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I have been reading the flames forums for the past three seasons now but had never felt any great need to join the discussions until now. I have been so overwhelmed by the efforts and Carty and Pyro to learn of ff52’s fate and the show of support from posters that I now felt compelled to become a member.


This is the sort of community I want to be a part of.


RIP Flyerfan52


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I'm very saddened by this news,  thoughts and prayers go out to his family.


I've always felt when someone passes on through this world, they deserve to be celebrated. Life is a precious thing, and we lost a good one this week. 


We're all very lucky to have been able to interact with him over the years.


RIP, friend.

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Well yesterday was amazing. Although we lost a hard, contested battle to the Jets, at the end of the game I physically shared a cheers to ff52 aka Larry with 2 other posters.

Amazing how common interest strangers become new found friends!:)

Now I can breath a bit easier that FlyerFan is a legacy, not only as a poster, but as a person.

Sorrow from us all from the one (you know who you are!) that couldn't make the trip for a legitimate reason and our thoughts are with you too.

Special thanks to the gracious host and hostess.

I made it back in record time, lol.

That was a special day for me.

Thanks guys and gal, I hope it meant as much to you as it did to me.

*insert joke* And we didn't get all out of it and break stuff, lol.

Hi to Opie!!


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On 3/15/2019 at 7:21 PM, conundrumed said:

I finally figured out how to insert a sig (kind of).

I had made a request to some anonymous :D friend who I knew would have the right words.

If anyone wants to use it, feel free!

I'm prolly well bad at sizing....

But it's a tribute to one of the truly excellent people here.


Hey Conundrumed, I too would like to show my respect for FF52 in my signature. How do I go about adding your graphic to my signature on these forums? I don’t see where I can add a signature to my posts. 


Thank you in advance!


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44 minutes ago, lou44291 said:


Hey Conundrumed, I too would like to show my respect for FF52 in my signature. How do I go about adding your graphic to my signature on these forums? I don’t see where I can add a signature to my posts. 


Thank you in advance!


That's awesome Pal.

Unfortunately, you're asking the guy that fights with everything computerese and my account is, well, Blockchained as per the above post.

Try this should work.

Right click and select, "Copy Image Location".

Go to your username pulldown at the top right.

Select Account Settings.

As you scroll down, on the left you'll see "My sig" or similar, Left click that.

It'll give you a new page where you'll see where to insert the sig.

Right click and paste.

Scroll down and "save".

You'll get a message that your sig has changed.

Now go back to one of your posts and see it's there.

Because honestly I'm not positive it will work, it should. If that doesn't work, post it here, don't fight it.

Then we KNOW for sure The People will describe it in full as I see he has done it. And not in a PM Peeps please.

I'm sure many others have the same question as lou.

If my advice worked lou, just say, It worked!

Warning: This won't work on Carty's, ours are set up different.

Go figure. It was my idea. Carty built. I screwed it all up. lol

Warning #2. Never ask other posters to make a sig for you. This was a special case.

Figure out how to make hero stamps on Google. It can take hours, don't ask others.

I asked Carty as a memorial, and thankfully he agreed. I would never ask for any other reason.

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50 minutes ago, conundrumed said:

nvrmnd, I can't copy and paste a 30 kB image on this board, and no one can tell me why.

No more images for me. Yet most others can throw endless memes and images up.

Funny that know one seems to know how to solve that, hey, DHT?

Pyro, you're my last hope!



Once I can figured out, you will be first to know. LOL

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15 minutes ago, conundrumed said:

That's awesome Pal.

Unfortunately, you're asking the guy that fights with everything computerese and my account is, well, Blockchained as per the above post.

Try this should work.

Right click and select, "Copy Image Location".

Go to your username pulldown at the top right.

Select Account Settings.

As you scroll down, on the left you'll see "My sig" or similar, Left click that.

It'll give you a new page where you'll see where to insert the sig.

Right click and paste.

Scroll down and "save".

You'll get a message that your sig has changed.

Now go back to one of your posts and see it's there.

Because honestly I'm not positive it will work, it should. If that doesn't work, post it here, don't fight it.

Then we KNOW for sure The People will describe it in full as I see he has done it. And not in a PM Peeps please.

I'm sure many others have the same question as lou.

If my advice worked lou, just say, It worked!

Warning: This won't work on Carty's, ours are set up different.

Go figure. It was my idea. Carty built. I screwed it all up. lol

Warning #2. Never ask other posters to make a sig for you. This was a special case.

Figure out how to make hero stamps on Google. It can take hours, don't ask others.

I asked Carty as a memorial, and thankfully he agreed. I would never ask for any other reason.


It worked! And I will heed your warnings :) 


Thank you very much Conundrumed, and again to Carty as well for creating it!





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Just now, lou44291 said:


It worked! And I will heed your warnings :) 


Thank you very much Conundrumed, and again to Carty as well for creating it!





Don't thank me yet, you've got my original one, lol.

If you wanna give it a try (wouldn't work on mine),

Right click Carty's, "Copy".

Paste it in My Pictures on your hard drive. Go into where you pasted it.

Open it, right click "Copy".

Go into account settings, my sig, same as before and right click paste.


My account is screwed for for sure. That route might work better for you.


At any rate, just asking was enough.

Thanks buddy. Just nice to see how much he meant 'round here.

