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Official Sam Bennett Discussion Thread


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Sam Bennett looks NHL-ready based on his showing at the Younstars Tournament and he will defintely make the team.  The more important question though is, is Sam Bennett 2nd line NHL-ready? or 4th line NHL-ready?  Based on his two games, it's hard to see him playing big minutes with much success.  I think he needs to be sheltered either in a 4th line role or a 3rd line role, and then be given PP time to boost his offensive confidence and pad the stats.


Monahan and Gaudreau came into the NHL under similar circumstances and it helped them get used to the speed of the NHL before they became top line players.  I would revise my opening night lines to look something like this,


Gaudreau - Monahan - Hudler

Bouma - Backlund - Frolik

Ferland - Stajan - Jones

Bollig - Bennett - Jooris

x: Raymond


I wouldn't want to place all our possession eggs in one basket.  Frolik is a player you could line up with Bennett.  You get better possession from a rookie's line and provide vet offense as well.  I don't know who is the best fit on LW, though.  Have all TC to figure that part out.  I lean towards Ferland, but that is more a feeling than based on results.  Bouma screams of a player that will regress, so I think playing his to his defensive strengths (with Backlund) makes the most sense.  


If Bollig is going to play, I want his line used very little.  

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Bennett is not the same situation that Monahan was in. Bennett has only had 2 seasons in OHL while Monahan had 3 when drafted. Huge difference and leads me to think he will go back for 1 more season.


Still BB said he will get an opportunity come the start of the season.. but do not hold your breath.


This would be the best-case scenario and I'm glad you brought it up (most of us were assuming he'd be on the team).


If he spends another year in junior, it will only make him better.  If he spends this season in the NHL...well we don't know what it will do.


If he keeps playing like he is (great, but not amazing), he'll get sent down after 9 games.


My guess is, though, as we get closer to the start of the season, he will adjust is play to "amazing", and force the Flames to keep him.  I'm not suggesting I want this.  I just see it as highly probable.


Because although he's not Monahan, in many ways he could be better.   As crazy as that sounds.

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This would be the best-case scenario and I'm glad you brought it up (most of us were assuming he'd be on the team).


If he spends another year in junior, it will only make him better.  If he spends this season in the NHL...well we don't know what it will do.


If he keeps playing like he is (great, but not amazing), he'll get sent down after 9 games.


My guess is, though, as we get closer to the start of the season, he will adjust is play to "amazing", and force the Flames to keep him.  I'm not suggesting I want this.  I just see it as highly probable.


Because although he's not Monahan, in many ways he could be better.   As crazy as that sounds.


Well I admit I don't know how that would all work.  His contract is now in the 2nd year, regardless of the number of games he plays this season.  So, he would be getting an NHL salary playing in the OHL?  Maybe I haven't got it right but I think that would be a unique situation.  It may have happened with a player that could go to the AHL.

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This would be the best-case scenario and I'm glad you brought it up (most of us were assuming he'd be on the team).


If he spends another year in junior, it will only make him better.  If he spends this season in the NHL...well we don't know what it will do.


If he keeps playing like he is (great, but not amazing), he'll get sent down after 9 games.


My guess is, though, as we get closer to the start of the season, he will adjust is play to "amazing", and force the Flames to keep him.  I'm not suggesting I want this.  I just see it as highly probable.


Because although he's not Monahan, in many ways he could be better.   As crazy as that sounds.

Monahan and Bennett are different styles altogether. Monahan is so fundamentally sound he appears boring but he is anything but. Bennett is more dash and dance but need to develop his mental game to match Monahan's maturity. I don't see the Flames sending him back to Junior at all, he will grow right here in the NHL and I think he can handle it.

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Monahan and Bennett are different styles altogether. Monahan is so fundamentally sound he appears boring but he is anything but. Bennett is more dash and dance but need to develop his mental game to match Monahan's maturity. I don't see the Flames sending him back to Junior at all, he will grow right here in the NHL and I think he can handle it.



See the link to a piece about BT's comments:





Plus the full BobbyMac interview with BT.




