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When one looks at the Oiler's so called top 6 there +/- is horrific, and the bottom 6 are bad. When you look at what MacT is looking to do, it still does not fix the issues up front. If you watch the Oiler's play against the PAcific division teams the front 6 are pushed around and are never effective.

I dont think the Oilers would play him top 6. Along with the Hendricks trade, it seems that they are trying to bring in quality 3th/4th line energy guys to go along with there young top end talent. Players like Gagner and Hemsky are expendable since they are smaller skilled forwards and they have decided to go with Eberle, Hopkins . 


Personally im more surprised that Gagner was being shipped out for a d-man.

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I dont think the Oilers would play him top 6. Along with the Hendricks trade, it seems that they are trying to bring in quality 3th/4th line energy guys to go along with there young top end talent. Players like Gagner and Hemsky are expendable since they are smaller skilled forwards and they have decided to go with Eberle, Hopkins . 


Personally im more surprised that Gagner was being shipped out for a d-man.

When you consider the unrest among fans and the Oilers management to hold on to the *nontradable* players addressing the deficiences at D in this way does make a bit of sense.


It is a double edged sword however when you re-sign someone (Gagner) and tell him you won't trade him then turn around and trade him just a few months later......


Just like Mac-T's "bold moves" speech where he promised they were past the rebuild stage and promised better results, moving Gagner now would only deflect the finger pointing from where it needs to be pointed.

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I dont think the Oilers would play him top 6. Along with the Hendricks trade, it seems that they are trying to bring in quality 3th/4th line energy guys to go along with there young top end talent. Players like Gagner and Hemsky are expendable since they are smaller skilled forwards and they have decided to go with Eberle, Hopkins .

Personally im more surprised that Gagner was being shipped out for a d-man.

I agree with that just suprised you would use Gagner to address a bottom 6 issues. Other and cheaper ways to do that which sounds like you are saying too.

I think this shows what many non oiler fans have been saying did a while and that's that the oilers roster is actually still quite a mess and nowhere near as good as some of their fans, and definetly their management team, think.

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I'm not surprised they want to move Gagner.  Simliar to Horcoff, he is making more money than he's worth so they want to cut him loose and salvage whatever they can.


But yes, guys like Clifford and Hendricks can be found in the 2nd to 4th rounds.  Much like the Flames drafted Lance Bouma.  Oilers have drafted so bad, they can't even find those character grinders.  This truly is the differences between a rebuild like the Oilers, Islanders, etc vs a team who did it right, like the Chicago Blackhawks and Pittsburgh Penguins.  Those two teams have quality 3rd/4th liners to call-up from the minors at any time.

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When one looks at the Oiler's so called top 6 there +/- is horrific, and the bottom 6 are bad. When you look at what MacT is looking to do, it still does not fix the issues up front. If you watch the Oiler's play against the PAcific division teams the front 6 are pushed around and are never effective.



The Oilers top 6 are just too young right now. I mentioned it last summer that they should have moved Yak when his stock was higher for a legit goalie or a ready to go power forward. They will be getting another top end prospect this draft so it will be interesting to see if they draft or make a deal for immediate help

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When you consider the unrest among fans and the Oilers management to hold on to the *nontradable* players addressing the deficiences at D in this way does make a bit of sense.


It is a double edged sword however when you re-sign someone (Gagner) and tell him you won't trade him then turn around and trade him just a few months later......


Just like Mac-T's "bold moves" speech where he promised they were past the rebuild stage and promised better results, moving Gagner now would only deflect the finger pointing from where it needs to be pointed.



Did they actually tell Gagner they wouldnt move him ?  Im not sure how he wouldnt have seen the writing on the wall after they signed #4, 14 and 93 to such big contracts. Did he really expect that he would be kept around , especially with Yak's negotiating year coming up ?


I do feel for Mac-T because im sure he would really love to make a deal out there but there probabaly arent many willing teams. Theres no point in making a major deal just for the sake of it if its not a fair deal and im sure right now he is recieving mostly low balls,

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I agree with that just suprised you would use Gagner to address a bottom 6 issues. Other and cheaper ways to do that which sounds like you are saying too.

