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Oilers have a lot of needs... There isn't one move out there that will address everything.

But they are looking like they are moving in the right direction with their acquisitions. The Rangers 3rd line with Pouliet on their run was one of the best 3rd lines the playoffs had to offer.

Upgrading the D...  Upgrading the support cast...


They should definitely be better... but hey... I'll wait to see the results now..

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Oilers have a lot of needs... There isn't one move out there that will address everything.

But they are looking like they are moving in the right direction with their acquisitions. The Rangers 3rd line with Pouliet on their run was one of the best 3rd lines the playoffs had to offer.

Upgrading the D...  Upgrading the support cast...


They should definitely be better... but hey... I'll wait to see the results now..

Too many "right" things done.  A mistake is on its way.  Not re-signing Petry, trading Yaks for something worse, offer a dumb contract to Jultz before he earns it.


If they start off the season with lots of losses, expect the bold (panic) moves to begin.

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Losing Hemsky and Gagner for muscles is a pretty huge step in the right direction.  Dubnyk single handedly lost them 10 games last season so Fasth/Scrivens is a 10-point improvement in the standings (turning Ls to 1-point).  Nikitin and Fayne were good additions that improve their D.  Now the new guys have to play to see how they gel together.


Still huge question marks in regard to Yakupov and RNH.  They looks stale.  It's also too early for Draisaitl to make a big impact.  Overall, they look improved so i expect them to overtake the Flames in the standings but they aren't a playoff team yet. 

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Could the high $ long term contracts they were handing out to youngsters like candy on Halloween be coming back to haunt them?...



Good luck signing him for a value or bridge contract.  Yak is even more of an issue next year.  1st overall (or 22nd) gets $6m per.

Jultz will likely be looking for 5x5 at a minimum.  Yak is 6x6.  Neither deserves one based on performance to date:




2013-14 Edmonton NHL 63 11 13 24 -33 4 2 0 0 1 36 122 9.02 64 2012-13 Edmonton NHL 48 17 14 31 -4 6 4 0 0 2 24 81 20.99





2013-14 Edmonton NHL 74 11 22 33 -22 1 11 0 0 3 16 109 10.09 30 2012-13 Edmonton NHL 48 8 19 27 -17 4 11 0 0 3 8 85 9.41 15


Wow, when I look at it, it is less impressive than I though.

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Could the high $ long term contracts they were handing out to youngsters like candy on Halloween be coming back to haunt them?...



We know from the way he worked the rules to become UFA that the guy is a pure mercenary. When offered the max deal by other teams that would expect him to make the team on merit & earn minutes he opted for the easiest toad to a big payday.

He's seen 3 others get 6 x 6 on potential & as the "star UFA" that was supposed to hearald the oncoming influx of FAs his agent will talk up the potential & how he'll reach it if they improve the team around him. His alternative is demanding a trade (undoing the FA myth) or signing a contract that ends when he's eligible for UFA (not sure of the years as his odd case made the EL 2 instead of 3 years) @ top $s.

Setting a precident by locking up players on potential rather then merit & touting him so highly paints the Oilers in a corner. A trade demand this early would come @ a time the Oilers fans are getting tired of the endless "next year" scenario.


With Yak the precident comes into play along with his ability to score big rubles in the KHL.


I don't see the Oilers having any leverage in either negotiation as they've given the agents too much ammunition.

Yet most teams look @ what a player has done rather then potential only so Justin's rights won't fetch much gived his introduction to the NHL & performance.

Most teams that could use Yak will hedge their bets after his tantrum last year where he mentioned returning to Russia. More then a few have personal experience with defected players.


I posted something similar on the Oilers board yesterday. I've been busy to day but will check it out later.

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We know from the way he worked the rules to become UFA that the guy is a pure mercenary. When offered the max deal by other teams that would expect him to make the team on merit & earn minutes he opted for the easiest toad to a big payday.

He's seen 3 others get 6 x 6 on potential & as the "star UFA" that was supposed to hearald the oncoming influx of FAs his agent will talk up the potential & how he'll reach it if they improve the team around him. His alternative is demanding a trade (undoing the FA myth) or signing a contract that ends when he's eligible for UFA (not sure of the years as his odd case made the EL 2 instead of 3 years) @ top $s.

Setting a precident by locking up players on potential rather then merit & touting him so highly paints the Oilers in a corner. A trade demand this early would come @ a time the Oilers fans are getting tired of the endless "next year" scenario.


With Yak the precident comes into play along with his ability to score big rubles in the KHL.


I don't see the Oilers having any leverage in either negotiation as they've given the agents too much ammunition.

Yet most teams look @ what a player has done rather then potential only so Justin's rights won't fetch much gived his introduction to the NHL & performance.

Most teams that could use Yak will hedge their bets after his tantrum last year where he mentioned returning to Russia. More then a few have personal experience with defected players.


I posted something similar on the Oilers board yesterday. I've been busy to day but will check it out later.

They are probably burning an effigy of you (or Paul Newman, since most of those fan never heard of him).

I have seen some Oiler fans post elsewhere that they are tied of Jultz's lack of performance, but they seem like older fans.

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Whether they like it or not, the value of their 1/1's, their 22nd, and their 'star' FA have all diminished in value since acquired. The Oilers are about the only NHL team that offers their players the opportunity for big minutes and big $$ without having to earn them.  They are also the only team that would offer these caliber of rookies and kids these kind of $$ and terms.  On other teams, it would be surprising to see these kids even earn half of what they've gotten in terms of $$, term length, and minutes.


Yak either gets what he wants, requests a trade, or bolts for the KHL. Jultz will hold out for a big payday after seeing what Petry got on a 1 year deal, and after being touted as 1 of the 'big 5' in the past.  Draisaitl will be in line for a $6x6 in a few years as well.  The 6x6 club is getting a little full on members and a little low on funds.


