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Everything posted by conundrumed

  1. Unfortunately he isn't the mgr, and Bennett alone does not get you Gibson AND Vatenen/Fowler. That's a tall order that would get a ton of interest = overpayment. Media discussing random thoughts...
  2. What about Dallas having 2 starters, and needing to shed salary for D and a 4th line? They have not much in D prospects. How about revisiting the pick they sent us and one player/prospect back for Niemi? In essence, Russell rental/1st dibs to sign for Niemi and Brett Pollock?? Niemi's $4.5 per, which is pretty much where we want to be for a goalie for now. Dumb idea?
  3. Every team employs sending a defenceman trailing on the rush or pressure nowadays. Our forward depth can't do it much, but we do it regardless. I'm more interested in how we fix that.
  4. I don't think so. What is the comparison to the Hawks? They have Toews-Hossa; Kane-Anamisov-Panarin, a bunch of others in the bag, even Teuravainen and Ladd as extras. Are we near simply that? No, we aren't. Why compare? The Flames aren't the Hawks, and it ain't the difference between Quenneville and Hartley...
  5. A big part of D is goaltending. Any dman will feed off the goalie. If the goalie is a total menace to everyone around him, even your 5 dman is going to play like a #2, it's just the psychology. We just didn't have it this year. No one won the #1, imho that's a big deal. It's not so much on the G, but on the coaching to say, "this is the guy, get used to it". A revolving door got us exactly what we deserved this year, no consistency.
  6. Niemi? Dallas also has Jack Campbell. Niemi's looking redundant to me.
  7. But that's because no on likes you.
  8. As Price's backup in MTL, I thought he was great. That seems to be the breaking point for him where he couldn't get out from under. Perhaps. I wonder that. As I said, not a solution, but buying time. At 33, look at his year with Ontario. What I get to thinking that could also mean, is Peter Budaj decided "screw this". So I wonder, is that not what we're looking for? UFA isn't great, the position is open. He is 33. I get all that. Goalies are about what is in their head. I'd be more inclined to Budaj wanting a job than say, Ramo trying to keep one, if you know what I mean.
  9. It seems like Peter Budaj is too good to be in the A. Just saying. Is he the answer? Pretty much of course not. But can he help us gap a season to a better ufa list next year and opening cap space? Before you hack it to bits, it's a thought, not a solution. A cheap alternative.
  10. Is it just me, or is this the worst possible timing on needing a goalie(s)? The UFA list is pretty dusty.
  11. I think we're destined for unknowns in net next year regardless. Adding a vet doesn't make it known on this team. Pay the bejesus out of a Bishop and I'll relent that that is actually a lot of what we need until Gillies. But Ward, Reimer, and other FA goalies will need proof on this squad, not a guaranteed "solved". I'm a little worried about our trading relationship to PhxArizona myself. I want zero from them in goaltending, even for Wideman. No easy answers.
  12. I would say you're on the wrong track. We have to add strengths. If you add them by removing them, you're chasing your tail. Gaudreau for Murray? If I'm Pittsburgh, I take that all day everyday. What young Dmen would you trade Gaudreau for? He's a ppg player and very dynamic and original. He's described as "worth the price of admission" by many. Put down the pipe...
  13. Just to back you up, because it deserves thought imho. Ortio thought he had a shot last camp. He played very well, to extremely well. He was 3rd in the 3 headed monster. So BT says, "we didn't like his effort in practice". So he clears waivers, does meh in the A. Truth be told, that sounds like a goalie to me. As far as I'm concerned, if my goalie doesn't feel defeated by that, I don't want him on my team. Ortio's dealt with it. The seat is wide open. The meaningless games argument...meh...do you think they're meaningless to Ortio? For a laugh, If I'm BH next year and Ortio has a dumb game, just threaten him with bringing in 2 more goalies haha. I believe Ortio will have a great summer.
