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Fire Feaster!


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Finally there's a NHL GM worse than Kevin Lowe. Can you imagine if Calgary was forced to put O'Rielly in waivers and then Colorado pick him off waivers (if still available) with 3 draft picks in tow? Mute point now I suppose but it gives you the shivers.

I was reading yesterday Vancouver was one of the teams that also put in a offer on ROR. How do you know that Kevin Lowe didn't have an offer on him too? he certainly has a history of making those offers right?

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It's a big deal bro.  This whole ordeal is grounds for a vote of non-confidence from the fanbase and Feaster fanboys.

Really what did he actual do that cost this organization anything with this move? you all base this on a what if scenario in the worst case situation that cant happen. It is like just missing a dog while driving your car, you missed everyone is ok, get the hell over it. The vote of non-confidence franlkly should have been taking place well before this situation.

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Just about everyone did not know that this would have happened. ROR's agent said there were other offers besides the Calgary offer and he chose Calgary. Should they(other clubs who put in offers) be admitting they made a mistake and firing their GM's too?


The interview with the SNet reporter(Chris Johnston) who broke the story also indicated the NHL weren't aware about the "having to pass through waivers" until he talked to them to confirm it. We don't know if the NHL would have put ROR  on waivers had the Reporter not made enquiries. The Feaster statement indicated they didn't believe/know they would have had that problem and today said they would have issues with that interpretation.


It isn't like we actually lost our draft picks. I suppose you could say we almost lost our pick so Feaster should almost lose his job.


The press release is obvious bury your head in the sand mode, lets sweep it under the rug and let things simmer down.


The people whose jobs are to know this stuff and interpret this stuff aren't named Feaster. Simply firing Feaster wouldn't solve any of the much deeper problems with the structure of the Flames & pecking order from Owners on down through Ken King..

Don't hold your breath on any of that happening..... Feaster the puppet would be the first to go


No.  Based on Feaster's press release, he virutally indicated that he "knew exactly what was going on" and was prepared to move the process forward regardless.  THAT is scarier than he not knowing the rules.


I know what you are saying and i agree.  But that's not the situation here.  The situation is that Feaster was prepared to take the NHL to court and risk a 1st and 3rd round pick on the outcome of outside interpreters of the law.

Really what did he actual do that cost this organization anything with this move? you all base this on a what if scenario in the worst case situation that cant happen. It is like just missing a dog while driving your car, you missed everyone is ok, get the hell over it. The vote of non-confidence franlkly should have been taking place well before this situation.


He didn't miss.  He hit the dog.  Doctors saved the dog afterwards.


That's a closer analogy because Feaster actually signed Ryan O'Reilly.

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I was reading yesterday Vancouver was one of the teams that also put in a offer on ROR. How do you know that Kevin Lowe didn't have an offer on him too? he certainly has a history of making those offers right?


No offer was put in according to Gillis.  Gillis inquired.. but the organization determined there was no feasible way they would come up with a structure that Col wouldn't match that made any sense for the organization.

He stated any type of those offers that Van would of had to realistically make would of meant O'Reilly was going to be the highest paid forward on the team. Which would of been (my word now- ) Ridiculous.

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No.  Based on Feaster's press release, he virutally indicated that he "knew exactly what was going on" and was prepared to move the process forward regardless.  THAT is scarier than he not knowing the rules.


I know what you are saying and i agree.  But that's not the situation here.  The situation is that Feaster was prepared to take the NHL to court and risk a 1st and 3rd round pick on the outcome of outside interpreters of the law.


He didn't miss.  He hit the dog.  Doctors saved the dog afterwards.


That's a closer analogy because Feaster actually signed Ryan O'Reilly.

So what if he signed the sheet, wow, what did we lose in that process.  It is so apparent that Coloorado was never going to take a chance at losing him. Feaster just called their bluff and put them in a huge salary cap issue in the future. Personally that is a typical lawyer move, whether intended or not!

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Pretty hard to defend Feaster on this one.  Leagaleze is supposed to be his thing.  I hate to wonder if this had gone awry and he had been claimed by Columbus or someone else.  This was a huge mistake and I think ownership has to take a good hard look at what the Flames management is doing.  I believe some culpability falls on Ken King on this matter as well.

