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Everything posted by travel_dude

  1. If switching positions was the answer, many team would have done it. Big Buff could have been designated as a center, since he did play there frequently, but I think it relies on the number of game where you play that position. The penalties would be extreme for not complying with the rules; as in lost draft picks and major fines. Murray has a long career ahead of him, while Andersen is a bit older. Both are good. One had a great playoffs last year, while the other had a good one (they went with Gibson for part). I don't know that Anaheim ever makes that deal unless there was a Expansion Draft in their future.
  2. Of course that is possible. If that's the case, MAF would be off the table. PITTS could stretch the talks out, knowing they had no intention of trading MAF, but what does that get them?
  3. Too bad they didn't nix the Iggy or JBow deals. All we have from either is a pair of prospects. We traded a 2nd this year for a higer-ranked 1st rounder.
  4. It sort of amounts to the same thing. If you can't finalize a deal with one team, but the other can be, would you bother waiting? I fail to see why trading for Bishop at TDL would need any sign off, though. It doesn't hamstring you to a long term deal; you are just paying out the remainder of his deal for a few months. After Sutter and Feaster messed up the team, I can understand the concern with the owners. It's one thing to agree to be a cap team (spend up to it no problem), but taking on long-term committment is another. Feaster offering the big term to Brad Richard. OS for ROR.
  5. They said that KK was in the air at the time of the TDL and couldn't be reached.
  6. I have heard that the delay in BT re-signing was that he wanted autonomy. He supposedly got it. Having the owners or Burke ok every deal would have been hard to take. Like buying out Wideman. Or trading for Bishop, if that's what you had landed on. Too difficult to make draft table deals if you need daddy to sign off.
  7. I'm saying that is when he performed his best. Having no choice, the Flames had to play him. No days off. Carry the load no matter what. With a viable backup, you give him a break after a bad game. After game 2 against the Ducks, we should have had a fall back plan, but we didn't.
  8. Elliott played his best when he was effecively replaced as starter and was trying to win the job back. Once CJ was no longer a viable option, his play started to degrade a bit. Having no option other than Elliott in the playoffs was a death blow. Put Elliott back in a position where he has to fight for the job and you would have a better result. Raanta/Grubauer and Elliott would be a reasonable response. Doesn't mean Elliott goes for it, but he does get an opportunity to increase his value. In the current market, it's relatively low.
  9. LV's not on the list of places he would accept, so he can't be traded there against his will. He can agree to waive his NMC or he could agree to a trade to LV, but what is in it for him to do either? He can stick to his list of teams and call it a day. The bolded makes no sense unless he waives. If that is true, then sure LV can deal to take MAF over one of their other players. Depends if there are other offers in FA. Teams will either contact him in the negotiations period (so would the Flames if interested), so he should get some idea of the interest and the fit (starter/1a/1b/backup). He's going to accept whatever is the best offer or best fit. Hurt feelings only weigh in so much if you have other offers.
  10. Neither of these are facts. 1) You can't trade him to LV. He either waives his NMC or he doesn't go there. Dealing with Vegas to have them take someone else will be costly. Vegas has several options of players to pick from on PITTS. 2) The trade need not include an exposable goalie, as they can sign anyone that fits the bill (or a minor trade).
  11. If the Flames were big on MAF, they could offer the rights to CJ or Elliott in exchange. JR would need to sign him, but that gets worked out as part of the deal. Flames need to sweeten the pot, but how much more would we really need to go? PITTS issues are fixed in one fowl swoop. We should play hardball with PITTS. They needn't get a 1st for him. Not if we are one of the few options they have. I think they end up paying more to have Vegas not take Murray.
  12. When I say desperate, I mean the only one with a hole at the position, as in no goalie signed yet. I would be okay with Elliott and a goalie like Raanta or Grubauer. At least that way you have options. If you are trading the equivalent to re-sign Elliott for MAF, then fine. You still should be looking at a Raanta. CJ did not give me much peace of mind the end of the season.
  13. MAF will be around 34 when his current deal ends. Many goalies have gotten close to $6m extending at that age. If MAF does not want to go to LV, then he won't. Simple as that. I would suggest that some people in the world do not want to live in Vegas. There may be a team or two that wants him, but CGY is the only real one that is desperate. I can't see them trading at all costs, so JR may get stuck or just take the low ball offer we give, assuming we want him.
  14. That's kind of what I was alluding to. MAF holds some of the cards because JR painted himself into a corner. He's lived there for many many years. WHy would he want to move just to make it easy for the GM. Even being painted into a corner, he can still come out ahead. Could make a deal with Vegas not to take one of their other prized players. Trade Murray for a ton. Much easier deal to make.
