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That's not true at all.  Most everybody still want Lowe gone, but they've wanted it for so long and it falling on deaf ears that it's hardly worth being vocal about any more. 


I'm not saying that nobody wants KLowe & Co. gone (and I completely believe you when you say people have given up being vocal about it), it's just that, as an outsider to the Oilers, the comments make it look like Eakins is the one the fans want axe (I'll also acknowledge the toxicity and "reliability" of using any comments section as a basis of true feelings and feedback, tho :D )

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I'm not saying that nobody wants KLowe & Co. gone (and I completely believe you when you say people have given up being vocal about it), it's just that, as an outsider to the Oilers, the comments make it look like Eakins is the one the fans want axe (I'll also acknowledge the toxicity and "reliability" of using any comments section as a basis of true feelings and feedback, tho :D )

I get you, and believe me you are right about that too.  There is a TON of blame getting put on Eakins right now.  Some of it is deserved, and I have doled criticism out to him as well. He shows nowhere near enough emotion to rally his troops, his power play system is horrendous, and for some reason he is having extreme difficultites in getting this team to buy in to a lot of his ideas... But that being said, Eakins is NOT the problem.  Where is the heart and work ethic?  Eakins cannot coach that.  He is the 5'th coach in very recent memory, we have to come to the point eventually where we realize that the players need to have a pulse before they can go anywhere.

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I took a quick breeze through the Edmonton Journal website, to read "the other side's view" of the game last night.  It seems there's quite a number of people who want Eakins' head on a platter for the current state of affairs with the Oilers.  Not many people (I think I counted less than one handful of fingers worth) seem to think the blame should lie with the KLowe on up.


You're not allowed to post negative comments on KLowe on that forum, are you?  My understanding is all the people of that opinion were banned or reasoned with to prevent future discussions on the matter.




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You're not allowed to post negative comments on KLowe on that forum, are you?  My understanding is all the people of that opinion were banned or reasoned with to prevent future discussions on the matter.

That's not true at all. The rules of the forum are that there are to be no personal insults directed at any member of the forum or member of the organization. If you are requesting that Lowe be terminated, then the post is allowed. If you are saying Lowe is a stupid (word for feces) who needs his moron (word for donkey) fired, then the post gets removed. Not one single person was banned for commenting about Kevin Lowe. Warnings were given for insulting behavior, and that's it.
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That's not true at all.


I'm not saying you were involved in it bronco, but something very different from enforcement of forum rules happened, and that is a known fact.



At the time it happened, I pulled up caches (old versions) of the Oilers forum and it was clear to me, as it was to many others, significant alterations to the forum had been made.  Having seen this evidence myself, there is absolutely no way that the forum rules warranted the alterations made.   And there was a PR company hired out of Vancouver as well.


I'm not saying the Oilers forum is the only place it's ever happened.   But some appreciation to the moderators here for allowing an actual discussion to take place at that time, imho is due. 


 Lowe is a stupid (word for feces) who needs his moron (word for donkey)


That's a little harsh, isn't it?   ;)



But seriously....nobody is going to propose that KLowe be fired, without providing a reason.  Determining that all of those reasons are personal insults, is a gross moderation failure.


 Not one single person was banned for commenting about Kevin Lowe.


I'll buy this, but I have a hard time believing the PR consultant didn't create new usernames.


Warnings were given for insulting behavior, and that's it.


No post or thread deletions?   I think I know what you're trying to say, but that definitely wasn't "it".

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You're not allowed to post negative comments on KLowe on that forum, are you?  My understanding is all the people of that opinion were banned or reasoned with to prevent future discussions on the matter.




There are a group of posters mostly started around the "fire KLowe" thing was heating up, who are plants (no doubt in my mind).


The timing of the appearance, of all these long time so called fans,  who magically appear(never seen or heard of them) suddenly feel the need to defend KLowe and his minions. The posts are full of cliches and always spew the Oilers kool-aid message.. Stay the course, light at end of tunnel, turning a corner ... those types of posts.


Someone mentioned the Oilers hired a marketing team and I would think this is just one of the things they are doing to sway the public opinion. Just my opinion.. but it also just fits so well.