It sounds to me like Sam will be given every opportunity to be a 3rd or 2nd liner, without the pressure to play against the top NHL lines.  Does not sound like an audition, more of finding the best way to fit a player in who has given you a taste of what he brings.

The biggest challenge will be finding the right chemistry in what we already have on the roster.  

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Sam Bennett's game is too much about being physical that we do have to baby him into the league or else he'll get injured.  He's not like Gaudreau where he's all about elusiveness, non-hitting, non-physical, etc.  He's also not like Monahan who was blessed with a naturally bigger frame, taller, heavier, etc. 


Bennett does go into the boards hard, does crash the net hard, does playing smash-mouth hockey, etc.  Yet, Bennett is not the biggest guy on the ice.


One part of getting "ruined" as a prospect is getting thrown into the fire and getting dominated.  Which leads to self doubt, which leads to a loss of self confidence, which then leads to losing your game.  Luckily, Bennett's self confidence appears to be through the roof.  Unfortunately, another part of getting ruined as a prospect is getting injured too often as a young player.  That, we have to be careful with.

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Injuries happen. But I don't think the right choice is to reign Bennett in. You let him play his style and coach him on how to protect himself. You can't take away the dynamic that makes him a great player. I understand the importance of easing him into the NHL but I also understand the importance of letting Sam be Sam.

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Sam Bennett's game is too much about being physical that we do have to baby him into the league or else he'll get injured.  He's not like Gaudreau where he's all about elusiveness, non-hitting, non-physical, etc.  He's also not like Monahan who was blessed with a naturally bigger frame, taller, heavier, etc. 


Bennett does go into the boards hard, does crash the net hard, does playing smash-mouth hockey, etc.  Yet, Bennett is not the biggest guy on the ice.


One part of getting "ruined" as a prospect is getting thrown into the fire and getting dominated.  Which leads to self doubt, which leads to a loss of self confidence, which then leads to losing your game.  Luckily, Bennett's self confidence appears to be through the roof.  Unfortunately, another part of getting ruined as a prospect is getting injured too often as a young player.  That, we have to be careful with.


I don't think anyone is suggesting throwing him into the fire.  Give him protected minutes (O-zone starts, not playing top lines) when at home and manage his o-zone starts on the road.  His biggest area to improve upon is using his teammates more.  He doesn't have to be the guy getting the puck out of the corner or skating end-to-end with the puck.  He doesn't have to be the one to always get the puck out of the corner.  Give and go.  Look for quiet areas and then attack.  Pass then look for rebounds.  


I would suggest Frolik and Ferland as linemates, since they both play big.  Takes the heat away from Bennett at bit.  He can concentrate on winning faceoffs and backchecking instead of constantly digging for the puck.  

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Sam Bennett's game is too much about being physical that we do have to baby him into the league or else he'll get injured.  He's not like Gaudreau where he's all about elusiveness, non-hitting, non-physical, etc.  He's also not like Monahan who was blessed with a naturally bigger frame, taller, heavier, etc. 


Bennett does go into the boards hard, does crash the net hard, does playing smash-mouth hockey, etc.  Yet, Bennett is not the biggest guy on the ice.


One part of getting "ruined" as a prospect is getting thrown into the fire and getting dominated.  Which leads to self doubt, which leads to a loss of self confidence, which then leads to losing your game.  Luckily, Bennett's self confidence appears to be through the roof.  Unfortunately, another part of getting ruined as a prospect is getting injured too often as a young player.  That, we have to be careful with.



I agree in part. At the end of the day regardless of whether he plays 5 mins or 15 mins he is going to play the same style and unfortunatley the reality is there is only 1 way to learn, by doing. You can shelt him all you want but i don't think thats going to change how he plays the game. In fact i would argue if you put him out with bolig/Jooris or in a 4th line role you are basiclaly telling him to be an energy player. if you try and limit his impact I think he's going to try tha tmuch harder to make one, thats the type of player Bennett is. if you only play him 5-8 mins a night on the 4th line i think he's going to be hitting everyone that moves. i think if you try an integrate him into a lineup in a role he is accustomed to, you have a better chance of showing him the impact he can make on the game without running guys over. Basiclaly impossible to make that same impact playing on the 4th line with Bolig etc.

