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Posts posted by conundrumed

  1. The trade Hiller stuff gets a little long in the tooth. He played very well for us last season and kept us in games as you need your goalie to do.

    I wonder what Hiller has to do, or if a lot of people just don't like him?

    I realize he's ufa next year, but I don't think that's reason to throw him under the bus. If he plays as well as last year, do we throw caution to the wind and expect Ortio/Gillies to just slide right in?

    There is a possibility it would be a setback. A setback in net would be devastating.

    I hate seeing the "Anaheim series" used as the excuse and wash everything before that away. Anaheim, as a team, was better than us, that's why we lost. We weren't supposed to even be there, does Hiller get any credit for that??

    He's been a solid signing for us, stability in net goes a long way.

  2. I think Ramo rather would sit closer to Niemi but above the others you mentioned.

    Most of the non-playoff teams have net issues.

    I'd think due diligence is monitoring the Ramo situation for those GMs.

    I don't even have to scrape the very bottom teams.

    The Avs and Dallas, Lehtonen and Varlamov, they HAVE to be considering options for durability in net.

    Not having that this year killed them dead.


    At the end of the day, I hope we treat our 1a & 1b in that light. Those teams missed the playoffs because goaltending plan b didn't work out.

    I believe you have to pay our tandem equally, and I'd have no problem giving him 3 yr term.

    If Hiller gets hurt and Ortio struggles, we're scrambling, big time.

  3. Very little chance Ortio gets picked up on waivers. There are lots of players like him sent down at the beginning of the season, Markstrom was a prime example last September. Teams are not going to want to carry 3 goalies just to claim Ortio unless they have massive injuries to start. 

    Going all the way through camp with what you have, only to sign an unproven goalie on a one way in the end is asking a lot of a GM, imho.

    That's seat of your pants stuff, to start the season.

  4. So what should we offer Ramo? 3yr/$4.5 per?

    I think that works in our timeline, but if he's offered term elsewhere, I'd guess he'd take it.

    Do we want to give him 5 years?

    What happens to Ramo really comes down to what he's looking for.

    This WAS his bridge contract so-to-speak.

    I'm guessing he'll want a 5yr term and I think he'll find one.

    If 5 at $20-23mil would do it, would you be for it?

    I think I would.

    In terms of Ortio, I can see him clearing waivers out of camp. His one way deal is an onus for any team to pick him up. Especially if they view it he was cut from camp. That's a hard pill to swallow if you grab him up and now the waiver wire is your problem to send him down.

    Imo it's high risk at the beginning of the season to claim him. Don't see it happening.

  5. I wish we could stop playing "flavour of the week". We have a solid TANDEM. If we are fortunate enough to dispose of the Canucks, and don't kid yourself, experienced teams with their backs against the wall isn't exactly a small task.

    Next up would be the Ducks. Ramo's role may be in the spotlight yet.

    And he'll do well.

    Such is our tandem!

  6. What's impressed me about our goaltending is that the workshare has created zero controversy. You look at Van or TO and even MTL back with Price and Halak, that stuff can create too much media vultures.

    My hat goes off to the goalies this year that they are simply ready to go and don't complain about not getting the start, just truly supporting the cause!

  7. Too much goaltending is not something that should be treated as being a problem.

    Unless a team in camp has major injury issues with goaltending next year....they have their own guys.

    I seriously don't see Ortio on a one-way being something many teams will jump on.

  8. It's likely time we just give it up for our tandem.

    Get behind what we've got, rather than look into the crystal ball for judgement.

    It's working, let's run with it until it isn't.

    It's still a great problem to have.

  9. I missed that conversation as well.  There is no way Ortio clears waivers, I guess that means subracting one of Hiller or Ramo.  If a decision had to be made right now I'd keep the 27 yr old Ramo.  

    They're selling you wooden nickels. Waive Ortio right now? Sure he'd be gone, waive him from camp, the market is flooded with guys waived out of camp. Do you see gm's actively plucking the waiver wire out of camp? No, you don't.

    Is it possible, out of camp? Sure.

    But it will be a lowlife GM, like Kevin Lowe. There aren't many of those...

  10. I think not only should we keep Russell - Wideman together, that should become the defacto "top pair".  After that, I think Brodie - Engellend could work.  When it all comes down to it, I trust Engellend more than i do Diaz, Potter, and Schlemko.  I would go Schlemko - Diaz as the bottom pair.