  14. I think we can shred Ortio 6 ways from Sunday. But at the end of the day, we've been holding him back from being our starter. Funny we started the season with 3 goalies. What was the point? Ortio never had a shot. If we learned anything about the position this year, I hope it's that you can't keep them on a highwire. One bad loss and your out. We waived Ramo, pretty much based on nothing outside of Gio and Hamilton were painful. Hopefully next year, we treat the people that play the position with some form of dignity. They aren't skaters, it's a whole different mindset, stop pretending it's not...
  15. That equals cash, we don't have enough for all. Why is LW 5th?
  16. I think I'm agreeing, in that, if we want goaltending, we have to be prepared to pay for it. I'm thinking maybe that's after next year.
  17. Stop hitting enter twice after each sentence lol. I sure wouldn't argue the point though. It goes both ways. Ward, Andersson et. al. Those aren't answers, they're prayers. I'm on the fence, I really don't know. We need wingers, do we need them before G or no? I'm almost of the mind of, "prioritize the wings". But many are so hung up on, "we'll draft next yrs #1 RW". The expectation will be ridiculous. Do you prioritize: Goalie Wing ?
  18. I myself am a little worried Ortio will steal a game for the Flames lol
  19. Would Evan Fitzpatrick be a good idea with one of our seconds? Keep the goalie pipeline loaded? 2-3 years away from our system?
  20. I agree. Is it really necessary to shred every last ounce of dignity he has? I thought it was ignoble from the moment it was announced, and it remained so. We know we're not signing him, so what is the point we're trying to make at this juncture, that we hate his guts??
  21. Why consider Hamonic whether we can or not? Has no one noticed that our forward ranks are a very rickety scaffold that needs the attention? Oh. here's Hamilton, oh, you want Hamonic too, no problem. boarding that, hey forwards, here's Ryan Johannson. Done with the D spending, Wideman or not.
  22. I really don't think Hamilton will be like JBo in the O end, but likely will in the D end. He relies on reach and positioning because he is not physical, which people like to view negatively, but I don't so much. What happened this yr came right out of camp to preseason and into the season start. What happened last year? Hot start builds confidence. What happened this year? The D was downright atrocious, starting with the Captain. I watched camp and preseason games. Who did I feel most sorry for? Nakladl. He was hung out to dry with everyone of our "regulars". He was likely our best dman, but because everyone was so O-minded, he looked like our worst by stats. In particular Gio looked horrid. Russell could not stop outletting into traffic, Wideman looked slower than he normally is, Gio was breaking the D zone far too early. Hamilton was breaking too early too, he gets a pass, because he wasn't a forward in Boston, yet we got waaay overzealous in busting out dmen. So all of that played into our goalies. You get a good start to the season, confidence builds across the board, like last season. You don't, and EVERYONE starts 2nd-guessing themselves, like a disease. Hartley kept forcing it imho, and did more harm than good. But the 1 thing I hold against Hartley is not giving Nakladl a chance. He has a bomb and he's physical, much better than Wideman because he's stable on D. Even in scant call-ups, he'd watch from the pressbox. No doubt in my mind he has the hardest shot on the roster, and his D doesn't hurt you. I saw that in preseason, we're only seeing it now. I have a big problem with that. Always given, never earned...
  23. As a point of class, my hat goes off to Backstrom, he's had a sensational career on a team that went through countless tough times. But with him in net, they were never a pushover. Injuries did him no favours on a team bottlenecked with goalies. He was never drafted, but when signed and forced into the starting role, he was 4 years of epic. He pushed Kipper to the brink of "who is the best Finnish goalie". I think it was due to this that the Flames and Wild had epic battles. So truth be told, I do not mind him getting starts with us to close it out. In his prime, he could be devastating. And another truth be told, do we really think Ortio would have done better vs a much better roster than ours? One of the big surprises this year imho, "why are the Wild fighting for a playoff spot this late"? I believe there isn't a top side in the West that is going to be happy with a 1st round Wild matchup. Regardless, kudos to Backstrom for his good faith and positive attitude in trying.
  24. Hartley: "Now watch what not to do for the rest of the year, I've got some dmen to focus on". lol
  25. Not to suck up, but I'd plus 10 if I could. No one ever wants another Hiller start, but we have to look at what we can take away moving into next year.
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