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Everything posted by travel_dude

  1. Hate to say this, but if Hiller had started, it would have been 0-3 after 20 minutes and Ramo would be in trying to rally a comeback.
  2. I wouldn't really say Ramo lost either game this past weekend. He was okay against STL, and at least average or better against the Wings. Three goals caused by a total collapse in our own end. I doubt a competent backup would have fared any better. Saying that, we need a backup that can be trusted. Hiller has lost confidence and doesn't appear to have any focus during games.Whether he was sick or not, his only decent starts have been Oct. 10th and 23rd.
  3. Other than his age (and cap hit), he is no worse than a lot of top 4 D in the league. We see his game too much, and there is some reason to hate his play, but other teams speculate how he would fit in their system. I'll wait for the trade before I say too much more.
  4. I guess what I was saying was that Wideman isn't a cap dump for us, so we shouldn't be dealing his as such. Bernier for Wideman would be wrong in so many levels. Value is getting a top 6 forward for a top 4 defenseman. Dallas is supposedly looking for a upgrade on D, and are supposedly using Nichushkin as bait. Would Wideman be a fit with Odoya? Maybe send Russell?
  5. "Getting rid of Wideman" is wrong on many levels. He was a league leader in points last season (7th in goals and 4th in points). His contract may be looked at as being an anchor, but it isn't as bad as others out there. Bieksa is older and is a $4.6m cap hit, but doesn't provide much offense. Wdieman is primarily an offensive, PP d-man. Just because he wasn't dealt doesn't mean he doesn't have value. He should bring back a decent return. If you retain even $1m in salary, he becomes even more valuable. Wideman for Bernier would be like getting Butler for Regher. BTW, I am not picking on you, but it seems people think Wideman has no value. His NTC puts a crimp in possible deals, but I think that is not a deal breaker. He may not like certain cities, but he is a hockey player looking for a new contract.
  6. And BT reportedly denied looking at Bernier. TBH, I think they were looking at forwards. Maybe JVR. Maybe one of Tampa's forwards that would be priced out in the event of Stamkos signing. Or looking at Stamkos himself, to see what he is worth. Stats and reels don't always tell the story.
  7. Well, I think Smid has some value, especially next summer. Lots of team will look to FA to fill out their rosters after failed seasons. We might not be able to trade Engelland, but Smid might be possible. I doubt we have Russell and Wideman at the end of the year. If we trade those guys, keeping one of Engelland or Smid is low risk. That leaves us with 4D signed for next year. More than enough space on the roster for some kids. If I'm not mistaken, you're a Ducks fan that followed Hiller when he was there. Hiller is not the same goalie as last year. Before his injury, he was slow reacting and gave up easy goals. After he came back, he had a bad game against the Sharks, letting in 5 goals on 29 shots. When he played sick, he was just as shaky, almost costing us both games. Not going to say he sucked, because he was probably low on energy. But there has been no evidence that starting him again will be any better. The only possible time to start him now that Ramo is playing better, is in Detroit or STL. If he starts one of those and causes us our 1st loss in two weeks, what then?
  8. I have to disagree on that one. Johnny is clearly the best forward we have, and it isn't close. Without those two players, we would be 5-23-2. Even in games when neither of them score points, they make the difference between an okay team and a good one. If a guys is in your top pairing, facing the league best, he is either the best or 2nd best. One of the two makes the pair the best pairing.
  9. My only point is that Brodie is the best D-man we have, and one of the top ones in the league. I though my theme of posts had said that. If not, let it be said now. In a few years, the top 2 will be Brodie/Hamilton. Not that Gio will decline, but that these two will be in their prime. They are pretty darn good right now.
  10. If I was BT, I would never let that though even enter my decision making process. I would add Bernier if I thought he was a goalie that could be better than Hiller and Ortio. Otherwise it makes no sense. GM's either make calculated risks or they bet the farm. Raymond was a calculated risk. It didn't work out. Going into the off-season with no goalies signed is a huge risk. Your scouts and goalie coaches have to provide you with info to make those decisions. If Ramo becomes a true #1 in CGY, he is going to cost $4-6m. Still need a backup. Anyway, I am not arguing for bringing in Bernier, just that we could do worse riding out Hiller. Dubie is an example of a goalie that rebounded after a bad season. Just saying.
  11. That's the age old debate. Does Brodie make Gio look better than he is? Brodie doesn't have name recognition. But on any given night he is arguably the best player on the ice, except for Gaudreau. He leads in ice time, is better at zone entries, and is the only positive +- defenseman, except for Engelland.
  12. What is the worst case for trading Hiller for Bernier. You have to buy out Bernier at a cap hit of $2.7m next year and $750k the following. Or you waive him and his cap hit is $3.2m. You also can't bank on what may happen in the off-season. There may be no goalies or tons. Bishop could crap the bed the rest of the season. The asking price could be crazy-high next summer.
