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3 hours ago, conundrumed said:

If you swap Mangiapane and Tkachuk, that's how I had it drawn up. I have no bottom 6 drawn up though. Particularly if we can't try Jankowski on the wing. It is Lindholm-JG/Mony-Tkachuk pairings I'd like to see though.


Well you do get to see an all OHL line for once.

Backlind with Lucic is interesting.

Other than having a bruiser on the ice against a heavy team, Janko makes more sene.


It's not a game that makes lines look good or bad.

Ice is going to factor in more.


Sucks about losing Czar for that long.

"Accidental" slew foot causing that much of an injury.

No call on the ice and no review by NHLPS

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31 minutes ago, cross16 said:

I would agree. There was some promise there, although personally I’d bring Jankowski back for Quine




I would like to see what these line combos can do on real ice. 


Hopefully Jankowski can come in with a chip on his shoulder after sitting out the Heritage Classic. I would have to think that is a big deal.

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I don't mnd the lines, but play them like they are designed.

Monahan, Bennett and Mangiapane should have had similar ice times.

Mangiapane had about 4 minutes less 5v5.


I'm starting to wonder about having Kyl and Ras play together.

There is really nothing wrong with either of them.

But I wonder if they ahould be playing with vets.

Brodie with Gio is not giving us what we need.

They are good and bad.

Same with Hanny-Hammer.


Kylington has elite skating and has a good offensive streak.

He just needs a solid player to stay at home.

Ras is closer to Gio, in that he plays both sides well.

But he can hold the line better.






I don't know.  Every time I think there is a good fit for someone, the other pairs look bad.

Hanifin with Ras and Gio back ith Brodie?

I just don;t find the present pairs meet the eye test, regardless of the other stats.

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3 minutes ago, cross16 said:

Honestly I really haven’t liked Reider. To me this is about roster flexibility and perhaps keeping Quine up instead. 


Except I can't see them going with 12 forwards on 4 game road trip. I am fine with sending Reider down, and Quine staying up, they are more or less the same player, but going with 12 forwards on a road trip seems risky. Also Dube sat out the last game for the Heat with an apparent injury.



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With Czarnik out until Christmas or later (seems to be the rumour), there is an opening for sure for someone to step up and really perform. Czarnik and Reider were basically interchangeable and you could same that Quine is similar. The thing with waiving Reider does not mean they have to send him down, simply means they can. Once he clears, he can be kept up as needed and sent down when they choose to send him down.


This could indicate an upcoming trade. If he is being moved specifically to make cap space for an incoming player, that makes things interesting. Simply waiving him for cap space makes little sense as he makes a league minimum of 700k. However if he is traded after clearing waivers, the other team can send him down without clearing waivers again (I believe). Perhaps he himself is part of a trade but the other team wants him for AHL and wants the Flames to risk losing him for nothing instead of them. I don't see how the Flames can move people out without bringing extras back. I would also think that the fiddling with various players in different positions looking for chemistry could also indicate a potential trade. Who can work in other positions could show that those who have had chemistry in the past could be on the move.


Brodie has been taken off the top pair a couple of times already this year. Frolik has been bumped down. Jankowski not getting the same looks.


Who knows. I am obviously not the GM or anywhere in the decision making group of the team so we can only wait and see what happens.

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19 minutes ago, JTech780 said:


Except I can't see them going with 12 forwards on 4 game road trip. I am fine with sending Reider down, and Quine staying up, they are more or less the same player, but going with 12 forwards on a road trip seems risky. Also Dube sat out the last game for the Heat with an apparent injury.




I agree.  Stockton has no games until November 1st, so there is opportunity to use any of those players (signed to NHL deals that is).

There are a few choices to use if they want an extra forward.

Gawdin - RHS C/RW - showed well in pre-season and is almost a p/gp in 8 games

Robinson - RHS - huge player - scoring leader with 7g

Tuulola - RHS - slower skater but big kid - doing ok in the AHL so far, but a little early to bring him up

Rinaldo - LHS - you know what he is - limited risk, especially if he is just the extra body

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25 minutes ago, JTech780 said:


Except I can't see them going with 12 forwards on 4 game road trip. I am fine with sending Reider down, and Quine staying up, they are more or less the same player, but going with 12 forwards on a road trip seems risky. Also Dube sat out the last game for the Heat with an apparent injury.



what I meant is I’m not sure you’ll see a move right away.  Think this might be to gain flexibility as they can still send him down up to 30 days after clearing. 

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11 minutes ago, cross16 said:

what I meant is I’m not sure you’ll see a move right away.  Think this might be to gain flexibility as they can still send him down up to 30 days after clearing. 


Being able to send Quine and Reider down on off days and recalling them on game days, helps Calgary accumulate cap space going into the deadline. So I get where you are going, and I agree. I said it in another thread, but cap space will is power this year more so than any other year, so Calgary should do whatever they can to accumulate as much cap space as possible leading into the deadline. It gives them the best opportunity to land an impact player at the deadline.

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8 minutes ago, cross16 said:

Those lines would certainly suggest either a call up or moving is coming. Having Quine as anything but a placeholder would be strange. 


8 minutes ago, cross16 said:

Those lines would certainly suggest either a call up or moving is coming. Having Quine as anything but a placeholder would be strange. 

Reider was put on waivers this morning.. presumably so he could be sent to Stockton


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1 hour ago, JTech780 said:


Interesting lines. Not sure I get why they would have Quine on the 2nd line and Mangiapane on the 4th.


Considering BP said he like the lines from the other night, it's strange.

If they are calling up anyone, they would be 4th line candidates most likely.

Robinson, Gawdin, Dube, Phillips and Froese lead the team in points.

Anyone of those would fit with Janko in a reduced minutes role.

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13 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


Considering BP said he like the lines from the other night, it's strange.

If they are calling up anyone, they would be 4th line candidates most likely.

Robinson, Gawdin, Dube, Phillips and Froese lead the team in points.

Anyone of those would fit with Janko in a reduced minutes role.


They did say earlier when they sent Dube down, that if did come back it would be to play in a top 9 role.

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Personally, I still think if you want to maximize what you get from Brodie, play him with Gio.  I would think twice about putting him out in 3 on 3 situations however.  Why he gets ice over Hanifin I'm not really sure...


Anyway, I would maybe try Hanifin-Ras and Kyl-Hamonic, see if that works.

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