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Everything posted by travel_dude

  1. Then you are saying Wideman continues to sit? I have no issue with that, but....
  2. Given that Wideman sat out and the defense looked better with Kulak in the lineup, what is Gully's next move? Wideman continue to sit? Take Kulak out and put Wideman back in? Sit Hamilton? Sit Yokipakka?
  3. Call it 3rd game in 4 nights, but the top 5D last night included Kulak, Jokipakka and Hamilton. For me, the 6th D is an area of concern. Foot speed seems to have dropped off. Some questionable decision making. That leaves a choice of Engelland, Wideman or Grossman. It's not a question of the which one to choose as much as it is who will hurt you the least. Without other options, Engelland is the only choice for the 6th D. We don't even have the cap available to send down Grossman for Wotherspoon.
  4. It makes lots of sense for the Expansion draft. I don't mind an extra hand on the farm, but it would be nice to give Rittich some games to see if he is a keeper.
  5. I think we are signing all available goalies for the newest All-goalie team. Will play like the old verson of the Devils. Talk about the trap! Not a lot of scoring, but there is literally no 5 hole. Three goalie stack is the new motto.
  6. What about Rittich? Is he or McCollum being sent to the ECHL? Or did I miss an injury announcement?
  7. You like to set up traps, don't you.
  8. The other issue was always around available cap. Grossman came in under the amount BT had available before placing Smid on LTIR. Right now, there is $8k in cap space, so assigning Smid now would maximize the amount of overage we would have. Slightly less than $3.5m
  9. As mentioned above, Elliott used white on the road. Would have to look at road vs home to see if any difference was noticeable. Even then, you have to take it with a grain of salt.
  10. Good read. I wonder if they had done any research on the different colors versus red. He wore blue at home for the Blues, but white on the road. Maybe he is evaluating the color on the road.
  11. He's a team guy. I think it would be a better choice at home, but who knows. All read with the fans dressed in red. Maybe it should be the same color as the posts. What color were Talbot's? Translucent?
  12. On 28 shots, not great. A 0.500 SA% on 2 shots is not bad, though.
  13. Then ignore the comments. You made a statement about remaining mistakes and I gave you them.
  14. Raymond buy-out. Engelland's salary. Bollig's $300k against the cap. Overpayment for Bouma. You could argue that Bouma was market value based on arbitration, but offering that on a 3-year deal was wrong.
  15. I am neither applauding everything he has done nor complaining about the missteps. As far as I am concerned, he has done a better job than a lot of GM's, but still makes questionable decisions. He is a smart guy with the cap, at least. He's paying for the early mistakes (miscalculations), but those disappear at year end.
  16. For every mistake, he seems to do two things right. Signing Monahan, JH and Versteeg, but signs Grossman. 8 defense to start the season. Brouwer was a good player to sign, but he is getting a big raise after a good playoff. Brodie is a steal, but Raymond, Engelland and Bouma got too much. Recognizing that Bollig was not going to win games for us. Trading for Bollig n the first place. Trading for Moose. Signing Johnson. Walking away from Ortio. Walking way from some of our lesser prospects. You can't keep them all. He is good at some things. But we still have some problems to work out. At least this season, his moves were more calculated.
  17. Aagaard and Dyukov have been assigned to the ECHL Thunder. Grigoriev has been released from his ATO.
  18. The need for a goalie coach this season is lessened, due to having two vets. Before we bring in Gillies or Parsons, I would look to upgrade the coaching position.
  19. You are a hoot, man. In the past 260 pages, how often have you brought up Ortio? As usual, you feel the need to extend it by being the last to post. Just let it drop. Prove everyone wrong when he becomes a starter.
  20. Feel free to bring up Ortio if or when he makes it back to the NHL as a starter. Other than that, have a Happy Thanksgiving yourself.
  21. I didn't realize that we were average. I thought we were average in 2014/15. Based on previous results only (because that's all we have right now), we are closer to tops. Maybe it would be best to start a thread about Flames goalie development. That way we could comment on things that don't impact the Flames this season. Can talk about how we draft poorly or throw away stars. Or how we misuse a star and let him flounder in the AHL or overseas.
  22. I am all for switching out the goalies. I would not feel confident entering into this season with Ortio. Doesn't matter who the defense is, he was not going to get it done. So, we have two new goalies; Moose who is a gaolie with career numbers near the top, and a backup who managed a winning record on a poor team, while being called into duty as a starter for most of the year. They haven't been played much with the regular team to be able to know who does what or tell the D what they are doing. You see the D screening the goalie or confused about who takes the puck behind the net. Let's see how they are in an actual game before we crap on them.
  23. I believe they re also allowed to carry more players than a NHL.
  24. Are you implying that he wasn't one of the better backups in the NHL last year?
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