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Fire Feaster!


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the o reilly fiasco occured because feaster believed his version of the world according to Garp was the way things were instead of checking his facts with the league first.. typical lawyer crap..  Iggy gave the team the right to trade him to four teams and thus .. gave up his right to pick which specific team he would go to.integrity.. honesty.. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. only a lawyer seeks such define   interpretation,feaster  admitted that he had been talking to Kipper for quite sometime trying to get him to approve a move..There was no reason to move Comeau except to try to appease another lie .. He has said many times the last few weeks that we would be very agressive before the deadline and he wasn't meaning the Iggy and Boumeester trades.. Comeau was a cheap asset that did not need to be moved with Tanguay floating around.. Cammerelli stuck here at 6 mill a year on a contract nobody would take Butler giving away the puck 30 times a game.. etc.lol Lanny was just a throw out.. at least the fans have respect for him and what would be my reasoning for hiring a g.m with a hockey background instead of a lawyer.. LMao.. you figure that one out.. Lawyers are hired to write contracts.. Not run Hockey teams


I'm a lawyer. You got a problem with me too?

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the o reilly fiasco occured because feaster believed his version of the world according to Garp was the way things were instead of checking his facts with the league first.. typical lawyer crap..  Iggy gave the team the right to trade him to four teams and thus .. gave up his right to pick which specific team he would go to.integrity.. honesty.. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. only a lawyer seeks such define   interpretation,feaster  admitted that he had been talking to Kipper for quite sometime trying to get him to approve a move..There was no reason to move Comeau except to try to appease another lie .. He has said many times the last few weeks that we would be very agressive before the deadline and he wasn't meaning the Iggy and Boumeester trades.. Comeau was a cheap asset that did not need to be moved with Tanguay floating around.. Cammerelli stuck here at 6 mill a year on a contract nobody would take Butler giving away the puck 30 times a game.. etc.lol Lanny was just a throw out.. at least the fans have respect for him and what would be my reasoning for hiring a g.m with a hockey background instead of a lawyer.. LMao.. you figure that one out.. Lawyers are hired to write contracts.. Not run Hockey teams

When you have to exaggerate like you are doing to make your points, then maybe you should reconsider that your points are weak to begin with.


For example

Chris Butler while he has made some bloopers or errors does not give the puck away 30 times a game. In fact Butler only gets 21.7 shifts per game and his +/- tops the team with the exception of Anton Babchuk....... http://www.nhl.com/ice/playerstats.htm?fetchKey=20132CGYDADALL&sort=plusMinus&viewName=summary

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Thats was my point he has a hell of a lot more to be happy about there here. I have many a press interview where he isnt smiling they way he is now. That smile is HOPE and a winning team which this club has lacked for a long time.

You're kidding right? The guy always smiles, he's in a new and exciting place, and he's gonna get a chance at the cup. It isn't about "getting out" of Calgary.

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No he got roasted for staying the course and not making changes a few years back. Their statement was the return for the players he released would have provided this team a far better return if done 2 years ago. Also, if it is burnt to the ground( not saying I agree or disagree) it is going to be a long , long turnaround.


Feaster in not the right guy. There are a few that view what Feaster and Hartley have done as a positive here, I dont see it from the standings or the stats. Last season Sutter had an AHL roster and they did better, shows what a coach can do with little talent. Team Sports sucess is judged in the win and lose columns, we have been on the wrong side of this for a while. I hate the revolvoing door scenario just like everyone else, we once again have the wrong guy in place. I agree Sutter made a mess, and yes we have a few prospects but until they prove themselves, Feaster has not improved this club.

Of course they roasted Feaster, he left them looking like a bunch of morons over the Iginla trade and left them nothing else to do today.

It's not his fault they are pouting. 

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yes we have a few prospects but until they prove themselves, Feaster has not improved this club.


By that same logic, you can't criticize Feaster's efforts, either.


Give the team one full, real season.  Give Management the summer to make the trades and drafts they think will help, and let's have a real, full training camp.  If, at the end of the 2013-14 season, we don't see any improvements at all, then we can call for blood.

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I've had no problems with how Feaster has handled this club since his arrival.  At the time, I thought the trade for Cammy was a good move and his mandate was to give this team that extra nudge to the post season which was very achievable. This off season with the salary space and the draft pics will be pivotal and over the next 1-2 years is how we can gauge his efforts as a GM but so often the real results aren't seen for years on how these future prospects will turn out. 

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I've had no problems with how Feaster has handled this club since his arrival.  At the time, I thought the trade for Cammy was a good move and his mandate was to give this team that extra nudge to the post season which was very achievable. This off season with the salary space and the draft pics will be pivotal and over the next 1-2 years is how we can gauge his efforts as a GM but so often the real results aren't seen for years on how these future prospects will turn out. 

As for the Cammy trade I am sure wondering why oh why we had to throw in that 2nd round pick. We could sure use it now. It will turn out to likely be almost as good as the pick we got back from the Pens for Iggy.