That's not true at all. The rules of the forum are that there are to be no personal insults directed at any member of the forum or member of the organization. If you are requesting that Lowe be terminated, then the post is allowed. If you are saying Lowe is a stupid (word for feces) who needs his moron (word for donkey) fired, then the post gets removed. Not one single person was banned for commenting about Kevin Lowe. Warnings were given for insulting behavior, and that's it.

So exactly why was this post/thread removed??


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I'm not saying you were involved in it bronco, but something very different from enforcement of forum rules happened, and that is a known fact.



At the time it happened, I pulled up caches (old versions) of the Oilers forum and it was clear to me, as it was to many others, significant alterations to the forum had been made.  Having seen this evidence myself, there is absolutely no way that the forum rules warranted the alterations made.   And there was a PR company hired out of Vancouver as well.

Yes, that is absolutely true. Those deletions were made, but in the view of the person who did the deletions they were against forum rules. I cannot speak for any person other than myself, and in fact I cannot speak any more on the subject.


I'm not saying the Oilers forum is the only place it's ever happened.   But some appreciation to the moderators here for allowing an actual discussion to take place at that time, imho is due. 



That's a little harsh, isn't it?   ;)



But seriously....nobody is going to propose that KLowe be fired, without providing a reason.  Determining that all of those reasons are personal insults, is a gross moderation failure.


Posts that are insulting to either members of the forum or members of the organization are removed.  Of course determination of what is an insulting post is subjective, but there is recourse for those who believe they were unfairly moderated.



I'll buy this, but I have a hard time believing the PR consultant didn't create new usernames.



No post or thread deletions?   I think I know what you're trying to say, but that definitely wasn't "it".


I didn't say there were no post deletions or thread deletions, because there absolutely were.  What I said is not one single member was banned from the site becasue of those posts or threads.  That was the accusation that was made.


I do hope everybody understands, but I cannot speak any more of that subject.

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We love you bronco....


You're our favourite Oilers fan   :)


The only reason I went "there"...is to express that Oilers fans are not specifically pin-pointing Eakins.  Even if it may appear that way on some forums.


Part of the reason I feel it is important to express opinions about GMs and upwards is that I think Calgary has some problems there of its own.  GM and upwards.   Just not to the same extent as our northerly Neighbours.


IMHO, the first of our two franchises to do an organizational clean sweep...may be the first to claim the cup.  Edmonton's organization makes our oraganization look good.  Real good.   But it's still, imho, not good enough to get us where we need to go.

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I get you, and believe me you are right about that too.  There is a TON of blame getting put on Eakins right now.  Some of it is deserved, and I have doled criticism out to him as well. He shows nowhere near enough emotion to rally his troops, his power play system is horrendous, and for some reason he is having extreme difficultites in getting this team to buy in to a lot of his ideas... But that being said, Eakins is NOT the problem.  Where is the heart and work ethic?  Eakins cannot coach that.  He is the 5'th coach in very recent memory, we have to come to the point eventually where we realize that the players need to have a pulse before they can go anywhere.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Eakins axed this week (a set to with a "star" player isn't glossed over easily) & McT step back behind the bench with an "interm" label as the search begins for yet another head coach. That new coach could be harder to hire as they see the shelf life there of the last 4. With every new hire they got less experienced coaches probably because Edmonton is now probably as attractive a destination for coaches as it is for UFAs. Coaches also like to bring in their own assistants so being saddled with assistants that didn't make previous coaches look good.


Players have changed since this supposed "rebuild", coaches have been changed & there have been a few different nameplates hung on the GMs door but there are 1 set of fingerprints on this entire mess. Expect no improvement until KLowe is gone.


Just like captains the coach needn't show public emotion. What they do behind the closed doors of the dressing room might be very different.

Torts is an absolute volcano of emotion but it certainly doesn't make him a good coach IMO. It sounds like he's on thin ice in Vancouver so might be desperate enough to take the Oilers gig this summer.


Checking out the Oilers board the general feeling is despair. The hope & expectation has evaporated. Calls for KLowe to be removed from having any real power must be cloaked but it's the only way to salvage something rather then having wasted all those years.

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Taylor Hall's quotes are just Soo much better than the water bottle incident ever could have been :


“I mean, that stuff happens.”




"I don’t want to say the word embarrassing because we’re not embarrassed in here."




