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It seems this thing is bigger than we thought.  The Facebook page is growing by about 1-2k likes per day. 


The fan frustration bombs are going off in Edmonton.  The owner of the FB page has made bumper stickers that are for sale, as you can see in the above picture.  He was with friends and supporters of the cause at an Oilers game in the parking lot, and security approached them and told them to leave the grounds.  The page owner and the group left, and he eventually came back to collect his car, was approached by security again, and was issued a 1 year ban from the grounds in the form of an official ticket.  Great job Oilers org....


The FB page owner has been calling around to find bars and pubs to sell these bumper stickers, and a few establishments have allowed him and others to sell them. However, one establishment booted him after the owner, who was located in Phoenix Arizona, received a call from the Oilers PR department requesting that the guy be banned from the establishment and to put a stop to the bumper sticker peddling.  The owner of the page was a guest on a blogger radio show explaining a few things that have happened over the last couple days, and just how much pull the Oilers org has with the local businesses.


The bumper stickers are going for $5, the proceeds going to erect a billboard somewhere in Edmonton.  He's gone through 3 companies that have fallen through due to their perceived issues with legalities on the subject matter, the name, and the face of the person involved.  aka Kevin Lowe and his attachment to the Oilers org.  Once the FB page owner receives enough money for the billboard, and a company that will actually make it, the rest of the money is being donated to charity, one of which he chose, but was told they won't accept funds from the FB page because of their affiliation with the Oilers org.


Not only is there dissension amongst the Oilers fans and the Oilers org, but also the Oilers org not allowing fans to voice their opinions and taking every opportunity to block their freedom of speech is making them even more angry, even if they are mostly tier 2 fans.....you know.....because tier 1 fans are more important as they are the ones that pay to go to the games...


...and yes, the Oilers fans are referring to themselves now as Tier 1 and Tier 2 at this point in time. 


Personally, I support the FB guy and I feel for most their fans.  Their fans deserve better, and it's an absolute circus up north.  But it doesn't mean we Calgary fans can't sit back, put our feet up, and enjoy a cold one while the drama continues to unfold.  :)


I hate to be a Doubting Thomas, but do you have any sources to support those details (I, admittedly, don't follow much news about the Oilers, so I truly would love to read about the things you've mentioned)?  That whole section reads like a bad Onion article written by Alex Jones without supporting links.

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I hate to be a Doubting Thomas, but do you have any sources to support those details (I, admittedly, don't follow much news about the Oilers, so I truly would love to read about the things you've mentioned)?  That whole section reads like a bad Onion article written by Alex Jones without supporting links.


Just heard them talk about this on FAN960 as if its true and true.  So i guess if it's on FAN960, then it must be true?


Anyways, I'm surprised there's only 6000 likes on FB supporting this movement.  You'd think there would be more, considering most of them are probably Flames fans who are laughing at the matter.  A very passionate fan nonetheless.  I'm interested to see where this go because in the age of social media, its easier to send a message and assemble a group of people together.

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It is getting absolutely stupid right now. On the OMB, any topics about Kevin Lowe have been deleted. We are actually not sure who deleted them, if it was one of the webmasters, one of the mods, or even Kevin himself (yes, he could try to get an admin account). But people are getting fed up and deciding they will never post on the OMB again and are stopping being Oiler fans. I'm not one of them. I will alway cheer for them no matter what.

Just heard them talk about this on FAN960 as if its true and true.  So i guess if it's on FAN960, then it must be true?


Anyways, I'm surprised there's only 6000 likes on FB supporting this movement.  You'd think there would be more, considering most of them are probably Flames fans who are laughing at the matter.  A very passionate fan nonetheless.  I'm interested to see where this go because in the age of social media, its easier to send a message and assemble a group of people together.


Now over 9000.

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I am not sure it is not being a fan of the Oilers as much as it is not a fan of Lowe. What is actually embarrassing and childish is the organizations reaction to this. You have to question why they would just add fuel to the fire trying to circumvent such topics. This topic will only get worse before it gets any better. 


It is sad to say that hockey in Alberta has is so far removed from the glory years of the 80's. At first the circus in Edmonton I found actually comical but organizational moves as of late are frankly only enhancing larger reasons on why Edmonton is where they are.  


