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Official Sam Bennett Discussion Thread


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Hey People1 you should have been around when Flurey was playing for Calgary Because I'm sure he played a simular as Bennett no wonder Theo did so crappy here in flames land . JK but come on Bennett isn't dumb and the flames have been direct him since he started skating again on and off the ice. I have no worries about Bennett and his play.

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That's not what he said at all..

He's talking about his IQ and being aware of his limitations and reworking his strategy on the ice to his strengths, instead of trying to plow thru and failing due to being unaware of his own limitations.

There are a tonne of ways to be successfull in the league with every body type imaginable... He just has to learn the ideal approach for himself that will be the most effective for a long and successfull career....

Being aware of his limitations? Lol he was in all the dirty areas making life difficult for everyone in front of the oppositions net, he used his speed and body to get great positioning on the forecheck and consistently beat defends to the puck during dump-ins and was in the mix during after the whistle scrums. The kid is 18 and wasn't intimidated by Getz and Perry for one second.

He made plays, scored timely goals, skated hard on the back check.He was everything you wanted from a veteran 2-3 line player in just his first month and in the playoffs no less...

What more could you ask of him for his debut? You could argue he was more of a factor through the playoffs then Mony or Huds.

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Bennett will need to beef up some before next season in order to have the effect we want out of him. He did OK in these games but he has a lot of junior in his game that needs improving. Much like Gaudreau I want to see him stay healthy in order to see what he gives the team over a full season.

I think he will pack on some muscle now that the shoulder is taken care of. Look at Monahan this year compared to last. He managed to do it and I don't see why Bennett can't do the same. The Flames have a great strength and conditioning coach in Van Asten. This past season showed the Flames were in great shape with all the third period comebacks. Not many teams in the league have that kind of conditioning.

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Im sorry, but what? Your saying Sam is failing because Hes not big and strong enough to plow through people and he can't shoot the puck?


The game Sam Bennett plays is one that funnels the puck to the front of the net as quickly and with as much authority as possible.  It is a simple yet aggressive style of game that requires feats of physical strength to pull off consistently.  Did he pull it off with consistency during the playoffs?  No.  I would argue he fell and got knocked over more than all players combined in both series.


But who cares, really.   He's only 18.   The bigger question is, and the one we all want an answer to is, "can he" eventually pull it off with consistent success?  And that's where i see a disconnect between the style of game he plays and his body figure, at least, until he beefs up which is the reason for my post. Furthermore, that's why i agree he was not the #1 pick in his draft year.  He's farther from where he is now and wants to be in the future compared to the others who were eventually drafted ahead of him.


Ekblad, no question, is showing us why he should have been a #1 overall.  Sam Reinhart's game does not require an emphasis on size so his ceiling is easier to achieve.  Draisaitl has the body but is more of a two-way Center.  Saying Bennett is rightfully not a #1 overall doesn't mean he sucks and does not imply he will fail so please don't mistake it as such.


Kehatch mentioned Lance Bouma and i have mentioned Lance Bouma as well in other threads.  But that said, Bouma was not built in a day and I don't remember Bouma being 6'-1" 210 lbs pure muscle at 19, 20, or 21 even.  It's taken years for Bouma to get that muscle and harness its strength.  He's finally a beast to deal with at 25-years-old.  If he is to follow in Bouma's footsteps, that's basically 5 more years for Bennett to get to that physical level.


5-years is quite a long time and that's where i'd like to see his passing awareness and shot power developed soon so there's other weapons he can use in the meantime.  That's all.  He doesn't have the body right now to succeed in the style of game he plays and he will need to adapt.  I mentioned Jarome Iginla as a comparable.  Iginla also lacked passing vision and playmaking abilities just like Bennett is showing right now.  Does that mean Iginla failed?  No, chillax.  Iginla also took about 5 years before his body allowed him to score 52-goals.

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The game Sam Bennett plays is one that funnels the puck to the front of the net as quickly and with as much authority as possible. It is a simple yet aggressive style of game that requires feats of physical strength to pull off consistently. Did he pull it off with consistency during the playoffs? No. I would argue he fell and got knocked over more than all players combined in both series.