I think this shows what many non oiler fans have been saying did a while and that's that the oilers roster is actually still quite a mess and nowhere near as good as some of their fans, and definetly their management team, think.



When i hear of the Oilers skilled players i usually hear the comparisons of how Pittsburg and Chicago built up through the draft with top end talent that grew together, And while Edmonton certainetly has that great young skilled core , there drafting outside the first couple rounds has been horrible. Hemsky and Gagner just dont belong on there team right now. Bottom 6 needs overhauling, power forward is needed, defense is needed. I actually dont mind the bryz signing along with Bernier. They are both decent goalies and maybe Bryz's goofiness can help lighten the mood up or take the media pressure away from the rest of the team.

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When i hear of the Oilers skilled players i usually hear the comparisons of how Pittsburg and Chicago built up through the draft with top end talent that grew together, And while Edmonton certainetly has that great young skilled core , there drafting outside the first couple rounds has been horrible. Hemsky and Gagner just dont belong on there team right now. Bottom 6 needs overhauling, power forward is needed, defense is needed. I actually dont mind the bryz signing along with Bernier. They are both decent goalies and maybe Bryz's goofiness can help lighten the mood up or take the media pressure away from the rest of the team.

But Chicago & Pittsburgh didn't use their 1st rounders exclusively on smallish forwards.

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They have scriens not Bernier. Secondly, they have all potato and no meat up front. If their rebuild is built off of the teams u mentioned then they missed the boat, hell they were not even at the ocean. This club is poorly constructed in the top 6 and very weak on D. 


They need  some better complimentary players up front and a major overhaul on D. In order for the Oiler's to move any where they have to get out of your division that is not happening anytime until they change their mind set.


Hemsky Gagner do not bring back enough to address the major needs that the Oiler's have. They need help now, not more picks.


As for Gagner he is the only Oiler with a NMC, so he would have to waive it to move. The largest issue that the Oiler's have no elite guys want to play there. I know some former Oiler's that have nothing bad to say about the club or city, other than they would rather flounder in Florida than come back to EDM. 

When i hear of the Oilers skilled players i usually hear the comparisons of how Pittsburg and Chicago built up through the draft with top end talent that grew together, And while Edmonton certainetly has that great young skilled core , there drafting outside the first couple rounds has been horrible. Hemsky and Gagner just dont belong on there team right now. Bottom 6 needs overhauling, power forward is needed, defense is needed. I actually dont mind the bryz signing along with Bernier. They are both decent goalies and maybe Bryz's goofiness can help lighten the mood up or take the media pressure away from the rest of the team.

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When i hear of the Oilers skilled players i usually hear the comparisons of how Pittsburg and Chicago built up through the draft with top end talent that grew together, And while Edmonton certainetly has that great young skilled core , there drafting outside the first couple rounds has been horrible. Hemsky and Gagner just dont belong on there team right now. Bottom 6 needs overhauling, power forward is needed, defense is needed. I actually dont mind the bryz signing along with Bernier. They are both decent goalies and maybe Bryz's goofiness can help lighten the mood up or take the media pressure away from the rest of the team.

The Oilers haven't signed Bernier, they signed Scrivens.  Gagner and Hemsky were both first rounders.  I agree with the rest of your post though, they need power forward with the emphasis on power, bottom 6 revamp, Defensive upgrades up the yingyang.  The Oilers have been horrendous at drafting after the first round, and even not so great in the first round.  Looking at it on a year by year basis it may seem decent, but when one takes a step back and looks at all of the first round drafting, the trend of drafting the same player type year after year one can see why the team is as physically lacking as it is.

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The Oilers haven't signed Bernier, they signed Scrivens.  Gagner and Hemsky were both first rounders.  I agree with the rest of your post though, they need power forward with the emphasis on power, bottom 6 revamp, Defensive upgrades up the yingyang.  The Oilers have been horrendous at drafting after the first round, and even not so great in the first round.  Looking at it on a year by year basis it may seem decent, but when one takes a step back and looks at all of the first round drafting, the trend of drafting the same player type year after year one can see why the team is as physically lacking as it is.

tmac mentioned it was Scrivens last week.


