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Official Sam Bennett Discussion Thread


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What a beauty goal. This is the kind of play I was expecting when they sent him back down to Kingston. He's been a monster since the assignment. He's not playing the poor me card or pouting because he got sent down. He's just going about his business and tackling the assignments given to him.

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A goal and 2 assists last game. He's up to 11 points in 6 games back... And by all accounts he's still shakin the cobwebs out


Not to mention, his team has won 5 out of those 6 games, allowing them to clinch what was previously an unlikely playoff birth.


IMHO, they are a strong contender right now.

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^ Hard to believe that a single player can define a whole team's success on his shoulders.  He's the steam engine to their club.  Sure, Sam was disappointed that he had to go back to Jr.  Ideally it was the right move as the club can focus on the draft, and tying up loose ends for the remainder of the season. 


Being witht he big club for as long as his rehab was allowed Sam to learn how to eat, train, and live like a pro. 

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Can't or can? I think you meant can transform a team.

A Generational talent is the only player who can fully transform a team in the NHL. Even still, the best player in the world only has one Stanley Cup and that's playing with another top 5 player in the world in Malkin, on top of a really good top 2 D guy in Letang.

That shows how tough the NHL really is.

Bennett will need a good supporting cast in the NHL to help us get to the Promise Land. Hope he can find players he can mesh with.

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Bennett will need a good supporting cast in the NHL to help us get to the Promise Land. Hope he can find players he can mesh with.


Yea looks like Hartley is settling with Gaudreau - Monahan - Hudler as a top line.  Bennett will need to find his own wingers.  Between Giordano, Brodie, Russell, and Wideman, the Flames can provide two lines with very offensive minded Dmen so the pieces are in place.  Hopefully Poirier shows some offensive flair soon.  After that, Klimchuk is the only prospect with top 6 potential and even then, he's more like a Lee Stempniak who fits the 2nd/3rd line mold.

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JG is a prime example this season. Teams now have the book on him and hes really cooled off. Hes still dangerous when you give him chances and make mistakes, but hes being much more limited than he was earlier.


Another 3 point night.  Ironic.  ;)

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I don't see much of a separation between the two as I've said earlier.  Both are 18 year olds.  The only thing separating them between this year's and last years draft is 6 months of age.  Both point totals are very similar, and I give Bennett the edge to grit.  However, head to head, I give a slight edge to McDavid, but nothing is telling that McDavid is the second coming of Crosby, nor that he's a generational player. 


Sam Bennett



Connor McDavid


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21 points in 9 games... Not too bad!

Back to semantics though, I always thought of a generational player not as best in the league, but the best on a team for 10-15 years. Someone you build around.

Sakic, Forsberg, Yzerman, Toews, Doughty, Chara, Brodeur, Modano, Pronger, etc.

All cup winners, all very valuable in different ways. It's early but Bennett could fit in to that category, he's certainly one of the best in Frontenacs history.

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Making his season-ending debut at 2.33 pts/game, which is VERY SOLID indeed!  He's also provided leadership grabbing the floundering Frontenacs and getting them into the playoffs.  It kind of shows how 1 key player can impact a whole team, though I'm still "its a team game" guy... I'm looking forward to seeing if they can make some noise in the playoffs and do damage.  I'm sure teams will be starting to get film on Sam and be focusing on him so it'll be enlightening to see how he reacts and his ability to overcome.


Once his team finishes their playoffs I'd love to see him up with the Flames (AHL first, if they make it) and be available to the Flames, assuming they can keep it up and make the playoffs.  That would also be great experience for Sam and provide a huge shot in the arm to the Flames by adding another extremely skilled offensive force.


Next year I'm thinking he will make the team and I'm believing he will do well.  I am wondering what other top rookies he'll be up against to make the biggest impression as rookies?  Likely both Mcdavid and Eichel, plus some top guys from last year's draft(Reinhart, Ehlers, Nylander, Ritchie, Domi and etc..) and the year before (Poirier, Nurse?).  Should be an interesting year.  Bennett may actually have a leg up on some of these new kids having spent almost the full year with the Flames on the sidelines figuring out the pro lifestyle and getting pointers from the coaching staff.  Plus the Flames will likely be a significantly better team then wherever McDavid and Eichel end up.  It will be interesting to see.

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Making his season-ending debut at 2.33 pts/game, which is VERY SOLID indeed! He's also provided leadership grabbing the floundering Frontenacs and getting them into the playoffs. It kind of shows how 1 key player can impact a whole team, though I'm still "its a team game" guy... I'm looking forward to seeing if they can make some noise in the playoffs and do damage. I'm sure teams will be starting to get film on Sam and be focusing on him so it'll be enlightening to see how he reacts and his ability to overcome.

Once his team finishes their playoffs I'd love to see him up with the Flames (AHL first, if they make it) and be available to the Flames, assuming they can keep it up and make the playoffs. That would also be great experience for Sam and provide a huge shot in the arm to the Flames by adding another extremely skilled offensive force.

Next year I'm thinking he will make the team and I'm believing he will do well. I am wondering what other top rookies he'll be up against to make the biggest impression as rookies? Likely both Mcdavid and Eichel, plus some top guys from last year's draft(Reinhart, Ehlers, Nylander, Ritchie, Domi and etc..) and the year before (Poirier, Nurse?). Should be an interesting year. Bennett may actually have a leg up on some of these new kids having spent almost the full year with the Flames on the sidelines figuring out the pro lifestyle and getting pointers from the coaching staff. Plus the Flames will likely be a significantly better team then wherever McDavid and Eichel end up. It will be interesting to see.

He still has 4 games to improve his ppg as well. Also not to nit pick but Kingston was in a playoff spot when he came back, but he did move them from 8th to 6th with a good chance to move into 5th.

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He still has 4 games to improve his ppg as well. Also not to nit pick but Kingston was in a playoff spot when he came back, but he did move them from 8th to 6th with a good chance to move into 5th.


He's in Connor McDavid territory in terms of this year's playoff impact.   Not to compare them outside of that (Bennett is a year older).


They were Barely in the playoffs before Bennett arrived, that is true. But they would have been squashed in the first round IF they made it.  Now, they are a Nightmare for whoever gets them.  Nobody wants to see the Knights in the first round now.

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Speaking of Generational players, and having BOTH McDavid and Eichel 'generational' this year, I was reading a 2016 draft report earlier and they were highlighting the 2, and possibly three 'generational' players for next year... So much for actual meaning of generational and the over-hyping of prospects coming up.b


To keep this thread to Bennett, No I don't think Sam is generational, but he well could be an Elite player that's part of the Flames Core going forward.  Here's hoping so!

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