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No offer was put in according to Gillis.  Gillis inquired.. but the organization determined there was no feasible way they would come up with a structure that Col wouldn't match that made any sense for the organization.

He stated any type of those offers that Van would of had to realistically make would of meant O'Reilly was going to be the highest paid forward on the team. Which would of been (my word now- ) Ridiculous.

That was what was being said yesterday. Peter Maher at 5 o'clock said 4 other teams had offers rejected prior to ROR accepting the Flames.


If you were Gillis would you be admitting you had an offer on him and not knowing what we know now? I don't think so. Doesn't matter now anyway.

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No offer was put in according to Gillis.  Gillis inquired.. but the organization determined there was no feasible way they would come up with a structure that Col wouldn't match that made any sense for the organization.

He stated any type of those offers that Van would of had to realistically make would of meant O'Reilly was going to be the highest paid forward on the team. Which would of been (my word now- ) Ridiculous.

Based on what you say here, they did not know he would have to clear waivers either and would have put in an offer sheet if the they could have offered him a lower contract. So fire him too. 


over and out. lets play some hockey

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The fact is, Feaster made a serious blunder, and just because 4 other GMs (allegedly) were about to make the same blunder, and just becuase we escaped unscathed, is wholly irrelevant. Optics matter. We look like fools right now around the league - a complete joke. And nothing you say will change that. With our perpetual inability to rebuild and with moves like this, are we the new Islanders of this league?


This isn't some bloke we're talking about here either. Jay Feaster is a lawyer by profession, and I hold him to a higher standard regarding issues such as interpreting the rules of the CBA. That's an area where we should have a decided advantage over other teams given Feaster's background. For him to take such a step without carefully vetting the entire proposal is, in my opinion, totally indefensible.


We got a lot of people jumping in to take his back. Just imagine what you would think if Mike Gillis or Steve Tambellini did something like this. How would you react? We would be laughing our butts off pointing.


Feaster has made some decent moves, no doubt. And the direction he has taken our drafting is great. I'm very happy with that. But there are serious causes for concern, mainly the fact that Bob Hartley is starting to sound a lot like Jim Playfair, Mike Keenan, and Brent Sutter in his analysis of this team. And while this latest gaffe may not be something a GM deserves to be fired for, my faith in him as a GM of this team has taken a serious nosedive.

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The fact is, Feaster made a serious blunder, and just because 4 other GMs (allegedly) were about to make the same blunder, and just becuase we escaped unscathed, is wholly irrelevant. Optics matter. We look like fools right now around the league - a complete joke. And nothing you say will change that. With our perpetual inability to rebuild and with moves like this, are we the new Islanders of this league?


This isn't some bloke we're talking about here either. Jay Feaster is a lawyer by profession, and I hold him to a higher standard regarding issues such as interpreting the rules of the CBA. That's an area where we should have a decided advantage over other teams given Feaster's background. For him to take such a step without carefully vetting the entire proposal is, in my opinion, totally indefensible.


We got a lot of people jumping in to take his back. Just imagine what you would think if Mike Gillis or Steve Tambellini did something like this. How would you react? We would be laughing our butts off pointing.


Feaster has made some decent moves, no doubt. And the direction he has taken our drafting is great. I'm very happy with that. But there are serious causes for concern, mainly the fact that Bob Hartley is starting to sound a lot like Jim Playfair, Mike Keenan, and Brent Sutter in his analysis of this team. And while this latest gaffe may not be something a GM deserves to be fired for, my faith in him as a GM of this team has taken a serious nosedive.



Funny, as usuall I see this completely different. the only ones in the entire situation that knew about this loophole is Feaster and company as his statement seems to say.


With that being said, and being a lawyer by profession, it seems more likely to me that had colorado not matched not a sniff of this would have been said by anybody, and ryan would be in a flames uniform. The only way this makes any sense and backed up by Feaster going after the CBA to clarify this, is that he was supremely confident that had someone tried to claim waivers on Ryan that Feaster knew that he had a damn good chance to win in court on what is to my mind a huge loophole in the cba

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Funny, as usuall I see this completely different. the only ones in the entire situation that knew about this loophole is Feaster and company as his statement seems to say.


