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Everything posted by conundrumed

  1. With the opening of Little Caesar's Arena in Detroit next year, the 'dome will be the oldest arena in the league. So if anyone's got an extra $1.5 to $2bil, kicking around, it's time to step up. lol I liked the West end idea of downtown, it's pretty much a waste land and would attract a lot of investment. But the Stampede grounds are great because the C-Train infrastructure is fine there. Right downtown is always best for 20,000 people pumping dollars into a city, but there is nowhere decent in downtown Calgary. As much as there are blocks I'd gladly rip out lol.
  2. We are approaching scary good, gotta go with vDub on that. Not too worried about LA, no stigma. "That 70's Line" runs up minuses pdq. Like they're about to, lol. Bishop? Excellent, bring him on. No stigma.
  3. If we will our game onto LA, and we will, this is all for naught. I think we're in this thing, for keeps. This is the time of yr when you need a lot go right, we are crushing it. We are definitely relevant, to the surprise of many. Well.......surprise!! Thanks for the 60 game warm ups...lol. We're a lot better than we've been...A LOT BETTER.
  4. It was like watching any Kipper backup all over again. Every start, team doesn't show up. They have no confidence in you and you have no confidence in them. The team has rarely played consistently well all year. Get hot at the right time, all is forgiven! As an aside, when do you think we should play Wideman?
  5. While I mainly agree, I have to go back to camp and preseason. Elliott was great at staying square and rebound control. Once we hit the reg season, too many of our players became an albatross. Suddenly, it was constant 2-1's, breakaways, guys alone in his kitchen. We got a lot worse, the chances were coming from everywhere. To compound the problem, we were laying way too much blame on Elliott and not our overall very poor play. We were generally losing games we had no right to win and it became almost an expectation that our goalies win all of those games. For me, it always begged the question, "when will our team bail our goalies out"? And the answer seemed like, "never". 2 seemingly minor D deals, and suddenly we are playing like world beaters. The FLA teams were 2 of the hottest in the league... I think that speaks volumes to the struggles we were having at D, but the goalies got the hairy eyeball the whole time.
  6. It's something I remember Burke commenting on re: the D acquisitions. I'm glad that their eyes caught that in our defending. Hard to keep the play to the outside when you don't tie guys up. One thing I've really liked about Stone, is he gets right beside Brodie to support him if he has to, swap sides, whatev. Wideman was always stuck in, "should I, umm, umm". JBo used to do precisely the same with Gio. Stone has impressed me, he's being what we needed, we didn't need spectacular. BT on NHL Radio said when he talked to Stone he told him, "you aren't coming here to be our saviour, so relax about that". These 2 additions on D are turning out to be very shrewd by our GM.
  7. I haven't been against our goalies too much all year. It almost seems like the fix is in with the 2D additions and not having Wideman playing with his skate guards on 20 min/gm. Goalies have bad games, even the best ones. But I think a lot of it has been the team more than the Gs. Our G isn't a problem when the team shows up, imho.
  8. Brodie has been terrible. Seeing Stone supporting was a relief in the FLA game. And Bart isn't optimal, but am I actually seeing more of our dmen (the new adds), pinning the puck carrier?? That's new!
  9. Personally, I think we should pack it in on Treliving's contract status. He isn't going anywhere, beyond the fans contriving. There's also an equal chance we'll trade Gio and Monahan at the deadline. If BT isn't re-signed, I would hope it's his choice, not ours. We have no control over that.
  10. Makes sense. I was listening to Kay Whitmore talking about adjustments, and they learned from the pants gaffe. Midway through the season applies to everyone differently. This teams played 47, that one only 40,. Let's just say it was a bad idea that they've learned from...where do I apply? Wow you guys...I don't have foresight into becoming a millionaire, but jesus, I have a basic foresight, which this really is. Wow.
  11. Unfortunately, college players that go undrafted to be signed/invited is still like trying to find a diamond in a mountain of coal. Almost like real estate, but opposite, buy the best player on the worst team!
  12. You're working it and I don't hate the idea outside of 2 things: 1. Elliott might get better as the pressure mounts. 2. I would hope to trade Stajan for prospect/pick rather than keeping that salary on the books. Read might be another guy getting too much for a 4th liner, so the deal carries a lot of risk that all we're doing is standing still, not getting better or getting cap space. For me, I think our first priority is to get in line in a cap world, so I wouldn't really want much salary back for Stajan because I need to be sure his savings go towards a top 6 RW, top 4 D or goaltending, be it re-signings or finding something new. I actually think our goaltending would look a lot better if it weren't for constantly trying to overcome our #4 dman. As for the Flyers, they have a position of strength to deal from at D. If Voracek gets in tune, I don't think the Flyers would be in a dog fight for a playoff spot. It would be a given. I think when your side gets back to scoring, they have the firepower to blow the doors off. You might just be suffering the calm before the storm!
  13. It is something that I'd be worried about if I'm McLellan...
  14. Did they happen to mention overplaying Talbot? Are the comments regarding Gustavsson or Broissoit? Edmonton currently has a break, like we do next week. If Talbot gets injured anytime soon, they are screwed... And that's what you get from Edmonton radio
  15. I believe there's relationship between Elliott and prospects. Always the yo-yo treatment. I'm not a fan, let guys make mistakes, they'll eliminate them eventually.
  16. The Michael Vick Falcons? Wow, that's easy to forget, football losers.. Arghh, I'm thinking out loud again...
  17. I'll chime in...the avg tenure for a NHL GM is 7 years. I'm a little curious that Friedman is jumping on this one, for me, he's mistaken or this is going to get odd. I have to believe Friedman is incorrect, BT has not been an atrocity, by any stretch. Easy to see he puts in the time and effort.
  18. I hadn't heard about Colborne in quite some time, wow am I glad we didn't re-sign him. 2 goals his very first game, 1g/1a since. Healthy scratch candidate most nights... I liked that BT let him walk, he learned his lesson with Bouma methinks!!
  19. Why can't we like mod posts? Can all draft talk not be in crzy's thread in NHL Talk, pretty sure everyone knows he deserves it. What's to become of Elliot? I like and grew up with Army and all, but I'm not sure I agree with him moving Elliot at least a yr too soon. I don't doubt Jake Allen will be a force, just not yet. Like Price and Halak, you need to buy the time. Is Elliot TDL fodder should we continue on like the NJ game tonight???
  20. That looks eerily similar to the KFC recipe...
  21. Siggy probably has a disclaimer against total team meltdown, like Buffalo. A timeout likely would have helped, but that's just imo. Tough year to be a new coach in a quickened year, I'd be hard on everyone and skate the crap out of them myself. You know, a player's coach, lol.
  22. Maybe BT saw something the rest of us shrugged at? We'll see how Rittich does from here...*eyebrows raised*
  23. And this is what Rittich does with his chance, aye-yi-yi-yi. It'll be an interesting year watching our netminders.
  24. Not here. He had a run as the Hamburglar but I think it's caught up with him, plus we have a lot of goalies. Most recent Rittich has had the last 2 starts in Stockton and has given up 1 goal on 46 shots. We're pretty packed at G in the minors.
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