  15. Either he waives his NMC to be claimed for nothing or he gets traded elsewhere or stays. I don't get how the PENS would have a deal in place for a trade to LV. If you mean they have an agreement that they will expose MAF and LV will choose MAF, that is different. How does MAF benefit in that scenario?
  16. Forget who they got for the trade. Horvat? Luongo was a DiPietro style deal in the days of the 12 year deals. I don't think VAN was smart to trade Schneider. Let's face it, JR had the chance to trade MAF to CGY in the summer and held out for too much. I can't say in any certainty there will be teams lining up for him in early June, or late May of Ottawa burns them. JR has some choices if there are no takers, but none of them are good. Buy out MAF. Offer LV a lot not to take Murray. Convince MAF to go to Vegas. Or trade Murray.
  17. An extreme example, but the point is we are speculating. They may not trade MAF. The reasons would be unknown. They may decide that keeping MAF makes the most sense to them and go for a sizeable return from a Murray trade. It may not make sense to you, but GM's also have a bigger picture to look at.
  18. Just need to point out the the only way he ends up in Vegas is if he waives his NMC. The rest is just you speculating, since the landscape changes rapidly. Dallas was in the market. Carolina was in the market. JR blew off the Flames last summer, or maybe it was BT that did that. If MAF craps the bed in this round, do you think those "deals in his drawer" still exist? If Murray ends up replacing MAF and craps the bed, do you think they still deal MAF? BT has said that many deal take a long time, but the final deal can happen pretty fast. You can call it a framework, but really its just the start of the discussions. The original an final deals don't always resemble each other. Or the deal never happens. We heard a lot about the Bishop trade that didn't happen. The sticking point may have been the 6th overall that was going to be Tkachuk.
  19. Why not just ask Montreal for Price. Send them Backlund and our 1st. Add Gillies. Then they can turn around and trade a 3rd for MAF.
  20. I'm not sure I agree that the list is wide open. You did a reasonable job of speculating where he would agree to. Of that list, which teams would want him? Of that smaller list, which teams could take him on and not be in the same boat at PITTS? Calgary, and that is assuming he would accept a trade here. The thing you may be ignoring is that whatever team he is traded to possibly still has a high-priced goalie and backup under contract. So then they protect MAF but still get stuck with a Luongo or Miller. So really, it's Calgary or Vegas.
  21. You go ahead. You keep selling your idea here. I'm out.
  22. What's the difference? He can only reject the 12 teams. He could end up in a non-contender's barn because being the only trade available. Or he could go to a new team with the chance of getting a really decent extension. He won't if he stays.
  23. First bolded item - if he drags the team to another cup, then his price goes up. I don't think his value is higher, but PITSS would believe so. If they can't find a team on the list to take him, they will have to trade Murray. That price would be so much higher. Second bolded item - obviously, since they have at minimum 48 hours if they go to the finals and take it past 6 games. Third bolded item - that's like saying Boston would trade with EDM after Chia was signed there. Can't recall any trades there. Not picking on you, but I could only see Buffalo trading Lehner if they feel his injury history is too risky. He's a perfect goalie for them otherwise; played well on a bad team.
  24. The window would be very short to do that. Like a couple of days if PITTS goes to the final. The list of protected players is due on the 17th. MAF trade will come down to the wire, and like I said Buffalo would be on his list of no-go cities. Speculation, but not exactly a team trending towards the cup. To summarize: Buffalo pays a high price for MAF in trade. Buffalo trades rights to Lehner for no better than a 3rd. They have upgraded their goaltending, but at what cost. The logistics is the difficult part of any three team deals. CGY would just as likely be in on MAF, so Buffalo wouldn't have any deal in place with CGY until after Buffalo closes the deal. If MAF doesn't go, they would have to have a goalie signed to have one to protect. I just don't think this is even remotely likely. I'm no GM, but I think the risk is way higher than the reward. Buffalo has a team a few years away from being a playoff team, so trading for MAF doesn't fit. They would be better off sticking with what they had and developing a prospect goalie over the next 3-5 years.
  25. Inside track? MAF has a no trade list, and BUFF would be the last place he would go. To humour your trade idea, how does Buffalo trade for a goalie and still have Lehner available for trade to CGY? Buffalo would have to make Lehner available to LV. He would be one of the better options for LV. So he's gone for nothing. No benefit to BUFF at all, other than trading assets for a goalie and losing another goalie for nothing.
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