With that being said, and being a lawyer by profession, it seems more likely to me that had colorado not matched not a sniff of this would have been said by anybody, and ryan would be in a flames uniform. The only way this makes any sense and backed up by Feaster going after the CBA to clarify this, is that he was supremely confident that had someone tried to claim waivers on Ryan that Feaster knew that he had a damn good chance to win in court on what is to my mind a huge loophole in the cba


"Damn good chance" to win in court justifies recklessness? What a terrible argument. The matter should have been settled with the League BEFORE the offer sheet was tendered. We can't be endorsing an "act now deal with it later" type of mentality especially when there is so much on the line.


Moreover, Feaster's statement only indicates that his interpretation of the rule was different from the league's, which is the interpretation that would have applied and NOT Feaster's.

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Funny how everyone on this board seems to know better than the people that were actuallly involved in the situation and sorting through the legalities of it.


From what i read it seems obvious that ryans management agreed with calgary as i can't see him signing an offer sheet that would have seen him end up in columbus on waivers.


If's, If's, If's is all that i have read on this board. Unless proven otherwise i think i will hold judegement on Flames management conisdering they have teams of people that work on this stuff.

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My favourite team is the Oilers and whoever plays the Flames (or Canucks), I'm crossing enemy territory here. I absolutely hate the Flames, but I love the BOA and for the BOA to be exciting it requires both teams to be competitive, so in a weird way I want the flames to do well. With that being said, here's my 2 cents.

1. Jay Feaster has publicly criticized the Oilers management on numerous occasion for they're rebuild. This isn't necessary, shouldnt he focus on what's going on down there not up here.

2. To come out today and say he knows what potentially could have happened with respect to O'Reilly and draft picks, it has made not so much the Flames but himself the laughing stock of the league. Regardless if Avs matched or not is kind of irrelevant. People would be demanding he be fired if he lost O'Reilly, 1st and 3rd draft picks so the fact he was gambling is reason to be dismissed IMO.

3. Arguably the best Manager in hockey is available right now, Brian Burke. He turned Vancouver into a serious contender for what, the last 10 years? won Anaheim a cup (along with our village idiot K.Lowe) and made them a serious contender today, and lets be honest Toronto is looking a lot better when he left then when he stepped in. He can make the tough decisions and has managed in a canadian market before.

I honesty hope the best for your team and I hope this all works out for you guys. Again this is just an Oilers fan 2 cents.

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I am willing to reserve judgement.  I see a lot of people expecting Feaster to have done his homework, but I'm not so sure that we, as fans, have done enough of our homework to judge him Quite yet.


Today is a win for the NHLPA, and a lose for the NHL, in terms of the outcome for renegade players.


For that reason, I'm not surprised that the NHL did everything they could to make Feaster look bad.


Legally, it may take more time for us to know the answer.  I very much doubt most of the posters on here truly understand the fine print to the point of knowing who was in the right.


Feaster is a lawyer.  If, a week from now, it becomes clear that Feaster had legal grounds, then I support his move and I disagree that it was risky.


If he didn't....then I'll state my opinion at that time.  I don't know enough yet, and neither do most on here.


I think it would do us good to remain neutral on this until more information comes out.


If it's as bad as it sounds, then Feaster's days are numbered.


But if this is actually a big show by the NHL, and Feaster had legal merit, then it was actually an impressive attempt to get that elusive cetner.



p.s....this Does hurt us in the standings, because we have to play against O'Reilly now.  that's true.  but the impact is very minimal and has zero impact on our next cup run.

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In fairness this isn't Feasters bad. It is the people who's job it is to study and understand all this. Feaster can only be blamed for trusting his inept people. The NHL apparently didn't even know yesterday that this situation would have happened.


The buck stops with Feaster. He's a lawyer, this isn't Daryl Sutter. The rule is clear. There is near consensus on this outside of Feaster's brain. You'd think he'd at least check with the NHL first if there was any doubt.


I don't care who advised him what, he is RESPONSIBLE for his actions... that's why he makes the big bucks.

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I have done many risk assessment in my time.  A common method is to identify the risk, determine the likelihood of the risk, and then determine the consequence if it happens.  This generally translates to a risk level.  Mitigation may be then assigned with a new residual risk following the mitigation.  The decision maker can then look at the risks, the costs of the mitigation, and then decide whether to go forward and what mitigation to apply.  