I would argue that its will and determination you need to play that style, a high octane engine, great skating and a fearlessness to go nose first into the dirty areas of the ice.

This is not a passive hockey player, he plays a crash the net, north, south game and was one of the most consistent players on a nightly basis through both series. Sure he got pushed around in Anihiem but so did Brodie and Russel, Johnny took a few good hits and Mony was a non factor out side of one game in Van.

It seems like your nit picking his game and focusing on things that all rookies struggle with, especially in a pressure cooker like the playoffs where the energy and momentum shifts are extreme and its easy to find your self on your heels.

I thought he was successful on most nights, driving the play forward and carrying it through the neutral zone while having the presence to get in front of the net once he dished the puck off. His hockey IQ was on display, maybe he wasnt dazzling crowds with Johnny type dangles or all star passes but you cant argue with the fact that he adapted to the speed and physical play at an incredible rate. He was basically thrown to the wolves and came back as a leader of the pack!

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This small taste of NHL playoff hockey I believe was on purpose by management for two reasons. First to see what Bennett has now against NHL players and secondly to have him realize what needs to be worked on in the offseason.

Bennett has game, he will grow physically but his mental game also needs to mature from the Junior game to the demands of the NHL.

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Well I guess it's time to send benn to Gary Roberts class he will teach him how to eat and how to groom his skills and muscle mass. Mr roberts is the man. So this summer Bennett go see Gary

I think we have a good conditioning coach, among the best. Having said that Gary Roberts would certainly make sure he was in shape.

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I agree Bennett just like any young player, has a lot to work on and I agree with People that it will likely mean him changing his game a little. Right now he is like taylor hall, an all world talent who if he plays with so much reckless abandonment he's going to wind up on the injury list permanently. However at the same time, and this what makes him such a a top prospect, is he actually has the skill set to do so. He can go through some of the competition, but he's also got the skill set to go around the rest which is why I have zero concern about him and think he will be a very good pro. Some prospect who come in paying a heavy game don't have the individual skills to adjust to a skill game and utilize open ice so they have to keep playing that heavy game and Bennett won't have to do that.

Bennett wasn't the number one player on my board last year and personally I always find it a bit of a waste of time to debat why someone went 3 instead of 1. When you go 3 instead of 1 it's almost always a case of minute differences and not a situation where a team or a bunch of scouts passed on you.

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I think we have a good conditioning coach, among the best. Having said that Gary Roberts would certainly make sure he was in shape.

Hes already slated to spend the summer with the very capable Andy O'Brien who is also the strength and conditioning coach for Hailey Wickenhiser and Sidney Crosby, so needless to say, he has his work cut for him this off season.

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I really think we got to take into account how many close chances bennett had, he could have easily had a couple more goals and assists. Lets also not forget that he had only played 1 regular season game prior to the playoffs, and the playoffs are a different animal. I wouldnt be worried about him coming into next season.

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I agree Alberta Boy he is going to be a force out there I really liked how he would stand in front of the net against some big boys no fear. I know some have concerns about that type of play but Newy did that for yrs and was better for it play on yr strengths and the fact he was put into the fire with so little prep tells me he will just keep getting better.

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Well I guess it's time to send benn to Gary Roberts class he will teach him how to eat and how to groom his skills and muscle mass. Mr roberts is the man. So this summer Bennett go see Gary


I would agree with this Zima.  Gary works wunders with all NHL'ers, rooks and old. 


I'd love to see Benny have the same drive and determination that Mony had to make himself a better center and a full time NHL'er.  I don't doubt he has that drive.

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No disrespect to Gary Roberts, but the flames have a good strength and conditioning coach in Ryan Van Asten who won 2 cups in LA and medals with hockey canada. I'm not concerned at all about Bennetts ability to get stronger or physically ready for the season. Heck when he was recovering from his shoulder surgery he put on close to 15 lbs of muscle.

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I was so impressed with Mono and how great he did in just 1 season to become a go to guy with Hartley I believe Bennett will also be another go to center or what ever Hartley decides where he wants Bennett to play. Bennett has had a good few months to work with Calgary and still go to school if that is what he was doing in his off time. My point is Bennett didn't just go into the playoffs with out any prep he had lots or Hartley wouldn't have risked it. 

