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Posts posted by robrob74

  1. 1 hour ago, conundrumed said:

    House broke? I feel for you.

    Beautiful place, but wow, that's prohibitive on the finances.

    I had a lot of friends there, now just a couple.

    The others were totally house-broke.

    Hadn't taken a holiday in half a decade-type thing.

    That's not living.


    Sort of. I was getting out of art school as the market started to slowly ascend. I had to die to make it and that wasn’t happening.... so I got a job to start pay off student debt and by that was done, the market was out of reach!


    i couldn’t make a save! Well not enough to...


    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, conundrumed said:

    Is it just me, or are subdivision builders like Shane Homes a key player in destroying Calgary's housing market?

    For $10/save.

    In '94 I bought a beautiful 4 level split in Cambrian Heights for $160,000. Mainly retired, older community, gorgeous view of the city out our dining room window.

    25 years later, it's likely worth a million.

    Call it supply and demand all you like, a lot of people got rich exposing the demand side. By '99-01, real estate spiraled out of control.


    Welcome to Vancouver! It’s insane!

  3. 21 minutes ago, JTech780 said:


    I have been as hard on Smith as anyone here, but if I am going to be hard on Smith for not playing well I have to do the same with Rittich, and he hasn't been playing great for awhile. 


    I also think Rittich's history shows that he plays better when he has to fight for his minutes.


    I am not saying that we give the number 1 job to Smith, but right now neither goalie is playing like a number 1, and I don't think we have a number 1 goalie at the moment, so we have to go with goaltending by committee.


    I didn't have any issue with Rittich getting pulled in that game. It was a huge divisional game for us and Rittich wasn't mentally prepared for it and gave up two of his weakest goals this year.


    We currently are sitting in 23rd place in the league for save % at .900. Goaltending is our biggest weakness and something I think that needs to addressed. I am a little worried, because there are a lot of reports out there saying that management is fine with where our goaltending is at.


    He made a mistake on one goal. He usually recovers and plays well after a bad goal. The other goal he should come out for every time. But Burns faked one way which made Rittich go the other and burns played it perfectly. 


    Whos to say he’d not have recovered. But putting Smith in he lets in a bad goal while cold. 


    We will never know. 

  4. 2 hours ago, flames-fan-in-jets-land said:

    Even an athlete with the medical/rehab access a pro has, soft tissue injuries almost always take longer to heal 100%. You'll recover from a broken foot alot quicker than a high ankle sprain. It's probably not the reason performance is the way it is but its not totally out of the question.


    Yea, especially if they’re having to push off one side to another off a pain in the leg. I think you double think it, and even a double thought as a goalie you’ve already thought too long. The read is then off.


    i have a goalie friend who was never injured. Got one, got the ok from doc after rehab or physio to start playing again, tweaked it right away. Even just a slight one. He played through it a bit and continued to rehabilitate it. He thought it was ok enough to play but wasn’t the same. Then he re injured it again. Pulled muscles are a BTC! 


    I had a friend who would pull his every time we played a sport. He’d get it healed and then pull it again. 

  5. 10 minutes ago, cross16 said:

    I think it should be Rittich. Smith needs more than 2 good games to flip the equation for me. 


    Thats kind of my theory in goaltending now. Play a goalie 2 games on and 1 game off. If it’s a starter in becomes 54 games. If they play 3 on 2 off it’s a 50 game schedule. I am not saying smith won the net back or anything. I just want goaltending to get fixed.

  6. 26 minutes ago, conundrumed said:

    2 years? That's a bit much. A broken leg is 4 months.

    A broken head?

    I think it's been mental with Smith. His family thought Phoenix was the Satoshi Nakamoto and forever is my guess.

    The timeline fits. Don't forget, they're people like you and I.


    Well when you rush back to play you can’t fully heal. He’s had summer, but then possibly went back to training early. But then ya, could be in the head. The thing about hockey players is that they tend to play through a lot of injuries. If he was playing with something nagging it could be why it’s between the ears as well. He hasn’t looked right most of the year. Mobility has been slowed. Etc.


    i don’t want to give him an excuse nor let him off the hook.

  7. 1 hour ago, JTech780 said:

    Hate to say it, but I think we have to go back with Smith on Monday against his former team. Sitting for a few games isn't going to hurt Rittich, and I think we need to keep riding the hot hand and right now oddly enough it's Smith.


