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Everything posted by cross16

  1. Not a true sign and trade. But I don't think it will be hard to get one done
  2. Thought about this. Would be a fair deal IMO
  3. If you want to really go there, are the Flames the ones leaking the Tampa interest because who they want to trade with needs to up their price...
  4. Agreed, maybe a 2nd would be the highwater mark for me. Might get a player for player deal. I'd still do it because I would value the spot for a young player more. Put Pelletier/Coronato on that line and watch them flourish. Plus I don't think Mang stays here once his contract is up.
  5. Ryan Leslie and a guy on twitter aren't exactly sources you'd use to get news out though. The guy on twitter has broken some stuff and I think he has connections to the Flames via Vladar (works with him through a car dealership), but that's not exactly a good outlet to get your news/fake news out. Think he's also admitted he knows some agents that give him stuff. I think if the Flames wanted to spread something they'd use the mainstream sources. That's why I still think Hanifin is traded and it just may be he's indicated to some he's somewhat torn. I think the news about upping the offer is likely just bad intel which is pretty common in today's social media age.
  6. From the get go the flames have made it clear they want to keep Hanifin. There been their priority. Trading him is a result it’s not a preference. Ryan Leslie on Monday commented he’s not ready to close to the door on Hanifin. Leslie doesn’t just throw stuff out there. im not expecting it but I don’t think it should come as a massive shock if the Flames don’t deal Hanifin.
  7. RJ isn't good though. Be a really bad fit on the Oilers too. Oilers payed for it, but they got the much better player
  8. I'd recommend putting that in the BS column. He is the same guy who said Hanifin had an extension in place to stay. I don't doubt at all the Flames are still interested in him staying but I don't think they've changed their offer. Doesn't make sense.
  9. At the TDL yes but not in the offseason. I think Coleman would have a great market in the offseason. I just don't think the Flames will entertain moving him.
  10. I think the chances of Coleman being moved are extremely slim. I can't say that definitively of course but I don't expect him to be moved. I think the team loves him, sees him as a key part of what they are doing, and by all accounts he loves it here. I don't think Mang is in the same boat.
  11. Wondering if we may see Mangiapane's name out there more in the next 48 hrs. UFA following next season and while I do like his game, if your going into a retool and can get an asset or 2 for him I think he makes sense to move. His spot alongside Backs and Coleman is a perfect integration spot for young players.
  12. Huh. I must have missed the 25 year old 60 point center the flames had to deal for him.
  13. Pretty fair for both sides here. But really curious where Colorado finds the money
  14. I would value the 2nd and Grushniokov more than I would value a 1st and Ryan Johnson for this year and next.
  15. Yup i gathered that. Response doesn't change. I don't believe you are getting Lundell in a Hanifin deal
  16. It is for sure. Not criticizing the approach just saying if you look at their roster it's a tight window. But they are one of the best teams in the East for me so I get it.
  17. I don't think here is any value in mentioning Lundell's name. He isn't coming back But as I read it, Panthers should have about 3.2 in available space after this. So retention on Hanifin would get them there for sure. Edit: apparently I can do Math!
  18. Boy. Florida literally has about a 2 year window to win the cup here before things are going to get UGLY.......
  19. I wish... I've read he's off limits right now for Florida so i'm not going to get my hopes up.
  20. Interesting to see the retained salary but that definitely wouldn't take them out of the running for Hanifin. Just means that someone off the Florida roster would have to be coming back for cap purposes.
  21. Be interesting to see the cost on this. Florida isn't ripe in assets so if they are pulling this off makes you wonder about what can they give up for Hanifin. I think the cap can work, wonder about assets
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