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If bennet can get stronger and faster in the offseason and play sheltered minutes next season we could very well see a successful rookie season. Personally I think even the way he played in the playoffs he was ready for regular season play. I wouldnt complain to see hudler on his wing next season and see how he does coming out of training camp.


Does anyone know if hes still playing in the young stars tournament? He should I would think.

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The way Bennett played in the play offs I don't see him playing any sheltered minutes he was a force out there this yr and no sheltered minutes in the play offs full out in your face hockey :)

True. But with him probably playing behind mony, backlund and stajan they will end up being sheltered anyways. Not to mention that playing centre is different then wing for a first year player.

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The way Bennett played in the play offs I don't see him playing any sheltered minutes he was a force out there this yr and no sheltered minutes in the play offs full out in your face hockey :)

The issue is he has to learn how to focus that energy into smart hockey plays. It will come I have no doubt but the way he plays right now with reckless abandon will get him hurt. I get that he was fun to watch however I'd personally like to see more control in his game. Albeit that's hard to do in the playoffs, the emotions run high for everyone, especially rookies. Let him condition over the summer then get him into the YST. This will prepare him for camp where he can learn the nuances of the game.

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The issue is he has to learn how to focus that energy into smart hockey plays. It will come I have no doubt but the way he plays right now with reckless abandon will get him hurt. I get that he was fun to watch however I'd personally like to see more control in his game. Albeit that's hard to do in the playoffs, the emotions run high for everyone, especially rookies. Let him condition over the summer then get him into the YST. This will prepare him for camp where he can learn the nuances of the game.


I guess I have cautious optimism about Sam.  He came into the NHL in the playoffs.  Pretty big stage to get your feet wet.  What he brought was not what I expect him to bring in a full season.  He was mostly playing a winger game, which is not what I want to see out of him.  With decent linemates, some shelter, and learning the system, he will be playing more like Mony; good positioning, get in some quiet areas, explode on the rush... 

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Ok I guess I'm confused which isn't hard but I would have thought the flames in there ultimate wisdom would have spent hrs and months in the preparation with benn in the war room teaching him how to play NHL hockey and the does and don'ts of NHL hockey. Now I know all that could have gone out the window after his conditioning stint in the juniors and his excitement of being in the playoffs but I watch a kid sitting on the bench and the stare he had was intense . My point is he is ready for the season to come and I still believe we will have 2 calder winners on this team. JMO ^_^  

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Ok I guess I'm confused which isn't hard but I would have thought the flames in there ultimate wisdom would have spent hrs and months in the preparation with benn in the war room teaching him how to play NHL hockey and the does and don'ts of NHL hockey. Now I know all that could have gone out the window after his conditioning stint in the juniors and his excitement of being in the playoffs but I watch a kid sitting on the bench and the stare he had was intense . My point is he is ready for the season to come and I still believe we will have 2 calder winners on this team. JMO ^_^  


You can only learn so much if you aren't playing.  Until he was actually cleared to go back to the OHL, he was just learning by watching and asking stuff.  When he came back from the OHL, he practiced more with the team, but wasn't in the main squad until his first playoff game.


Training Camp, Young Stars and Pre-season will gear him up for the regular season.  Only playing against 2 playoff teams, he would not have a good idea of teams like SJS, Minnie, STL...Those teams are tough to play against. Not tougher, but very different.  


I think Sam knows what it takes to play in the NHL, but he has to learn how to find space, back-check, take face-offs, etc. for a full 82 game season.

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Even Gaudreau needs to learn how to find more space. I think some are over analyzing this to death.

He found space when some of our other forwards didn't. He played better than more than a third of our roster.

Gaudreau got hit, Monahan got rocked at least once. Everyone gets hit in the playoffs. Bennett's game matured a lot since the young stars tournament. His game matured since being in camp. He played better than I expected.

Let him be.

He will mature more. This kid wants to win. He is going to go to the front of the net, he is going to go into the corners.

The way almost everyone talks, we may as well just send the guy back to Junior one more year.

He practiced with the team while he was injured. He was in communication with Hartley. He learned a lot.

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