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What Is Best For Matthew Tkachuk


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I guess it is fair. I believe he was already warned about a previous incident, so this is the next step. Tkachuk is gonna have to learn that it is okay to slash a player and break a finger, but an elbow to the head is a no no. Perhaps Dough boy was actually hurt. I don't know. He sure seemed to sell it. Maybe I am just being a homer.

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I hate the NHL player safety and the league officials . . . period.


Elbowing is a 2 minute penalty; so is slashing. So, when Tkachuk elbows Doughty he is open for supplemental discipline. Fine, great - I understand that. However, Doughty never missed a shift. So, why when Gaudreau was slashed (predatory slash at that), was the Wild player not also held accountable to supplemental discipline?


I am so confused as to when and why the league will step in and handout supplemental discipline. Another interesting thing, the elbow by Tkachuk was missed by the refs, but not by the players on the ice as they went after Tkachuk after the whistle. How does Tkachuk take a roughing penalty from the scrum after the whistle when he was on the ice getting hit by the Kings players?

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13 minutes ago, travel_dude said:

And as expected Tkachuk gets 2 games for hitting a "star".  

Typical NHL trying to instill parity by lowering one team's chance at winning.

1st time offender, by the definition of it, and he gets 2 games.  Wideman effect, part trois.


I am ok with suspending a guy, if you apply it regardless of the who.



This is exactly what I was talking about with the hall hit on kassain.


In past suspensions its usually the player was injured as reasoning for a suspension or something along those lines. This is seemingly a blatant boarding call, for someone they have talked to before for toeing the line and for him hitting a star. 


This was deserving of a minor penalty for elbowing not a 2 game suspension. for context other 2 gamers.














For the most part all hits to the head, some of them being far more vicious then others. In the context of the play, this is probably on the lower end in terms of viciousness.

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2 minutes ago, japanjenius said:

Elbowing is a 2 minute penalty; so is slashing. So, when Tkachuk elbows Doughty he is open for supplemental discipline. Fine, great - I understand that. However, Doughty never missed a shift. So, why when Gaudreau was slashed (predatory slash at that), was the Wild player not also held accountable to supplemental discipline?

And when a player cuts another in a high sticking incident, the penalty is harsher. How does that work? Does an injury generate a stricter punishment or not? They eliminated fighting from the game, so now players are out there trash talking all game. Yeah Bettman, s!!oppy seconds is far better on the league than a fight every now and then. :rolleyes:

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25 minutes ago, travel_dude said:

And as expected Tkachuk gets 2 games for hitting a "star".  

Typical NHL trying to instill parity by lowering one team's chance at winning.

1st time offender, by the definition of it, and he gets 2 games.  Wideman effect, part trois.


I am ok with suspending a guy, if you apply it regardless of the who.


I call BS and HS...   The same standards damn well better apply the next time Drew "The Whiner" Doughty targets someone with a dirty hit or head shots someone...


But I guess it was ok with league standards to pull Tkachuck to the ice by his head after Doughty went down...






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15 minutes ago, Carty said:


I call BS and HS...   The same standards damn well better apply the next time Drew "The Whiner" Doughty targets someone with a dirty hit or head shots someone...


But I guess it was ok with league standards to pull Tkachuck to the ice by his head after Doughty went down...






No no you are missing the problem here. Tkachuk isent a star like doughty.

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Crappy about the suspension.

As a first time offender, given that Doughty missed zero time, I think a fine and warning that the next offense would be a suspension would have been sufficient.


I hope Bennett is moved up to 2nd line for these two games, similiar edge in their game with some offensive flair, hopefully won't miss a beat much.


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10 minutes ago, Carty said:


The whining irritates me a lot. I interpret it as trash talk to try and instigative another incident the next time we play. Kind of reminds me of "the night the lights went out". We have to make sure that we don't take the bait. At the same time, it would be really nice to legally target him like Ferland once did to Bieksa.