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I don't think anyone is suggesting throwing him into the fire.  Give him protected minutes (O-zone starts, not playing top lines) when at home and manage his o-zone starts on the road.  His biggest area to improve upon is using his teammates more.  He doesn't have to be the guy getting the puck out of the corner or skating end-to-end with the puck.  He doesn't have to be the one to always get the puck out of the corner.  Give and go.  Look for quiet areas and then attack.  Pass then look for rebounds.  


I would suggest Frolik and Ferland as linemates, since they both play big.  Takes the heat away from Bennett at bit.  He can concentrate on winning faceoffs and backchecking instead of constantly digging for the puck.  

I agree in part. At the end of the day regardless of whether he plays 5 mins or 15 mins he is going to play the same style and unfortunatley the reality is there is only 1 way to learn, by doing. You can shelt him all you want but i don't think thats going to change how he plays the game. In fact i would argue if you put him out with bolig/Jooris or in a 4th line role you are basiclaly telling him to be an energy player. if you try and limit his impact I think he's going to try tha tmuch harder to make one, thats the type of player Bennett is. if you only play him 5-8 mins a night on the 4th line i think he's going to be hitting everyone that moves. i think if you try an integrate him into a lineup in a role he is accustomed to, you have a better chance of showing him the impact he can make on the game without running guys over. Basiclaly impossible to make that same impact playing on the 4th line with Bolig etc.


In tough economic times, Sam Bennett wants to take somebody's job away.  He says salary caps balance themselves.  He wants to send winter jackets to Syria and legalize marijuana. He's like a celebrity.  He says things without thinking them through.  Sounds like he has a lot of growing up to do.  I'm not saying no forever, but not now.


Sam Bennett, he's just not ready.








(This message brought to you by the Conservative Party of Canada.)


Nice hair though.

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In tough economic times, Sam Bennett wants to take somebody's job away.  He says salary caps balance themselves.  He wants to send winter jackets to Syria and legalize marijuana. He's like a celebrity.  He says things without thinking them through.  Sounds like he has a lot of growing up to do.  I'm not saying no forever, but not now.


Sam Bennett, he's just not ready.



(This message brought to you by the Conservative Party of Canada.)


Nice hair though.



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In tough economic times, Sam Bennett wants to take somebody's job away.  He says salary caps balance themselves.  He wants to send winter jackets to Syria and legalize marijuana. He's like a celebrity.  He says things without thinking them through.  Sounds like he has a lot of growing up to do.  I'm not saying no forever, but not now.


Sam Bennett, he's just not ready.








(This message brought to you by the Conservative Party of Canada.)


Nice hair though.


Better than that guy that prefers to wear an orange jersey though.  He believes you deserve to have a roster spot, even if you don't earn it.  Spend past the cap.  No point in having a surplus.  Spend it while you have it.  The union will be on board.  Just make sure everyone (somehow) is working.   

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok all you knowledgeable Flames fans to date Bennett has up his playing from 13:08 to 14:22 and raised his FO% from 53 to 62 % not bad for a sheltered player but how sheltered was he out of the last 2 games he has a -1 I had predicted him to be in calder contention. If you look at JH last yr he started in a similar fashion so my question is  does he look like he can become the player JH has or is he going to take a season to become the player we hope him to be most of you on this board know what yr looking at when you see a player do his stuff. So does he look like a future star or is he a candidate for a return to the Stockton heat or press box. I'm not looking for sarcasm im looking for thoughts on his progress to date. I know 2 games don't make a season is he playing the game everyone thinks he should or is he in over his head?

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Ok all you knowledgeable Flames fans to date Bennett has up his playing from 13:08 to 14:22 and raised his FO% from 53 to 62 % not bad for a sheltered player but how sheltered was he out of the last 2 games he has a -1 I had predicted him to be in calder contention. If you look at JH last yr he started in a similar fashion so my question is  does he look like he can become the player JH has or is he going to take a season to become the player we hope him to be most of you on this board know what yr looking at when you see a player do his stuff. So does he look like a future star or is he a candidate for a return to the Stockton heat or press box. I'm not looking for sarcasm im looking for thoughts on his progress to date. I know 2 games don't make a season is he playing the game everyone thinks he should or is he in over his head?