For example:


Ryan O'Reilly Offersheet


Risk 1: Offer sheet declined by player

Likelihood: Possible; Consequence: Low (possible risk to reputation); Risk Level: 2

Mitigation: Offer more money; Residual Risk Level: 1


Risk 2: Colorado matches

Likelihood: Likely; Consequence: Moderate (Competition gets access to key player); Risk Level: 4

Mitigation: Offer more money, Select contract to expire when Landeskog, Duchene, and Varlamov's do; Residual Risk Level: 2


Risk 3: Waivers Required

Likelihood: Likely; Consequence: Extreme (Lose draft picks with no return); Risk Level: 10

Mitigation One: Confirm with NHL prior to offer sheet;  Residual Risk Level: 1 (new risk: if NHL confirms waiver requirement offer sheet no longer possible)

Mitigation Two: Build a case for grievance.  Wording unclear in MOU presenting opportunity to win in arbitration; Residual Risk Level: 5




The question is was risk number 3 identified.  If it wasn't then this was an outright mistake.  Perhaps it was made our could have been made by other GMs and professionals in the league.  But that doesn't excuse this being a major mistake.  


If it risk 3 was identified then clearly they chose Mitigation Two over Mitigation One.  Meaning they felt that if their interpretation of the MOU was incorrect and the NHL did require waivers that they had a strong case.  Some are suggesting that this makes it okay.  


Although I understand that each organization needs to determine their risk tolerance I can't agree with this here.  O'Reilly isn't worth 5-million plus a potential top 5 pick plus a 3-round pick plus the risk of losing the player off waivers.  


If Feaster and company did identify the risk in advance they should have cleared it with the NHL.  I get that if they did clear it with the NHL and the NHL confirmed the requirement of waivers then they are dead in the water (can't file a grievance after the NHL confirmed the wording so no offer sheet possible).  But going forward without that confirmation should not have been a tolerable risk and it speaks to the unreasonable desperation of the Flames.  Anyone that has any experience with arbitration will tell you that even if you have a strong case it is unpredictable.  The NHL will argue that the previous CBA language was clear and the intent of the rule was clearly to allow teams to bring over their own players playing overseas in the lockout.  It was never intended to be a loophole to allow teams to claim unsigned players not on their team.    


Either they missed it.  Which is bad.  Or they didn't.  Which is arguably worse.  Either way shame on the Flames.  

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Emberassing.....yes.  Extremely.


The League and the other 29 NHL teams missed it.  Of course the Flames are the easiest cannon fodder for the media because blame has to go somewhere.


However, nothing came from this.  Nothing was lost except pride.  Will there be meetings, questions asked, fingers pointed, retribution?  Most likely. 


Though it seems there is a never ending source of drama from this club, nothing new, nothing to see here, just move along.  Too many ifs and almosts in this thread for me to almost care.

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Emberassing.....yes.  Extremely.


The League and the other 29 NHL teams missed it.  Of course the Flames are the easiest cannon fodder for the media because blame has to go somewhere.


However, nothing came from this.  Nothing was lost except pride.  Will there be meetings, questions asked, fingers pointed, retribution?  Most likely. 


Though it seems there is a never ending source of drama from this club, nothing new, nothing to see here, just move along.  Too many ifs and almosts in this thread for me to almost care.


29 other GMS didn't make an offer sheet without clarifying the language in the MOU with the NHL.  Feaster didn't have access to the CBA as it isn't ratified yet.  Making this move without clearing it with the NHL is either a horrific error or a poorly placed but intentional gamble.  Either way it is idiotic.  


The only way that the Flames get a pass is if they did clarify the wording with the NHL prior to making the offer.  But that isn't the tone from the NHL or Feaster.  

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For me, the waivers is not as big an issue as the whole idea that he actually thought he could get him with that offer. No doubt Colorado was going to match and congragulations Jay, you just made one of your division rivals better and made your playoff race harder. That's the biggest decision that should have been looked at and you can try to tell me "oh well who knew Colorado would match". Come on, a team is not going to let a player like O'Rilley go for the small return they were going to get.


I'm not a Feaster fan, havn't been since Day 1, so i'm not overly suprised this happened and it doesn't really change my opinion of him. Having said that I don't think you let him go you have to allow him to work his plan out I hate how teams give up too quickly on GM's.

