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Official 2013 Nhl Draft Day Thread


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Seriously, I didn't like our 22 and 28th selections. I think there was some better player available, especially at 22. I mean, I would have been fine with Poirier at 28. But why take him at 22. Just as retarded as Jankowski last year. This is unacceptable to me, especially while prospects like Shinkaruk(native of CGY) is available. Two LW is also unacceptable. There were better players available, especially at 22. I am again disappointed. Also Fucale with our 2nd rounder in MTL.. ugh. Just to make us look worse, especially now that we're gonna dump Cammy for probable garbage. 

Yep, they could have taken Shinkaruk, guys who play with him love him, and if they really felt the need to take Poirier they could have bundled a few later picks for the 32 to 35th and still got him.  Now hes a, god forbid, Canuck.  Some of the young guys I know say Harrison is good thought.

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Seriously, I didn't like our 22 and 28th selections. I think there was some better player available, especially at 22. I mean, I would have been fine with Poirier at 28. But why take him at 22. Just as retarded as Jankowski last year. This is unacceptable to me, especially while prospects like Shinkaruk(native of CGY) is available. Two LW is also unacceptable. There were better players available, especially at 22. I am again disappointed. Also Fucale with our 2nd rounder in MTL.. ugh. Just to make us look worse, especially now that we're gonna dump Cammy for probable garbage. 


Poirier says he plays the RW and LW. But I think he prefers the right. Some players like coming down on their off wing for the shot.

Both Todd Button and Poirier said him self that he can play eith wing, Todd actually referred to him as a RW so my guess is that s were they expect him to play....

No matter what happened today no one was going to be happy with the picks....

We all had so many different ideas of who we wanted, I was looking at Hartman and Dman with our final two and got neither, but it looks like these guys did there home work and got some very solid prospects that will one day crack the roster.

It's not everyday you see a kid like Poirier that has dynamic speed like he does to go along with what looks like some very impressive hands and a bit of a mean streak. This could be a real home run, so before you rip Feaster a new one, why don't we all wait a season or two and see what we really got?


I didn't like Poirier's interview on FlamesTv. He didn't seem very happy to be a Flame. I dunno. I maybe reading into it?

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I like how Feaster stuck to their list and didn't get caught up in the emotions of the draft such as having Shinkurak fall to them at 22nd overall. My problem though is Emile Poirier ranked in the top 13. You have to be kidding me. How could he be ranked top 13? Considering Klimchuk was drafted 13th, that means Poirier was ranked at worst at 12th overall. With this much depth in the draft who was ranked between 10 and 20th overall by CSS, ISS, TSN, etc, how did Poirier beat at least 8 of those players to be ranked 12th? I wouldn't be as mad if Feaster just said they had Poirier ranked 20th and was happy to get him at 22nd but wow. Ranked 12th or better just scares me. Makes me lose a lot of confidence in the scouting staff.

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I like how Feaster stuck to their list and didn't get caught up in the emotions of the draft such as having Shinkurak fall to them at 22nd overall. My problem though is Emile Poirier ranked in the top 13. You have to be kidding me. How could he be ranked top 13? Considering Klimchuk was drafted 13th, that means Poirier was ranked at worst at 12th overall. With this much depth in the draft who was ranked between 10 and 20th overall by CSS, ISS, TSN, etc, how did Poirier beat at least 8 of those players to be ranked 12th? I wouldn't be as mad if Feaster just said they had Poirier ranked 20th and was happy to get him at 22nd but wow. Ranked 12th or better just scares me. Makes me lose a lot of confidence in the scouting staff.

Todd Button in an interview in the video section said something to the effect that they had 2 lists one with all the prospects rated how they saw it and another list of prospects that they expected to be available.  So I think it is possible that Feaster might have been referring to that list. He did say that they had Poirier rated higher than 22 though.

