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Everything posted by cross16

  1. I think too much is getting made out of this choice to start at home. I think the message was let’s come out strong, take a 2-0 lead and then go totheir barn with all the pressure on them. Worst case, we split and then go to a place we’re eve had success. Thought it was a confident move, they just didn’t work out think as a coach you need to be bold sometimes. That was the rationale from my perspective
  2. this is what I had in mind too. Special asst to the GM/Ambassador type role for now and then see if it develops into more
  3. In many cases I would agree with this. But at this point in time I think the organization needs someone like Iginla for the fans. Someone who is positive, respected and knows the game. the organization needs more of that.
  4. I suspect the will and I don’t think we should be surprised if one of the “finalist” for the GM job is that person. My reaction to that list of rumored finalist was it looked to me like they had already decided on Conroy and now are looking to add some experience.
  5. And don’t get me wrong I think Pascall has done great work for the Flames. I like him and hope he stays. I just don’t see a resume that screams NHL GM to be that’s all.
  6. Be interesting to see what this means for Iginla and if we get any news on that this week.
  7. Conroy is really deserving I agree. I’ll be interested to see if, and by how much, he differs from Treliving. I’ll be honest though I don’t get the love for Brad Pascall. He is an awesome person I will admit that, but I think he gets too much credit for the success of the AHL. Much of that success comes from drafted players I don’t see the GM credentials there personally.
  8. I think this is what we should expect but Dreger the first to say it definitively. random thought… Dreger is connected to Dave Nonis who has been rumored to be part of this process. Does that means Nonis is the addition? Perhaps as AGM. suspect we’ll find out soon.
  9. Getting and harder to take some of these insider reports seriously. Think a lot of it is fueled by agents/sources making sure their names get out there.
  10. As I mentioned earlier. Find it very interesting this approach changes right after the Leafs news....
  11. During the season it was floated, more so on social media, that Dubas could be out and Treliving would be a candidate to replace him in Toronto. be interesting to see if that had any legs behind it. Leafs are a team that could wait until June to hire him due to existing structure in place already.
  12. I agree with both you and conundrumed on this one. People like to laugh at Bettman and make jokes about the length that he's gone to keep the Yoes there but he's right. It's a market he shouldn't want to leave and I were him i'd want it there too. Has a really positive long term impact for the game, TV contractc etc. I also think we've underrated the market because we don't really know what it can be. The Coyotes have never been well run, they've never had a true contender, never gotten a top 1/2 pick, never gotten an area etc etc. I don't think the market has actually trully been given a chance to see if it can be viable or not. Why it would have been nice if the Yotes got Bedard.
  13. I don't think Dubas would be interesting in working here. There are already rumblings that part of the stress he mentioned is because Shannahan is very hands on. Could only imagine the stress he'd feel here. I do think Dubas is good but he isn't "great" either. never really had a standout move that really worked out and more or less was a steward of an organization that was heading a certain direction before he got there. He was billed as an analytically guy with a bright mind but never really put that into practice. Plus I think you have to be careful judging a GM who has the resources of the Leafs.
  14. Agreed. That term I think applies more to sports like football where you are drafting players for your immediate roster. i don't think there is a concept of "safe" in a draft where you are trying to project a minimum 2-3 years down the road.
  15. I'm not trying to beat a dead horse here but this has literally been the message for 20 years now. Expecting it to suddenly change is also a fallacy IMO. Conroy doesn't send any message. This organization was never going to consider any candidate whose desire it would be to do a full scale rebuild. Wasn't going to happen if Treliving stayed, wasn't going to happen with a new candidate and isn't going to happen so long as Edwards owns the team.
  16. yes and there was never really a belief that this team was going to rebuild (ie strip it down and spend time in the basement). but to be fair I think Conroy is qualified regardless of the direction this team wanted to take going forward. Could debate if he is the "most" qualified or the best option but I think he has earned consideration regardless of the direction. I also don't think it's fair to say he won't make major changes, just may not be in the mold of pulling this down to the studs but it's possible Conroy saw things different than Tree.
  17. i don't really follow the logic here.... But either way we have perhaps 1 example of the Flames being "safe" but their MO is they always take the safe pick? Doesn't add up for me.
  18. Which they did with Gaudreau. Think the baseline of what is safe and what is riskier isn't fair here. Every team in the NHL passed on Kucherov and almost every single team passed twice.
  19. Seravalli suggesting Flames could have a new GM by next week. Has Conroy as the favorite in his mind (sounds like it's his opinion and not what he is necessarily hearing)
  20. Kucherov had do to with the KHL and being under contract there. The debate there was at one point are you comfortable taking a player that you may never see in your organization. They thought the 2nd round was too high, was not a circumstance of they thought the players they took were better they just had a hard time slotting Kucherov. What is funny in the Kuchervo thing is he wasn't even the fist player Tampa chose. Of course in hindsight it's obvious you'd never let him fall but Tampa did. I just don't agree with the narrative the Flames go with the safe pick. Under Sutter sure, but not for a quite a while would I make that argument. Could they be riskier? sure but you could say that about basically all teams.
  21. Read on Mitch Love from Wes Gilbertson https://calgarysun.com/sports/hockey/nhl/calgary-flames/calgary-wranglers/calgary-wranglers-coach-mitch-love-nhl
  22. The PP should be the greater point of concern. But it's going to be tough to judge Love based on how the Wranglers play. The Flames guidance has been that they want their AHL team to play very similar systems to the NHL club so that in the event of the call up they lessen the learning curve. So the Wranglers looking like the Flames, systematically, is not by accident. But what's nice about Love is he's shown he can adapt and coach well despite the system. I think that's what your looking for.
  23. Don't blame him. How much would it suck to be in a pro, sort of living the dream, but then you play half your games in front of smaller crowds then you did in junior/development leagues? I know there's always the angle of these guys get paid X so they should "should up and play" but I think there is more than just money these guys care about. Fan experience, making memories, what legacy you are leaving are all other things that I find drive players. I would think it would make it much harder to be at your best when you are getting that full experience. I think my heart says another team in Quebec but my brain says it's probably not a good idea.
  24. I think this is only so much a coach can do to draw out offense. I don't like a lot of what Sutter did last year but I think blaming the offence on him isn't fair. While yes I prefer a different style than his last year I'm not prepared to say his style is what totally stifled offence, especially 5 on 5. What I think what Love could do is communicate. Everything I've read, heard and witness i Love is that he is a top notch communicator and really is in the mold of today's coach. I think the next coach of the Flames doesn't necessarily have to draw out more offence in the way of systematic play, he needs to be a better communicator in order to get the more talents players performing at that level.
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