  13. In his 20 year old season he posted pretty decent numbers for a 1b goalie: 41 gp, 21w, 12 losses, 0.920 SV% 2.56 GAA. Not bad for a guy his age. Even if we signed a $6m goalie, we still have ways to fit the top guys in. If it needs to happen, it will. We don't need to then spend >$2m on a backup.
  14. Some of Brodie's miscues come from playing on the wrong side. It's difficult to backhand a pass across the ice. Here is some info about Hamilton/Russell I found quite interesting: Dougie Hamilton led the Flames with a 62.96% ES CF. There were times throughout the night he was the only positive possession Flame at even strength, and by a considerable margin (think 69% near the end of the second period, and Joe Colborne was the runner up at 50%). He also played 19:23, fourth on the Flames in defencemen for ice time, with just 10 more seconds than Wideman. Wideman played 5:00 on the power play, for all the good that did them, while Hamilton got in a mere 27 seconds. Wideman also played 1:54 on the penalty kill, a situation Hamilton seemingly is not allowed to partake in, even though there's reasonable evidence to believe he has the potential to succeed in the role. Hamilton was quietly one of the Flames' best players of the night, has been one of the better defenders outside of his disastrous start, and isn't being played as such. He played better away from Russell (60.00% ES CF with compared to 71.43% without; Russell was 55.56% without). I bolded and underlined a few items that are fairly telling. It kind of points to setting up the pairings effectively. Brodie/Hamilton and Russell/Engelland. Double shift Brodie with Gio if you need to reduce Wideman's minutes with Gio.
  15. What worried me about the Nashville game was the inability of the 3rd pairing to get simple things right. Engelland was lost. Wideman was ok at time, and really bad at times. Forcing one to play their wrong side is not helping. I have been all over Russell this year, and even though he looked good for most of the game, would like to see him in the 3rd pairing. Somebody needs to stabilize that. He is mobile enough to come back when needed. Wideman needs to play with an effective LHS D-man. I understand that the defense looks fairly stable now, but we took baby steps to get players adjusted. I think we can make some adjustments that long term will help us out. The most minutes should be played by (in this order) Brodie, Gio, Hamilton, Wideman, Russell, 6th D.
  16. Ramo may be able to replicate this kind of game, but he hasn't been able to do it for any long string of games. He showed that last year with B2B shutouts followed by a let-down game. It happens. Ramo could turn into Carey Price in the next few years, but we are concerned with today and next season. Making a team better today and for the future is always the goal. Goalies are too important to waste time waiting for them to recover their form. I don't see how Hiller is going to get out of the doghouse. He was just ok in his last two games. Ramo gets the start after those two Hiller wins. When is Hiller going to be trusted again? He is in the same boat as Ortio now.
  17. It's not like we are going to re-sign him in the off-season. Even with one of the best goalie coaches, Berra is still not even up to Ramo standards.
  18. Hiller for a 3 night stay at Ghilla River Resort.
  19. Kassian needs to work with Big Ern to deal with his demons. No thanks for now.
  20. That puts Anaheim's GM on the hot seat. None of his goalies are performing. He hasn't cleared much cap. Maybe they make a deal now with one of the 3. Can I interest you in Hiller ++ for Anderson???
  21. I don't know if you can even make the claim when you have 23. Unless you hear something about Granlund today, the claim is not going to happen. I really wonder what value Hiller has to the team now. Hartley should have started him, if he was only bad due to being sick. Ramo got the nod today. The only thing that happens is that Hiller gets starter time in Stockton while we evaluate the new guy. If he didn't turn out, we waive/offer him back. Cost money and cap, but at least does something.
  22. I know. Just thinking that the only way to put in a claim would be to paper demote Granlund and waive Hiller today. That would allow Granlund and the goalie to both be available for Tuesday's game. Only risk is that a team below us gets first crack.
  23. Bouma is expected back this or next week. Would need to waive Bollig/Raymond/Jooris and Hiller, if Granlund is only a temporary assignment. We likely have enough (if they show actual cap hit and don't subtract Bouma's) space. The small relief for Hiller and other would be about $1.9m as well. Lot of money tied up in the AHL.
  24. As a cheap-ish pickup, it makes sense. The problem is the roster has to be clear of the player before you could claim him. Only solution would be a paper demotion of Granlund to allow time to waive Hiller. As well, we don't have the cap space to claim him. If the Flames were intent on this, they could allow Khudobin to pass through and deal for him with a current roster player. That way we could keep him in the AHL until we get him up to NHL level again (and do something with Hiller). On a side note, Ramo gets the start on Tuesday. That speaks volumes.
  25. I thought that Khudobin was a good backup when he was in Boston, but last year and this year his numbers look surprisingly bad. Carolina might do that to you, but he hasn't been great as a Duck in his limited play. I don't know that he much better an option than Hiller right now, and possibly worse going forward. The Toronto goalie situation is much like Calgary's, no true consistent #1. Bernier's confidence is gone, after being called out by the coach as not being a good option. His numbers are better than Hiller's (except for wins) on a lesser team. Big risk on his contract, but not anymore than Hiller for game play.
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