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For me, the waivers is not as big an issue as the whole idea that he actually thought he could get him with that offer. No doubt Colorado was going to match and congragulations Jay, you just made one of your division rivals better and made your playoff race harder. That's the biggest decision that should have been looked at and you can try to tell me "oh well who knew Colorado would match". Come on, a team is not going to let a player like O'Rilley go for the small return they were going to get.


I'm not a Feaster fan, havn't been since Day 1, so i'm not overly suprised this happened and it doesn't really change my opinion of him. Having said that I don't think you let him go you have to allow him to work his plan out I hate how teams give up too quickly on GM's.


Giving up on GMs to soon hasn't been Calgary's problem.  If they would have pulled the plug on Sutter a season and a half earlier we wouldn't be nearly in as bad of shape as we are now.  If Feaster's plan includes these types of desperation moves I don't want to see him work the rest of his plan out.


The problem is where is the pressure coming from.  If it is Edwards or King pulling the strings then a GM change doesn't help.  But if Feaster is operating with rope then I don't agree with you.  I think they have to make a GM change as soon as they can tolerate one.     

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Giving up on GMs to soon hasn't been Calgary's problem.  If they would have pulled the plug on Sutter a season and a half earlier we wouldn't be nearly in as bad of shape as we are now.  If Feaster's plan includes these types of desperation moves I don't want to see him work the rest of his plan out.


The problem is where is the pressure coming from.  If it is Edwards or King pulling the strings then a GM change doesn't help.  But if Feaster is operating with rope then I don't agree with you.  I think they have to make a GM change as soon as they can tolerate one.     


I wasn't being specific to the Flames, that was a general thought in terms of GMs and how I think overal teams are often too quick to get rid of GM's beucase while yes you have a point, you also have to basically write off the next year becuase a new GM will make his changes. I'm not so sure that the O'Rilley move was a desperation move, I don't think it was a good one, but I don't think it was desperate. Desperate to me means they woudln't have made this move 2 months ago and I think they would have. They've been trying to trade for him for a while so I don't agree it's a desperation move.


For me, Fester get's one more offseason to finish his plan becasue his plan should be to include the transition away from Iginla and Kipper and to a new core. So far he has made "some" positive moves in that direction and you have to admit this team is much better position to withstand a loss of Iginla and or Kipper than they were before Feaster got here. Now having said that his plan needs to include those type of moves and if it doens't then I agree you need to move on, but as of right now I think it's better to see this plan through than to get a new GM in there. That's of course assuming that the ownership group is allowing that and not as controlling as some have suggested and if they are this is a moot point becuase Feaster is screwed and we are too...


Personally, I would love to see the Flames reach out to Brian Burke and bring him in as a special advisor to the GM and have him get to know this orgnazation from top to bottom and also have that backup plan if they need it.

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I wasn't being specific to the Flames, that was a general thought in terms of GMs and how I think overal teams are often too quick to get rid of GM's beucase while yes you have a point, you also have to basically write off the next year becuase a new GM will make his changes. I'm not so sure that the O'Rilley move was a desperation move, I don't think it was a good one, but I don't think it was desperate. Desperate to me means they woudln't have made this move 2 months ago and I think they would have. They've been trying to trade for him for a while so I don't agree it's a desperation move.


For me, Fester get's one more offseason to finish his plan becasue his plan should be to include the transition away from Iginla and Kipper and to a new core. So far he has made "some" positive moves in that direction and you have to admit this team is much better position to withstand a loss of Iginla and or Kipper than they were before Feaster got here. Now having said that his plan needs to include those type of moves and if it doens't then I agree you need to move on, but as of right now I think it's better to see this plan through than to get a new GM in there. That's of course assuming that the ownership group is allowing that and not as controlling as some have suggested and if they are this is a moot point becuase Feaster is screwed and we are too...


Personally, I would love to see the Flames reach out to Brian Burke and bring him in as a special advisor to the GM and have him get to know this orgnazation from top to bottom and also have that backup plan if they need it.


I agree that Feaster has done a good job in giving us pieces to build around sans Iginla.  But he has maintained that his goal is to make the playoffs and not to rebuild.  When Sutter was going to miss the playoffs for the first time he panicked with a series of move that seriously damaged the franchise.  