Gagner (paid more then his all around value because he still has "potential") & Hemsky (pending UFA) were 1st rounders @ 1 time. That doesn't mean much after a few years in the league. Jack Johnson was a 3rd overall in a decent draft. That & a 1st saw him moved to Columbus.

Not meeting expectations after a # of years in the league means a player becomes a reclaimation project. Neither Hemsky nor Gagner were played on low lines with AHL level players. They'll be moved but the return won't be what's expected.

If the Oilers do intend to climb up the standings small trades won't do it. Drafting Ekblad in hopes he & Nurse are the future D means waiting for that future again.

Without moving Hall or RNH the pieces are 1sts in 2014 & 2015, Nurse & Eberle. Yak is still movable but the return would be less then the Oilers expect for all that "potential" so they are better off keeping him. Moving the 4 assets I mention might get 1 great part (maybe a 1D) but that fills 1 hole leaving that 1D with 2 forwards & not much else. Moved individually or combined in 2s you could end up with 2 top tier D (the 15-20 range) & some talent with size to play in the top 6 forwards. On D think Seabrook rather then Kieth or Josi instead of Weber rather then blowing the wad on 1. There are many holes so use the patches to close a few rather then put multiple 1s over the most glaring.

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They have scriens not Bernier. Secondly, they have all potato and no meat up front. If their rebuild is built off of the teams u mentioned then they missed the boat, hell they were not even at the ocean. This club is poorly constructed in the top 6 and very weak on D. 


They need  some better complimentary players up front and a major overhaul on D. In order for the Oiler's to move any where they have to get out of your division that is not happening anytime until they change their mind set.


Hemsky Gagner do not bring back enough to address the major needs that the Oiler's have. They need help now, not more picks.


As for Gagner he is the only Oiler with a NMC, so he would have to waive it to move. The largest issue that the Oiler's have no elite guys want to play there. I know some former Oiler's that have nothing bad to say about the club or city, other than they would rather flounder in Florida than come back to EDM. 



My bad on the mistake....  I knew it was Scrivens, not sure why Bernier came out :blush:

But Chicago & Pittsburgh didn't use their 1st rounders exclusively on smallish forwards.



Edmonton's draft mind set was 'take the best player' which most teams agree with. I also believe that they picked Hall over Seguin for the size factor knowing they already had a smaller team.

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The OIler's have always put offense over defense,  they believe the best offense is your best defense. We see how well it has been working. The main issue is when they fiqure it out they will be in a rebuild agian.

My bad on the mistake....  I knew it was Scrivens, not sure why Bernier came out :blush:



Edmonton's draft mind set was 'take the best player' which most teams agree with. I also believe that they picked Hall over Seguin for the size factor knowing they already had a smaller team.

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My bad on the mistake....  I knew it was Scrivens, not sure why Bernier came out :blush:



Edmonton's draft mind set was 'take the best player' which most teams agree with. I also believe that they picked Hall over Seguin for the size factor knowing they already had a smaller team.

Hall was the 1st of the many 1/1 picks. He was about 8 lb heavier then Seguin. That really doesn't work either.

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As much as I dislike the Oilers organization and management and Ferrence is definitely getting under my skin, I liked last nights game.


Part of me is wishing the Oilers and Flames could climb the standings and have our games actually mean something again.

lol we Flames and Oilers fans are at least coming together for one common objective ;)

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True Bronco and cheering for the downfall of the once mighty nucks doesn't hurt either! 


That topic never hurts.  Not actually one person to really take rivalries personally, but when your fans and team are so ignorant, and wish for injuries to other players, among other things, I really have to hate the canucks.


No issues with Calgary, I grew up in both cities.  I just enjoy the EDM-CGY games, and the rivalry.  To be fair having some OT games this year has made them decent.  Here's hoping for brighter futures and better games on both ends however!

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