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Everything posted by cross16

  1. People really falling for a media driven story here. this whole “mass exodus” and things are poison is mostly crap imo. This is more about a team behind honest about where they stand that an organization that is rooted in issues. the flames thought they had a core that could compete for a title so they did what they could to support it. They tried to piece it together for one more year to get an arena deal done and now they are understandably realizing the path wasn’t working. this is more about a natural evolution then it is about player revolt or unhappiness.
  2. Confirmation of what I speculated on above Some insight into Savard's philosophy. Good stuff in here
  3. I'd be with Jtech on this one. I don't think your getting Lundell for Hanifin. Lundell seemed to break out in the playoffs and the Panthers are really going to need value contracts. I think Florida would love to have Hanifin as they really need him but I can't see a good deal there from the Flames angle. Not unless they got creativity and maybe tried to work both Hanifin and Toffoli then maybe you get Lundell, but also not sure why Florida does that.
  4. The Duclair thing is speculation on the part of the hosts. Not a rumor and they didn't even say they know the Flames have interest. Man.. this is gonna be a tough summer. Starting to prepare myself for a lot of overaction, negativity and scapegoating...... I already see we are back to scapegoating's another GM even though the Flames are in the same situation they were in 10 yeas ago. Wonder what hasn't changed in that time frame.....
  5. I don't really agree. What leverage do the Flames gain if this doesn't get out? Other GMs arn't going to know the reason why Hanifin is being moved is he wants out? Deceit doesn't' get you very far IMO. works both ways too. Part of the reason the Flames got a brutal return for Phaneuf was Sutter didn't put it out there he was willing to move him.
  6. Theoretically yes, but in order for it to be the Flames giving up a top 10 pick 2 things have to happen. 1- Habs pass on using the Flames 2024 first rounder (can use it if it's between 20-32 2 - Florida would have to be a lottery pick team in 2025.
  7. I think there's too much focus on the "wanting out" piece. I think circumstances play a large part in this in particular the 7 UFAs. I think the tough part of this is while i'm sure the Flames like Hanifin and Toffoli as players the contracts they are asking for are likely something you don't like. I've said this plenty but while I like Hanifin as a player he is not a player i'd commit a large contract too. Is Toffoli someone, at age 31, you want to give a big deal to? I understand that is the primary factors here, not these players not wanting to be here it's mostly contract driven. Then you look further. If your Backlund and you want to win a cup how are you feeling about things if the Flames aren't brining back Toffoli/Hanifin? If your LIndholm are you wanting to stay here for 8 years knowing what the next few years look like? It spirals but at the end of the day I don't think the root of this is players wanting out, it's just a reality of where the team stands right now. And I actually don't think it's unhealthy either. The only negative for me in all of this is I'm not sure this was plan A for Conroy and the Flames so what is Plan B? I don't get the sense the Flames planned to have this much exodus so what is the reaction and what is plan B. I think the skepticism argument here is that plan B is what the Flames always do and that's find a way to scrape into the playoffs moving forward. That would obviously be the unhealthy choice IMO next month will be telling.
  8. Staff fills out. if I had to guess: Huska - Head coach Marc Savard - Associate coach (forwards/PP) Dan Lambert - D/PK Maclean - eye in the sky/extra coach Also seeing out there that both Gelinas and Labrabera will return. For what they are looking for (and probably more to the point willing to pay) that is a decent staff. It's light on experience and your hoping that Lambert can transition (he traditionally has been more of a PP guy) to the PK/D focus but he did get some good praise from some of the young D in nashville. I do think Lambert is a good coach, he took over for Huska in Kelowna and he kept that program at a really high level. Some solid reviews to his work in Nashville as well.
  9. The Brad Pascall effect continues! Williams was the head coach for the World Juniors this past year. I think he is a solid coach. Not quite the up and comer that Love was, he's already 43 and his head coaching resume is good but not great, but he would be a solid choice. And from what I under it was Pascall who brought in Love so good reason to trust his judgment here.
  10. While I’m happy for a Flames alumn I have to say I don’t think this is a good choice. but at least this means the flames only retire numbers for hall of fame players
  11. Makes sense. He likely wants to be in a place that will play him and give him a chance to rebuild his value. I don't think Columbus was going to offer that.
  12. Not really a surprise. Tone since the end of the season was he wasn't likely coming back
  13. Green has been linked to Calgary quite a bit but looks like he won't be part of the staff
  14. I don’t agree. I don’t think you realize how bad OEL is.
  15. he is a big name but I don’t think many realize that OEL really isn’t a very good dman. He was strong early in his career but he faded. The contract he got was awful and the trade even worse. doesn’t compare to Weegar at all imo. I think Weegar’s deal is going to be a bargain
  16. One of the worst trades I can recall in NHL history. Entirely predictable account from the moment the trade was made.
  17. I personally don't think your getting a top 10 pick in this draft via trade and i'm not sure there is a player the Flames have that can change that. It's just too strong of a draft and I don't think GMs are going to be anxious to trade picks. could be wrong, just my opinion. I don't see why the Canucks are going to send a top 10 pick for a 30 year old man. Yes they did it recently but it's also blown up in their face.
  18. Just me.. but I highly doubt you are getting a top 10 pick ( in a really strong draft) for a player 1 year away from UFA. Too strong of a draft.
  19. This is a normal position in today's NHL and is a good way for ex players to get started in Management. It's an intentionally vague title because then it allows them to do whatever they feel is important in the moment. They can ask Jarome's input on players (both amateur and pro) send him on scouting visits, ask him to scout, ask him to sit in on meetings, share ideas, even work with the coaches if Conroy wanted him to. Get a little taste of everything. Should point out, it's how Conroy got started under Feaster.
  20. Your hope is that Conroy has a particular vision that differs from Treliving and the owners hired him knowing that vision. Plus, they've got their arena deal
  21. Everyone needs a scapegoat I suppose But so far many fans, and this board, are pointing at the wrong one.
  22. This “old boys club” isn’t really a thing anyway. Its normal for well functioning clubs to make moves like this. Go look at Detroit. They employ 6-8 former Red wings. Sakic has multiple former Avs(Ozolinsh, Reinprecht,Billington) working for the team. the Lightning brought back former players too. Dave Andrechuyk, Jeff Halpern the “old boys club” was really unique to Edmonton and we shouldn’t be surprised they would screw that up. There is hiring ex players and then yhrtr is hiring friends for roles they are not qualified for. Edmonton did the later. nothing wrong with having former players in your organization.
  23. not really. I think what I find different here is people are earning their opportunities. Conroy worked his way up, Huska worked his way up and Iggy is starting as an advisor. Detroit has been operating this way for years and j don’t hear many complaints about it.
  24. No, Hanifin is better than that. Hanifin is a very good 2nd pairing dman, borderline first pair. Hanifin would be a first pair dman on a lot of teams.
  25. Don't think he has Gudbranson mean streak but he's your steady, slightly above avg 2nd pairing dman for me. I think he's the type of player that you are not going to be happy about signing July 1 though. Looking at it now, I actually don't think the Devils will sign him. Think they'll give his ice time to Luke Hughes and/or Kevin Bahl and likely save some money. I'd imagine it would take 4-4/5 mill AAV to sign Graves.
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