Zima.... please don't try to make Bennett into the next JH. He plays a different style altogether to begin with. He won't get the playing time with Huds and Mony like JH did.


Please just let Bennett be Bennett. Let the coaches shelter him as needed. He is not JH, he is not Monahan, he is Bennett.....

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Ok again like I said not looking for sarcasm looking for were ppl think he is I just used JH as a example we all know Bennett is a power forward not a finesse type player I guess I should re ask in a different way so as not to confuse the question. I was looking for opinions on what the forum guess and other on Bennetts play to date again I know it is only 2 reg games but all his games including presean what does every one think of his play to this point. Is that Better or more to the point. Is there places where pll think he can get better at for instance his skating his defensive play or how he reads the game. Any takers?

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Ok all you knowledgeable Flames fans to date Bennett has up his playing from 13:08 to 14:22 and raised his FO% from 53 to 62 % not bad for a sheltered player but how sheltered was he out of the last 2 games he has a -1 I had predicted him to be in calder contention. If you look at JH last yr he started in a similar fashion so my question is  does he look like he can become the player JH has or is he going to take a season to become the player we hope him to be most of you on this board know what yr looking at when you see a player do his stuff. So does he look like a future star or is he a candidate for a return to the Stockton heat or press box. I'm not looking for sarcasm im looking for thoughts on his progress to date. I know 2 games don't make a season is he playing the game everyone thinks he should or is he in over his head?

Well he can't go to Stockton that's not an option, he's played well and he's had chances in my opinion. Also as you said he has a great face off percentage through two games that might chance but we will see, he played more minutes then backlund last night to. I don't think you can judge a player based on points this esrly, mcdavid hasent scored either but the chances are there .

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Ok again like I said not looking for sarcasm looking for were ppl think he is I just used JH as a example we all know Bennett is a power forward not a finesse type player I guess I should re ask in a different way so as not to confuse the question. I was looking for opinions on what the forum guess and other on Bennetts play to date again I know it is only 2 reg cames but all his games including presean what does every one think of his play to this point. Is that Better or more to the point D D ? 

Bennett has all the physical talent but I think he will need to mature his mental game. As he matures the game will slow down for him and he will be a better leader on his line.

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I'm not all about points as well I think they will come and in droves Im just curios about how ppl see him so far Like MAC331 he sees something some might not. I like to come on here like everyone else and see what ppl are excited about on Bennett he seems like a player trying to find his nitch right now he seems like he is doing pretty good for a 19 YR old. I see him killing it this yr but im Bios hence the query.

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I'm not all about points as well I think they will come and in droves Im just curios about how ppl see him so far Like MAC331 he sees something some might not. I like to come on here like everyone else and see what ppl are excited about on Bennett he seems like a player trying to find his nitch right now he seems like he is doing pretty good for a 19 YR old. I see him killing it this yr but im Bios hence the query.


His drive is always 100%.  He is strong on the boards.  He isn't getting enough chances on the rush.  He seems like he is in the right spot, but the puck comes to him at the wrong time.


I think someone said he needs to slow down the game in his head.  I tend to agree.  He just needs to get a greasy goal to get the monkey off his back so he can concentrate on the game.

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His drive is always 100%.  He is strong on the boards.  He isn't getting enough chances on the rush.  He seems like he is in the right spot, but the puck comes to him at the wrong time.


I think someone said he needs to slow down the game in his head.  I tend to agree.  He just needs to get a greasy goal to get the monkey off his back so he can concentrate on the game.

So far he has resembles Gary Roberts and we need him to develop into Dougie Gilmore. It will come.

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I think Gary Roberts is a very apt comparison, although Bennett is far more graceful.


In two games so far, Bennett's FO% has been very good.  (53.85 & 62.50)  I'm not a big advanced stats guy, but Bennett's corsi has been excellent too.  Last game, his Corsi numbers were a team high at ~75% and a +15.


I don't think there's anything to worry about here.  The points will come.

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