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Posts posted by robrob74

  1. 1 hour ago, The_People1 said:


    Bartkowski played well for about two weeks but he's beginning to show everyone why he is a borderline NHLer.  Great speed and quickness but decision making is questionable.  


    That said, Jokipakka was hopeless and generally looked lost our there.  He certainly isn't any better, just younger with potential to get better over time.


    I think from the limited time we saw Jokipakka last and this year, he took a step backwards. 


    But then, we were not in a playoff race when we got him and other teams didn't take us seriously then, so it is hard to judge.


    but to me, he took a step backwards. I liked what I saw last season, this year he looked bad most of the time.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Protestor said:

    I liked Jokipakka better than Bartkowski. I'm not saying we have a better choice right now, just that I don't think he's very good and I hope we find a replacement for him soon.


    They signed him for the Vegas draft I think. I think he is ok. We can't expect that much more for third pair.


    At home he is fine because we get  to line match, whereas I think he gets beat up on the road because the home team gets last change. 

  3. 23 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


    I don;t think the 3rd pairing has looked that good recently.  If I had my drothers, I would put in Andersson.  Sit Bart for a game.  


    I agree. But neither has Brodie and Stone for the past few games. Brodie seems to be back to making a lot of mental mistakes. I think those stand out more to me only because I don't expect that from him and what we know of his ability. So I probably scrutinize him a bit more because of it.


    Engelland has started to look a bit slower too. And that is probably fatigue. They're now playing every other night, which, even though not back to backs, is still tiresome. Not to give them excuses. But I think you're right, it would be a good idea to give some guys a game off for maintenance and Andersson's new energy could be what the team needs. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, Protestor said:

    He seems to be weak on both the puck and other players. Far too often I see him turn it over far too easily.


    But, like with all things of this variety, I figure the Flames' staff are far better at seeing this sort of thing than I am so if there's a problem they'll deal with it.


    In the grand scheme of things, he is realistically/probably better anyone else in our system. So depth isn't quite there. Is Kulak better? Maybe at times he has shown signs. They signed him so that they'd have someone to expose for the expansion draft. 


    Overall, I think the D has looked better with both Stone and Bartkowski. I don't think he is the long term answer.  Our D is far from its final look... 

  5. 4 hours ago, cross16 said:

    Calgary Next is dead yes, the flames have been told to look at plan B and they currently are drawing up plans and talking to the city about what that would look like. Plan B is building on the grounds where the saddle dome currently is but that's about the only option the flames have unless they wanted to build it well outside the downtown core, which is a horrible idea. 


    And Calgary next was a good 2-3 years away from being shovel ready so it wasn't going to boost the economy anytime soon. Calgary Next is dead because ken king completely mismanaged the project. If you want to blame anyone, blame him. 


    Edit: it's also been suggested that the reason it's moved behind closed doors is the Olympic bid. A successful Olympic bid may allow for the money from various levels of government to build it so they want to hold off on that process until they know the outcome of that. A bit far fetched imo but I have heard that




    What do you think of that design? 

    Is the see through dome a good idea? 


    Why orange? Should use red as a base colour. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, rickross said:

    I think it's fair to hold BT accountable for some overpayments but he's also received great value for players like Brodie for example. Early on he made some regrettable signings but I do think he's improved during his tenure. Some of those aren't all on BT...you can't really control the market and Brouwer at the time was fairly sought after and filled a huge need at RW. He has leadership and playoff experience which played into his price. If you look across the board there are some ridiculous contracts handed out...more often than not BT is NOT in that group. 


    Ya, I get it, but we won't know if that playoff experience pays off until the playoffs. 


    Maybe be he is good in the room now. But the play on the ice has not. 

    • Like 1
  7. 23 minutes ago, DirtyDeeds said:

    What I don't get is how a lot of posters here complain about Brouwer and his lack of contributions along with his pay/cap hit yet refuse to point fingers at BT for this signing. This is almost as bad as the Mason Raymond signing which he ended up burying and buying out which still costs us.