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I like how Feaster stuck to their list and didn't get caught up in the emotions of the draft such as having Shinkurak fall to them at 22nd overall. My problem though is Emile Poirier ranked in the top 13. You have to be kidding me. How could he be ranked top 13? Considering Klimchuk was drafted 13th, that means Poirier was ranked at worst at 12th overall. With this much depth in the draft who was ranked between 10 and 20th overall by CSS, ISS, TSN, etc, how did Poirier beat at least 8 of those players to be ranked 12th? I wouldn't be as mad if Feaster just said they had Poirier ranked 20th and was happy to get him at 22nd but wow. Ranked 12th or better just scares me. Makes me lose a lot of confidence in the scouting staff.



In Button's interview when asked if all the guys they picked in the first round were top 13 on their list he said,"yeah, but you construct the list differently, right. You know there are guys that will be gone between 6 and 22 so the list is compartmentalized,"


Surely if you disregard players because you don't think they will be on the board, there is a risk that a faller, such as Shinkaruk for example, could fall through your net. I am not saying that is what happened, I cannot believe they would be that lapse. A lot of teams passed over Shinkaruk and I don't think you can let sentiment get in the way of picking the right player.


Then again, I wouldn't believe much of what Feaster says anyway, he seems to make it up on the fly most of the time and often ends up contradicting himself later. At the end of the interview, Button gets a little unsure of what he's saying as though he's just twigged that he's discrediting what Feaster said and says "if Jay said that, that's where he was"!

Poirier says he plays the RW and LW. But I think he prefers the right. Some players like coming down on their off wing for the shot.


I didn't like Poirier's interview on FlamesTv. He didn't seem very happy to be a Flame. I dunno. I maybe reading into it?

Klimchuk got welcomed by Kristin Hallet and Emile got lumbered with Rob Kerr. I thought he handled it OK considering!

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Poirier stated in his interview with FlamesTv that he's actually a RW and only plays a little LW.  Button(Flames) confirmed he's a left shot RW too.  Good to hear, gives the roster depth a little breathing room on LW and adds to the much needed right side.


Also, in most of his highlights, he's barreling down the right side behind the D.  Makes sense.  Kid still has wheels, hope another year of development in the minors elevates him even more.



Note: The steal in the draft was Corban Knight in the 4th round ;)

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Well, I must admit, at first I was less than impressed with our 22nd and 28th pick. However, the more I learn about them, the more and more I'm impressed with the 1st round of the draft.  The other picks are questionable but all the 1st rounders could be top 6 provided they maintain their development path.  And could see the NLH in a year or two (again depending on how they develop).


The other thing that has impressed me about the Flames drafting this year is the type of player's they targeted, One of the key intangibles they were looking for was the "warrior spirit".  This is something that has been lacking for years on this team and if we get that in our current draftees then this was a very smart draft.


So, in short, the fat man gets a reprieve, for now. We will see what damage he causes over the FA period. 


Summation of our 1st rounders:


Monahan = can't miss pick, not a wow you guy but super solid all round guy.  Kind of reminds me of Nieuwendyk.


Poirier = explosive power and he's actually a RW.  Could develop into a hybrid Fleury/Iggy type player.  Energy speed and skill of Fleury but with Iggy grit, size and determination.  I'm starting to understand why they went off the boards with this pick at 22.


Klimchuck = not too sire about him.  He has grit and determination, skill, decent speed but no wow factor.  I have no real comparison for him yet BUT one thing I really like about him is the lack of wow factor could make him dangerous.  I can see teams underestimating on a regular basis, just because he's the guy they will forget just scored the last goal and pow, he scores another or is in on helping score another one.  I hear many Flames fans are high on this guy, which is good if it translates to the NHL level, the thing I like about him is the lack of wow factor could make him a very dangerous player at the NLH level.  It's always nice to have a skilled player who can fly under the radar.

