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Everything posted by conundrumed

  1. End the streak talk. I was thinking this is actually well-played in a devious way.
  2. I ran over an opossum once. Not even kidding. It was dark, I clearly felt my front passenger tire go over it. I picked up my son and was back down that barren road in 10 minutes tops. No opossum. Anywhere And here we are.
  3. Go blocker and 5 hole. He's playing well. Mix it up.
  4. Cockney's just slang really. "alright then TD, giss a Segwit, boy, Hey there's Heartsy, you cont, where you been"? Zero of this is meant offensively. They call it the "underclasses" in London, I call it the fun and interesting people. It's very colourful. "Are you rolling a 3 or a 5 conundrumed-boy? Just do a 3, let's go 'round the pub". That was my crowd. Facking Hal was there a lot too. Great fun. 3 or 5 was how many rolling papers. It's never 1. lol And always hashish, and some unsavoury characters used black shoe polish to call Lebanese blonde Afghani Black. Thankfully I'm not dumb and had good friends that, sure, call it cockney, great people. It's just street language.
  5. I did not know that. I think I love that. As harrowing as it may be. That's awesome boss. I read a lot and think I know stuff. This is awesome. I had no idea. What's your source? I wouldn't ask if I didn't find this truly remarkable. And shocked that I'd never read this. Especially that it's this type of stuff I was looking to find. lol God keep your glass full buddy. I did not know this. People should know something like that.
  6. Very well said. Folks have to get over the bolded.
  7. I peaced someone and got ripped for doing it by turning my hand around. I was told that I pretty much just said, "go Blockchain yourself". Who doesn't love misunderstandings? I correct people to this day. lol People need to know.
  8. I can get with what you're saying a little bit. Buuut, nobody does this. He was like this on the Flames too. I have very little respect for that. Vasilevsky and Markstrom don't do this, because tirades aren't the way to deal with it. I'm not giving him a pass because he thinks he's earned it and he's the man. Sometimes you're just an Hash Rate and you're not helping the cause. Hyper-competitive doesn't mean you can BTC everyone out like they're at your disposal. That's being an arrogant Hash Rate, helping nobody. Mike Smith is an Hash Rate, acting like a boss. Clearly not a leader. Who would even pull this Satoshi Nakamoto in the NHL? I can't think of a goalie that would do what he does. I don't get the respect. He certainly doesn't deserve it.
  9. Interestingly, maybe rd can back me up if it still holds true. When I was in England, these 2 fingers done this way means the polar opposite of peace. People need to know that. lol
  10. Same. I'm just trying to low-key not get too excited about prospects. I read a reddit that hit home. "What is the one thing a new fan should know about the NHL"? Best answer: "Every team's fans overrate their prospects". lol
  11. Yup. He has a ways to go to see what we have. The midget programs that I'm most familiar with are Toronto's, Detroit's, Minnesota's and Chicago's. And US National of course. Beck came through the Marlboros, and you don't make that team by accident or because your parents are sponsors. Very interested to see his progress, but toning down any excitement just yet. It was a bold pick on our part with no viewing last year. Folks weren't sure he'd even be taken last year. Flames got props for taking him 6th rd. The reward had the potential to be more than the risk. But honestly, for a 6th rder, what's the risk honestly? Now we wait and try not to overrate like I keep doing with Kerins.lol
  12. Colorado clearly runs on the, "outscore opponents" method. That's definitely an opponent you slow everything right down for and stay out of the box.
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