    BT has shown us he often overspends on free agents who don't turn out. He also brings in cheap free agents who don't turn out too.


    I'll be fair as well. Some of his re-signings were pretty good. A couple of his trades were pretty good too. Just every season he has some expensive free agent signings that aren't a good fit.



    I think that for the other smaller signings, it wreaks of the past regime where we seem to grasp at straws hoping to create something out of nothing. It's a bit annoying, hoping that a proven underachiever will pan out to be more. 


    A lot can say, Raymond did score to make him worth as much, and we didn't know where goals were going to come from. In my years watching him, Raymond just wasn't a player I would have signed. 


    Engelland was a bit over too. Those $500,000.00 overpayments can add up in the long range forecasts. As he also overpaid Bouma, by how much? And when you add the overpayments up, you get almost over $1,000,000.00. That's one 3rd or 4th liner. Or maybe it's that much that you're over that you can't sign a guy you'd want, or trade for someone. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, CheersMan said:

    Not sure what the record is but he has to be close.  Miss the days when Peter Mahr used to give us those daily interesting tid-bits.  It goes beyond that, Elliott is 14-1-1 in his last 16 games.  Last night he was one giveaway from getting his 3rd SO in 4 games.  His last 9 games average 0.957 SA%, possibly the hottest GT’er in the galaxy right now.  The million-dollar dilemma is how do you keep him dialed in without burning him out while you have a competent backup on the bench?  You don’t win SC’s in games 72-82, you win them in 4th round of the playoffs, potentially 38 games from now.


    It is really too bad Brodie screwed up last night. 

    About two minutes before that I said to my dad, the D better start playing for Elliott now. 


    I could see see a touch of complacency come into the game in the 3rd. I didn't feel like they'd lose, but the play changed. 


    Too bad, Elliott deserved the shutout.  

  9. Just now, Carty said:


    Edmonton got a new arena in the same economic conditions, the city participated and is already reaping the benefits of revitalization in the area, and that benefit to the city and it's tax base will only continue to grow...


    Didn't they have a portion of the Game and Entertainment revenue set to go back into the governments pockets?

  10. 3 minutes ago, JTech780 said:


    Kulak is injured.


    As Cross mentioned in another thread Andersson only gets in if we are down both Hamilton and Stone. Andersson was called up on emergency basis, meaning that he only gets in if we don't have enough healthy bodies. 


    After the trade deadline you only get 4 call ups for the rest of the year, Andersson being on emergency basis means he doesn't use up one of those call ups.


    I wonder if Hamilton will play. They might keep it safe by sitting him to heal the cut. Cuts are dangerous with hockey gear - infection... 

  11. 2 minutes ago, zima said:

    Wow bringing up Andersson I bet Kulak is not happy I bet he thought it would be him being brought up since he has been in the top 1or 2 in the heats organization. Any Im pretty excited to see what Rasmus can do in the NHL hope he makes his day bebut a success. Go Rasmus Go


    Yesterday when Kerr was talking to Francis, Kerr said Kulak is injured. 

  12. How much are we willing to pay a tandem to start?


    Bishop wanted over 6m. 


    How much would we sign Elliott and Johnson for for about 2-3 years?

    Elliott for 3 years

    Johnson for 2 years



    By then, our young goalies would be ready to push for spots. Who knows how long it will take for them to?

  13. 28 minutes ago, MAC331 said:

    A lot of development is mental as these players have the physical talents. They may need some more muscle and weight to apply their talents at the NHL level however they have to come to grips with the position they will play. Many players such a Shinkaruk or even Poirier who were big scorers in Junior will level out as 3rd liners but they have to mentally adjust to being more defensive. There is no shame in being this type of player, the NHL is a job and you will get paid handsomely no matter what, keep your head on straight and always be trying to improve your game.


    I agree. How many people get paid hundreds of thousands a year, let alone over 100,000?


    in ECHL Burrows was making 450.00/week. 