Peeps, jj....post how you did it, we're hockey grunts. lol

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I am not sure there was a poster on here that watched more hockey than FF52, if I had a question about a player from another team, in particular the Flyers and the Jets, I knew FF52 would have an honest and accurate take or report on that player.


These forums have lost a lot of knowledge and one heck of a poster. 


RIP FF52 you will be missed.

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I remember harassing FF (jokingly) about where my all time favourite goalie was, Bernie Parent, in his sig.

He told me that a compatriot on the Flyers board built the sig and that's it. His all-time favourite line.

Maybe yearly I'd let him know his sig reminds me of my idol, Bernie Parent, just for laughs.


Now every time I hear Holmgren's name I think of the times he pissed off FF.


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On 10/25/2018 at 11:00 PM, kehatch said:

I have said it before.  This team is in their window to win now.  They are built, the pieces are in place, they should be trying to win a cup.  And if they aren't good enough that is a problem.  I will give the team another 30 or so games, but right now I think there are some SERIOUS flaws on this team that may require a complete rebuild. 

On 10/27/2018 at 10:45 PM, Flyerfan52 said:

I`ve been on this board so long that neither my start date nor any other data is accurate (there were server switches & other things as it seemed the NHL was trying to kill all these team specific boards). In every 1 of those years there have been fans calling for a total teardown.

There have been teams that succeeded by being bad for about 5-8 years but only 1 that I recall doing that deliberately (iwhen fans actually bought tickets again they denied ever deserting even though they almost lost their team while finishing high on the picking order). The others were just that bad.

The Sens tried the deliberate approach in the `90s & have 0 Cups. The Oilers only hit paydirt on 1 of 4 1st OA picks & by then had little to no supporting cast.


There is a very rare thing that the Jets managed to sell to a Canadian NHL base that saw them remain a respectable team that maintained throughout that they would build via draft & develop. It was a unique circumstance that wouldn`t work with a city that hadn`t been starved for the big league. If QC ever gets a big league team again it could work there but Canadian fans are impatient. The existence of this thread is proof.

This is from a thread called "Burn It Down".

The first quote is the OP, clipped to spare everyone the fluffy rant reasoning.

And the second quote is why I loved this guy. Balanced and educating.

Then his last line is the clean-up hitter clearing the bases. lol

Man he was great at staying balanced and reasoning.

2 weeks into last season and a thread about rebuilding again.

I do stupid stuff like, "fluffy rant reasoning".

FF's posts are like training, study material.

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On 17/03/2019 at 11:06 PM, conundrumed said:

Don't thank me yet, you've got my original one, lol.

If you wanna give it a try (wouldn't work on mine),

Right click Carty's, "Copy".

Paste it in My Pictures on your hard drive. Go into where you pasted it.

Open it, right click "Copy".

Go into account settings, my sig, same as before and right click paste.


My account is screwed for for sure. That route might work better for you.


At any rate, just asking was enough.

Thanks buddy. Just nice to see how much he meant 'round here.

Peeps, jj....post how you did it, we're hockey grunts. lol


That worked for me as well Conundrumed! Thanks again for your help buddy. FF52 is definitely missed. 

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3 hours ago, lou44291 said:


That worked for me as well Conundrumed! Thanks again for your help buddy. FF52 is definitely missed. 

That's awesome. Like I said, my account is screwed. It doesn't work for me, just pure frustration. Thanks for letting me know, because that will not work for me.

I know I found the root of the problem, but can't resolve the problem.

Huge respect buddy, and don't worry, when the Bruins stomp the Leafs again, TDot will have no option but to cover the Flames in rd 2.;)

I live in ON. but travel in AB a lot and lived in Calgary for 18 yrs. My Leaf-loving friends and relatives have fully woken up to the Flames. Christmas was awesome for a change.lol

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On 3/17/2019 at 9:04 PM, conundrumed said:

Well yesterday was amazing. Although we lost a hard, contested battle to the Jets, at the end of the game I physically shared a cheers to ff52 aka Larry with 2 other posters.

Amazing how common interest strangers become new found friends!:)

Now I can breath a bit easier that FlyerFan is a legacy, not only as a poster, but as a person.

Sorrow from us all from the one (you know who you are!) that couldn't make the trip for a legitimate reason and our thoughts are with you too.

Special thanks to the gracious host and hostess.

I made it back in record time, lol.

That was a special day for me.

Thanks guys and gal, I hope it meant as much to you as it did to me.

*insert joke* And we didn't get all out of it and break stuff, lol.

Hi to Opie!!


I just love taking the opportunity to quote myself. (sic)

But Carty (His Dudeness) gave it away in the GDT with his damn goal lights that everyone has stolen IRregardless, lol.

So 420 was all in. I've never met him, nor has Carty, whom I've met once last year and we stay in touch.

420, correct me if I'm wrong, but you literally told me, "Thanks for the invite, I didn't even know that I meant anything to anyone on the board".

Now you know buddy. I'm glad we let you know.

I was looking at the board at Carty's place on my phone and was reading Ward's post when I had to close.

I told Carty afterwards I can't read that thread around people because I well up.

He said, "good to know I'm not the only one".

Meeting people is fantastic. 420, you are completely right.

The how you didn't realize you were recognizable here is disturbing. lol That hasn't been the case for years.;)

Cheers FF52. We shall create a movement of friends that don't have to hide behind keyboards, for any reason.

Disarmed by smiles and good nature.


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