It is getting absolutely stupid right now. On the OMB, any topics about Kevin Lowe have been deleted. We are actually not sure who deleted them, if it was one of the webmasters, one of the mods, or even Kevin himself (yes, he could try to get an admin account). But people are getting fed up and deciding they will never post on the OMB again and are stopping being Oiler fans. I'm not one of them. I will alway cheer for them no matter what.


Now over 9000.

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Just heard them talk about this on FAN960 as if its true and true.  So i guess if it's on FAN960, then it must be true?


Anyways, I'm surprised there's only 6000 likes on FB supporting this movement.  You'd think there would be more, considering most of them are probably Flames fans who are laughing at the matter.  A very passionate fan nonetheless.  I'm interested to see where this go because in the age of social media, its easier to send a message and assemble a group of people together.


I'm fine admitting I'm wrong, and man oh man, was I wrong.  I just breezed through the Facebook page, and couldn't decide whether to laugh or have pity.  I honestly didn't think the Northlands Group would stoop that Lowe



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It is getting absolutely stupid right now. On the OMB, any topics about Kevin Lowe have been deleted. We are actually not sure who deleted them, if it was one of the webmasters, one of the mods, or even Kevin himself (yes, he could try to get an admin account). But people are getting fed up and deciding they will never post on the OMB again and are stopping being Oiler fans. I'm not one of them. I will alway cheer for them no matter what.

I went over to check & 1 of the reasons given is that the board is owned & controlled by the Oilers organization.

Lowe/Katz must be very paranoid as on the Flyers board there are threads about firing Homer & even calling for Ed Snider to go. Those are still there & get open to any comments (including the Simpsons mob scene with pitchforks & torches).


It seems Oiler management stoke the fire with comments like tier 2 fans, banning people from the arena for voicing their displeasure & now censoring the fans meeting place. You'd think that they'd realize that the fans that care enough to state their opinions are usually the most loyal & therefore the 1s you want to show that they are valued. Instead they go out of their way to alienate them.


Flames & Oilers fans are as much rivals as their teams but in many cases I see mutual respect. I think a lot of us that root for the Flames (& josh about the Oilers) feel sorry for what Oiler management puts their fanbase through. You're a strong bunch to put up with that.

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This is almost as funny as the Canadian federal government fighting Neil Young via the media.  Almost.


Sadly this isn't the first time.  Wasn't it Charles Wang, the owner of the Islanders, who came out and said something like, "Mike Milbury is our GM and if you don't like it, then don't come to the games." Might have been Garth Snow, can't remember exactly.  But ya, what a great franchise the Islanders have become... -_-

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I'm fine admitting I'm wrong, and man oh man, was I wrong.  I just breezed through the Facebook page, and couldn't decide whether to laugh or have pity.  I honestly didn't think the Northlands Group would stoop that Lowe




NP Kulstad.  If I would have had links to the radio discussion and all the other stories,, my post would have been half the thread page long...


I guess I could have included the link for the FB page.  https://www.facebook.com/Lowemustgo

Up 500 likes already from when I posted last night. 


Also, the poll on Deeds' Sun link seems to have been hacked.  You can only vote once per IP...and the 'no' section somehow received an extra 1 million votes since last night to put it ahead. I didn't know the Edmonton sun had 3 million avid readers.....?


  I'm kicking myself, I should have screen shotted it.  Too much of an influx of negativity towards KLoweN I'm guessing.



Edit: Here's an early poll shot from the FB page.


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I can attest to the removal of "multiple" Threads criticizing Lowe.


I was on last night and one of the Oilers Senior posters(Hemmer) said he had had enough with KLowe and went on to say why. That post was gone too this morning along with a huge "all things KLowe thread" that all new threads were/had been merged into. If you never see Hemmer post again you Oiler fans now know what happened there.


Alienating your fanbase is not a thing that just started last night. MacT had  an argument with a Tier 1 Fan just the other day in the path from the ice to their dressing room.


I appears to me the Oilers press is also in full defense mode..... 



The sage continues........

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In a customer orientated operation your most valuable assets are the customers you have. Treat them with respect listen to their concerns either good or bad, they will be loyal for a long time. Make one  happy they tell 3 others. When you pi$$ one off they tell 300. Or in this case the whole world.


