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Everything posted by cross16

  1. good luck with that. Brisson is one of the most popular agents in the league
  2. Only slightly below what I thought Hanifin would net. Just have to look at the Hampus Lindholm deal. i know they wanted to retain him but I think it’s very far to question why they waited this long to get that type of return. Didn’t feel that way with the other assets but I think this is one where the approach is questionable.
  3. Looks like it’s done. Picks only. Miromanov appears to be there only for contract purposes.
  4. It's unlikely that anything is out of place here. In a rush to be first, typical, this was likely broken before it should have been. Nature of the business these days
  5. Game more than I thought but I think this is about sending a message. He's just been too reckless out there. going to be interesting if Pospisil can find a more defined role here and avoid the "Ferland" trap. Ferland played reckless, tried to be a scorer and I think lost his game. Pospisil going to need to find a role that works and cage some of that aggressiveness
  6. Feels like this is a move to bolster the Wranglers and make some roster numbers work
  7. This could help explain why Miromanov is in the deal. Multiple people saying Vegas isn't done. So even 1 or 2 players for Hanifin wouldn't help them make other deals.
  8. Be far more embarrassing for the "insiders" than the teams
  9. coming off major Knee surgery. Very curious target for sure. Obviously I know that won't be it. Edit: This is actually likely a Vegas throw in/depth for the rest of the season type
  10. Toffoli hasn't exactly been a great fit. Probably not interested in paying him, just like the flames weren't. Plus they've got other options they could be using don't think it means anything in terms of Markstrom
  11. I would be shocked if the deal is not already done. I thikn Dreger's "working on it" comment is more about him trying to find out the return. These deals are complex and it's likely harder to get the return here because i'm sure Vegas is busy talking to Hanifin and his agents.
  12. Very possible but him on LTIR is not needed to complete this trade. They have the space to do it without him
  13. 10 games or 24 days its not automatic. Team has to use it
  14. Not a true sign and trade. But I don't think it will be hard to get one done
  15. Thought about this. Would be a fair deal IMO
  16. If you want to really go there, are the Flames the ones leaking the Tampa interest because who they want to trade with needs to up their price...
  17. Agreed, maybe a 2nd would be the highwater mark for me. Might get a player for player deal. I'd still do it because I would value the spot for a young player more. Put Pelletier/Coronato on that line and watch them flourish. Plus I don't think Mang stays here once his contract is up.
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