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Klimchuck = not too sire about him.  He has grit and determination, skill, decent speed but no wow factor.  I have no real comparison for him yet BUT one thing I really like about him is the lack of wow factor could make him dangerous.  I can see teams underestimating on a regular basis, just because he's the guy they will forget just scored the last goal and pow, he scores another or is in on helping score another one.  I hear many Flames fans are high on this guy, which is good if it translates to the NHL level, the thing I like about him is the lack of wow factor could make him a very dangerous player at the NLH level.  It's always nice to have a skilled player who can fly under the radar.

Also, it's very unlikely you are goin to get someone with a wow factor at the end of the first round and if you do there is likely yo be a big red flag with them like size for example.

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Seems I'm the only one not little mad we took Poirier instead of Shin. In my opinion Shin seems to have a lot more of risk, I just don't see him brining his game to the NHL. On the other hand Poirier is bigger,stronger, and faster. Maybe not as skilled but easy to move into pros for him.

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Overall I liked this draft. On monahan, as much thought Nicushkin was appealing with the center available we grabbed him, finally have that future top center we have lacked

I was hoping for Hunter at 22 like most others, thought maybe could have gotten Poirer at 28, but I like what I read about the kid, and the way most of the bottom 10 went off the board we didnt leave any obvious talent on the table to make that reach and in many ways I like klimchuk over hunter

Id give feaster a solid B+ on this one!

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Seems I'm the only one not little mad we took Poirier instead of Shin. In my opinion Shin seems to have a lot more of risk, I just don't see him brining his game to the NHL. On the other hand Poirier is bigger,stronger, and faster. Maybe not as skilled but easy to move into pros for him.


I don't like Shinkurak either and I have written about it before.  He reminds me of a Setoguchi type of player.  High energy second line role player who needs someone to carry him on his line.  Scouts say Shinkurak is shoot-first pure finisher and his stats are there to back it up.  However, a lot of his goals come from being around the net to pick up the easy tap-ins.  He does not have perimeter shooting abilities.  He's not going to snipe one top shelf from the top of the faceoff circle or anything and will rely on hockey sense around the net to get it done.  He's not the biggest player so there's high potential for a bust.


That said, Poirier shouldn't be ranked 12th or higher.  That's just a mistake.  The Flames could've traded down a couple spots and picked up a second round pick and sitll drafted Poirier.

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Poirier = explosive power and he's actually a RW.  Could develop into a hybrid Fleury/Iggy type player.  Energy speed and skill of Fleury but with Iggy grit, size and determination.  I'm starting to understand why they went off the boards with this pick at 22.


Why LH shot RW?  WHY WHY WHY?  Why don't shoot right?


He better have legendary back-hand passing ability to fly down the right wing boards and make plays.  He better be able to receive passes on his back-hand at high speeds. He's fast, so are we looking at a Matthew Lombardi or Mason Raymond? 


Isn't Ken Agostino the same thing?  LH shot RW?  Why?

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That said, Poirier shouldn't be ranked 12th or higher.  That's just a mistake.  The Flames could've traded down a couple spots and picked up a second round pick and sitll drafted Poirier.


Listening to Button, it doesn't sound like the Flames rank 200+ players.  They have a list of 50 or so players.  It appears that they start by eliminating players off their list.  I assume Shinkurak was removed from their list due to character (I don't think they interviewed him).  I also assume they had a small list of 10 or 15 players they were focusing on in the first round.  


It makes sense to focus your scouting and remove the distraction of players that don't fit your criteria.  


If you have a list of 15 guys in the top 30, 30 guys in the top 60, and another 10 or 20 that you are looking at for later rounds then it makes the process of intelligently ranking them and scouting them much easier.  


If that is the case having Poirier in the top 10 makes complete sense since there are only 10 or 15 guys you have in the first round.  

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Listening to Button, it doesn't sound like the Flames rank 200+ players.  They have a list of 50 or so players.  It appears that they start by eliminating players off their list.  I assume Shinkurak was removed from their list due to character (I don't think they interviewed him).  I also assume they had a small list of 10 or 15 players they were focusing on in the first round.  