    I, for some reason, think he has had residual effects of his injury since last year. Possibly he is just getting over it.


    my bro and I chatted about it today and he said he heard from a goalie that some injuries take goalies up to two years to recover.

  8. 2 hours ago, cross16 said:

    I don't think is reasonable to expect someone to assume another player is going to make a mistake and to make a decision to cover up for that "potential" mistake. Especially when you are consistently coached to do exactly what Brodie did there. 


    Rittich broke a hockey 101 rule. It happens and you can't cover up every mistake. 


    What is the rule?

  9. 46 minutes ago, MAC331 said:

    The whole team hasn't played well the last 8 or so games so this game was coming. Hopefully they wake up and quit reading their accolades.


    Or thinking “we are winning so what does it matter which way we play? It is getting the job done.” 


    Peters was itching to practice. But I think this is it, the make up of the team. We’ve seen it every year; the brain farts, lapses in judgment, and lazy positioning defensively is what this team does and sometimes it costs them and sometimes not.


    sometimes it’s rewarding (high danger decisions, passed, etc).

  10. 42 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


    Yeah I hear ya.  My bias tends to play a part of my view, but guys like Francis/Wills also have a bias for pumping Smith up for playing the puck, saying that it takes the pressure off the D.  I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle.  Sometimes it helps.  Sometimes it creates more zone time.  Some times it impacts the D over the period (both positive and negative).


    Don't get me wrong.  I think his stopping the puck on pucks played around the boards is fine.  But, I tend to think he should just do that and get rid of it with a short pass.  Or put a glove on it.


    With his ability, I think he should be better in his decisions sometimes. I’d like to see him play it, but also pick times to. 

  11. 23 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


    McDonald and a cap dump would be my limit.

    Talbot may still be a good backup, but I'm not spending $4.16m (prorated) on a backup trying to salvage his season.


    Some goalies just aren’t good, but I believe that both the players and the goalies have an affect on each other’s play. A team plays poorly in front of a goalie, bad scoring chances goals mount and the goalie gets blamed because their numbers now look bad. Goalies start to lose faith in team and then gets in their heads and suddenly they can’t play in net anymore.


    goalie starts letting in bad goals and now team gets deflated because of bad goals. For me, it’s both. Edmonton is a Shi-Show right now, and I do wonder if Talbot could be salvaged on a better team? 


    I guess thats the burden a goalie has to swallow, they’re the ones that get blamed. He is lights out for two seasons and now can’t stop a beach ball. 


    The Oilers are a mess. I guess 4M is a lot to pay to find out if he could be saved. 


    I would trade Gillies straight up for Talbot. 


    Edited in:


    Are the Flames willing to pay up to 8M in net split between two goalies? 

  12. 59 minutes ago, cross16 said:

    This is dumb by the Oilers here but probabaly your floor for a Rittich deal. Gonna be real toogh for his camp to accept less. 




    Edmonton always paying overpriced contracts ruins the market. 

    • Like 3
  13. 1 hour ago, rickross said:

    Oilers mandate is to make the playoffs, Chia is done 100% if they don't. I agree, it'd be best for them to miss the playoffs and restart the rebuild to the previous rebuilds. They won't go deep in the playoffs but it would be sweet to knock them out in Rd 1 should we end up playing them. 


    Its so different looking down at the standings as opposed to always chasing and looking up! I remember only knowing which teams occupied those wild card spots...because that's all that was in reach at the time. It's a sad state to be in...always chasing and depending on others to lose. 


    Oilers have a major off season coming up, new management, goalies, major roster holes to fill and they still need to prepare for the expansion draft in a couple years. Best case scenario for us is they keep Chia for another year AND promote Gulutzan to head coach!


    The expansion draft will be easier on them as they’d have less talent to protect. It’ll be harder on the Flames. The Flames will lose someone like Bennett.

  14. 2 hours ago, cross16 said:


    Where did I blame Rittich? 


    I think in this case the stats match the eye test, he's not as sharp these last couple of weeks as he was early. Maybe it has nothing to do with his workload but I'ts something i'm personally monitoring. He hasn't really been a starter in 3 years so handing over a starter workload is something i've been concerned about for a while. 


    We don’t deserve a good goalie. Our Flames fans suck at getting behind a good goalie. The team can make errors but it’s on the goalie. Allow the other team to screen, or our own player can tip the puck on our own net and it’s Rittich’s fault

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, cross16 said:


    Where did I blame Rittich? 