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If Doughty was a Lady Byng candidate, I wouldn't mind his whining as much...   But he's not, he has gotten away with so many dirty hits and stickwork it's ridiculous...   He's just one of those turd monkeys that likes to dish it out, but can't take it whenever someone retaliates...   He went after Tkachuk a few times and got his bell rung, the same kind of thing that Doughty has gotten away with no penalty whatsoever numerous times, let alone a suspension...

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2 hours ago, Carty said:

If Doughty was a Lady Byng candidate, I wouldn't mind his whining as much...   But he's not, he has gotten away with so many dirty hits and stickwork it's ridiculous...   He's just one of those turd monkeys that likes to dish it out, but can't take it whenever someone retaliates...   He went after Tkachuk a few times and got his bell rung, the same kind of thing that Doughty has gotten away with no penalty whatsoever numerous times, let alone a suspension...

I expected 2 games as that's what Trouba got.

A couple of games before Malkin did similar to Wheeler & was never disiplined. @ least Malkin gained a smidgeon of respect from me when he dropped the gloves to take a beating from Wheeler. (I mow give Malkin 1% respect rather than the 0 I had for him.)

Again, Malkin is seen as a star while Wheeler is viewed by those that seldom watch him as merely good. :mad:

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2 hours ago, Flyerfan52 said:

I expected 2 games as that's what Trouba got.

A couple of games before Malkin did similar to Wheeler & was never disiplined. @ least Malkin gained a smidgeon of respect from me when he dropped the gloves to take a beating from Wheeler. (I mow give Malkin 1% respect rather than the 0 I had for him.)

Again, Malkin is seen as a star while Wheeler is viewed by those that seldom watch him as merely good. :mad:


Dustin Brown on Pommenville.  About as equal a hit as I have seen.  2 games from Shanny.  If you ask me, this was a bit more brutal than Tkachuk, but whatever.  I have no problems with the kid hitting a "star" like that, but he needs to target something other than the face.



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From:  http://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/theo-fleury-matthew-tkachuks-elbow-love/


Theo Fleury on Matthew Tkachuk’s elbow: ‘I love it’ 

                     image: Matthew Tkachuk has played 68 NHL games and has already amassed 46 points and 96 penalty minutes. 

                               Matthew Tkachuk has played 68 NHL games and has already amassed 46 points and 96 penalty minutes. 


“He’s a pretty dirty player, that kid. To be a rookie and play like that is a little surprising.” — Los Angeles Kings defenceman Drew Doughty, on Matthew Tkachuk.


“I love it,” Theo Fleury was saying Tuesday afternoon, picking up the phone to chat about a young Calgary Flame that has opponents all hot and bothered about his respect for both the rule book and “The Code” that players are supposed to adhere to.


Tkachuk, a 19-year-old rookie, fed Canadian Olympian Doughty a vicious elbow Sunday night in Calgary, for which he was suspended two games by the department of player safety.


Fleury could only laugh: “I would be broke making $8 million a year if I were playing in the league now. I’d be suspended all the time.”


“Johnny Gaudreau needs to take a lesson from him,” Fleury added. “Johnny can be neutralized because of his size. If he were a little meaner with his stick and elbows, he might get a little more room out there.”


OK, we get it. It was a different time when a pint-sized Theoren Fleury carved his way into the National Hockey League during the late ‘80s with sharp elbows and an even sharper stick blade. Even he gets the fact that the game has become more civil.


“There are two referees on the ice, and 400 cameras. There are none of those kinds of jabs, the things that make people think when they’re on the ice,” he said, somewhat ruefully.


The teenaged Tkachuk has played 68 NHL games and has already amassed 46 points and 96 penalty minutes. He’ll almost certainly be a 50-point, 100-PIM player as a 19-year-old, which bodes well for a few years down the road when 6-foot-1 195-pound boy turns into a 6-foot-1, 215-pound man.


Did he cross the line with a couple of slew-foots this season, and the elbow to Doughty? Whatever, says Fleury. It’s an investment that will pay off down the road.


“He’s smart,” Fleury — who had 46 PIMs and 34 points in 36 games as a Flames rookie in 1988-89 — said of Tkachuk. “What he did the other night was, he sent a message to the entire league. Yeah, it cost him two games, but I’m sure it will benefit him down the road.