It makes sense to focus your scouting and remove the distraction of players that don't fit your criteria.  


If you have a list of 15 guys in the top 30, 30 guys in the top 60, and another 10 or 20 that you are looking at for later rounds then it makes the process of intelligently ranking them and scouting them much easier.  


If that is the case having Poirier in the top 10 makes complete sense since there are only 10 or 15 guys you have in the first round.  


If they are going to shortlist, then they should go "all the way" and start drafting strictly based on positions, etc.   Don't draft the best player available.  Instead, draft the best player that would fit team needs.  There's no way they go that route and still come out of the draft with a LW and a LW/RW.  We need C, RW, and D.

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Why LH shot RW?  WHY WHY WHY?  Why don't shoot right?


He better have legendary back-hand passing ability to fly down the right wing boards and make plays.  He better be able to receive passes on his back-hand at high speeds. He's fast, so are we looking at a Matthew Lombardi or Mason Raymond? 


Isn't Ken Agostino the same thing?  LH shot RW?  Why?


I agree that having RH shots on the team is a good thing.  But that shouldn't rank all that high on your criteria.  


The cup champions only had 5 regulars with RH shots.  Only one of them is a RW (one actually plays LW - Sharp).  Detroit only has two RH shots.  None D.  The list goes on as it is true for most team.  


There are simply way more LH shots in the NHL today for some reason.  


As for L/R shot on the wing it is all preference.  A lot of players find it easier to deliver a one timer or get off a close in shot on their off hand side.  

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That said, Poirier shouldn't be ranked 12th or higher.  That's just a mistake.  The Flames could've traded down a couple spots and picked up a second round pick and sitll drafted Poirier.


Now that the draft is over, and we have who we have, will you please FINALLY stop bellyaching about "should haves" and "could haves" and "man, 2 more losses would have served us much better"?  Please?  Pretty please with sugar on top?  And this isn't just aimed at you...you just happen to be the biggest offender of this.


We have our picks.  We've made our bed.  There is no way to change who was picked, what position they were picked at, and who was available otherwise.  We, as a fanbase, need to get our collective support behind what we have, and start rebuilding ourselves, much like the team is rebuilding.


Sure, you might not like a certain player, but don't "not like him" just because of the draft position he was taken at...base it on performance, and I guarantee that no one here has seen all of our draft picks outside of YouTube videos.  For crying out loud, give the kids a chance to show what they have before you pigeon-hole them.  Training camp isn't until September.  Use the time between now and then to do background research on them, and make notes on what to look for when camp arrives.  You might just be pleasantly surprised by what you see in September.


We need to quit b-tching and moaning about what we should have done, and focus on what we can still do between now and October.

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Now that the draft is over, and we have who we have, will you please FINALLY stop bellyaching about "should haves" and "could haves" and "man, 2 more losses would have served us much better"?  Please?  Pretty please with sugar on top?  And this isn't just aimed at you...you just happen to be the biggest offender of this.


We have our picks.  We've made our bed.  There is no way to change who was picked, what position they were picked at, and who was available otherwise.  We, as a fanbase, need to get our collective support behind what we have, and start rebuilding ourselves, much like the team is rebuilding.


Sure, you might not like a certain player, but don't "not like him" just because of the draft position he was taken at...base it on performance, and I guarantee that no one here has seen all of our draft picks outside of YouTube videos.  For crying out loud, give the kids a chance to show what they have before you pigeon-hole them.  Training camp isn't until September.  Use the time between now and then to do background research on them, and make notes on what to look for when camp arrives.  You might just be pleasantly surprised by what you see in September.


We need to quit b-tching and moaning about what we should have done, and focus on what we can still do between now and October.


I'm not doing it for the past.  I'm doing it for the future.  If we're out of the playoff race and everyone's cheering for wins down the stretch.  I'm snapping again.


Just sayin.

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