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Everything posted by conundrumed

  1. I agree. I know some were perhaps rightly put off of 2nds for a goalie, but the position is unique so the EXACT guy you want you have to make sure you get. Skaters on the other hand have a ton of "similars" each. It's really nice to see drafting we can comprehend. Imho I thought we had too many years of over-riding scouts or bantying about with lists that appeared to be constructed under the influence for the first 3 rds. The era of outsmarting everyone is over, and we were never rich with eyes and insiders like Detroit regardless. We've ramped up confidence in scouting so I believe that is going to be a peach for us.
  2. Not sure who you're describing, Parsons wasn't Niemi on the Hawks. London's press-clippings were good and well, but Parsons was hung out to dry, a lot. We drafted the top 2 stars in the Memorial Cup Final.
  3. There is someone we're not talking about much in Tyler Parsons. London was stacked and yada yada, but you can't tell me Parsons wasn't huge for them. It will be interesting to see what we got, I hope.
  4. I agree and I'm shocked. All of our great young guys are East, so I guess it's osmosis! I'm really interested to see what Johnny's got next, hopefully draws a lot more slashing penalties lol. But I don't know what the ceiling is frankly. Can't hit him, can't draw him in and contain him, he's got the best feet I swear I've seen including Dats and Kane. He has another gear seemingly always. Vision. Stick. Some guys are scary good, like Ovi, Crosby and Kane. But once in awhile, someone is scary good AND different. He isn't going to be "hiding" in the West, he'll be replacing Datsyuk as the human highlight reel. So there's that, lol. What I have loved about Monahan since inception, is it doesn't matter if it's camp, preseason or league, watch him step out onto the ice at the beginning. It is confidence personified. His head is up with intense dignity and for me, it's a wow moment. This kid came to play. Always, always. Boring Sean Monahan, lol. Love it. Getzlaf, Backes, Toews, those are some boring top C's. Bennett (over tkachuk but I know it wasn't prescribed) The opposite of boring I think is annoying. Calgary's huge struggle has been hooking him up with NHL talent. They have two top 6 polar opposite C's that should drive any team nuts. But they've floated him due to a lack of talent on the wings. If they put him through the meat grinder again, they'll save dollars when the ELC runs out after this year. Hard way to look at it, but yeah. I don't doubt he'll score 30 in this league, standing on his head. Nothing more annoying than the guy that annoyed you just scored!
  5. What's interesting about the Detroit venue everyone is impressed by, there is zero rush and 3yrs ain't jack to turn out an Abdelkader or Helm eventually. Their failed prospects get let go prior to a big investment, generally. The big club ensures the time, plain and simple. We need a club that ensures we don't need to rush to judgment on prospects. That's pretty much the long and short of it. It's how you make the playoffs for a couple of decades and counting and have prosperity. Should be about the 9th yr in a row they're estimated out, good for a laugh. I'm sure Larkin seems like the sophomore slump guy. How could they possibly sign Frans Neilson for that? At C: Larkin-ELC Zetts Neilson-parlayed from #1 ELC I'm listening. I'd suggest Vanek should go to Detroit and will find his fix. When Nyquist lights him up. Very underrated solid signings for Detroit imho. When Jurco and Mantha arise from the Datsyuk ashes, that is solid mgmt.
  6. I think I'll start a summer side-business as a counselor for hockey addiction withdrawal lol. You both have good thoughts and bad thoughts, like everyone else. No one's ever 100% right. Sheesh, 50% for that matter. BT has to figure out some cash flow, 1st and foremost, or what you see is what we got. Another year of screaming "shoot" at Stajan. Another year of Bollig shooting right into the goalie at every opportunity. Another year of hearing how Smid is training hard in August to be ready. And Wideman. I'm all for showcasing him top 4, but what happens if he fails? Another yr of loading the bottom 3 with immovable contracts. Still lots of problems. cross was wise to note every team has a bad contract or 2, but we're in the 3-5 range and BT can either find a way to address it or we'll have another year to wait. Then it's time to sign Bennett and Elliot, it ain't going to get easier.
  7. I think we hear nothing until the JG/SM contracts get done. Lest Wideman and Smid magically disappear. With about $15mil to the cap ceiling we're definitely strapped. I believe there still has to be some fancy footwork if we're going to be able to do anything outside of the big signings, money's all gone.
  8. I think that's a pretty hairy eyeball way of looking at it ccc. The useable pieces you list are 10 minute/gm guys. You can't keep everyone. Consider Poirier, Klimchuk, F. Hamilton, Hathaway are the guys you keep, I'd let all of those guys go. We've had a good run at drafting so guys become disposable, sad but true. D is a bad place though. It is stagnant due to contracts. I believe our guys coming up, Kulak, Wotherspoon, even the older Nakladal, should have spots available. But lo and behold, Kylington, Hickey, Mattson etc are now going to be 2 yrs closer. I don't mind BT's approach in the forward ranks. We needed size on the right, who was it, David Jones? Need vet presence too, it might gum up the forward ranks, fine imho. Can't argue how BT solved G. That alone is gold. Quality netminding at below value to buy a year. Very nice. The D is a quagmire of way too much money that HAS to get balanced. You HAVE to slot Wideman and Smid at almost $9mil. That makes for being very prohibitive for the 23 yo's. $2mil spots for $9mil, owweee...