Feaster is about to miss the playoffs for the fourth time in a row (second as GM).  In terms of measurable results there are none.  He guaranteed a playoff spot a year ago.  He has been almost arrogant in his stance that this is a good team.  It is his support staff, his players, and his coaches at the helm so there is nobody to blame.  Not to mention this is do or die time in terms of inking Iginla.  


If there is a time for him to be desperate this is it.  I think this was a desperation move to address the C position and give this team a chance to move into a playoff spot.  If this team finishes in the bottom 5 and they fail to extend Iginla then Feaster gets a bucket full of crow and potentially a boot out the door.  


Would it shock you if we see another desperation move?  What about Lecavalier?  Rumors are he could be available.  Would Feaster go after his old player.  Perhaps giving up our first and Gaudreau?  


This team can't win without a 1C.  And Feaster is adamant that we have to win now.  I think he is desperate and the Flames need to be careful he doesn't make a desperation move that hurts us.  They also need to make sure he is making the right types of move at the deadline to avoid losing key players for nothing.


I am worried he is set on making a move to right the ship, the right move won't be available, and out of desperation he will be forced to make the wrong move.  When he really should be focused on making the right moves to right the ship for next season or the one after that.   

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People can stick up for feaster all they want!!!! yes he brought in a couple good players but it does not change anything,the flames are still not good enough.The flames were once known as a tough,physical,in your face kind of hockey that no teams liked to play!!!! now a days its sad and its getting worse.When is the last time the flames had a good gm?i say the last one was cliff fletcher!!!!Lets say they had brian burke he is the type of guy who has the balls to say and do whats right he would not be afraid of ken king or be a puppet like feaster.We had one of the best coaches in the nhl when sutter was behind the bench the ken king made him the gm thats where the flames went wrong,then we started going down hill from there!!! its not the players fault or iggys it the front office that makes the moves to bring in these players who do not perform.The owners should clean house starting with king and feaster thats the start of the rebuild in my opinion.I feel sorry for iggy if he stays he will never win the cup they should give him a chance he deserves it and so does kipper!!!!

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I agree that Feaster has done a good job in giving us pieces to build around sans Iginla.  But he has maintained that his goal is to make the playoffs and not to rebuild.  When Sutter was going to miss the playoffs for the first time he panicked with a series of move that seriously damaged the franchise.  


Feaster is about to miss the playoffs for the fourth time in a row (second as GM).  In terms of measurable results there are none.  He guaranteed a playoff spot a year ago.  He has been almost arrogant in his stance that this is a good team.  It is his support staff, his players, and his coaches at the helm so there is nobody to blame.  Not to mention this is do or die time in terms of inking Iginla.  


If there is a time for him to be desperate this is it.  I think this was a desperation move to address the C position and give this team a chance to move into a playoff spot.  If this team finishes in the bottom 5 and they fail to extend Iginla then Feaster gets a bucket full of crow and potentially a boot out the door.  


Would it shock you if we see another desperation move?  What about Lecavalier?  Rumors are he could be available.  Would Feaster go after his old player.  Perhaps giving up our first and Gaudreau?  


This team can't win without a 1C.  And Feaster is adamant that we have to win now.  I think he is desperate and the Flames need to be careful he doesn't make a desperation move that hurts us.  They also need to make sure he is making the right types of move at the deadline to avoid losing key players for nothing.


I am worried he is set on making a move to right the ship, the right move won't be available, and out of desperation he will be forced to make the wrong move.  When he really should be focused on making the right moves to right the ship for next season or the one after that.   


The term offered for ROR was short enough for COL to match. If they did't match, Feaster would need to make some moves to free up roster spots and improve the overall defensive side of the team. By giving up a 1st rounder, he would need to ice a playoff team this year or risk a lottery pick as compensation for ROR. This team with ROR and nothing changed on defense is not a playoff team.

This team with ROR, an improved defense, and Kipper is more likely a playoff team. That means moving Iggy and possibly Gio or Brodie. Iggy has shown he is not the guy to get us wins. He is and will still be an asset for a deadline deal. Same with Gio.


The fact that COL matched is an indication that this was a smoke and mirrors move. Force COL to commit to the player this year.

Give Feaster an excuse to trade Iggy and/or Kipper. If he does this and makes the playoffs, he is a genious; if he fails, well we were out of the playoffs to begin with and we get a lottery ticket for the draft. Iggy moves on and the era comes to an end.

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