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Everything posted by conundrumed

  1. Is the goalie coach a GM thing or a Head Coach thing though? And don't overrate me. I'd say 1 in maybe 5 coaches I've had, in any sport, I respected. Dumb adults have a means of destroying our kids, that's all I have to say about that. I had an old, ex-NHL, miserable crew cut military mentality goalie coach for a summer that I hated. A year later, I found myself thanking him profusely. Every goalie is different. The Flames should have already addressed what they want a goalie coach to accomplish. If they're adrift, I'm not sure.
  2. So here's my ask, and I don't mean it as anything else, superiority, conviction, sarcasm blahblahblah. If you're drafted at 18, I'd surmise you're a cognizant guy re: puck tracking, athleticism, positioning, or you wouldn't be drafted. Head space..you're interviewed, you're practicing with the team. Is it not the head coach's responsibility now? Or is the goalie coach not accountable to him? When is the goalie himself accountable? I get, "things to work on", but I don't get why coaching is responsible when a guy maybe just isn't sharp enough but the staff decision is completely out of his hands. Not sure if you were coached at goalie Carty, but I did camps in the summer and team coaches. It's like reading through the fog and who you trust. It could be a boon for Sigalet to have an Elliot around to tell him to go boarding himself. lol You want your goalies full of attitude. lol Or at least I do.
  3. Which goalies did we have that are excelling in the NHL?
  4. I saw his preseason games. He's positionally sound. Square to the shooter, absorbs puck, bringing back the pokecheck! lol I don't mean he can't lose 6-1, just that all you can ask for is solid mechanics. He has that, but it doesn't make us much better if we don't get better elsewhere.
  5. I disagree. You don't make it this far by having a ton of positional issues. You can hone reflex, etc. But if you got this far and coaching ruined you, all I can think is, "Really"? That's my defense of Sigalet and my hairy eyeball on management. A goalie coach isn't overcoming what he has to work with.
  6. He found success in an incredibly defensive minded system. Like Mike Smith and every goalie that lands in Phoenix. Is that Burke, or team play? Minny is really no different.
  7. One question. Who is accountable, the goalie or their coach? For me, blaming the goalie coach is easily secondary to the goalie's attributes and headspace. If I'm a goalie coach, I can teach flexibility and angles, I can't teach a style you don't play, reflexes etc. I can't turn Wideman into a goalie and I can't teach a good goalie to be a bad one.
  8. I was never terribly down on Ortio, but he was coming off of a 1 way. Is he getting another this year? Not on your life. Doesn't hurt to keep the position liquid until you find a final answer.
  9. Everyone looks at the, "he got this guy, good, he got this guy, bad". From an organizational standpoint, though, he has it going on. I believe we have kicked the crap out of most everyone but Phoenix at the draft table in his reign. Gaudreau-Mony Tkachuk-Bennett In a yr, that looks like a whole lot of trouble, and "heavier" team to me. The 2nd pairing is going to be mayhem, I have little doubt.
  10. With Gillies, MacDonald and now Parsons, I think our luck is about to change.
  11. You've also gotta remember jj, it's all sown in very tightly, even Wideman, you can't just wave your hand in the air and be done with it. Each move comes at a cost, getting Brouwer and getting better answers at G are busy brushstrokes that maybe you can't make if you're shopping to improve your most expensive in the league D. My problem with the D is that it's too expensive. When I hear Brouwer at a little too long for too much I can't help but laugh. We spend 1/2 the cap on D. Now that it's not just Bennett, but Tkachuk also coming soon, I love the Frolik and Brouwer signings as our vets. But getting back to D, the costs will drop at the end of the year. And there is a flip side in that Wideman's playing for a contract, so that might mean something. But shifting $9mil out of D and into forwards is something I'm really looking forward to. Better guys up front will help the GF-GA ratio.
  12. There's a lot of validity in jj's comment's, call it the Gallow's Poll lol. We are, literally, the worst D in the league. Who gives up 260 in a year? 30th in the league. 30th. It's a 30 team league. We just did, that's who. So we can patsy around this "little problem" like it ain't a big deal. But it's a huge deal. If our goalies are always so bad, why can't our D pick up the play? Again. Team problem, and a big one.
  13. I like that BT was all over everything, that's what he's hear for. I'm hoping bigtime Gillies pulls a Holtby! Imagine a world where we had a valuable asset or 2 to trade, as opposed to, not much value to "get rid of". But as you allude to, the conversation is open to Bishop, could that be a leg up? Stevie's managed the elbowing out of everything this past year. Impressive.
