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Everything posted by travel_dude

  1. Rafikov did have issues. From what I hear, he is playing pretty well now, getting trusted with minutes. I prefer to hold out hop on Ollas-Mattsson. AOM. I like the "kid's" style. Hard to believe he is still only 20 going on 21. He's listed as 6'5" and plays a bigger game than Dougie. Doesn't mean he is great defensively, but at least he will be in the AHL this coming season (I hope). Should get to hear a little more about him. As long as the Heat move out some of the guys taking up space on that roster.
  2. Let's hope that the bolded is true next season. Something about ex-Canucks that can ruin a team. We've had a few recently; Bartkowsky, Shinkaruk, Vey. Maybe they should trade for Barclay Goodrow, just to drive announcers like Dave Randorf nuts.
  3. This year is a unique one for goalies. The trade market before July 1st is different. Goalies looking for new deals have to compete for starter jobs against guys that were backups. Gaolies in a contract year had to show a strong finish to prove their worth for a new contract. That's not even mentioning the expansion draft, the entry draft or the period leading up to FA. Look at Anaheim. Five goalies that they hold the rights to until July 1st. Gibson is the one they will protect. Only one of the other 4 meet the exposure rules (Tokarski). Sounds like Enroth and Bernier will be looking for work too. And good ole Matt Hackett.
  4. I'm glad you are certain of this. Would you stake your job on it? I have seen it listed either way, much like Kessel's 8 team list.
  5. Nitpicking here, but teams have the week leading up to July 1st to contact the UFA players. That's why the deals happen so quick on July 1st. I think you have the process backwards. I believe that every year he must submit a list of the 12 teams he will not accept a trade to. If (a big if) the PENS decide to trade MAF, it has to be one of the teams not on his 12 team list. It gets a little hazy with the expansion, as to whether he listed them on the no-trade list or whether they can't be included.
  6. He could be in line for POHO job once Burke decides his time is done.
  7. The dilemma with Bishop is that LA owns his rights. Another team could walk in and give them an offer that they are okay with. They would probably do a marginal deal just to prevent CGY from trying to sign him as a UFA. They have no reason to deal him to CGY now, unless we overpay. I could be out to lunch there since Lombardi is gone, but the fact remains that it would be a intra-division trade. I get the feeling that MAF will be a difficult situation, one that goes on till the last possible moment, and ultimately will screw some team. He controls his rights, so he can chose to waive for all teams, waive for a short list or not waive at all. PITTS may use this as the chance to try to get big assets for Murray, then turn around and make a side deal for LV not to take either. If we go down that road, then we could lose out and be left with nothing. What we could do is contruct a deal with a 3rd team for Bishop, if we want that player (Jones type deal). Keeps the price down and maybe puts some other pieces that could help us and Team C. Bishop may not be any better than Elliott, but the cost to obtain his rights may end up being no more than Elliott's conditional 3rd. Have to have an idea of what he will sign for, now, not last summer's expectations. Hard to do that legally.
  8. For a goalie with possible starter capability, a 3rd is not unreasonable for having 2 months to work a deal. They can throw buckets of cash at Darling and give him the starter net. They can expose both Ward and Lack if they manage to sign him. There are not that many teams that could give him that opportunity. To put it in perspective, RFA Jones was traded by BOS for a 1st and Kuraly. He signed shortly after being traded.
  9. I'm talking about cost to obtain. Darling's rights were an underpay. I would say that Bishop's rights may be as costly or more, considering LA s the one that holds it. They traded Jones to BOS just to keep him away from SJS, but that backfired. DO you think they want to give the Flames opportunity to improve? Doubty it. At least not cheap. BT may well wait till July 1st, after LA trades his rights to another team or he signs with LV, saving LA one of their exposed players. If your target is Bishop, you probably have to meet LA's price.
  10. Can you confirm that Darling was traded for a conditional pick? Don't think so. LA gave up an assest (however small) for his rights until July 1st. You don't think they would demand at least the same or more from a division foe? I doubt they would even trade with us, as they may have made the trade to keep him away from us.
  11. So, we aquire his rights and are unable (or unwilling) to sign him. Waste of the trade asset. He's a good goalie and worth a look, but if he is looking for $$ and term, then we would be wise to move on.