    I think in this case the stats match the eye test, he's not as sharp these last couple of weeks as he was early. Maybe it has nothing to do with his workload but I'ts something i'm personally monitoring. He hasn't really been a starter in 3 years so handing over a starter workload is something i've been concerned about for a while. 


    Well  I don’t agree and think he’s the reason the Flames have won , keeping games close enough to comeback.


    the team play has been horrid aside from the Smith game.

    • Like 1
  16. 16 minutes ago, cross16 said:

    Certainly don't want to sound the alarm here but i think it's time to revisit Rittich's workload. 


    .890 Save percentage his last 7 starts and was not very good last night IMO. Not trying to create and issue but I do think he is playing too much and it might be starting to show. 


    A lot of goals were on screen shots last night, and things out of his control. 


    Unless a goalie is playing like supermen he’s not good. 


    The team made Satoshi Nakamototy mistakes on the goals, so we blame the goalie because he’s the last guy. 


    I will I’ll say that stat is more of a team stat than anyone wants to admit. This is why goalies die here. Even Kipper was at fault when he lost. Lame



    How much of that stat is affected by the lazy goals against after they scored an empty net goal? The Flames also won higher scoring games but went all free and didn’t play great defensive hockey. 


    Stats are deceiving. The Flames have played one good game in the past 6 games.

    • Like 1
  17. 5 hours ago, Horsman1 said:

    Trade deadline in mind.. Rittich fell apart last year when Smith was gone.. This year.. Smith is still around and plays a seemingly important role in Rittich's mental make-up.. Maybe what we should really be looking for rather than a back-up.. is a competent emergency number 3 guy as our farm team goalies are crappin the bed this year



    Maybe it is Smith who is actually the goalie whisperer 

  18. 33 minutes ago, Thebrewcrew said:

    True maybe he is just tired of Torts fair.


    I'm still not interested as he will be very expensive to acquire and Markstrom and Varlamov for example have better save%, and this guy wants 10.5x7...


    Ya that’s a lot.


    its scary because look at the Price contract. Never know that someone will get injured but the  price contract will hurt if he can’t turn it around.

  19. 1 hour ago, Thebrewcrew said:

    No interest in Bob anymore. Love watching him play, but he has really soured me this year. I get he wants to test the UFA market as is his right. But his attitude has been brutal all year reportedly. I could understand if he was on a team like Ottawa but he’s in Columbus on a team with a legit chance to win a cup.


    Youre forgetting the Torterella affect. Games where he was left in too long, games pulled early... 

  20. 23 minutes ago, cross16 said:


    He is wavier eligible. According to CapFriendly the recalled Colin Delia on emergency loan which means if they wanted to see Forsberg they could have done so without exposing him to waivers, which is what I thought perhaps could be the reason they went with Delia. Reading between the lines there but looks like he's down the pecking order to me but perhaps they are trying to move Cam Ward to accommodate (good luck with that)


    I do think the equipment changes are making the goalies appear worse (ie looking at stats) so that is a factor. I think normally you'd look at someone with a sub .910 save % and suggest they arn't very good but that probably needs to change this year. That being said, I do think we are in a down era of goaltending. Even some of the goalies we consider to be elite or very good at this point are not the same level of good goalies of the past. Just a down era I think. 


    One thing that could be different is the change in style of play. The league is transitioning to a faster game, skilled skating players, including the D. More mistakes and higher margins of errors? The clutch and grab, hooking and hacking are slowly, hopefully continues to be more illegal. They way teams can play D is changing. 


    Like you said, the .910 point could be lowering.

  21. 1 hour ago, cross16 said:


    Which is going to be tough as there are not a lot of those available. I definitely don't think the Flames should be using their first round pick. 


    Guy that might foot the bill is Anton Forsberg. He had some buzz in Columbus for a while and Chicago put him in the Panarin deal but then they signed Ward in the off-season and when Crawford went down it wasn't Forsberg they turned to. If he was in the Panarin deal you would assume they like him but perhaps things have changed. Good AHL numbers and really good numbers in the Swedish league but has been mixed in the NHL. 


    Well, I wonder if they just want to make sure their insurance goalie is playing regularly by sending him down. If they don’t need waivers, probably a good idea. 


    The lack of goalies in the league is kind of alarming. Although, could the league be moving back to offensive hockey and less than what has been average goaltending over the past 15-20 years? 

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