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Everything posted by cross16

  1. Capfriendly still has him on LTIR which makes sense. This is an LTIR conditioning loan so he stays on LTIR while down there. Small difference than a regular conditioning stint.
  2. Worth pointing out he gets his NHL salary while he's down there so there is really no reason for him not to agree to it. I would also suspect the Flames will ask for, and be granted, an extension.
  3. New Managements Performance [This would be mostly the Coach and General Manager] GM - 4. They are acting on their message. Acquired some picks, got younger and continue to play young players. Only reason this isn't a 5 is I wish there was a clearer and more unanimous direction. Coach - 2. I didn't have a lot of hopes for Huska and so far he hasn't proven me wrong. I don't thikn he's cut out to be a NHL head coach Overall teams Performance. 3. I think they are playing below where they should but it's only by a little bit. Felt lke this team was going to be a playoff bubble team but i did think they'd play with a bit more fire early on trying to prove something. Offense Performance 2. I was going to go 3 but the PP makes this a 2. I thought there would be more creativity to their offense and there really isn't. Their PP is awful. Little movement, little creativity and i don't see what they are trying to accomplish. Defense Performance As a core/players I'd probably go 4. I think the vast majority of their D core is playing as well as it could. In terms of team Defense, 3. They are not as good and as consistent here as I think they should be, mostly due to systems. Goaltending Performance 4. Markstrom has been a 5 but everyone else has been a 2 or 3. After grading, make your comments and be a bit more specific. Where the area is needing improvement, or the area that was better than you thought it would be. What you would change to attain the goal of making the playoffs. For me this ship has sailed. They just aren't good enough. Finally: Are we better than last year? or Are we worse off. IMO they are the same. The only thing that may make me lean worse is Huberdeau didn't bounce back at all. I wasn't expecting a major one but to have none, and to actually perform worse, is a little worrisome (albeit he's playing better lately) Are we pointed in the right direction or Are we sliding off the map of relevance? I don't think a team every slides of the map but I don't think the Flames are heading in the right direction. I think they are heading towards a long stay in the mushy middle and basically are going to be the next Minnistota Wild. I think they'll be a little more intentional about adding picks, which is nice, but unless they get a steal i'm not sure what is going to break this pattern. Lastly has your fandom for the Flames changed this year or from the start of the year? Unchanged as i've felt this way for a while now. I do acknowledge the organization is showing more commitment to it's season ticket holders and fans and they are working to create a better atmosphere/feeling about the team. but on ice this has been trending down since Tkachuk/Gaudreau left.
  4. Good for him. Really, really good to see.
  5. See and I come at this differently, I can't figure out why people think the Senators are ready. While they have some nice pieces for sure i think they are so overrated. I think their forard depth is sketchy but most important their D core is rough. Chabot and Chykrun are good, but neither really a number 1 dman, and outside of that most of the players are either not good, or really raw. Agree they are a cautionary tale but the lesson is be realistic and be patient. I think the Senators rushed think because they mis evaluated what they had. I think they put too many playrs (ie Norris, Zub, Sanderson, Tkachuk) one notch above what they actually are.
  6. Be exciting to see him back, albeit I imagine it will still be a little ways out. Ronney likely to get buried once he clears.
  7. Probably right. but man it sucks watching Ostserle play when guys like this are on the farm.
  8. Not surprised. The flames really haven’t been playing well for a while. Got lucky and good goaltending to win a few in a row but the quality of their play hasn’t been there. this an embarrassing game for a team that tries to tell people they should be a playoff team. time to look forward to some youth in the lineup and some trades because this team ain’t it.
  9. Pending lottery luck I’m thinking the flames are between 5-10. Don’t see them getting to the bottom 4 because I think their goaltending will prevent it and there’s already a pretty decent point gap there. Even post trades I don’t see the bottom falling out enough to close a 15 point gap or more. this team hasn’t shown me anything that makes me think they’ll be a playoff team so I’m out on that one. Just a question of where they wind up before the lottery for me.
  10. Not a good effort for me. I thought the flames gave the flyers way too much ice and space and really didn’t challenge them at any point. Markstrom is the only reason this was close.
  11. Tends to happen when you get pushed from behind and don’t expect it
  12. Well that’s a really dumb penalty. Zary is usually smarter than that
  13. the defending is for sure the most concerning. I’m not sure I can point to something there doing well there. Philly has a lot of open ice to skate into today
  14. Flames have been pretty poor today. This is probably the biggest mirage win streak I can remember for a while. Finding ways to win but their game doesn’t look good right now
  15. That’s not even a penalty imo. Lindholm was going to deliver a legal hit and York ducked. What is Lindholm supposed to do? I get the result was bad but that’s more of an unfortunate outcome rather than an illegal action
  16. im not sure what to do. Oh ill go stand right in front of my goalie.. perfect!
  17. Man I cant stand watching Osterle. Flames have more than enough depth to make sure he doesn’t play again.
  18. Interesting. I like the fact the Flames want to give him a shot and so far I think this is my favorite thing about this season. Flames are willing to apply a "let's see what happens" mentality as opposed to needed to fit everything into s specific box. Be honest I've never really liked his game when I watch him but hoping he can prove me wrong. I like Solo better as well but I can understand the decision here.
  19. I too don't think the Kylington news relates to the roster at all. The Flames will let Kylington work as he needs to and do whatever he needs. The roster and any changes made to it I don't think will impact how and when Kylington plays. Good for Kylington to continue to work to come back. Hope it continues to go well.
  20. 5.8 for Mang is hardly an anchor. Not a steal of course and for sure you want more, but it isn't an anchor. Only 1 more year left on it also
  21. Wouldn't shock me if they are in the final. This is as wide open a World Juniors as I can remember. Your typical names are there of course (Can,SWE, US) but i'm not sure there is a clear favorite so far. Slovakia has looked as good as any.
  22. I don't disagree. I agree with Kehatch earlier that Poposil isn't a good fit for a top 6 role but right now that line is doing some great work so I woudln't be in a rush to change it. I mean with the direction this team is going it's unlikely your going to get to a point where you should say "ok were good". Roster will likely be unsettled all year IMO.
  23. If i were Huska my number 1 priority would be doing anything I could to get Huberdeau going. I get the counter point of "well he's only 1 player and you have a team to worry about" but we've seen over the last 2 years this team is going to get into the playoffs without an effective Huberdeau. By no means his fault but i've been surprised at the lack of creativity when it comes to Huberdeau. I agree Huberdeau playing better. was actually surprised to see that over the last 12 games he is the Flames number 1 (or 2) player at 5 on 5 in most chance based categories. He's also one of the worst when it comes to on ice shooting % so there is definitely a element of bad luck here too.
  24. pretty logical change at practice today
  25. I think you have to switch Huberdeau and Mang. Both aren't given you what you need so you got to try something. That would also allow Huska to burry the Backlund line more and give more favorable matchups to Huberdeau. Don't really understand why they are not trying that honestly. Think Huberdeau had a good game last night and crated several really nice pass plays only to have them go nowhere. I know he and Lindholm were not great but I think you've got to see what Sharangovich can do there. Huberdeau needs more pace on his line. I'd leave it at that for not because the Kadri line was excellent last night and the 4th line was pretty decent to I thought. Keep Ruzicka scratched and start shopping him towards the deadline if you can find a taker.
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