get traded but either way its a summer trade not a deadline one.
  14. cross16


    Depending on the other player/prospect yup. The salary doesn't scare me at all a top end goalie, which Bishop is, is worth 6 mill no problem. His next contract scares me a bit but if you cant get him in the 6 mill range for a few more season, its well worth it. Bishop would be a game changer to this franchsie IMO.
  15. cross16


    I do. Bishop won't go for as much as you think as he's only got 1 more year left on his deal before he is a UFA and goalie markets dont' tend to get too crazy. Corey Schenider, who I woudl argue probably had more trade value than Bishop cost the 10th overal pick. I think a 1st and Coloborne, or a 1st and a pretty good propsect would put you in the conversation.
  16. cross16


    I'm not so sure its that Tampa likes Vasilevsky more its that Vaslivesky can probably be very good at a fraction of the cost. Dmac is right there are contracts the LIghting could shed but the problem is do you get anything for them 1 and 2- who replaces them? I think the motivation to trade Bishop is that you already have an in house reaplacment ready to go who can likely step in day 1. Not sure you can say that if you move guys like Fillpula/Cllahan etc. I'm not sure you would find a taker for Callahan at his contract.
  17. cross16


    Bishop won't get moved mid season, no chance. Only way I think he gets moved at all is Lightning re-sign Stamkos and need to move dollars out. I agree the Flames are best to wait this out and see what they get for the rest of the year unless a top goalie falls into their lap (which I don't think is going to happen). I'm not fan of Hiller either but I woudln't read too much into that B2B. If the Flames didn't have 5 days off here I have no doubt Hiller would have started that game.
  18. I'm not a big Luke Schenn fan so i'm not in favor of that idea personally. I like the idea of Brodie/Hamilton, but I'm not comfortable having Schenn play 23 ish minutes a night so in this scenaior you either have to play Luke Schenn that amount, or limit Gio's minutes and neither option i'm all that comfortable with. I'm intrigued with what LA could do with their D core this offseason. Rumors have them and Kopitar basically agreed on a deal int he 9 mill range which eats all of their cap room. They want to get Lucic signed which I think will eat into any cap rise next year so i think they need to move some money. Brayden McNabb is a pending UFA and IMO is a very underrated top 4 defensive dman. Flames could target him or maybe even Alex Martinez who is signed to a very reasonable sum for the next 4 years.
  19. cross16


    Maricin > Jooris based on potential and position. both are barely NHL players but Maricin has top 6 D upside where Jooris is basiclaly a 4th liner. I have a feeling that outside of Calgary Jooris has basically zero value. Flames fans overrate him becuase he had a good year last year and surprised us all by making the team but I think objectively he doesn't really have trade value. Woudln't play on most teams in the NHL IMO. I think it depends on the offers. If the league is offering the Leafs nothing but crap, like HIller, for Bernier I think they hold onto him and see if they can help him figure this out. I mean is his trade value is crap now it will be crap in the offseason too so there really is no need for the Leafs to move Bernier. I think they only move him if they can at least something salvagable for him. Remember, Reimer is a UFA and with how that organization has treated him it woudln't shock me at all if he has already told him he won't re sign. They may not be in a rush to trade Bernier as they may need him.
  20. I agree with this. I know everyone has talked Hamonic but thats not the route I would go personaly unless you can get him for below market which i'm not so sure you will. With how good I think Brodie-Gio and Hamilton are I don't think you need a player like Hamonic you jsut need someone who can help drive posession, play around 20ish mins a night and provide a big of physicality and I think you can get them cheaper than Hamonic.
  21. cross16


    I think if it were as easy as HIller for Bernier that deal would be done by now. I don't think its that easy but if I'm the Leafs i'm looking at the deal and saying i'm gonig to get fired if this doens't work. That is the type of deal that gets you fired if you make it and Bernier regains his form. They would at least need 1 piece that they can hang on to for the future so if Bernier came to Calgary and figured it out they can still say well at least we got this guy for him. You would have to add another piece. I don't think it would be much may a B level prospect or 4th round pick and later but you would have to add. For HIller straight across, Leafs would be better to keep working with Bernier than to give him away. I'm not really concerend about having no goalies signed. We are coming up on a surplus of goalies again and if you look between the free agent market and potentiall trade opporutnities there are countless amount of options. Sure you would love to have an answer, but no need to rush into a bad deal just becuaes there is no one else signed.
  22. Not really. Cap was put in for cost certaintity so they could link salaires to revenues. In the old system there was no link so salary growth could actually outpace revenue growth but now that can't happen. Rising salaries is actually a godo thing for the NHL becuase it means their revenues are going up to. The big difference now is there is a limited pool of money where before there was an unlimited pool essentially. If the Spurgeon contracrt is a bad contract it really only shoots a few teams in the foot, but under the old system if you signed a bad deal you shot the entire league in the foot. Was never about supressing salaries, it was about linking costs to revenues.
  23. Any half decent top 4 dman these days is going to get 4-4.5/year, that is just the going rate. Add in that Spurgeon has a RH shot and you get to 5 mill pretty easily. Minny has a pretty healthy cap situation. They lose 4 mill of Backstrom this offseason and Spurgeon was already counting 2.6 so its not a massive raise. Bit surprising in that they are deep on D and Dumba is coming off his ELC though but depth on D is never a bad thing.
  24. Tyler Spurgeon and the Wild today agreed on a 4 year deal worth 20.75 Million. 5.1/season. Spurgeon is probably the closest comprable you can have to Russel. Both are smaller stature players, stat lines similar (edge to Russell last year, Spurgeon this yera) and even advanced stats are close. Gives you a good idea what Russell could potetnially commmand on open market and basically confirms he will likely be gone. Flames should not pay Russell anywhere close to that.
  25. cross16


    Bishop I think is the best target and I do think will come available if the LIghtning re sign STamkos. If the LIghtning don't sign Stamkos then I don't think you will see Bishop become available because they cap won't be an issue for them with Stamkos' 7 mill off the books. Cost will be high but goalies don't tend to be traded at a super high premium as it is so while I agree it would be high I don't think it would be that high. Probably require giving up their 1st rounder+ another piece which I would do for Bishop.
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