The oilers started this train, and with the brakes failing, and no conductor with the smarts to put a damper on the situation, there is no stopping it until Katz realizes he's going to have to turn this franchise on it's head to impose change.

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Whether they like it or not, the value of their 1/1's, their 22nd, and their 'star' FA have all diminished in value since acquired. The Oilers are about the only NHL team that offers their players the opportunity for big minutes and big $$ without having to earn them.  They are also the only team that would offer these caliber of rookies and kids these kind of $$ and terms.  On other teams, it would be surprising to see these kids even earn half of what they've gotten in terms of $$, term length, and minutes.


Yak either gets what he wants, requests a trade, or bolts for the KHL. Jultz will hold out for a big payday after seeing what Petry got on a 1 year deal, and after being touted as 1 of the 'big 5' in the past.  Draisaitl will be in line for a $6x6 in a few years as well.  The 6x6 club is getting a little full on members and a little low on funds.


The oilers started this train, and with the brakes failing, and no conductor with the smarts to put a damper on the situation, there is no stopping it until Katz realizes he's going to have to turn this franchise on it's head to impose change.

All true & although the 3 golden boys with 6 x 6 contracts (because Oilers were scared they'd bolt) now carry contracts that are hard to trade. If/when they hit that full potential they'll be worth it but in the meantime teams have to shelter them until they get used to winning & see it's a good thing. They also have to be taught there is more then attacking & then sitting back when stripped of the puck.

For now there are many players that are more rounded & deliver a higher point to $ ratio. In a cap world that matters. The Oilers have some very talented players but with most those talents are only on the offensive part of the picture.


An additional thought about ammo J Schultz's agent has. The KHL is allowed a few imports & he'd fit pretty good in a league where the motto seems to be "Defense? We don't need no stinking defense". :lol:

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That was exactly my point.  You look at other similar contracts around the league, there is some amazing value out there.  We all know, location wise, Edmonton has to pay through the nose to attract certain FA's, but Edmonton is paying through the nose for homegrown talent!  Especially when there are others around the league outperforming them on a nightly basis.  That's a recipe for disaster.


When you look at guys like GlenX, Vrbata, Giordano, Benn, Little, Voracek, etc.  You can see value there as they are top 30 in the NHL in scoring, and most of them in their 2 way games.


^ I would have any of those contracts than at $6X6 the Oilers are gettting.  If only Hall would learn to play 200 ft, his contract would be one of the most valuable in the league.

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Yak either gets what he wants, requests a trade, or bolts for the KHL.


MacT:   "Nail, that's all we have left for cap space, that cleans us out."


Yak:   "That's bolshoi...   What do you want me to do, change my name to Yakupoverty?"

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MacT:   "Nail, that's all we have left for cap space, that cleans us out."


Yak:   "That's bolshoi...   What do you want me to do, change my name to Yakupoverty?"


Ok, I actually laughed out loud when I read that.  th_beer.gif

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All true & although the 3 golden boys with 6 x 6 contracts (because Oilers were scared they'd bolt) now carry contracts that are hard to trade. If/when they hit that full potential they'll be worth it but in the meantime teams have to shelter them until they get used to winning & see it's a good thing. They also have to be taught there is more then attacking & then sitting back when stripped of the puck.

For now there are many players that are more rounded & deliver a higher point to $ ratio. In a cap world that matters. The Oilers have some very talented players but with most those talents are only on the offensive part of the picture.


An additional thought about ammo J Schultz's agent has. The KHL is allowed a few imports & he'd fit pretty good in a league where the motto seems to be "Defense? We don't need no stinking defense". :lol:


Something else that has to be considered is, on those 6x6 contracts, when they go to negotiate when their games come together, they're going to want a raise on top of that and then it turns into a $7 or $8 x however many years they're aiming for. I personally think their first extensions or re-sign contracts should have been down to $4 or $5/yr. 


If they wanted to create more work ethic, they need the players to have something to strive for. 6x6 means you've already got there and are okay with where you're at. I think that's what happened to Phaneuf as well. Gave him too much too soon. So I guess we can't really judge the Oilers too much as we have done the same thing with Phaneuf, only, we were able to trade him...

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All true & although the 3 golden boys with 6 x 6 contracts (because Oilers were scared they'd bolt) now carry contracts that are hard to trade.


Weight a minute..........these 3 must be imposters.  There is only one "Golden Boy", and he resides in Winnipeg.

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The Oil hired Rocky Thompson as an assistant coach today, not sure how that helps the last placed PP or the PK but it might help in the 5 for fighting department.     :blink:

Well maybe the Oilers are thinking if they can't coach their players to be better then perhaps beatings will help drive the message home.


Seriously though.............wait......*snicker*.........nope can't do it.......can't be serious.

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I shake my head in disbelief at the Oilers some days.


Even more confused at some Oiler fans on their forums.


I just can't understand how they can just let 2 young centers(Gagner and Horak) go(traded and KHL signing) when they arguably have among the worst weakest group of centers in the NHL.


Speaking of the KHL what is up with 5 of their players bolting to the KHL in one offseason??? Is that some sort of Guinness record?

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The Oil hired Rocky Thompson as an assistant coach today, not sure how that helps the last placed PP or the PK but it might help in the 5 for fighting department.     :blink:


Maybe they are thinking of renaming the "Oil Change" show to...



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Seems to me that he was considered one of the untouchables just a year and a half ago. He seemed destined to be a part of the $6 mil group didn't he?. Now however I have to wonder if they are going to low ball him or change their thinking or still be paying in advance for potential instead of paying for performance.

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