“The more room you get on the ice, the more you have to do the things you do best. By creating some unpredictability, you get more room.”


His suspension cost Tkachuk $10,277.78. Score 25 goals the next two seasons, and he’ll be leaving tips that size once he signs his second contract.


“What made me as good as I was is, I was unpredictable,” said Fleury, who learned in junior that the best defence was a strong offence. “When I was 16 we went up to Prince Albert (Sask.), one of my first games in the Western Hockey League. I think I was 5-foot-2, 5-foot-3. Maybe 125 pounds soaking wet.


“That night, Dave Manson hit me so hard I thought I broke every bone in my body. I said to myself, ‘That can never happen again.’ I got smart real quick. And if someone was going to hit me, they were going to have to come through my stick or my elbow.”


This, we know for sure: On any given opposing roster there are players who will be scared to play Tkachuk physically. Players who would stand in Gaudreau’s way, but will opt for the poke check when Tkachuk has the puck.


That’s good for Tkachuk, and his teammates.


“What goes unnoticed is the impact he has had on Mikael Backlund, who should win the Selke this season. Who goes in the corner, gets the pucks and has a physical presence on that line?” asked Fleury. “And (Michael) Frolik has nearly 20 goals (16 this season). Him and Backlund played together last year. Why is it different now?”


As for the respect level, we wonder what is left of “The Code” anyhow? One veteran defenceman told me this week that Tkachuk was out of line taking that shot at a player like Doughty, but for some players, that willingness to take on any and all comers is what makes them special.


There are 29 other fan bases that would welcome Keith’s boy into their team’s uniform with open arms, while in Calgary, they’ve finally got someone who is pushing the right buttons.


All this should bode well for the Battle of Alberta, which hasn’t had a good heel for some many years. “The Oilers are big now. They’re not small anymore,” noted Fleury. “A guy like Matthew Tkachuk can win you a series.”


A good rivalry needs villains.


Whether he likes it or not, Tkachuk just fitted himself for a big, black Stetson.

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On 3/20/2017 at 8:05 PM, travel_dude said:

If you want a laugh, go to NHL.COM and look at the pic of "Tkachuk" on the front page.  Looks like 79 - Ferland to me:



i saw that and they had Kipper in place on Elliot story earlier too.
they fix them after the fact , would prefer a placeholder of scooby-doo if they trying to find a photo rather than wrong flames player.

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6 hours ago, The_People1 said:


Very true.


Brad Marchand might win the Art Ross. 


Case closed.

Fleury knows and he has it right. It is good to see these young players stand up for themselves. Give Tkachuk 2 more years and 20 LBS he will be a monster earning his own respect on the ice.

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Im not saying that Chucky shouldnt have been diciplined, although I think a suspension was a little severe, I cant for the life of me figure out the double standard in the league. Chucky lays an elbow and Doughty never misses a shift.....result, 2 game suspension.  Crosby hacks a piece of Methots finger right off, he is going to miss significant time, and Crosby doesnt even get reviewed.  Ridiculous!!

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2 hours ago, Addicted said:

Im not saying that Chucky shouldnt have been diciplined, although I think a suspension was a little severe, I cant for the life of me figure out the double standard in the league. Chucky lays an elbow and Doughty never misses a shift.....result, 2 game suspension.  Crosby hacks a piece of Methots finger right off, he is going to miss significant time, and Crosby doesnt even get reviewed.  Ridiculous!!

The nhl has stated with the gaudreau broken finger earlier in the season they dont want to follow their own rule book, and if they had suspended crosby it would have loooked bad to not have suspended stall for the same incident.


I was watching the pengies play the isles last night, and the NBC broadcasters were confused on alot of plays why things were penalties or why goaltender interference was called on the a disallowed goal at the end of the 1st. Every broadcast I watch across the league, it seems no one knows what the rules are anymore or how things will be called, and in my opinion thats the worst part of the game right now. The NHL wants to increase scoring start calling the slashes, and holds etc that arent getting called.


I know it was a little off topic on the chucky call, but its relevant.

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