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the o reilly fiasco occured because feaster believed his version of the world according to Garp was the way things were instead of checking his facts with the league first.. typical lawyer crap..  Iggy gave the team the right to trade him to four teams and thus .. gave up his right to pick which specific team he would go to.integrity.. honesty.. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. only a lawyer seeks such define   interpretation,feaster  admitted that he had been talking to Kipper for quite sometime trying to get him to approve a move..There was no reason to move Comeau except to try to appease another lie .. He has said many times the last few weeks that we would be very agressive before the deadline and he wasn't meaning the Iggy and Boumeester trades.. Comeau was a cheap asset that did not need to be moved with Tanguay floating around.. Cammerelli stuck here at 6 mill a year on a contract nobody would take Butler giving away the puck 30 times a game.. etc.lol Lanny was just a throw out.. at least the fans have respect for him and what would be my reasoning for hiring a g.m with a hockey background instead of a lawyer.. LMao.. you figure that one out.. Lawyers are hired to write contracts.. Not run Hockey teams


Are you one of those guys whose mad at the world because he never had the potential to come close to a law school?


None of your arguments make any sense, and the fact that he's a lawyer has absolutely nothing to do with his hockey sense. He's a god damn lawyer who won a god damn stanley cup against our god damn team in 2004, a team that he, as a god damn lawyer, built himself.



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Kulstad +1 for GDT, I do envoy those who can do this stuff. The effort may be there but the results are not. So when does it stop? I understand what your stating but this team got smaller and less gritter than they reversed the logic and decided to get larger and more gritter when Hartley called them out. My issue the constant change of direction of the club, nobody seems to have a clue on which way they are going on and off the ice


Just watched intermission of the FLyer/ Habs game the panel who's lives are hockey gave Feaster a D for how he handle any of this. I am for a retool rebuild but I just beleive we need a better captain to do with. On a bright side he being a lawyer doesnt make him a bad GM.

By that same logic, you can't criticize Feaster's efforts, either.


Give the team one full, real season.  Give Management the summer to make the trades and drafts they think will help, and let's have a real, full training camp.  If, at the end of the 2013-14 season, we don't see any improvements at all, then we can call for blood.

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Are you one of those guys whose mad at the world because he never had the potential to come close to a law school?


None of your arguments make any sense, and the fact that he's a lawyer has absolutely nothing to do with his hockey sense. He's a god damn lawyer who won a god damn stanley cup against our god damn team in 2004, a team that he, as a god damn lawyer, built himself.



Feaster never built that tampa team that won the cup,the only thing he did was ruin them after they won it!!!!

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Are you one of those guys whose mad at the world because he never had the potential to come close to a law school?


None of your arguments make any sense, and the fact that he's a lawyer has absolutely nothing to do with his hockey sense. He's a god damn lawyer who won a god damn stanley cup against our god damn team in 2004, a team that he, as a god damn lawyer, built himself.



Hehe I missed you DX! 

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The only point I could see would be a GM with some hockey knowledge. ...

I have said for some time that the Flames should have a hockey guy in a position of decision making. That is why I would have liked the Flames to pick up John Davidson. Instead we get a group concensus that brings mediocre decisons that everyone in that group can live with.

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I have said for some time that the Flames should have a hockey guy in a position of decision making. That is why I would have liked the Flames to pick up John Davidson. Instead we get a group concensus that brings mediocre decisons that everyone in that group can live with.


You seriuosly think Ken King would bring in a guy who would be a serious threat to his job?

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I have said for some time that the Flames should have a hockey guy in a position of decision making. That is why I would have liked the Flames to pick up John Davidson. Instead we get a group concensus that brings mediocre decisons that everyone in that group can live with.




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You seriuosly think Ken King would bring in a guy who would be a serious threat to his job?

Well I made that exact point when I mentioned I sent him an email about JD. However there could easily be a spot side by side with KK. KK takes care of other stuff except the hockey operations.(Isn't that the way it is supposed to be now?)


If you look at JD now in Columbus his title is President of Hockey Operations.



So yes you could do it without putting KK and his job in jeopardy. Let KK oversee the other sports, Stamps, Roughnecks and oversee the new arena etc. Put JD in charge to oversee all things Flames.

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No one will be happy with anyone brought in, that is a fact with these message boards. Look at Dale Tallon in Florida. Built the Stanley Cup Blackhawks team and is now dead last in the east. You guys don't know what goes into building a winning NHL team so stop pointing the fingers and talking like YOU KNOW. You know what's going on and you know what's right and you know what will make things better! Yea right.


Feaster inherited a team that was on a downward trajectory, that had terrible drafting for years and a roster where all the key players were old and had no trade clauses. WTF is he going to do in TWO YEARS?!?!?!

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I dont disagee or agree. King seems to be in charge of the entire operation including hockey.

The owners would have hired KIng, KIng hired Feaster, Feaster hired the coaches and players.

Hartley is responsible to make that product produce on the ice. KIng's success would be judged on

the bottom line or profit margin.


His hiring of Sutter and Feaster have not proven to acceptable, however hockey still nmakes money. Would I agree

he is a bad president, no , I would however agree he has not made the best choice for GM's in the hockey

side. That said nothing makes more money than a winning team.



It would be nice to also have a president with some hockey knowledge, not some newspaper mogul.

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You seriuosly think Ken King would bring in a guy who would be a serious threat to his job?

You seriously think a hockey GM would move into a job like Ken King? Ken King is essentially a CEO with the flames being just one division in that company. Stamps and Hitmen are other endeavours he keeps track of. Murray Edwards has more fingers in the flames pie than ken king does these days.

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Ya fire Feaster, damn him for finally making significant changes to our roster like so many people have been calling for and possibly restocking our cupboards with potential high end prospects like we so badly need. I say we take his head off for trying to get this team in the playoffs the last 2 seasons by adding solid players during the offseason...... Damn him all to hell, the bastard :S

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