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Everything posted by cross16

  1. Flames announced last week. In addition to his hire a confirmation that the entire staff is returning. Brad Pascall has done great work so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt but this is a pretty underwhelming hire based on record and what I've read about his reputation. https://theahl.com/cull-named-new-head-coach-of-wranglers#:~:text=The Calgary Flames have named,the Washington Capitals last month.
  2. Because Sutter refused to match lines until the last 2 games. McDavid in the first 3 games: 2 Goals 9 points 13 shots Last 2 once Backlund line played against him almost exclusively: 1 Goals and 3 points. 1 of the assists was in an empty net. I don't have the analytics handy by there was a shift in McDavid's game once Backlund matched up against him.
  3. His story of recovery is one of success for sure and my concern with the organization retiring the jersey doesn't relate to that story, or what he may have done when he had his demons. His story of recovery is mostly a positive one. As TD outlines, check his Twitter feed and what statements/situations he's said or done lately. I think his current opinions and how outspoken he is, and on what issues, is what makes it very difficult to have him tied to the club. For the record i'm not suggestion he not have those opinions just if he is going to have them it's make a role in an org challenging.
  4. Gio is a fair point that I didn't consider. I'd lean no (too short of a career when he was at the top of the game) but I get the debate. Fleury as a player is a no brainer but I think the problem will always be that if you retire a number they become an ambassador for your club by default. Fleury makes that really role really, really challenging for an organization to want to have. I personally don't see it happening.
  5. I'm shocked they got him to agree to come here for it LOL. Very deserving though. For a decade this guy was one of the, if not the, best goalie in the league. Perhaps if he didn't lose a year to lockout and got to the Flames a year or 2 earlier he'd get Hall of fame considerations as I think he was that good. Far and away the best Flames goalie ever IMO. Probably the last time we see this for a while though as for me there is not another candidate out there and I think we are a long way from seeing another one. (keep in mind I have high standards for retiring numbers)
  6. I think the problem with that report is relying on the translation. I think Backlund was interested in staying they are just not on the same page with what it looks like.
  7. I think it's unfair to put this on Conroy. He walked into a bad situation, one that isn't getting better and one that is almost entirely out of his control. If he had traded Hanifin by now i'm willing to bet there be even more angst around the return he got then the frustration that he has done nothing.
  8. Funniest part of this is Philly acquired him last year and he was the player who gave them no cap room to pursue Gaudreau. Chuck Fletcher will never be allowed near Philadelphia again.
  9. Aside from the fact that i think that's too much for him i don't think the Flames can do an offer sheet using the 2024 first round pick. Rules for offer sheets are that you have to use your own draft picks and the Flames 2024 1st rounder is part of the conditionally Monahan trade (Montreal can elect to use it if it's between 20-32). I could be wrong but as I interpret the rules that means they can't use it to offer sheet as there are conditions in place that would mean they can use it and i don't think provisions exist for it to default to another first round pick.
  10. It be earlier than that for me but I obviously can't speak for the Flames.
  11. I know the impression is they are just waiting/sitting on their hands for whatever Lindholm decides and I'm not sure that is the case. I think that's the public stance but I'm betting behind the scenes they have a deadline of when they want to/need to hear back and I'm also betting they have a good understanding of what teams are interested and what teams are willing to pay for Lindholm. If he informed them today he wasn't going to re-sign I doubt very much it would take long to figure out trades. I think the vast majority of what clubs say publicly is PR spin but I think it is especially true of the Flames right now. There not going to come out and say there is a deadline, they aren't coming to come out and say he isn't welcome in camp etc as none of that does them any good. The only reason to talk about deadlines etc is to try a placate the impatient section of your fan base. It is a big decision with lots of variables at play and if he is afforded time why woudln't he take it?
  12. I have no idea if the Flames were interested in Zadina or not. However, until the flames roster plan starts coming to fruition it's going to be awfully difficult to attract free agents. Why would Zadina considering signing here if he's not sure who is above him on the depth chart? He was looking for an opportunity and it would have been really hard to sell him on one here
  13. Zadina signs. Not a surprise here as the Sharks probably can give him the best opportunity to rebuild his value.
  14. I think the other thought to add here is i'm not sure if many saw this soft of a market transpiring. I wasn't bullish on what the Flames could get for their 2024 UFAs but even saying that I'm a little surprised with how difficult it's been to extract value in trades. At the time he was hired it seemed like a great quote (ie we won't have UFAs walk for nothing) because the assumption was it be easy to put those guys on the market and get some value. Appears the offers are more pennies on the dollar then full value at this point. So if you are not going to pull it apart and rebuild (pretty clear at this point) and you are going to continue to push for the playoffs that's a tougher trade off. Do you sell these guys now and get reduced value in trade or do you run it back with the risk of getting nothing? I think for Hanifin/LIndholm that question is pretty obvious. Not so sure it's as obvious for the likes of Toffoli, Backlund, Tanev etc.
  15. I think you should go back and look at that team that Monahan made out of camp. I don't think it was optics at all. He was ready, as he showed that season, and it wasn't a difficult team to crack.
  16. Looks like not much longer a wait for a new AHL head coach
  17. Press conferences are for the fans and for the organization to spin whatever PR message they want as a way to reach as many fans as they possible can. The media is a tool and I think players, coaches, and organizations know it as such. This isn't to attack Conroy but IMO everything he said was said to placate a fan base in turmoil. On his performance it's still very early on the summer. I can understand feeling a little underwhelmed but got to give him time.
  18. Pretty big risk to pass up 60 mill guaranteed in a sport where 1 injury can ruin your career. This is his payday and I don’t see him passing it up
  19. I thought Coronato needed time but the world championships changed my mind. He looked great against good competitors No need to force it but I bet he makes it out of camp.
  20. Zary wouldn’t have been invited. Focus for these camps are players with less than 2 years pro experience.
  21. Not the best insider but lots of reports Vladar is available in trade. Between that and signing 2 goalies to AHL deals (in addition to having Dansk) it looks like Wolf is going to be in the NHL next year.
  22. I'd definitely give Zadina a 1 year show me contract. I don't suspect he'd come here but I'd engage for sure. Flames do have the opportunity to dangle but the cap's gonna be an issue and I think there will be more attractive places.
  23. Petterson and Jones sign after being extended qualifying offers.
  24. Well deserved and glad to see it. Stone was as loyal a pro to the Flames as you can find in today's game.
  25. Hurtig hurt his shoulder at the under 18s and won’t be ready for the season. however the language in Chynoweths quote here, and the fact the Hitmen released an import Dman right after the draft, all but confirms he’ll be here.
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