  14. I sort of agree with you jj, but it IS team D that has be come sadly predictable. Every goalie since Kipper has shown it, can't keep blaming goalies. But just like JTech is saying, we have to get on hot puck pursuit. Our roster for the '04 roster kinda sucked. But what did Sutter do there and what is he doing with the Kings? There are times when you have to say GA are a product of the team, I believe this is one of them. Too tentative and scrambly on D, it's like the zone our teams go to to catch their breath. Get everyone chopping salad and getting after it in the neutral and D zones and I seriously believe we'll see a difference.
  15. But our top pairing is Gio and Brodie, not Wideman and Russell.
  16. We're so fickle and short term. It was only 2 seasons ago when Gio went down and Russell and Wideman stepped up to the extreme. They played a ton of hockey. Last year they got off to a flat start like the rest of the team, it just kept compounding with shoddy goals and never finding a rhythm, like most of the team.
  17. Again, the Van series, if we didn't have an answer, they'd have taken full advantage.
  18. But in terms of cap, I believe we're the highest in the league allocated to D. My thinking is the problem is more about getting D dollars in line in favour of making other improvements. Smid and Wideman are erased for 2 $4mil forwards, not for more D spending in my perfect world. With that, I think improvement becomes trading a top 3, I wouldn't pull that trigger atm. To say Engelland and Jokipakka needs much upgrade, I don't agree. Your 5-6 aren't going to be Hamhuis-Lindholm unless they're 19 on ELC's. Engelland is salt. Salt we need and the salt we lack. Bollig isn't scaring anyone. Pull Engelland out of our roster in the Van series. Van tested the dirtier waters of changing the tides of the series. It was Engelland that held that fort. As a 6-7 and a definitive need, I wouldn't argue over-paying for that. As kehatch said, you're turning white into grey, I kind of agree. We have long been too scrambling in the d zone. That isn't the d core, it's the team D imho. Just for conversation, I don't have a link, but it's being rumoured that Calgary will sign Russell again at much cheaper than his original hopes. Russell at $3 when Smid is done?
  19. I wonder what would you do to upgrade the D? I get upgrading Wideman as the #4, but that can't be the sole upgrade you mean, or I'm surmising it isn't. I'm of the belief it is team D that is giving us grief more than hucking it all on the D corp. The coaching has puzzled me also, as zone entries are far too easy with the D pretty much never stepping up to create harder entries. I don't put it down to the bodies we have on D so much, so I'm wondering if you could specify the upgrades you mean.
  20. Gio was trying to come back from LTIR, Brodie was injured to start, Hamilton was just traded for the 1st time in his life. Dude, here's the improvements: Giordano is healthy and in perennial Norris-challenging form. Brodie is healthy and definitely one of the most exciting Dmen in the league. Hamilton will define his role as a Top 2-3 guy. If Wideman plays a 30-40 point season? I don't see where upgrades on D mean much. Upgrade on Joki, Engelland, Wothers etc? I really don't think our D requires repair like the forward spots do.
  21. It's because Johnny is unassailable in league-wide opinion, otherwise it would likely be quite painful.
  22. Eric Frances *spit* was on NHL radio saying the Flames have already started talking to Elliot about extension. Frances thought it was really dumb, so I guess it's probably really smart! Good ol Eric tends to overlook considering things before being hyper-critical. Elliot's a vet, you know his game. Your welcoming him and letting him know he is sorely wanted here. He is the guy they want, opening extension talks tout suit let's him know we want him to have stability for his family and we believe in him. Now if our Sun reporter had an ounce of class, he might understand what it looks like...
  23. Recovering from ACL surgery, so it won't be directly out of camp, for sure.
  24. It's nice that we're running through all facets now. Our drafting has been up around the top of the league for a couple years now imo, we're adding a dusting of International and NCAA FA's. No saying who becomes an NHLer, but imo the train is firmly on the tracks to give ourselves a good shot at a solid pipeline to draw from, at last. In a year or 2 I'd surmise we'll start seeing we have more positions of strength to draw from in filling out the roster/trade values, at last. It's been yrs and yrs that this has had to be fixed and I'm really digging the progress now. Still work to do, but it's come a long way from being diabolically loathsome. Our scouting is impressive and my general feel is that they are being given more respect for decision-making.
  25. That might not be fair boss. Teams have their lists. They ensure they get their #1 guy, I don't take much issue, again, leaving to the scouts. Do you guys like him that much? Will he be around at our next pick? Guessing they got a resounding "NO" with MacDonald and Parsons. Can't deny they were targeted and judgement day is a ways off yet.
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