    How many of us would love to do even that? 

    In vancouver, beer league hockey fees are about 900.00 for 30 games plus a guaranteed 2 playoff games. I would take what Burrows got to play.

  14. 1 hour ago, Khrox said:

    I'm really hoping we extend Tre sooner rather than later. I assume they are waiting until playoffs for now, but I really doubt that we are getting a GM better than him coming along. 

    He has made some mistakes (Raymond was definitely a year too long), but at the same time, any first time GM is going to make mistakes. Any GM, regardless of experience, makes mistakes (anyone remember the Martin Erat and Michael Latta for Filip Forsberg trade?). But overall, Tre has been pretty good. The Engelland signing was little expensive, but he has worked out pretty darn well for us (and the expense was probably necessary to get a few more free agents to come to Calgary at the time. We weren't exactly expecting to make the playoffs that year, or projected to be anywhere close to it). Bollig was a sideways move. The Bouma signing wasn't great, but the Monahan and Gaudreau signings were far better than expected. The Dougie trade and signing was grade A. Frolik was a solid pickup. Elliot and Johnson, were good moves. Even bringing in Hiller was good at the time (sure his second year was crap, but I don't think anyone saw him being anywhere near as bad as he was that year). The Gio signing is yet to be really seen. It looked good at the time, still looks alright, but the last half we will see. GG has been a pretty good pickup as coach. The first 15-20 are rough, but anytime there is a coaching change (and especially with a completely different style) is going to take a bit of getting used to. But, overall, he has been far more beneficial to our rebuild than not. Including the draft. Sure Tkachuk and Bennett were sort of "no-brainers" at that point, but look at the depth moves. Kylington, Andersson, Mangiapane and Parsons? Those were good second+ round picks that could have gone a different way. I'd say he has earned it.


    I wish we traded Glencross for Forsberg instead of them going for Erat. I always wonder if that could have been done. Imagine what Washington would look like now with Forsberg on their team. 

  15. 43 minutes ago, rickross said:

    This will likely be the case, maybe we stumble upon some gem that turns out to be our next "Kipper" in the next few years. For now, our goalie situation could be much worse. Elliot has really played well recently but still not convinced he's our true #1. I think Bishop is a good goalie and he'll really steady the Kings net situation but I was always a bit worried with his injury history. 


    For me, the cost is the most important factor. Was Bishop going to cost us too much to acquire? And how much would he cost $$$?

  16. 5 minutes ago, rickross said:

    Unless Elliot backstops us to a deep playoff run I can't see him getting any more than $3.5M, i'm comfortable with that price. I can see CJ signing for no more than $2M, with a good chance we get a home town discount. Hopefully we can see Gillies, Parsons and Rittich push for a role in the near future. I still hope Gillies pans out but I do think the real gem is in Parsons.


    I think we still need a stop gap for one of the youth to step up. We might need to find someone to come in for about 3 years


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  17. 3 hours ago, conundrumed said:

    I haven't been against our goalies too much all year. It almost seems like the fix is in with the 2D additions and not having Wideman playing with his skate guards on 20 min/gm.

    Goalies have bad games, even the best ones. But I think a lot of it has been the team more than the Gs.

    Our G isn't a problem when the team shows up, imho.



    THIS! is what I say and why I defend the goalies. When the team shows up, the goalies play better too. 

  18. 8 minutes ago, tmac70 said:

     The 1st trip to the playoffs was by your words a fluke and had nothing to do with Trevling. You have also stated that this team is average at best which is on Trevling. Trevling has picked 4th and 6th, both Bennett and Chucky were no rocket science picks.


    Hamilton and contracts of our key guys are good, Bouma, Stajan, Brower, Engeland were bad. The blue print yeah what is that? I thought he wanted bigger, harder to play against, not even close. I agree on 2 points, he has not been bad but he also has done nothing that has solidified him as GM of the year either.


    He also traded a first to get Hamilton and then maybe nailed the later round picks, yet to see. 

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