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Posts posted by conundrumed

  1. Sorry for the long post.

    Don't be sorry...you aren't wrong, but I think our goalies (Hiller and Ramo imo) have gotten off to a bad start. Goalies can face a lot of dangerous chances and a ton of shots. But they can't fall back on "team play" every time they give up 4 to 6. Even when that's correct.

    You still need your goalies to lead and you need them to over-perform and steal games or at least keep them close. It's the number 1 position to lead from, and it's been deflating too often for a team that needs that so far.

    But my point is, our goaltending is better than it has been, and it will be again. A goalie's job is to bail out mistakes and not gift any goals.

    They did it last year, they'll do it this year yet.

    Ramo and Hiller are night and day, I like that. NHL vets don't just suddenly become unworthy, just rough patches.

    Sometimes you need your goalies to save you from your team's horrific play, it'll be there again, I'm confident in what we have, stats be damned!!

    One issue(imho) I'm having, is none of our goalies feel a commitment from mgmt/coaching, so their play exudes it.

    Everyone says they're a different breed, I think that plays into it. e.g. Hiller not the opening night goalie, we can pretend they need to play regardless, but I believe their psyche takes a hit, personally. Ortio hanging around Ramo, I think this stuff plays on goalies.

  2. I still believe our goaltending isn't as bad as it has been, and with vets you've kinda got to let them play through it. I'm not saying this because Ramo had one solid game. He could lay a stinker again, but, with veteran goalies, you have to believe they can play out of t until the puck becomes a beachball again.

    It's hard to watch, but sometimes it's worth stepping back and saying, "I know our goaltending is better than this".

    I think the 3 ring circus played in their heads a bit off the hop, temperamental bunch....


    Start your vet opening night Hartley, you have 3 goalies.

    If your vet gets burned, so be it.

    I didn't like that he started Ramo over Hiller, regardless of whatever "message" he was sending.

    Is it safe to say BINGO?

    Hiller is our #1 ("a" maybe).

    Play Hiller, stable, chance to win.

    I do not want Ramo and Berra, err, Ortio running the show.

    Hiller plays net and mind games like an NHL goalie.

    I can't understand the "but he plays from his knees" attack on him.

    Every goalie dares you with something, but you have to put it there.

    He stays in his net and takes it up very well.

    The nux tried him short side off the hop...nothing. He's played against the Sedin's enough, that stuff matters to me.


    Many seem good with trading him, I'm steadfast in disagreement.

  4.  It puts the position in turbidity, we don't need that. It's apparent already that it is.

    Go with the vet, give him 1st chance to fail.

    Play your best cards and square it up off the hop.

    I'm worried we're toying.


    As far as I'm concerned, Hiller is 1A for this season. If we trade him...I guess we'll find out.

  5. I believe zima's last sentence hit the nail on the head. The D was pulling too quickly in general, and Wideman and Russell in particular were not sharp. It's the 6 game new season AHL play, it'll balance out.


    Start your vet opening night Hartley, you have 3 goalies.

    If your vet gets burned, so be it.

    I didn't like that he started Ramo over Hiller, regardless of whatever "message" he was sending.

  6. Even with the 5-1 loss I think Ramo had a helluva game. He had maybe 1 bad goal, that being the first goal, but it was a bullet by Hansen. The other goals were all on poor defensive breakdowns. I remember Kipper having a few of these nights.

    He had a few tbh, the 5th was a real stinker as was the 3rd. The 1st was a blast by Hansen, hard to stop, but like the last goal he isn't sharp on his short-side which Van kept trying to expose. I keep hearing about his athleticism but what I see is cheating too much, those are 2 different things.

    I was surprised Hiller didn't get the nod, but we still would have lost.

    You take away 3 goals that came from cheating, but bare in mind he had 3-4 saves on almost definite goals.

    I agree with cross it probably should have been 7-1.

  7. Ok you are now BT standing in front of the media scrum after Ortio claimed off waivers;


    Mr. Treliving, yesterday the Flames attempted to send Ortio to Stockton, the process required him to clear waivers first.  Today the EDM Oilers claimed Ortio and the Flames lost their best young goalie prospect in recent time.  Mr. Treliving, the Flames appeared to have made a huge miscalculation, with two veteran goalies remaining, with neither signed beyond this year, could you please explain what lead to this decision and why a talented young goalie with huge upside is no longer with this club?

    Bite me.

    It is assumed everyone's post is personal opinion.

    I would have hoped.

    So my personal conviction means jack.

    How shocking.

    Bite me.

  8. I believe a lot in this thread run on passion, and stats.

    But if you consider the position, there is a lot of dynamics to consider.

    For the staff, you have to consider what style of goalie best compliments the style you want your players playing.

    That involves looking at steering the puck off of saves. It also involves players understanding you the goalie, where you'll be, how you'll play it, and having that consistency cuts down on miscommunications.

    Much of goaltending is mental fortitude. Goalies are 1 of 2 ways. Level and balanced, nothing gets to them. Or pissed right off and just taking over.

    All the greats, I can think of what happened when they lost their excrement. Patty Roy got a new team, Hextall and Belfour, Quick, Price. Never infuriate a good goalie, they will bust through walls to keep the puck out.


