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Everything posted by conundrumed

  1. Well peeps, I'd even be all for that. I spent 17 years in Calgary and have to say Vic Park area is pretty grungey. I don't pretend to try to understand why everything keeps going back to the Stampede Area. Because it's easy I guess. Where do you stay a night to WALK to the Saddledome when it's -20 outside? And have extracurricular shopping and food/drink spots? Nowhere within a km. You're staying downtown. Vic park is not a very good location, I really hope they don't build there. Another 20 years of, "well this wasn't well thought out". There is a boatload of poor arena locations throughout all of hockey. It should really be studied. Vic Park needs the surrounding space for the Stampede, gotta go to an area you can develop a bigger portion of. imho.
  2. Great, now an NHL team with that name. Somehow, I can see me cheering for a 4-78 season.
  3. As much as this coming draft is tabbed as, "not very good", I believe that's just for real high end players. The depth looks great. I agree it will be an unpredictable draft, there are a lot of players that are good. Our scouting is going to have to be great.
  4. I'm thinking goaltending will be everything now. Tbh, I don't think Elliott was horrendous at the start, I think the team was. Just as now, I don't think Elliott's playing much different, the team is that much better. #confuscious lol
  5. Bingo. Thanks td. Figured it might happen fast.
  6. Why yes, yes I do, lol. Reports are vague, at best. To say he's back Tuesday, sure, okay. But, "the what if", is still there. I just wonder (am asking) how close it is between Gillies and Rittich.
  7. But do you go with Gillies or Rittich? If Johnson isn't back?
  8. Rittich and Andersson assigned to Stockton...
  9. So who WILL be our playoff backup until Johnson returns??
  10. An arena or any kind of focal point would generally involve hotel chains, retail icons and restaurateurs to invest at the location. If you were having a summertime convention or trade show, it becomes very attractive to have all you need in one place. If you want to argue the Stampede grounds are the place, my argument is that it's the ONLY place, and not great for visitors. Where do you stay? A travel away? It ups the ante. Residential devp is just that, "okay, make room for the Wal Mart Superstore". Just my opinion.
  11. Let me guess, politician's are invested on 17th Ave? '84 Olympics anyone? Don't get it myself, hockey should be separated from the area and bring new life to other areas. 17th Ave is a benefactor for most things in Calgary, why not spread it out? They're has to be another source of attraction outside of tiny Kensington St and Stephen Ave and malls for the love of all that is holy (or unholy)!
  12. But this is also where it gets tricky. If you're going to clean it up for residential development, your property taxes aren't going to generate the income nor attract a diversification of investors that putting a focal point like the Flames Arena would. If we were to just throw the field out and focus on an arena and entertainment district, do you think that's a better idea? I'm not asking facetiously, just asking. Also, no matter where it goes, you're hauling out soil. So there's no firm separating who is paying for what. I'm certain the contaminated area is well understood. Pass that on to architectural firms in the design process, so the project itself requires the removal of the contaminated area regardless (I don't understand the word irregardless lol).
  13. You also have to consider KK said to the city, "and here's where". Undoubtedly touching a lot of nerves.
  14. Tervita is my guess. Unless Clean Harbours(Dirty Skies) is closer...the trick is, don't let some dirty engineer over-design the crap out of it, and don't pay a big "we're professionals" firm to frick it all up. I know many Calgarians personally that would rip this cleanup like nothing. Now who is paying? If I were leaching chemicals into a watercourse, as a private entity, I'd be raped 6 ways from Sunday. Why is it okay for a public entity (the city)? We still have to hire an architecture firm, the night is young. Did KK even address that. In terms of saying, here's the issue, what can you propose?
  15. Not at all. Olympia has secured presently 7 hotels and developers for residences and restaurateurs and businesses in the area. They're pulling investment into the area, and it's going very, very well. They're revitalizing a dead spot, and magnetizing investors smartly to the area.
  16. I still don't get why we can't "like" mod posts. That's a frigging riot.
  17. You had all of the steps right, just the photo was over-the-top, lol. I also thought the TV show, "The Curse of Oak Island", wouldn't last 5 episodes if they threw good pipeline contractors at it. I did a cutout years ago in the Red Deer River near Sundre. From driving piles, shoring, redirecting the river with mammoth pumps, replacing and pulling everything out and opening the watercourse again, we were about a week. And that was 20 years ago. We were literally working, standing on the riverbed. We also have some massive pipeline operators' head offices in Calgary. Wouldn't it be practical to sit down with them and say, "we need your help and expertise". It's their river too. And for the massive negative perception of pipelines, the positive spin for them is a win-win for everyone. There's tons of framework in place, where you don't have to spend for 3 years of study and research. That's called procrastinating. One more thought, with Detroit's design, the contamination removal would just be part of the design! Sure you're hauling it to Tervita, you're hauling it out regardless.
  18. There's a lot of good info on it in wiki and the Detroit Free Press. Why can't we be owned by the Ilitch's, hahaha. They got $250mil from the city in bonds sold to Merrill Lynch. The city intends to pay it off with increase in tax base in the pretty much "nothing was there" neighbourhood. Another $200mil for state issued bonds the Ilitch's will pay back to Comerica Bank, that bought the bonds. The initial estimate for the arena was $450mil. Actual will be around $650mil. From the getgo, the Ilitch's said they'd cover any overruns off of original, in fact, threw an extra $100mil in upgrades to it on purpose. Olympia Holdings, an Ilitch company, has brought in much investment and developers into the area. The total cost of arena and surrounding "entertainment district" is expected to be $1.2bil. Much of that is private investors Olympia has secured. Like that wasn't enough, the Ilitch's donated $40mil to Wayne State University in Detroit to build a new School for Business building... Mike Ilitch was a businessman too, just like KK. He just happened to be a really good one... Detroit just got out of bankruptcy maybe 18 months ago, so the "economic climate" argument falls on deaf ears. We have ginormous corporations in Calgary, shouldn't be hard to find investors...if you're Mike Ilitch...
  19. Bwahaha, I've seen it a few times. Hotel renos anyone, bwahaha, so funny you said that, and I don't know you from Adam....
  20. You mean I quoted him to respond. "Reposted" has that, "so you're saying that too" connotation. Just to be clear, lol.
  21. It is still a story I'm sure they would rather suppress. I'm sure I can find industry codes from 1964 that say it's okay to lie about performance, lol,
  22. Just for clarification, Domtar is alive and kicking...
  23. Domtar's gotta be on the hook for it, and in the end, they don't want this going too public, I'd think. They're a massive entity, can't see them wanting all of their communities with follow up questions.
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