“Dallas and I, we have a great relationship.”

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I do hope everybody understands, but I cannot speak any more of that subject.


Everyone should, and it shouldn't have come this far...


Anyways, wow. I don't know what to expect you guys to do at this point, there is just nothing there, holy crikey.

Where's your team?

MacTavish has thrown d to the wind, what the crap? Why? Klefbom and Marincin are future all-stars?

Keep under-developing everything and keep wondering why it isn't working out?


It's sad to think I could manage the Oilers better.

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Everyone should, and it shouldn't have come this far...


Anyways, wow. I don't know what to expect you guys to do at this point, there is just nothing there, holy crikey.

Where's your team?

MacTavish has thrown d to the wind, what the crap? Why? Klefbom and Marincin are future all-stars?

Keep under-developing everything and keep wondering why it isn't working out?


It's sad to think I could manage the Oilers better.

yup we definitely are very deficient on D, and at Center as well.  By the looks of it we will be drafting VERY high yet again this year, and my hopes are that Ekblad will be available.  If Ekblad is gone when we draft second (or probably first the way things are going lmao!) then I'm hoping for Draisaitl to help us at center.  Really though at this point it is almost looking like Ekblad or bust.  IF we can't get Ek or Drais then I'm of the opinion that MacTavish should package the pick with Gagner and a D prospect for a more proven D man.

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yup we definitely are very deficient on D, and at Center as well.  By the looks of it we will be drafting VERY high yet again this year, and my hopes are that Ekblad will be available.  If Ekblad is gone when we draft second (or probably first the way things are going lmao!) then I'm hoping for Draisaitl to help us at center.  Really though at this point it is almost looking like Ekblad or bust.  IF we can't get Ek or Drais then I'm of the opinion that MacTavish should package the pick with Gagner and a D prospect for a more proven D man.

Why? The continuous top picks are getting you nowhere.

Mgmt has been piss poor at addressing the shortcomings of which you've identified a couple.

Lose Smid, Schultz and Hemsky for virtually nothing?

How, oh how, Oilers faithful drink this lemonade while scoffing at the rest of us for shaking our heads, I'll never know.

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The last 10 games do not bode well for this team, either. I suppose they help our chances at the draft, but I'd be surprised if we won more than 2 of them.


I have no idea how this team pulls itself out of the gutter without Katz finding his ballsack and doing some major house cleaning from the top down.

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Why? The continuous top picks are getting you nowhere.

Mgmt has been piss poor at addressing the shortcomings of which you've identified a couple.

Lose Smid, Schultz and Hemsky for virtually nothing?

How, oh how, Oilers faithful drink this lemonade while scoffing at the rest of us for shaking our heads, I'll never know.

Yes, I am painfully aware that they are getting us nowhere.... but what's the alternative, lose and not pick?  Trade for nothing?


There are many of us Oiler faithful that are not drinking the Koolaid.... but we still have to cheer and hope for the team to get better, that's what being a fan is all about, right?

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Yes, I am painfully aware that they are getting us nowhere.... but what's the alternative, lose and not pick?  Trade for nothing?


There are many of us Oiler faithful that are not drinking the Koolaid.... but we still have to cheer and hope for the team to get better, that's what being a fan is all about, right?


I have to say, I have a lot more respect for the remaining Oilers faithful than the ones who just got caught up in "Oil change" and such.


When I saw that jersey go on the ice, I thought...good one less loser bandwagon fan that knows nothing about hockey.  


Of the remaining fans....these folks are the real thing.

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I just had a real scary thought..Mctavish might be smarter than we thought....

Could the Smid deal have been a plot?

Think about it..feaster asks for smid once..gets told no. Gio goes down, our d is in shambles, were allowing goals like a sieve, dropping below the oilers in the standings.. he calls back feaster and essentially hands us Smid.

Since then our team has been a shot blocking machine..gio comes back and the d is even better

End result, youre gonna beat us to Ekblad..the guy Sam Pollocked us!!!!

I mean its no secret hes always hated Calgary. .as a player, as a coach..as an analyst he ripped tambellini for dealing us Staios. .. why would he turn around and not only trade with us, but clearly lose the trade? Simple..to ensure we finish higher in the standings.

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