    All in all, our D looks sad without Giordano.  Arguably bottom 5 in the NHL.


    But same as all year, some really good defence from our 'tending.

    A lot is on them to keep us in rarified air.

    It's possible, but we should be worried about offence more than d. 1 goal in 3 games is not cool, no matter how you slice it.

  11. Thanks cross, that is the thought rolling around my pea brain lol.

    These optics happen often. The Brent Sutter thing, we trade down our #1 with NJ to appease Lou.

    Feaster leaves Chiarelli with egg on his face, Burke fires Feaster when Boston comes to Calgary.

    That's just our "coincidences".

    I may be wrong, but clearing waivers for guys you want to keep is a dilemma for all. If you want to be the GM that plucks from other teams, get ready to be handcuffed with your own moves.

    So I view it as a risk to waive, certainly, but there is likely calculation behind the risk.

    So sometimes you see guys clear waivers and wonder why, I believe there is more there than simply claiming anyone off of waivers.

  12. Ortio will clear waivers, lets be realistic. No team is going to keep him on their roster all season long unless they have massive injuries. Markstrom is a more highly rated goalie and he even cleared this year. 


    Goal is kind of an important position, teams tend to already have their prospects!

  13. The Flames are apparently trying to get the KHL to release goalie Deslauriers so they can sign him to a contract. Colorado (or ECHL) team has brought in a full time replacement for Carr and it looks like they may not expect to see him back anytime soon. The fact that the Flames are trying to move Glencross in the midst of a playoff run show that Treliving hasn't deviated from the rebuild path and doesn't want to lose a free agent for nothing.

    Add that all up and there is speculation (just chatter at this point) that the Flames may actually move Ramo (or Hiller) before the deadline.

    Personally I think it's a depth move to replace Ortio. Even with that it doesn't make a bunch of sense to me. But there it is.

    Trading Glencross smells like seller to me also.

  14. Theres no sure thing one will be gone by next season. Just because Ortio is on a one way doesn't mean he cant play in Adirondack, just means he gets paid the same either way. I see all 3 goalies in camp, to anoint Ortio to the big team is not only management suicide, but a slap in the face for players to see you can lose your job without so much as a competition. The only way i see any of these 3 getting traded prior to next season is if something is coming back .

    To let Ramo walk , also quite silly , hes proven he can play in this league, as a starter or backup is still up for debate, but im pretty sure theres a team or 2 he'd be the starter 1st day (look north for example)


    Remember , GOOD teams at any time have at least 3 goaltenders they are comfortable giving a start to on any day. look how many have gone down this year , and how many have come from the minors to have big games. After our 3  , who do we have you'd be comfortable starting in a game with the playoffs on the line?

    You go backwards by trading one right now

    Pretty sure we're on the same page. We can only solidify our G further to give us more options and even better returns.

    There's a possibility Gillies is in camp next year also. A few short months ago, this was a good problem to have!

    It's still a good problem to have.

    Perhaps Gillies becomes the IR callup and Ortio can sail fair in the A another year.

    Lock up Ramo for 3 more, Hiller becomes next year's deadline fodder, and we hopefully have great depth at the position to bargain with.

    Ramo has earned the contract, I agree the optics in our group are going to suck if he's allowed to walk. Particularly if we play a "not interested in signing you again" card.

    Karma's tough, you've gotta reward your top players, our tandem has earned it.

    While the media has feasted on Gio, Brodie and Johnny/Mona/Huds, even Bouma, the under-lying story, methinks, is our tandem.

  15. I agree.

    I appreciate that from yourself and robrob.

    I think I needed it actually!

    Sorry kehatch, I wasn't meaning to be a grunt about it, but we're where we shouldn't be. Reading "ah Hiller this, ah Ramo that" really strikes a nerve in me. Especially the "whose gotta go?".

    It isn't the time to have that discussion imho.

    So I apologize if I came across very narrow-minded.

  16. You got me. I give up.

    Let's keep the focus on which of these 2 needs to go.

    Seems like a good thing to stir up controversy about.

    I know media doesn't thrive on that.

    Our goalies brought it to the table this year. Heck, we're looking very unpredictable in my homer eyes.

    Again, and I can't stress this enough, I live in the now.

    And right now, we have a terrific tandem.

    In the off season, we have some hard decisions.

    It's where it's at.

    I love our tandem, piss off with the drama.

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