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Everything posted by conundrumed

  1. The Michael Vick Falcons? Wow, that's easy to forget, football losers.. Arghh, I'm thinking out loud again...
  2. I'll chime in...the avg tenure for a NHL GM is 7 years. I'm a little curious that Friedman is jumping on this one, for me, he's mistaken or this is going to get odd. I have to believe Friedman is incorrect, BT has not been an atrocity, by any stretch. Easy to see he puts in the time and effort.
  3. I hadn't heard about Colborne in quite some time, wow am I glad we didn't re-sign him. 2 goals his very first game, 1g/1a since. Healthy scratch candidate most nights... I liked that BT let him walk, he learned his lesson with Bouma methinks!!
  4. Why can't we like mod posts? Can all draft talk not be in crzy's thread in NHL Talk, pretty sure everyone knows he deserves it. What's to become of Elliot? I like and grew up with Army and all, but I'm not sure I agree with him moving Elliot at least a yr too soon. I don't doubt Jake Allen will be a force, just not yet. Like Price and Halak, you need to buy the time. Is Elliot TDL fodder should we continue on like the NJ game tonight???
  5. That looks eerily similar to the KFC recipe...
  6. Siggy probably has a disclaimer against total team meltdown, like Buffalo. A timeout likely would have helped, but that's just imo. Tough year to be a new coach in a quickened year, I'd be hard on everyone and skate the crap out of them myself. You know, a player's coach, lol.
  7. Maybe BT saw something the rest of us shrugged at? We'll see how Rittich does from here...*eyebrows raised*
  8. And this is what Rittich does with his chance, aye-yi-yi-yi. It'll be an interesting year watching our netminders.
  9. Not here. He had a run as the Hamburglar but I think it's caught up with him, plus we have a lot of goalies. Most recent Rittich has had the last 2 starts in Stockton and has given up 1 goal on 46 shots. We're pretty packed at G in the minors.
  10. I think something else we have to consider is the farm. We now have some guys there we can see in our future. Outside of goal last year, I did not like our bottom 6 much. It looks better to me, but my one complaint is that some teams can put together a solid bottom 3 forwards together for not much more than Stajan's salary alone. In a cap world, I think that's huge.
  11. Can't stand the guy. But I'm not allowed to "attack a player". So I'll just say I can't stand him and hopefully that's an acceptable thing to say.
  12. Mr. Personality is displeased? Imagine that.
  13. That's only one person. I think the only difference between him and anyone else is a pack of matches and a few bucks in gasoline...
  14. My next question would be, do we have enough dmen that know how to box out effectively? It seems like most of our dmen struggle with it, is it a need to simplify the D play and get better via the basics? And is it just me, or are we running a 1-2-1 diamond on the PK? I keep thinking we're giving too much time and space.
  15. Just to try to turn the corner a bit, studying the appeal of shot-blocking seems to be all the rage now. Kiprusoff used to be a "get out of the way" goalie and we seemed to jump in front of everything since his departure. I'm all for it from the point, but below the hashmarks to me is risky, let your goalie see it. I know it isn't so black-and-white but... Thoughts?
  16. Give me a scenario, I'll tell you which I prefer. Grossman hasn't cost us any games. Caps Sunday, is Engelland going to deal with Winnik? I'm guessing Grossman. Let's go to Anaheim and make Perry's next pick his last. That's Grossman, let's stop plowing him under. He's on our roster.
  17. I wonder about that though, because it depends what you want out of your Dmen. You don't expect Grossman to be like Brodie or Hamilton. Grossman said in an interview during the final cuts process that he's just going to play the way he plays and not try to adjust anything. That sounds like something his coach told him he wants imo. If you want a big, intimidating guy on D, if that's the M.O. the coach sees as missing, it's Grossman over Kulak 10 out of 10 times. Don't get me wrong, I really like Kulak. But the coach wants certain things available to him, Grossman is not as terrible as he's being portrayed if he could be treated with what you'd expect him to be, he is that. Simple, heavy game on the low lines, protect your goalie.
  18. I'm hardly Feaster's biggest fan, the "I'm not here for a rebuild", were one of his many gems. He was unorthodox, but Mony, Gaudreau, Gillies and Jankowski isn't a bad haul in his short stint. Ahhh who am I kidding? He was a bombastic checking from behind.
  19. I think you mentioned earlier td that they need to simplify and I agree 100%. I noticed our PK box has gotten very small and instead of pressuring the puck on the outside we're giving them all of the room they want on the outside. In the St. Loo game, we rarely had a forward within 20' of their dmen, and we rarely pressured the puck carrier on the wall.
  20. I agree but would only go max 2 yrs on mercenaries.
  21. A little early for any of that talk.
  22. Pretty much all of your thoughts here I thought were general understandings on your views? This is just reiteration. lol
  23. And it's probably fair to say Hartley had what he had in net. Hiller did work for a year, but the position was in turmoil during his tenure.
  24. Cross, I just take issue that any of the Carolina goals he, "should have had". Your example of the Teravainen goal?? How in boarding does any NHLer not score that one with a couple of whacks at it, right on top of X Goalie? He played it poorly in super-slo-mo, maybe. But damn. Call him out with that example? And a breakaway? I ain't buying. I saw a superb goalie in preseason, I'm sure you did too. Last guy I'd blame. Look at our forward roster. Not good enough.
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