  12. Please call up your buddy Tre and make it happen.
  13. I would add that we picked up some possible gems this past year, ones that are not certain to be NHL players, but have at least lit up their respective leagues; Tuulola, Phillips, and Falkovsky. In 2015 the same could be said for Mangiapane and even Karnaukhov.
  14. One thing we debated here in the early season was Elliott's pads. He went with bright red. Then one day he went to all white. While it doesn't explain his struggles in the last 5 games and the playoff, an argument could be made that his SA% improved when he made the switch. Red Pads 10/12-11/28/16 Games Started Record Goals Allowed Saves Save % 13 3-9-1 43 330 .882 White Pads 12/19/16-3/1/17 Games Started Record Goals Allowed Saves Save % 17 12-4-1 55 474 .889 The save percentage didn't change much, but the win ratio did. If you look a little closer, you see some familiar games that were blowouts. The majority ere good to really good. Coincidence or effect. Your choice.
  15. I know its a serious issue. I thought you guys were being funny, like in the LA thread. Every post after Cowtownguy's reference to Weed Tax had a key word in it.
  16. ^^^ Maybe they did see something, but with STL, they had Allen ready for full time. And yet they still went with Elliott in the playoffs for all but one game. I think there is some blame they placed on him for losing to the Sharks, which may be part of the reason why they traded him.
  17. ^^^ Buds, hit, green, roll, joint, smokescrean... Are you guys talking about the cleanup or the Pot Legalization.
  18. I agree mostly. Of the two, Elliott should be the priority. CJ was good for one run this year. He fell off completely in December, and never recovered. If they chose to only bring back one, then it has to be Elliott. They still need a 1a/1b type to push Elliott and be there if he stumbles. I would be more comfortable signing Darling and Elliott, than most of the other possible scenarios. I think BT needs to take some of the blame for the season and not throw the goalie under the bus.
  19. Too true. Elliott has always played 2nd fiddle, rightly or not. There was talk of re-signing him in October, then that stopped. He was the savior of the season, until he wasn't. When was the last time we actually re-signed a goalie? Place a little of the blame on the things that were here prior to Elliott coming here. Struggling d-pairings at times. Excessive penalties. Passive d-zone play. Trouble clearing the puck. Bad PK. As for re-signing him, it would be a good show of faith in a player. Maybe it helps him, instead of looking to the backup.
  20. I'm not going to argue who cost them particular games, because it was a collapse of several things. Untimely penalties, weak goals (not all), deflections, etc. all contributed. I would be fine with Elliott in a 1b role. If he is able to earn his way to be the 1a gut, then fine. You have the option in the playoffs to go with the hot goalie. Elliott was not strong to finish the season. Should have had more than him ready to start the series.
  21. I don't know if you consider the goalie coach as "hockey ops", but I would like to see them move him to a different role. I don't think his results in the last few season has been anything close to success. Two goalies with career good numbers and they fall off a cliff. Hard to image that all our goalie woes are the result of the goalies themselves. Move him to a different role if you want to keep him.
  22. Anaheim had a bad start to a game and we score 4 goals on their #1. They have the option of pulling the goalie and letting him reset. Bernier closed the Flames down. Elliott lets in two bad goals in game 2 and we have no option. No chance to reset. No chance for the backup to steal the game. Game 3 was not all on Elliott. We had control of the game and went into a shell. Failed to score on the replacement goalie. Allowed Anaheim, to build momentum. Allowed Anaheim to get a tying goal. If they were so worried about Elliott letting in another stinker, they sure didn't help him out on the scoresheet.
  23. If the team looks at Elliott as being the reason they lost the series, they have other problems. Perhaps the team blames Bouma for the bad penalty or the deflected goal. Or for Dougie and Brodie taking weak penalties. Or Bart for being on the ice for 5 even strength goals against more than goals for. Or blame the coach for the matchups he purposely sought (Getzlaf vs Monahan). As much as I think that Elliott didn't have good games in the playoffs, there was no faith in CJ being able to come in. After game 2, the coach should have made a change.
  24. Not worried about Mangiapane yet. Just his first year. Rittich was signed for his experience and maybe a bit of a hail Mary. I have a bit of faith in the "kid"
  25. ^^^^^^ I think you have to give the net to Rittich. He has been the better of the two for the season. As much as it's a development league, you have to give the net to the better goalie. 6 goals against in two games is too many. How has Mangiapane looked? I think he plays with Vey at evens, but with Janko on the PP.
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