  9. Stop posting angry. It's annoying. Carty, find a happy place, lol.
  10. I think those are fair things to say. For balance though, with the BB hire, I hoped we were moving away from Feaster and Weisbrod to mgmt being more relevant to hockey. I believe we've done that with BT and the guys he's surrounding himself with. I believe the BH firing was more a GM wanting his vision, regardless of the quotable's. BT has a fairly clean canvas now, outside of lingering contracts. I'm dying to see what he paints, as we all are. We've gotta give him the leeway.
  11. It's like a rainbow of Penguins colours shining out of that post, Eeeeew. Who cares who starts? Goodnite now!!!! While every analyst was crowning their heroes, bwahaha. Oops. West vs it isn't going to matter.
  12. I can see Toronto taking Filip Gustavsson at 29 or 31.
  13. MacDonald is eligible for the A/E next year, we also have Nick Schneider on his ELC for 2 more years. Kevin Poulin is RFA. Add Gillies and Ortio, we're down to 2 if no moves are made and we let Poulin walk..
  14. It doesn't matter if it's AHL or NHL. Any players that started their pro career prior to the 2015/16 season have to be protected. Murray started his pro career in WB-Scranton in 2014/15. For clarity.
  15. I'd say more maybe 2-3 goalie seats. Just so happens 2 are potentially at the very top.
  16. Well, let me be blunt then. We did nothing while Kipper was king but draft failures, acquire cheap crappy backups and never find a replacement. He retires, we keep boardinging around, trying to do it on the cheap, trying to buy time, etc. etc. MTL proved just how lousy the roster actually is when they lost Price. LA could lose Quick, they had Bernier, they had Jones as understudies. It's high time, Kipper's gone, he isn't coming back, we HAVE to get serious in net. Best goalie not in the NHL doesn't cut it anymore. It has gotten beyond serious. Now we'll bring in a Finn from the K.... No. Find money, get a goalie. I'm good with giving up a yr for that, next yr. That'll be a total of 3, I'll give you a pass, years. The first 2 he inflicted on himself. Treat the position seriously. Reimer wants to be a starter, here's $3, do it then. Nothing over 2 yr deals, preferably 1, for most, not digging the availables list atm. I've always been good with Vasilevsky, and after the "stick throwing incident", I like him even more. Too funny with the analysts "you can't disrespect your players like that. They'll talk to him I'm sure". Great emotion from Vasilevsky, I'm sure "the talk" went well.
  17. He completed his ELC with the Isles, they hold no rights to him. The Finns were a trapping team this tourney and turned up some offence when they had to. So while his numbers were great, they were far from from stand alone numbers. Tough to sign a goalie you haven't previously been scouting in a small tourney behind one of the best teams.
  18. You actually shouldn't consider a bad thing. I think it's better than a goalie too shy to speak his mind. And I'm talking about on the ice. As it relates to hockey, not as a guy, lol.
  19. I'd let teams pick out on goalies and I'd be thinking I'll take Joseph Raaymakers where he lands, might go as far as 6th rder. SSM sucks, so if you hunt his numbers they aren't great, but he's a stable and smart goalie that will take the helm next yr. Another Chatham product, like T.J. Goalies are hard to call, but he's the guy I'd target. Goalies on decent and excellent teams can be over-rated. I like guys inundated with workload and "get better" at this age. He was solid for a team like SSM as a backup, and will take over next yr. He entered the O as a 16yo goalie, which is unusual. Hard to read goalies. I'm really interested in Parsons from the Knights and how he does this Memorial Cup. He's a dick, let's get that straight, but I like goalies with attitude. He was great in the OHL playoffs but I'm still not quite sold.
  20. Certainly no saying MM might be our best goalie in 3-4 yrs. He's big and athletic, the rest is just positioning and reactions. He has the tools, I'd like to see him play with more edge though, he seems really mellow. atm, I believe we aren't going to "solve" the issue, but buy a couple more years ala Hiller. I'd actually consider (don't laugh too hard) an Enroth/Nilsson tandem. I have some concerns about choosing between Ward/Reimer/Andersson on bigger, longer term deals. My concern is that the "appearance" of having a better goalie doesn't necessarily translate. I'd rather someone "win" the job, I'm not entirely comfortable with "giving" it to anyone currently available.
  21. LV would be a west team no?
  22. As long as it is actually announced, and 1 team or 2. If expansion goes, at 1 team (Las Vegas), I believe they should hold out for 2, the Conferences have to be balanced, don't leave one with an extra team, and don't do 1 now and 1 later.
  23. I don't disagree cross, but the conversation seemed to be that Hickey, Andersson and Kylington are virtually untouchable. I'm just wondering who is touchable than, and do they have value? It doesn't have to be Vasilevsky, but I wouldn't dispel him either. He's still just 21 so you can't really project his ceiling atm. I don't believe our 6th is in play at all for goaltending, even Schneider garnered a 9th oa, not a 6th. And the market's better for buyer's imo.
  24. I think maybe we should consider that Vasilevsky wasn't just a 1st rd pick, but a viable first rd pick in most drafts for a goalie. We won't get him for a 2nd. You actually have to give up something for him, but no one seems ready to give up anything we have to improve other positions. So if we aren't ready to part with anyone that has potential, we should be ready to stay status quo.
  25. Hey keep me out of your quarrel! But I was posting my anti-D rants at the start of the year. It was BBBBBad. If I saw it, everyone saw it, particularly Hartley and Cloutier. But one thing to remember, we aren't Anaheim, we can't afford to be sluggish out of the gate and win 26 of the next 30. That is roster, and roster is on the GM. If you don't have the horses, that is a GM thing, coaches don't make trades or signings, the coach has what the GM gives him.
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