Oiler fans should get their wishes as I think Lowe just cut his own throat with this current episode. The pressure on the ice now will triple for the players, coaches and upper Mgmt resulting in changes. IMHO Lowe is either replaced or resigns during the Olympic break

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In a customer orientated operation your most valuable assets are the customers you have. Treat them with respect listen to their concerns either good or bad, they will be loyal for a long time. Make one  happy they tell 3 others. When you pi$$ one off they tell 300. Or in this case the whole world.


Oiler fans should get their wishes as I think Lowe just cut his own throat with this current episode. The pressure on the ice now will triple for the players, coaches and upper Mgmt resulting in changes. IMHO Lowe is either replaced or resigns during the Olympic break

All this stuff has got to start becoming a distraction to the team at some point. It's a good thing they're on the road now and don't have to answer to it. I doubt Katz has any interest in knuckling under to the fans but I can't ever remember a time when the fan base was as disgusted and fed up with this organization since Gretzky was traded. Maybe Lowe will step down, kind of like Mactavish did, then be brought back in a couple of years when things have calmed down. Nothing these guys do would surprise me anymore.
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I guess that qualifies as a "bold" move.  Dumb from a value perspective, IMHO.

So, does that mean that Bachman gets the backup spot or (hold on to your butt JJ) Brossoit?

Or is this part of a bigger move to bring in a Miller-type player (since he would block the move himself)?

Or is this a true tanking move?

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I guess that qualifies as a "bold" move.  Dumb from a value perspective, IMHO.

So, does that mean that Bachman gets the backup spot or (hold on to your butt JJ) Brossoit?

Or is this part of a bigger move to bring in a Miller-type player (since he would block the move himself)?

Or is this a true tanking move?

Curious. A team with no goaltending move arguably their better 1 for muscle on the 3rd or 4th line.


Dubynk will feel like he won the lottery as he gets a defense in front of him.

Hutton wasn't filling the bill so now Nashville has a servicable goalie until Rinne is whole again.

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Looks like they got Scrivens for a 3rd round pick according to Mackenzie: http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=441275


Both trades seem oddly one-sided to me, with the goaltender being under-valued in both cases. I feel like Nashville got a steal especially. LA does tend to make their goalies look really, really good, so Scrivens value may have been inflated and I'm thinking too highly of him based off that.

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Looks like they got Scrivens for a 3rd round pick according to Mackenzie: http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=441275


Both trades seem oddly one-sided to me, with the goaltender being under-valued in both cases. I feel like Nashville got a steal especially. LA does tend to make their goalies look really, really good, so Scrivens value may have been inflated and I'm thinking too highly of him based off that.

So much for Scrivens' stats.  He was able to win some games with a defensive team.  He will probably end up being worse than he was on Toronto.

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I think Dubnyk single-handedly costed the Oilers probably 5 games this season.  SUPER weak goals at terrible times.  The Oilers could've/should've been at around 45-points right now and one hot winning streak away from challenging for a playoff spot.  Instead, they are stuck in the basement of the Western Conference.  He had to go.  He didn't have to steal them games but he can't lose them games, which he did.  Plus, the writing was on the wall with the Bryzgalov signing.

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Bold moves again by MacT.....


They basically gave away Dubs for a 32 year old winger that was on the  cusp of waivers.  Scrivens should be an upgrade, but again, with a team like the Kings in front of you, any goalie would look good.  I'm not holding my breath for much of a difference between the pipes. 

It would be nice if they went on a 5 game winning streak, you know, to help out their rivals down south a bit.


Also watch for Dubs to become a legit #1 and pull some decent numbers.  The Oilers did him a favor.

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Looks like they got Scrivens for a 3rd round pick according to Mackenzie: http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=441275


Both trades seem oddly one-sided to me, with the goaltender being under-valued in both cases. I feel like Nashville got a steal especially. LA does tend to make their goalies look really, really good, so Scrivens value may have been inflated and I'm thinking too highly of him based off that.

LA is smiling. They got 3-4 months out od Scrivens (20% salary retained by TO), Leafs 2nd rounder (likely mid-range) & Oilers 3rd (so close to a 2nd you can spit over the line) for the rights to a RFA Bernier.

Lombardi is some GM.

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