    Which brings me to Hiller. Of our 3 goalies, he has good rebound control and his teammates know where he puts it consistently. He's level to a fault. I'd have loved to see him go sideways last year just to check the effect. But he just doesn't.

    He'll start game 1 imho, simply because he checks the most boxes in goalie mechanics. That's why I stress he has really settled the position down for us. I don't want tumult and miscommunication, lack of consistency back there. That was 2013. It was corrected.

    Gillies is a big goalie like Hiller. Ortio is adventurous like Ramo.

    I want one of each, so Hiller's experience wins for me.

    I'd be real nervous if sent Hiller away. I believe we'd be taught a lesson.

    • Like 1
  9. I think we should also be reminded that Hiller was signed as a stop gap.  He was not signed as a permanent long term goalie.


    Well, his time is up because Ortio is ready.  The next step is elementary and should be dealt with accordingly.


    Does experience in net mean nothing to no one?

  10. It's a "what have you done for me lately" league. This preseason the goalie who is earning the spot is Ortio.

    The Flames had average goal tending last season. Ortio has a low bar to reach and he could very well exceed it. There is zero reason to risk him on waivers imo.

    I guess we'll see.

    It's either Ramo or Ortio goes for me then.

    Hiller's 1A in my books.

    He's done what Ramo had a year jump to do.

    The difference, for me, is the dmen know how Hiller will play it. He's consistent.

    Don't under rate that, Kipper left we instantly saw instability.

    Hiller is here to keep it stable.

    That's what we're paying him to do and I have no complaints.

    2 years, perfect term.

    He's our starter this year, as far as I'm concerned. Having a fine camp, which seems to be getting overlooked.

  11. I all for mitigating risks by not trading Hiller or Ramo, but waiving Ortio does nothing to improve our goaltending.  It then relies upon a well-rounded but aging #1 and an unknown-ceiling, often injured goalie.


    But.....you take the best 2.

    I'd be lying if I said he's better than either of Ramo or Hiller atm.


    So I just hope my belief is correct. Which is EVERYONE is busy worrying about losing cuts on waivers.

    You don't really wanna be the guy to take a waive from a camp cut without calling that team's GM first.

    Sure the move is there, but I'm sure it must be heavily-frowned upon by peers.

    I think Ortio clears and will be surprised if he doesn't.

    We're willing to pay him 1 way to develop another year.

    I like that, that's best for him, best for us.

    If it goes to hell in a handbasket, Ramo or Hiller get traded, he's got a seat.

    All 3's contracts run out next year. We wanted competition, we've got it in net!

    • Like 1
  12. His lack of mobility is his biggest downfall.  He will drop to his knees and stay there until the puck is out of the zone.  And he backs deep into the net when he does it.  What it does is open up the top part of the net,  


    Say what you like about Ramo, but BT doesn't sign him to a rich extension just to waive him.  Sure, Hiller and Ramo have similar deals that expire the end of the year.  But Ramo was signed for a reason.  Maybe BT saw something in his last games he didn;t like. Maybe Hartley said he had more confidence in Ramo.  Who knows.

    I agree with your Hiller assessment, and like I said, I'm okay with that.

    To assess Ramo and Ortio, it's almost like they're the same guy.

    They both cheat off the short side too quickly and they both over-commit too frequently and get scrambling to the point that you wonder if they've lost site of the net.

    My biggest concern is, if we are running 1A/1B, I'd prefer 2 goalies with different styles, not 2 of the same.

    All 3 have their positives and negatives, it's fairly even.

    For me honestly, I prefer Hiller be one of them.

    He stabilized it last year, and I believe he's the one that will keep it stable.

    Imho, Hartley yanked him from the Anaheim series in Game 1 and turned his back on him. I believe that was a mistake.

    At the end of the day, it made zero difference.

    Goalies can get angry from a poor start, human nature stuff. They can also come back like a house on fire, but he didn't get the 2nd chance, so who knows. Hartley decided the Ducks knew him too well methinks. I'd have given him a home start.

    He got us to the playoffs against all odds, held the fort for the Van series, then Hartley decided not to play him based on 1 start.

    Am I mistaken in thinking that?

    • Like 1
  13. I am thinking the Flames could have still made the playoffs without Hiller last year. I know it's a perception that he solidified the goaltending, but I think that Ramo was ready for a bit more and probably could have played a bit more. We could have still had an amazing development year. 


    But that's past, and I am hoping that they choose the right tandem for this year. 


    I wouldn't call it "solidified", I'd say stabilized. The year prior was rocky at best.

    Is it just me, or has Hiller been demonized for a few years now?

    I'm not into that bandwagon. I know his faults and like him as a goalie.

    #1: he always protects the net first, never strays.

  14. Ortio definitely had my pulse racing a few times last night.  I'm sure he'll get it sorted out though.

    Wasn't that something? Almost scored on himself from a puck off the backwall, 12 ft out of a gaping cage to try to cover all options at once lol. He needs to find his zen for sure, panicky's an understatement.

  15. Not to change the subject, but man was Ortio ever adventurous tonight against the Oil. And not in a good way. Not in a "you should replace Hiller" way, by any stretch of the imagination.

    Not even maybe.


    And guessing Ramo in Edmonton left with a 2-1 lead?

    Our tandem from last season is an atrocity, bwahaha.

  16. Except they arent. 5 years ago the cleanup was pegged at between 300-500mil, and that was before it was expanded due to the floods. Its now confirmed on the other side of the river. If its also under the riverbed it will be an engineering nightmare to cleanup, its not like you can just redirect the Bow at that point. And also its been examined and unless the levels within the Bow rise its acceptable just to leave it as is and have it dissipate on its own. 

    Which has what kind of timeline?

  17. It invites infrastructure for sure, business skyrockets to invest in the area.

    I don't see a lose for the city. You want to rebuild the west end? It only starts with this, the city core will expand with it.

    But I have to say, the complex is some kind of ugly. It can be done with far more appeal than two giant plexiglass looking monstrosities.

    Don't build gaudy crap.

    • Like 1
  18. It's funny how intertwined a GM is with players' future performance versus the realities of a situation at the time of a signing. Looking at Raymond as an example he was signed as a very fast 20 goal scorer who finally got his game back on track with the TML, and a local boy coming home. For what he offered not a bad deal at all at the time, especially considering the hole he was filling for the newly rebuilding Flames, also helping them get to the Cap floor. If rated then, probably a B rating as a signing. A year later, after he struggled with injuries and scoring with the Flames, and especially after getting passed by upcoming prospects who over-performed reasonable expectations, the signing looks bad and he looks excess but still 2 years remaining on the contract.

    That's the nature of the game, and the fickle fans with short memories who only want to hear about the here and now. But strange non-the-less. As far as BT goes he's done really well so far. Now let's get Ferland and Giordano signed and a couple players moved out and then let's bring on the Young a Stars Tournamentin Penticton.....

    Alternatively, I hated the Raymond signing. "He's a good Cochrane boy", yada-yada.

    I didn't like signing him at the time, I don't like it now.

    Raymond's right up there with Burrows for being a whiny little chunk of whatev..

    Might be your team, sure ain't mine.

    Raymond alone can change my opinion. But it'll involve not cheating up-ice on the effort, which I honestly wonder if he's capable.

    Hopefully he proves me wrong, but terribly unlikely.

  19. I have a hard time criticizing his moves at this point. The hindsight thing on his deals last year to reach the floor pretty much goes out the window when put in context.

    3 years of Raymond I wasn't very fond of, but I wouldn't have taken Raymond period. But the cap floor and filling positions...

    My only real criticism is likely hindsight also. If you aren't sure where the prospects are at, keep the deals to a max term of 2 yrs.

    The 3 yr terms from last yr are in the way now, I believe. We're heading into camp with <2mil in cap after signing Ferland should no other moves be made.

    Hiller: underrated signing. Finding consistency in net was a big boon for us last yr. It took 4.5, it worked imho.

    Brodie: stellar signing. Brodie was in the midst of a great season, good term at very fair value.

    Russell: it became a value signing due to Russell. This year will show more.

    Ortio: low $$ for a 1-way in the 2nd yr. Crafty signing.

    The rest of 2014: Again, circumstance was an issue.


    Backlund: This is a proper bridge deal. Fair value. Between confidence and IR, Backlund has an opportunity to give us a great return on a interim 2nd and solid 3C.

    Hamilton: I believe this is as cheap as he could possibly come. Love the deal, love the term, love the NTC doesn't kick in until year 5. Another crafty signing.

    Frolik: By Tre's own account, this was the sole FA target, no plan B. I think the $$$ are a bit high, but if you're the GM and think, "this player will really help us", you've likely weighed what needed weighing. I view it as a "wait and see" signing.

    Ramo: 1 yr @ $3.8 when we can afford it. Glad we have the same tandem another yr.

    Bouma: 3 at $2.2 is okay for OUR BEST bottom 6 winger, but he has to be that.

    Jooris/Byron: Great utility(at worst) for under a mil each.


    All in all, I'm really happy and see our GM puts in a ton of work crafting up some contracts that work for everyone.

    Past his 1st year and getting to know what he has, I love his work.

    Mixing in "show me" deals with Nakladl, Morrisson, Byron, Jooris is a plan I really like also.

    I find it hard to be critical at this point.


    Not saying Englelland was the main reason or a primary reason, but i think what he added to the flames depth defiently helped them make the playoffs. i think people are already forgetting just how shallow this d core was prior to the start of last season.

    I've gotta say cross, you haven't wavered on Engelland like ever.

    I have a ton, but there you are, being so grounded again!

    Engelland has a lot of limitations, but he also just walked onto a crappy team last year not knowing what to expect.

    We far exceeded expectations, and you're right. It would be pretty indignant to think Engelland deserves zero credit.

    Paid too much, but really, likely only $0.5mil too much.

    I considered Engelland "waiting for Wotherspoon", and in reality, we're still waiting.

    For me at least, it's time to cut him a little slack.

    I never mind saying I'm wrong, just need convincing.


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